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      • KCI등재

        바스크와 쿠바의 공동체 운동에서 갈통의 문제와 비선형 다중공선성

        노형남 ( Hyung Nam Noh ) 한국스페인어문학회(구-한국서어서문학회) 2010 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.56

        This study focuses on community movements caused by Garlton`s problem and multicolinearity of Basque and Cuba, performing qualitative analysis for the generalization of community movements founded by alienated races of Basque and Cuba to verify exogenous replication of nationalism against quantitative analysis by regression assumption because of macro interaction effects of the independent variables among extrinsic or selection factors, that would be proved by exhausted survey based on ad hoc hypothesis assuming that collective movement is motivated by nationalism in spite of the needs to modify or to amend scepticism or negation against capitalism undergoing a process of changing political regime toward socialism. The contrastive-oriented cross-cultural comparison among those of countries mentioned above for the purpose of finding out strong resistance and solidarity against outer infiltration of political powers will examine the origin of community movements closely and minutely, such as: organic agricultural farms in Cuba, and cooperative complex of Mondragon in Basque. As the theoretical background this study takes alienation theory insisted by eminent social scientists and exogenous replication from the viewpoint of complexity science. The argument about exogenous replication of nationalism going through the process of the development of capitalism and the catastrophe of socialism is in favor of ad hoc hypothesis. And the mortoric sensation of the self-respect of the race that sometimes leads the people to spontaneous fascism or self-immersion caused by passion or coldness, on encountering with radical changes of society moved by special interest groups or the result of relative deprivation of the people who want to motivate special organizations initiated by the weak and warm-hearted clergy. They want to make for economic promotion and development consistently without outer interest groups as well as to take great advantage of it as an instrument of social revolution. For the purpose of solving Garlton`s problem in social research this study limits the category within the community movements founded by alienated races of Basque and Cuba to verify the nationalism caused by interaction effects of the independent variables i.e. individuals formulated spontaneously in reasonable and complex interaction among nations for the heuristics of dependent variables namely, interaction of social average of the nationalism recycled convergently according to the association path of the people, from which this study grasps an important concept of the plausibility of the secure cases and the future of the community movements founded by alienated races of Basque and Cuba without any conceptual manipulation of independent variables on the process of the reinterpretation of time-series raw data by virtue of complexity science based on statistical regression analysis of positivism inclined on empirical methods to level up internal validity of the qualitative analysis about nationalism and to make heuristics without biased distortion of the clear point of an argument to intervene between two parties dealt with time-series raw data. The permanent Nash equilibria of the social order and the collectivization of the moral justice of the community movements purified by nationalism of the races above mentioned to get rid of profound conflict structure self-proliferated by free will of the collective movements towards self-similarity or self-organization of powerful institution among nations.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 여흥, 모방예술, 관광 브랜딩의 정향변화

