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      • 태조진전 의례 정비와 경기전 제례 음식

        김철배 ( Kim Chull Bae ) 한국농업사학회 2016 농업사연구 Vol.15 No.1

        경기전(慶基殿)은 1410년에 전주에 세워진 태조진전(太祖眞殿)으로서 태조의 영정을 봉안한 곳이다. 태조진전은 창업군주의 덕을 칭송하고 추모하는 공간으로서 함흥, 경주, 평양, 전주, 개성 등 5개 처에 세워졌다. 태종∼세종 연간의 태조진전의 건립과 국가의례 정비과정에서 진전 의례는 정비되었다. 진전 의례는 성종대 『국조오례의』 체제로 그대로 수용되었고, 국가제사로서 정제(正祭)와 `왕실 조상 제사`로서 속제(俗祭)로 구분되어 편입되었다. 이러한 구분과 의례의 변천은 각 제사의 제기의 사용 및 의례절차, 그리고 제례음식에서도 격을 달리한다. 진전의례는 종묘의례와 같이 엄숙하고 절도있게 행하는 국가제사라기 보다는 왕실의 조상제사의 성격이 강하였다. 또한 고기를 줄이고 다식 위주로 제례음식을 올리는 것을 볼 때 불교적 색채도 짙었다. Gyeonggijeon made in 1410 in Jeonju is Taejojinjeon, the space for the memory of King Taejo Lee sung-gye who built up Chosun Dynasty. Taejojinjeon which his portrait was enshrined in was built in Hamheung, Kyungju, Pyungyang, Jeonju, and Gaesung. After built, it organized its ceremony in course of organizing national rituals. This ceremony was included in Kookjooraeui made in 1475, King Seongjong, classified as Jeongjae and Sokjae. Jeongjae is the memorial ceremony for gods supervised by Chosun Dynasty, and Sokjae is the ceremony for ancestors of King`s family. The ceremony of Jinjeon is not like national rites, but like the ceremony of King`s family. And it seemed like Buddhist rituals because it had used Dasik(traditional pressed sweets) as the ritual foods.

      • KCI등재

        복합레진 인레이 수복시 와동형태에 따른 치아파절에 관한 유한요소법적 연구

        김철,민병순,Kim, Chull-Soon,Min, Byung-Soon 대한치과보존학회 1994 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.19 No.1

        Fracture of cusp, on posterior teeth, especially those carious or restored, is major cause of tooth loss. Inappropriate treatments, such as unnecessarily wide cavity preparations, increase the potential of further trauma and possible fracture of the remaining tooth structures. Fracture potential may be directly related to the stresses exerted upon the tooth during masticatory function. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the fracture resistance of tooth, restored with composite resin inlay. In this study, MOD inlay cavity prepared on maxillary first premolar and restored with composite resin inlay. Three dimensional finite element models with eight nodes isoparametric solid element, developed by serial grinding-photographing technique. These models have various occlusal isthmus and depth of cavity, 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 of isthmus width and 0.7, 0.85 and 1.0 of depth of cavity. The magnitude of load was 474 N and 172 N as presented to maximal biting force and normal chewing force. These loads applied onto ridges of buccal and lingual cusp. These models analyzed with three dimensional finite element method. The results of this study were as follows : 1. There is no difference of displacement between width of occlusal isthmus and depth of cavity. 2. The stress concentrated at bucco-mesial comer, bucco-disal comer, pulpal line angle and the interface area between internal slopes of cusp and resin inlay. 3. The vector of stress direct to buccal and lingual side from center of cavity, to tooth surface going on to enamel. The magnitude of vector increase from occlusal surface to cervix. 4. The crack of tooth start interface area, between internal slop of buccal cusp and resin inlay. It progresses through buccopulpal line angle to cervix at buccomesial and buccodistal comer. 5. The influence with depth of cavity to fracture of tooth was more than width of isthmus. 6. It would be favorable to make the isthmus width narrower than a third of the intercuspal distance and depth of cavity is below 1 : 0.7.

      • KCI등재

        법과 혁명; 프랑스 혁명이 법제도에 미친 영향 -법과 종교의 관계를 겸하여-

        김철 ( Chull Kim ) 세계헌법학회 한국학회 2013 世界憲法硏究 Vol.19 No.2

        In Korean jurisprudence, the impact of modern revolutions has been generalized and introduced at general parts of text books such as constitutional law, administrative law, legal philosophy & history of law. This paper deals with the influence of French Revolution upon formation of modern legal institution as a history of public law of Western tradition. The emphasis is laid upon formation of legal institution at more classified stages of French Revolution. At first, the outcome of earlier stage of Revolution; basic human rights articles and structure of government power; secondly, the fruit of Napolen period-administrative institution, the position of judiciary; thirdly, the change of two-sword theory or the relation between state & church; fourthly, law and religion. For the spirit of French Revolution, this paper deals with deism, enlightenment and religious tradition. The latest part of this paper summarizes emergence of new jurisprudence of post-Revolution period.

