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      • 김수영과 신동엽 산문의 지시사 표현 양상

        김흥수 ( Heung Soo Kim ) 국민대학교 어문학연구소 2016 語文學論叢 Vol.35 No.-

        This paper aims to examine the expressive/stylistic functions of Kim, Soo-yeong and Shin, Dong-yeop`s prose and find the characteristics of the two writers. In this analysis, the three main results are found. The deictic expressions perform the expressive/stylistic function in connection with discourse/text, based on grammatical/pragmatic function. The deictic expressions reflect the writers``attitude towards the situation and the periodic/social context. The two writers have shown the common ground and differences in the use of deictic expressions. The major points are as follows: The``이``group deictics reflect the writer`s attitude and periodic/social context. The choice of deictics reflect the writer`s cognitive/psychological attitude or distance. Especially, in Kim, Soo-yeong`s prose``저``reflects the negative or distant objects and in some cases point out North Korea. The emphasis related phenomena include repetition, concrete representation, and excessive prenominal construction. The repetition is described as following three features. First, the deictics are repeated as the anaphoric use and the flow of the context. Second, the deictics are represented, facing up a real situation or a situation in context. Simultaneously, the circumstances are generic and untransparent, representation is overlapped, adverbial anaphora ``-게``is being repeated. Third, the deictics is repeated to stress the presence of the object or the content meaning. In repetition, concrete representation, and excessive prenominal construction preferred in Kim, Soo-yeong`s. On the other hand, the emphasis on the identity or the property of the referential objects is preferred in Shin, Dong-yeop`s.

      • KCI등재

        김수영 산문에 나타나는 포괄 독자 지칭·호칭어 및 그 관련 표현의 사용 양상

        김흥수 ( Heung Soo Kim ) 한국텍스트언어학회 2013 텍스트언어학 Vol.35 No.-

        This paper aims to examine the distribution and pragmatic/ discourse/textual functions of the referential/vocative expressions for the readers in Kim Soo-yeong`s prose. For the analysis, the types of the expressions are divided into explicit expressions and implicit expressions. Careful consideration is given to the unique usage based on general use and diverse uses according to text types or various contexts. A special attention is paid on speech acts, communicative functions and the writer`s attitude toward the readers. The forms of explicit expressions include various lexical or grammatical expressions. The forms of implicit expressions include various sentence types accompanying speech acts or mood/style. Textual functions include speech act, management of communication, characterizing text types or the structures of the texts, reflecting the writer`s attitude and linguistic/expressive/stylistic functions. The explicit expressions mainly check reader`s response and create a communicative atmosphere. Relative clause is used for inducing the reader`s response. Singular second person pronoun individualizing inclusive readers is used for focusing on poetry or poet. Implicit/elliptic expressions chiefly induce reader`s response accompanying speech acts, express the writer`s negative attitude. Plural first person pronoun is used for speech acts or communicative function reflecting the unity of the writer and the readers.

      • 김수영 산문에 나타나는 특화 독자 및 특정 독자 표현의 양상

        김흥수 ( Kim Heung-soo ) 국민대학교 어문학연구소 2018 語文學論叢 Vol.37 No.-

        This paper aims to examine the distribution and pragmatic/discourse functions of the referential/vocative expressions for the Characterized Readers and the Specified Readers in Kim Soo-yeong's prose. Careful consideration is given to the unique usage based on general use and diverse uses according to text types or various contexts. A special attention is paid on human/social/cultural relations, communicative functions, the writer’s attitude toward the readers and speech acts. The expressions for the Characterized Readers can be divided in two types: noun phrase with relative clause or noun. They are divided into neutral/positive class, negative class and non-relevant class. The expressions for the positive/negative classes perform speech acts or reflect the writer’s attitude. The expressions for the non-relevant class perform communicative functions. Elliptic expressions ease mental burden and strengthen the message. The expressions for the Specified Readers are used to convey the public message in private situation. They ease the problem of the message and strengthen earnestness.

      • 논문 : 김수영 산문의 인용 현상에서 표현, 소통, 태도 관련 텍스트 기능과 그 양상

        김흥수 ( Heung Soo Kim ) 국민대학교 어문학연구소 2015 語文學論叢 Vol.34 No.-

        This paper aims to examine the expressive function, the communicative function and the attitude reflecting function of the quotations in the texts of Kim Soo-young`s prose. This study analyzes and discusses various subfunctions of each main function in diverse texts and contexts. A special attention paid on the unique use of Kim Soo-young, the correlation between the textual functions and the modes of quotation. The expressive function realizes cognitive/rhetorical/stylistic functions. The sub-function is reinforcing impression, foregrounding transference of cognitive domain and performing the scene/contextual flow. The communicative function is performing communicative atmosphere and highlighting the communicative process. The sub-function is vitalization of controversy, confirming readers` response and building a dramatic situation. The attitude reflecting function reveals the viewpoint of description for the cognitive, mental and psychological attitude toward the writer himself or the readers. The sub-function represents self-examination, through moderating expression of mental attitude and shift of the viewpoint.