        노형남 ( Hyung Nam Noh ) 대한관광경영학회 2013 觀光硏究 Vol.27 No.6

        여흥, 모방예술, 관광 브랜딩에는 물(水), 불(火), 풀(草)의 의미역(θ-role) 내지는 의미장(意味場)에 따른 일정한 지정된 방향 즉 정향을 갖는 언어 변화인 정향변화가 존재한다. 이는 데자뤼(deja lu)의 선입견이 들도록 뇌리에 낙인 효과로써 여흥, 모방예술, 관광 브랜딩의 각인을 남기고 관광하기 이전부터 큰 기대감에 부풀도록 만드는 가추법과 아울러 실제 체험에서 얻을 기대치의 시니피에(signifie)를 환기하여 시니피앙(signifiant)을 재구함으로써 이를 적절한 복고풍 브랜딩으로 확산시키도록 만든 자연스러운 결과다. 언어를 사회 약정에 따라 사용하는 언중의 언어 인지도를 구성하는 의식의 기저에 문장을 생성하는 기반이라고 상정되는 가장 기본 구조의 문장인 핵문에 물을 뜻하는 #-ur-#의 형태 변이소 내지는 의미소(意味素)가 심지어는 싸이(Psy)의 ``강남스타일``을 패러디 하여 중국 정부의 인터넷 통제와 검열을 비판하는 네티즌 용어로서 욕설이기도 한 조어(造語)를 창출하고 오른 손목에 수갑을 찬채 말춤을 추면서 뮤직 비디오에서 비판한 반(反)체제 예술가 아이웨이웨이(艾未未)의 모방예술인 ``차오니마(草泥馬)스타일``에까지 물을 기반으로 하는 진흙과 풀(草), 그야말로 이전투구(泥田鬪狗) 격의 격렬한 불과 같은 성토(聲討)가 존재하기 때문이다. 물, 불, 풀 의미장과 관련된 여흥, 모방예술, 관광 브랜딩이 유의미하려면 가추법에 의해 시니피앙을 재구하고 이를 인구에 회자시켜 확산되도록 언어 기호를 창안하는 방법을 모색하려는 것이 이 정성적 연구가 지향하는 바다. The Romantische Straβe in Germany is a kind of coined word with the stream of deviation from genuine usage of lexicon to signify erroneously romantic roads filled with very romantic circumstances built by tourism subjects who have insatiable needs and wants to fall in romantic moods during antic castle romantic road journey from Wirtzburg to Fussen combining antic castle romantic vessel journey at the cross river in Rotenburg. During the journey tourism subject tastes deep and matured slow life style and real amenity formulated by descendents who are living in calm and sound places filled with solidarity, tradition, perfect peace, abundant fluence, etc. It is necessary to invent entertainment, imitative arts and tourism branding consisted of coined word up to drift. So this study suggests an ad hoc hypothesis that entertainment, imitative arts and tourism branding concerning semantic domain of water, fire, grass and tree is very significant. On the process of verifying the ad hoc hypothesis the entertainment and tourism branding of Psy`s horseback riding dance music video Gangnam Style in the groove during three minutes and thirty nine seconds has great plausibility to produce coined word on the basis of water, riding on the grass, passing by trees with juvenile passion like fire because universal words contain #-ur-# morphemic alternants from the viewpoint of categorical phonology as well as on the basis of semantic domain consist of water and grass even in the Chinese Ayweiwei`s imitative arts namely Chaonima( 草泥馬) Style to censure for being government`s control and close inspection on internet, which contains so-called sememe of grass, clay based on water, indignation like fire, increasing like trees, and horseback riding dance music video mentioned-above.

      • KCI등재

        新自由主義에 關한 比較社會學的 批判

        노형남(Noh, Hyung-nam) 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2001 중남미연구 Vol.19 No.2

        This study focuses on neoliberalism blow and the critical mind that is based on the grounds of an argument as a trenchant analyst in clear understandable language I will chart the dramatic shift away from a public-interest interpretation of democracy and toward a top-down model that serves the profit incentive of massive corporations. Also I will present some thoughts on free market philosophy, corporate control of public opinion, and the impact of nondemocratic forces and policies like the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Multilateral Agreement on Investment-and the widespread resistance movements that often emerge to oppose them. In very deed neoliberal doctrines undermine education and health, increase inequality, and reduce labor's share in income, for example, Latin America has the world's worst record for inequality, that holds for education, health and social welfare generally. Imports to Latin America are heavily skewed toward consumption for the rich. Capital flight from Latin America has approached the scale of the crushing debt. In Latin America the wealthy are generally exempt from social obligations, including taxes. So I can point out that the problem of Latin America is not populism but subjection of the state to the rich. The openness to the international economy has carried a significant cost for Latin America, along with its failure to control capital and the rich, not just labor and the poor. Even politically independent third world countries that were forced to open their markets to Western products, meanwhile Western societies protected themselves from market discipline, and developed. In a pungent style I try to take on neoliberalism: the pro-corporate system of economic and political policies presently waging a form of class war worldwide. By examining sharply the contradictions between the democratic and market principles proclaimed by those in power and those actually practiced, I want to criticize the tyranny of the few that restricts the public arena and enacts policies that vastly increase private wealth, often with complete disregard for social and ecological consequences.

