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      • 金融自由化와 地方銀行의 競爭力 强化 方案

        류덕위 大田産業大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        The Korean government has intervened heavily in financial markets through the rapid economic development period. Although this succeeded in supporting rapid economic growth, the efficiency and development of financial sector was much retarded. To address this problem, the government has been promoting the liberalization and internationalization of the financial industry since the 1980’s. As a consequence, financial markets are undergoing great change with liberalization and becoming more competitive. The regional financial sector is lagging far behind the development of real sector, and local bank’s competitiveness is very weak. This paper presents the effects of financial liberalization policy on the regional financial markets, and the strategies for the promotion of competitiveness of Local Bank.

      • 地域經濟發展과 技術開發 支援

        류덕위 大田産業大學校 1994 한밭대학교 논문집 Vol.11 No.0102

        After the end of ideological war, particularly, technological and economic war is intensified among the nations. Even the competition, Korea has achived development to the threshold of innovation-driven status. In the innovation-driven stage, homegrown scientific and technological capability have to be secured for continuous economic development and stronger international competitiveness of domestic industries. This paper examined the limited internal R&D resources of manufacturing firms, external sources of technological innovation, and the policy for supporting technology development in Taejon area.

      • KCI등재

        지방은행의 지역중소벤처기업지원과 지역금융정책

        류덕위,Ryu, Duk Wi 한국벤처창업학회 2013 벤처창업연구 Vol.8 No.4

        본 연구는 금융구조개혁과정에서 지방은행이 퇴출된 지역과 지방은행 소재지역간의 비교를 통해 지역간 금융격차 심화와 지역금융의 문제점을 분석하고, 지역금융시스템 구축과 자금역외유출 방지, 지역중소벤처기업 자금지원 증대, 지역금융정책의 변화방안을 모색하였다. 지방은행이 퇴출된 지역과 소재지역을 비교하면 금융접근성(OPD, COD), 중소기업 대출비율, 지역자금의 역외유출비율 등에서 금융격차가 심화된 것으로 나타났다. 지방은행은 성장초기단계 기업지원, 지역중소기업지원과 자금 역외유출방지 등으로 지역발전 기여도가 높다. 낙후된 지역금융과 금융격차문제를 해결하기 위해서는 지역금융의 특수성과 공공성을 중시하면서 중앙집권적인 정책기조에서 지방분권적, 지역균형적으로 금융정책을 전환시켜야 한다. This study investigates regional financial markets and proposes some policy measures for boosting up the regional financial system. Financial supports for start-ups, small and medium sized enterprises(SMEs) in early stage growth have been constrained due to expanded financial gaps among regions during financial restructuring period. The bank consolidation through M&A is associated with widening financial gaps between Seoul area and others, and between regions where regional banks survives or not. Loans to small firms are associated with relationship lending techniques that may be better supported by smaller regional banks. The loan rate to SMEs in locals where regional banks are activated has tended to be 10%point higher than the locals where regional banks closed, and also drive the greater contribution for preventing local capital outflow and promoting local capital investment by local penetrating strategy. Government should develop regional financial policies to boost up regional financial system, and expand the business area of regional financial institutions for supporting start-ups and SMEs.

      • KCI등재후보

        소상공인 창업자금조달과 신용협동조합 역할과 발전방안

        류덕위,Ryu, Duk-Wi 한국벤처창업학회 2011 벤처창업연구 Vol.6 No.2

        본 논문은 금융양극화에서 비롯된 소상공인 등의 자금조달애로 현황과 서민금융지원정책을 살펴보고, 서민금융 활성화를 위한 신용협동조합의 지역밀착형 특화전략과 발전모형을 모색하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 서민금융기관의 구조조정과 금융양극화, 정부의 서민금융 지원정책을 살펴보고, 금융배제 증대에 따른 신협의 역할제고, 자금중개기능과 지역밀착형 특화전략 강화, 발전단계와 조합의 특성을 반영한 발전모형을 제시하였다. 특히 신협은 세계적으로 비교할 때 성숙단계에 진입해 있지만, 단위조합의 특성과 규모에 따라 정체성중시모형, 혼합모형, 경제성 중시모형의 3가지 모형을 제시하였다. 첫째, 정체성중시 모형은 전통적 공동유대의 전통과 문화가 상대적으로 강한 농어촌지역조합과 직장 단체조합들에게 적합하며, 관계금융과 지역밀착형 전략을 추진해야 한다. 둘째, 혼합모형은 중소도시 조합, 대규모직장과 단체조합 등이 추구하기 용이하며, 셋째, 조합원의 이동성향이 높고 유대감이 약한 대도시조합과 중앙회는 경제성중시 전략을 추진해야 할 것이다. 단위조합들은 조합의 특성과 비교우위를 반영한 특성화전략을 추진하고, 금융기관의 대형화와 종합화추세에 부응하여 중앙회의 역할이 강화되어야 함을 제시하였다. This paper examines the factors affecting financial exclusion, and proposes the strategies for enhancing the role of credit unions as financing source for small business startups. Credit cooperative institutions have played an important role in assisting people and communities who suffer from social and financial exclusion such as small business owners. But many of them have closed and lost their operational grounds by financial restructuring. Accordingly people with low credit scores have faced with increased financial constraints and the government has proposed various measures to assist them. Credit unions should develop strategies more actively to ease their financial constraints, expand and reinforce the operational grounds through relationship banking, enhance competitiveness by community based specialization strategies and developing models.

      • 金融環境變化와 地域金融 活性化

        류덕위 大田産業大學校 1995 한밭대학교 논문집 Vol.12 No.0203

        Financial markets in many countries are undergoing extensive structural changes. Financial deregulation, the growing interdependence of economies, globalization, securitization, and interpenetration of financial markets constitute the major ingredients of current changes. The regional financial sector is lagging far behind the development of real sector in Korea. It is faced with the immense challenge of having to meet efficiently the diverse demands of regional firms and investors, and ongoing structural changes in financial markets. Regional financial markets have an important task in facilitating the growth and structural adjustments of their economies. This paper presents the possible effects of newly emerging global financial markets on the structure of regional financial industry, and derives implications for future financial policy.

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