      • 김수영 산문에서 1인칭 대명사와 필자 관련 지칭어의 표현 양상

        김흥수(Kim Heung-soo) 국어문학회 2010 국어문학 Vol.49 No.-

        이 논문에서는 시인 김수영의 산문을 대상으로 필자 지칭어의 표현 양상을 살핌으로써 그 일반적 쓰임과 특징적 쓰임, 담화ㆍ문체 기능을 밝히고 그의 인식과 태도가 어떻게 반영되는지도 알아 보고자 했다. 자료 분석 방법 면에서는 필자 지칭어의 실현 여부와 지칭어 유형 선택, 지칭어 실현이 선택적인 경우, 지칭어의 쓰임이 유표적이고 특징적인 경우 들을 중시했다. ‘나’의 쓰임을 보면, 글의 종류, 성격, 맥락에 따라 ‘나’의 노출, 실현이 선호되거나 절제되는 것은 일반적 쓰임에 가깝다. 특징적 쓰임 중 ‘나’의 쓰임이 두드러진 경우로 소극적 강조, 자의식 투사에 따른 맥락상 초점화, ‘나’가 억제되는 경우로 첫머리와 전환부, 그 후속 맥락에서 서술자의 내적 흐름 강화가 나타난다. ‘우리’의 쓰임은 그가 부류의 일원으로서 지니는 인간?사회적 속성의 복합성 및 다층성과, ‘나’와 ‘우리’의 관계를 반영한다. 개인성과 공동성의 관계는 동질적 확대, 통합과 어긋남의 양면성을 보인다. 드물게 필자 자신의 일에 ‘우리’를 쓰는 예도 나타난다. ‘필자’는 논설류를 중심으로 자신을 격식있게 객관화하는 경우에 쓰인다. 객관성과 공식성 유지, 감정의 절제와 완화에 쓰여 주관성을 표출하는 ‘나’와 대비된다. In this paper, I examined the terms of referring to the writer himself(1st person singular pronoun ‘na’, plural pronoun ‘wuri’ and the common noun ‘pilja’(筆者)) in Kim Soo-yeong’s prose, and investigated the general or unique use of the terms and their discourse/stylistic functions, and then discussed how they reflect his cognition and attitude toward himself and his writing. In an analysis of the texts, I gave much consideration to several points such as actual use or ellipsis of the terms, selection of the terms, obligatory or optional use, and unmarked or marked use. I dealt with three main topics here. First, the uses of ‘na’ shows not only general use according to information flow, but also unique use such as reinforcement and contextual focalization when ‘na’ is unusually used, and internalization when ‘na’ is restrained. Second, the uses of ‘wuri’ reflect the complexity of Kim’s individual and social character, and the relation between an individual and his communities, such as confirmity or discord. Third, the uses of ‘pilja’ show self-objectification, formal attitude and control of emotion, in contrast with the uses of ‘na’ which expresses subjectivity.」

      • KCI등재

        김수영 산문에 나타나는 인용의 화행 관련 텍스트 기능

        김흥수(Heung Soo Kim) 한국어학회 2015 한국어학 Vol.66 No.-

        This paper aims to examine the textual functions which are related to the speech acts of quotations in diverse text types and contexts of Kim Soo-yeong``s Prose. This study deals with the general use of quotations in prose, and with the unique use of quotations in Kim Soo-yeong``s prose. The assertive speech act considered in this paper as the main function of quote is divided into four categories; informative, explanation, claim and criticism. A special attention is paid, for the following sub-functions, on the objectivity of quote, the subjectivity of quoter, the writer``s attitude, the relation between main text and quote, and the modes of quotation. Firstly, the usage of informative consists of objective informative, informative for explanation, and informative for claim and criticism. Secondly, the function of explanation is substitution, development, specification, intensification and explanation accompanying the claim. Thirdly, the function of claim is to explain, set, intensify and make the claim itself. Finally, the function of criticism is presentation, illustration, development and highlighting the process of the dispute. The characteristic usage of claiming and critical functions are to reform the quote in discourse, melt the quote into discourse and interact with the text structure.

      • KCI등재

        TE 입사파에 의한 무한 평면 격자상의 전류분포

        김흥수,이상설,Kim, Heung-Soo,Lee, Sang-Seol 대한전자공학회 1990 전자공학회논문지 Vol. No.

        무한히 긴 도체 격자판에 TE파가 입사될 때 스트립위에 유기되는 전류분호를 스펙트럴 영역해서 법과 모먼트법을 이용하여 구한다. 스트립간의 간격이 $0.05{\lambda}{\sim}5{\lambda}$인 격자판에 유기되는 전류분호의 파의 입사각에 따른 변화와 스트립 간격에 대한 스트립폭의 비가 0.4~0.8일때 스트립상의 전류분호 변화를 계산한다. 이 결과의 타당성을 입증하기 위해서 다른 방법에 의한 결과와 비교한다. When TE waves incident to the infinite conductor grating plane, current distributions on the strip is found by the spectral domain analysis and the moment method. Current distributions on the strip as the parameter of incident angle of waves are calculated for the grating plane of which strip space is $0.05{\lambda}{\sim}5{\lambda}$, and of which the ration of strip width to its space is 0.4 - 0.8 . In order to varify the validity of the present method, the numerical results are compared with other method.

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