      • KCI등재

        스페인 분노자의 비폭력 불복종에 의한 내쉬균형

        노형남 ( Hyung Nam Noh ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해연구소 2016 지중해지역연구 Vol.18 No.2

        This study focuses on Spanish indignados’ Nash equilibrium by ahimsa and disobedience based on the magna moralia of direct deliberation democratic community, performing qualitative analysis on win-win travelling companion in peace by virtue of inspirational leadership initiated by Juan Manuel Sanchez Gordillo, who is, in the true sense of the word, tacit founder and director of the los indignados of Spain. For the purpose of analyzing the doctrine of ahimsa(nonviolence) and disobedience movement of the los indignados, namely global anger in Spain this paper limits the category within tierra Utopia, Marinaleda, to compare a famous speech “Durisimo discurso contra el voraz sistema espanol” delivered by Juan Manuel Sanchez Gordillo with Pablo Neruda’s leadership represented in his poem “Song of Protest(Cancion de Gesta)” recycled convergently according to the association path of the people, from which this paper grasps an important concept of the plausibility to analyze significantly secure cases of the ahimsa and disobedience movement accompanied by benevolence as a golden mean of the particular talent and to provoke self-interest, sympathy, and fellow-feeling maintained by self-love on the basis of humanism, on demonstrating tens of thousands of peaceful citizens walking through hologram video in front of public administration buildings.

      • KCI등재

        칠레와 브라질 우리(we)세대의 통합 현상 행정

        노형남 ( Hyung Nam Noh ) 한국스페인어문학회(구-한국서어서문학회) 2012 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.62

        This study focuses on capitalism version 4.0 as an integration phenomenology of we-generation`s administration, representing with the inverted U-shaped curves that presumably result from the observation that as income per capita goes up there is an increasing environmental degradation up to a point, after which environmental quality improves, on performing qualitative factor analysis to verify a threshold hypothesis created by Chilean economist Manfred A. Max-Neef because of macro-interaction effects of the independent variables among extrinsic or selection factors, that would be proved by exhaustive survey based on a tipping point hypothesis for economic growth and quality of life assuming that contemporary alternative movements driven by indignados of Spain motivated by nationalism in spite of the needs to modify or to amend scepticism or negation against traditional capitalism till version 3.0 undergoing a process of changing political regime toward socialism based on ethnography and grounded theory. The contrastive-oriented comparative analysis between Chile and Brazil for the purpose of finding out strong resistance and solidarity against outer infiltration of political powers will examine the origin of alternative eco-community movements closely and minutely, such as: organic agricultural farms in Brazil, and copper-based economy in Chile. As the theoretical background this study takes barefoot economics insisted by the eminent social scientist and integration phenomenology of we-generation`s administration from the viewpoint of complexity science. The argument about integration phenomenology of we-generation`s administration going through the process of the development of capitalism version 4.0 in favor of a threshold tipping point hypothesis for economic growth and quality of life. And the mortoric sensation of the self-respect of the race that sometimes leads the people to spontaneous fascism or self-immersion caused by passion or coldness, on encountering with localization of alternative society moved by special interest groups related to re-election of politicians or the result of integration phenomenology of we-generation`s administration instead of me-generation`s one. This study limits the category within the alternative eco-community movements founded by Chile and Brazil to verify a threshold tipping point hypothesis to get integration phenomenology of we-generation`s administration, from which this study grasps an important concept of the plausibility of the secure cases and the future of the alternative eco-community movements without any conceptual manipulation of independent variables by virtue of complexity science. The permanent Nash equilibria of the social order and the collectivization of the moral justice of the alternative eco-community movements driven by integration phenomenology of we-generation`s administration instead of me-generation`s one to get rid of profound conflict structure self-proliferated by free will of the alternative movements towards self-similarity or self-organization of powerful institution on the forward trend from me-generation to we-generation.

      • KCI등재

        문화경제에 기반한 쿠바와 중국의 문화혁명

        노형남(Noh, Hyung-Nam) 부산대학교 인문학연구소 2016 코기토 Vol.- No.80

        본 연구는 쿠바와 중국의 문화혁명을 체 게바라와 루쉰의 문화경제 관점에서 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 그것은 그들이 민초를 사랑한 마르크스주의 이론가이자 계획경제 실천가이기 때문이다. 이를 위해 문화경제 차원에서 사회 무질서가 팽배한 쿠바의 내홍을 진정시키려고 신의를 모색한 체 게바라의 연설을 빅 데이터 텍스트 마이닝 한 워드 클라우드를 가지고 언어기호에 의거하여 분석한다. 동감이란 타인의 고통에 대하여 동류의식을 느껴 상호 기쁨을 가지고 실천하는 문화경제라는 사상적 기반에서 사회공동체의 조화와 경제발전이 동시에 가능하도록 추구함으로써 다중이 수동적 혁명을 수행할 능력을 배양하도록 민초를 계도한 체 게바라 및 루쉰을 질적연구로 해석한다. 소외에 관한 이론적 배경을 살펴보고 사회조화를 도모하는 내부 기능자로서 다중이 수동적 혁명을 수행하는 능력을 배양하도록 민초를 계도한 체 게바라 및 루쉰의 문화경제를 살펴본다. 상호동감에 기반한 경제발전과의 관계를 빅 데이터 텍스트 마이닝으로 문화혁명이 지향하는 신의(信義)를 시사점으로 도출한다. This study focuses on Cuban and Chinese cultural revolution based on cultural economics, performing qualitative analysis for the mid-range generalization of exogenous problems to verify ad hoc hypothesis based on Galton’s replication of nationalism because of macro-interaction effects of the independent variables among extrinsic or selection factors, that would be proved by exhaustive research on the basis of ad hoc hypothesis assuming that the rebel’s transformation into political party as an instrumental variable undergoing a process of changing political regime to set up eternal peace by virtue of cultural economics initiated by Che Guevara and Lushin’s education. For the purpose of analyzing Che Guevara’s sympathy in social research this study limits the category within Cuba to verify ad hoc hypothesis, such as : individuals formulated spontaneously in the interaction of social average of the nationalism recycled convergently according to the association path of the cultural economics provoked by Che Guevara’s linguistic sign i.e. number ‘three’, from which this study grasps an important concept of the plausibility of the instrumental variable to analyze significantly secure cases of the Che Guevara’s cultural economics and to apply it to Lushin’s Chinese cultural revolution.

      • KCI등재

        청소년의 욕설 진단 및 행정적 개선 방안

        노형남 ( Hyung Nam Noh ) 한국화법학회 2012 화법연구 Vol.0 No.20

        청소년의 욕설은 억압이라는 주제 하에 요약되며 의사소통의 연관성마저 파괴하는 행위로서 언어기호를 통해서만 조종될 정도로 극단화되기도 한다. 사회 약정에 기초한 획일화된 총체적 의사소통은 이런 상황에서 실제적으로 불가능하며 이에 부수적인 화행장면의 일탈변격은 화자의 주관성을 초월하여 객관적 성향마저 띤다. 이 연구에서는 다중학제간 융 복합 차원에서 오늘날 급속하게 첨단화되고 있는 사이버 상의 정보통신 문자 메시지에 의해 광범위하고도 신속하게 확산되고 있는 디지털 콘텐츠 상의 화행장면을 언어철학과 복잡적응계 동역학의 첨단 이론을 원용하여 다원적인 풍요로운 혼종 문화를 조성하는 다양성이 여러 분야에 걸친 통합적 다중학제간 연구로 제기됨에 문제의식을 가지고 이를 정성적으로 분석함으로써 청소년의 욕설이 분노에 기인함을 규명하였다. 특히 NEET(Not in Education, Employment and Training; 비구직무업자[非求職無業者])족에 속하는 청소년이 우리나라에서 2011년 6월말 현재 128만 4천 명에 달하는데 이들이 기존사회의 기성계층과 갈등을 일으키는 미스매치(mismatch; 不條理)가 심각한 수준임에 초점을 맞추었다. 세칭 니트족이란 의무교육을 마친 후에도 취직하거나 상급학교에 진학하지 않고 직업훈련도 받지 않는 청년을 지칭하는 행정 용어다. 이는 1990년대 영국 행정부가 고안한 통계 용어이지만 일본에서는 취업난이 심각해지면서 아예 일할 의욕조차 상실한 청년을 일컫는 어휘로 통용된다. 오늘날 서로 유사하면서도 상이한 제각기 나름대로의 역사, 문화, 환경을 지닌 언어공동체가 개방성을 추구하면서도 민족주의의 독립성을 유지하려는 이율배반적 딜레마에 빠져 있는 바, 이를 환경오염, 인구증가, 경제발전, 정치안정, 사회통합, 문화변용 측면에서 조명하되 통섭, 융합, 복합학, 복잡계과학의 이론적 배경에서 다양한 유형의 반(反)사회적 융합 요소를 언어공동체에서 빈번하게 발생하는 도전과 응전의 지속 가능한 확산 요소로 전제하고 이의 문제점을 지적함과 아울러 이를 행정적으로 개선하는 방안으로서 2001년 미국에서 제정된 낙제 학생 방지법(No Child Left Behind Act)에 의거하여 뉴욕 시의 전체 공립학교가 출제하는 표준화 시험 문제의 지문에서 영어, 수학, 과학, 사회 네 과목 평가 시, 어느 과목에서든지 절대로 사용할 수 없도록 선정한 오십 개의 어귀 항목을 언어 정책 및 행정적 개선 방안으로서 추천하여 보았다. This study focuses on how to diagnose the younger generation`s conversation ― focusing especially on social mismatch aggravated more and more keenly by so-called NEET(abbreviation of Not in Education, Employment and Training) between fifteen years old and thirty-four years old of age ― as an abusive language and how to make an administrative melioration device as a language plan. The abusive language is sum up as a indignity explored and is boiled down a little as a behavior to destroy communication correlation among juveniles and adolescence. The activity to curse and swear at each other among them goes to extremes by linguistic signs. Then in this speech situation totally standardized communication based on social convention is actually impossible, And the deviation of speech act come with this linguistic phenomenon rises above speaker`s subjectivity even shows an objective tendency. Therefore this paper deals with multi-disciplinary fusion and scientific convergence to analyze speech acts on digital contents diffused nowadays promptly and comprehensively by literal messages on cybernetic information technology been swiftly in the van of the new era. To draw out diagnosis and administrative melioration device of the younger generation`s abusive language through peer-to-peer evaluation about everyday language behavior, invoking philosophy of language and the latest theory of system dynamics, this study analyzes adolescent characteristics to throw insulting words as a result due to some unavoidable circumstances filled with indignity against diverse hybrid culture made from pluralistic conception of up-to-date capitalism version 4.0. Moreover this paper suggests a language plan and administrative melioration device, such as No Child Left Behind Act legislated by New York City Hall, will afford an excellent lesson to Korean younger generation to learn how to use gentle expressions and graceful communication filled with thoughtful consideration.

      • KCI등재

        초,중등 학생의 화법 양성 -교육과정 성취기준에 반영된 담화 유형을 중심으로 ; 부정적 이미지를 지닌 초점 집단에 대한 심층 담화의 분석 계층

        노형남 ( Hyung Nam Noh ) 한국화법학회 2013 화법연구 Vol.0 No.23

        본 연구는 부정적 이미지를 지닌 조직의 구성원이자 조직 순응 내지는 관리자로서 특수 조직의 의사소통 차원에서 분석 지표를 자아복제 하는 관행에 대하여 분석 계층을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 본 연구에서는 부정적 이미지를 표방하는 동행 독려에 반응하는 집단 구성원에 의한 지지도와 평가 기능 그리고 갈등 구조 사이에 비선형 관계가 성립함을 전제하면서 논지를 전개한다. 그것은 이에 관한논거로는 향후 지속적으로 전개될 부수적인 다양한 심층 담화의 기폭제 역할을 수행하도록 여건을 조성하면서 조직을 유기적으로 구조화할 필요성이 존재하기 때문이다. 본 연구에서는 상술한 바와 같이 혼란스럽고 복잡한 제반여건에 기반해 조직을 분석하는 대상으로 하되 연구 방법으로는 요인 분석을 채택한다. 그리고 권력을 행사하는 조직 참여자에 초점을 맞추어 집단구성원의 비판적 수용을 지향하는 조직의 행위자 또는 주인 중심의 논지로 기폭제 역할을 할 가소성이 있는 부정적 이미지를 지닌 특수한 조직을 연구 범위로 제한한다. 본 연구에서는 이를 행위자 또는 주인을 기반으로 하는 모형으로 논지를 전개함으로써 바람직한 결과치를 도출하기 위하여 조직에서 발견되는 비선형적 분석 계층을 도출한다. 초점 집단의 심층 담화에 존재하는 각종 복잡한 현상을 있는 그대로 연구하되 기존의 분석 방식이 지닌 한계성을 극복하기 위해 과학의 융합을 지향하면서 조직에서 발견되는 비선형적 분석 계층을 전체주의의 관점에서 도출한다. 이는 불균형적 비대칭성을 중요시하고 무질서를 전체주의의 관점에서 다루되 유기적 구조화에 입각하여 조직의 역동적 비선형 관계를 규명하기 위함이다. To find out fundamental solution to the problem of following a habitual custom that is made unconsciously by an organization man who is working with destructive organization, so to speak, to public morals this study examines minutely into an analytic hierarchy on in-depth discussion of negative-to-be focus group as a process of challenges in analyzing as a first penguin. As a less intimidating methodology of least resistance almost like a structured eavesdropping oriented by moderator, namely the author of this article, to level up circumstances of participants` speech act and situation adding commentary, preparing some stimulus materials as a result of pilot test or second-stage sampling and developing explanations, this study adopts a resolution of in-depth discussion of negative-to-be focus group consist of six or eight participants to provoke a heated discussion, that gives decisive effect on decision-making process of planning and practicalities for hard-to-reach ethical issues according to the principal-and-agent theory, structural functionalism, rational choice model, rational choice theory of sociology, leading to the multi-disciplinary, ultra-fusion, and scientific convergence of human sciences as a theoretical framework without hard and fast rules. Because hard-to-reach ethical issues extracted from organization men who is working with prejudicial organization, as it were, to public morals have the triumph of qualitative over quantitative judgment, it would give great impact on humanities rather than statistics of social sciences, and individual subjectivity in spite of epistemological rupture caused by a mechanism to grasp the results of valorization by virtue of societies embodied structural determinants, mentality and cultural implication of special organizations to lessen the unlimited varieties of personalities and each individual trait as a personal-subjective quality without justice only for the sake of self-love and self-respect, giving an importance on supra-subjective, supra-individual, objectification, supra-individual inter-subjectivity, and creative emergence, because of complexity logic of the network of human interaction among Euclidean nodes for the sake of drawing deduction from generalized mid-range theory.

      • KCI등재후보

        동행 독려 연설화법 연구 -링컨과 오바마의 연설 분석을 중심으로-

        노형남 ( Hyung Nam Noh ) 한국화법학회 2009 화법연구 Vol.0 No.14

        이 연구는 언어공동체 구성원이 공감하는 언어평균치 조성을 비롯하여 사회 약정에 의한 언중의 언어평균치에 따른 연상경로의 수렴성을 융합하는 연설화법을 복잡계 과학의 이론적 배경에서 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 그리스의 페리클레스와 고르기아스의 연설 및 미국의 링컨 대통령이 행안 케티즈버그 연설 그리고 버락 오바마의 취임연설을 언어자료체로 삼아 요인분석을 함으로써 국가 지도자가 아젠다 세팅으로 제시한 정책 목표를 향해 언중의 동행을 독려하는 선도력 화법이 갖추어야 하는 바를 일반화하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 연설자는 자연초사 형식에서 출발하는 연설화법에서 간결한 주제를 반복적으로 언급하여 언중의 연상경로에서 유추가 가능하도록 자기 자신을 기존의 저명한 인물의 긍정적인 이미지로 재현시키되 비유나 은유와 같은 수사적 장치로 적을 비방하지 않으며 골고루 인재를 기용하여 탕평책을 실시한다. 둘째, 겸허와 감사의 기조에서 핵심어휘를 활용하여 정치 슬로건을 상징성으로 추상화하고 선행사를 반복하는 화법으로 동일한 통사구조를 반복함으로써 언중이 유추한 의미가 연관된 언어평균치를 조성하고 전보문체와 같은 간결하면서도 박진감 넘치는 감성적인 리듬 감각을 언중에게 부여한다. 셋째, 사회연결망인 인터넷을 적극 활용하여 대다수 언중의 경제적 고통을 경감시키는 시책을 효과적인 대비어귀를 활용하고 연상경로에서 교차대귀법으로 표방하면서 긍정적인 희망에 가득 찬 미래 청사진을 제시한다. 넷째, 당면문제를 인정하고 구체적인 시정방향을 제시하여 언중이 지닌 잠재력을 발휘하면 절대자의 가호를 받아 당연한 귀결로서 충분히 현안을 타개하여 나갈 수 있다는 자신감을 고취시켜 실행 가능성을 중시하여 적극적인 언중의 협력을 유도함으로써 단결과 협조를 설득하고 국가에 대한 충성심을 하나로 된 수렴성으로 강조한다. 그렇지만 국가 지도자의 동행 독려 선도력을 소수의 핵심어휘로 압축하되 역대 위인들의 성공사례를 나열하는 인상을 주는 짜깁기 식의 강신술 방식만은 반드시 지양하여야 한다. From the theoretical background of complexity science this study focuses on the generalization of the primary factor in the speech communication to let the presidents go with multitudes aiming at a policy provided with agenda setting on the basis of qualitative and quantitative data derived from the corpus consisted of Pericles` and Gorgias` speeches including Lincoln`s Gettysberg speech and Obama`s inaugural speech, in which it would be possible to get Sprachusus i.e. the mean value of linguistic expression and its convergence fused with multitudes` association path established by social convention in a language community. In other word this work focuses on finding out some chef causes in Obama`s speech communication to request multitudes to go in company with himself to show complete vision to tide over contemporary difficult situations in issue as an epoch making president of the United States of America. The main causes of the speech communication for urging leadership to accompany are as following: first, the great leader asserts repeatedly simple theme in the speech communication starting from an outlook on nature to evoke positive imagery of some distinctive figures to match himself in the process of association path provided by analogy to represent not to speak ill of other political opponents with rhetoric devices such as: metaphor, insulting expressions etc. and to make come true impartial cabinets consisted of able man power. Secondly, listening humbly and appreciatively to the voice of public opinion the great leader symbolizes political slogan with several crash-words in the repeated syntactic structure consisted of repeated antecedents to produce coined words as Sprachusus linked with semantic features provided by multitudes` analogy giving rhythmic compass and feeling based on simple telegraphic stylistics. Thirdly, taking good advantages of internet in social network the great leader applies contrastive-oriented comparative crash words or cross-over opposition of lexicons to lessen multitudes` economic agony in the representation of blue prints about the future filled with positive hope and effective administration policy. Lastly, recognizing the urgent problems and demonstrating concrete direction of solving issues the great leader makes multitudes brimming with confidence to tide over contemporary difficult situations by virtue of divine protection for multitudes` latent capacity to open hopeful future on the basis of plausibility of accomplishing one`s duty and persuasion for solidarity and cooperation toward the convergence derived from a loyalty oath for fatherland and God. The great leader is able to condensate his leadership into several key-words and could follow famous precedents as a idealistic model in confirmity with national custom. But should be absolutely sublated the spiritualism quilted by successful cases of successive distinctive figures in the past history of a language community.

      • KCI등재

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