      • KCI등재

        최현대의 경제 공법: 금융 규제와 탈규제 -글라스 스티걸 법부터 뉴딜시대의 금융 시스템의 붕괴까지-

        김철 ( Chull Kim ) 세계헌법학회 한국학회 2010 世界憲法硏究 Vol.16 No.1

        The return of New Deal Era Glass-Steagall Act has been suggested by U.S. President Obama, has aroused world-wide repercussion, especially in Korea. The first part of this article deals with a brief study on Glass-Steagall Act of 1933-it`s background, situation, purpose of it`s legislation and effect of regulation during New Deal Era(1933-1961). The second part of this article deals with Deregulation Period beginning 1980-1982. The impact of Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 & Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 upon S&L market which have been evaluated only after world financial crisis in 2008 is introduced. The whole theme of this article is not finished in this brief study, but will be finished in succesive study of forthcoming publication.

      • KCI등재

        최현대의 경제공법 사상

        김철(Kim Chull) 세계헌법학회 한국학회 2009 世界憲法硏究 Vol.15 No.2

        2008년 9월에 노출된 세계경제위기는 2009년 5월까지 세계의 학계에 근본적인 반성을 요구하였다. 가장 넓은 범위의 반성은 자유주의(liberalism) 자체의 정의(definition)와 한계에 대한 법철학적 논의와 동유럽-러시아혁명(1989) 이후의 자유지상주의(libertareanism)의 영향에 대한 비교헌법학적 논의가 배경이 된다. 아메리카 공법학 내지 제도사의 경험으로는, 경제적 보수주의와 경제적 자유주의가 건국 이래 1929년 10월 24일 이후의 대공황과 뉴딜시대에 가장 극적으로 대 비되었던 역사적 교훈이 있다. 지성사에서 잊혀져왔던 경제사의 연구들이 2008년 가을의 경제위기 이후 재평가되면서 아메리카 공법사에서 뉴딜 시대와 2차 대전 이후 부흥기까지 사회적 인프라를 제공했던 경제적 자유주의(economic liberalism)가 1978년과 1981년을 기점으로 신보수주의(new conservatism), 또는 신자유주의 또는 레이거노믹스에 의해 대체되었는가라는 법사회학 또는 사회사적 배경을 인문학의 오랜 용어인 시대정신(Zeit-geist)을 사용하여 재조명한다. 경제적 자유주의의 한국적 번역어가 잘못 전달됨으로써 신자유주의 시절을 통하여 한국에서 보수와 진보의 잘못된 2항 대립이 번성하게 된 사회사를 최신 자료로 조명한다. A seemingly drastic paradigm shift or bitter reflections on decades-long popular usage of liberalism has reoccurred since economic crisis of 2008. But legal philosophers & social psychologists already gad suggested the limit of American liberties in the midst of prevailing new-conservatism since 1995. Another witness about post-East European & Russian Revolution of 1989 tried to show the effect of libertareanism upon "liberalized" regions. Historical dualism of economic conservatism and economic liberalism in U. S legal & constitutional history matters in this age of economic crisis. Historians & Humanists agree that a certain Zeit-geist prevailed world-wide since 1978 or 1981. According to historians of economics, for 3 decades or so, new-conservatism, Reaganomism or Reaganomics penetrated into not only economic and legal sector but also human beings life style through global village.

      • KCI등재

        위기 때의 법학: 뉴딜 법학의 회귀 가능성 -현대 법학에 있어서의 공공성의 문제와 세계 대공황 전기의 법사상-

        김철 ( Chull Kim ) 세계헌법학회 한국학회 2008 世界憲法硏究 Vol.14 No.3

        World-wide credit and banking crisis in Fall, 2008 has led us back to historical review on possible parallel between 1929 & 1930`s and 2008 based upon moral theory of law(Dworkin, 2008) and historical school(Berman, 1983). What was wrong now and then? During 1920`s, we had found social and cultural anomy together with laissez-faire, libertareanism & anti-regulation. In legal theory, principle of private-autonomy prevailed under the name of Liberty of Contract. With the Conservative Crisis & the Rule of Law, the Attack on the Old Order began by R. Pound, Richard Ely & Holmes already in early 20th century only to be followed by Triumph of Conservatism(1900-1914). During 1920`s~1930`s, dissident thinkers in economics, economic institutionalist and legal realists realized their calling to get how the law is operating actually in rapidly changing socio-economic context. This paper deals with the early Depression years economic thought and law, and tries to sketch the characteristics of New Deal Jurisprudence to find parallels between now & then. The author`s aim is to find out the possibility of return of New Deal Jurisprudence to response challenge from Fall, 2008.

      • KCI등재

        최현대의 경제공법사상(2)

        김철 ( Chull Kim ) 세계헌법학회 한국학회 2009 世界憲法硏究 Vol.15 No.3

        This paper deals with various possible approaches to economic, financial crisis of 2008-2009. 1. Historical approach based upon Harold Berman, legal historian & advocate of integrative jurisprudence 2. Sociological approach based upon Max Weberian The Protestant Ethic & the Spirit of Capitalism, 3. Sociology of law-approach based upon Emil Durkeim`s & Robert Merton`s Anomy: transformation of social-cultural anomy to economic anomy 4. Constitutional law-approach based upon equality of opportunity analysis 5. Normative approach to contemporary crisis of finance based upon legal philosopher Cass Sunstein`s emphasis upon social norms role on people`s behavior 6. Integrative approach of Paul Krugman`s interdisciplinary history of society, politics and economics. 7. Constitutional-law historian Russel Galloway`s approach based upon interplay between economic conservatism & economic liberalism 8. Richard Posner`s positive analysis of recent crisis of banking industry. The author attempts to integrate and synthesize various approaches from socio-economic study to normative and legal study for an integrative understanding of the crisis.

      • KCI등재

        법과 경제의 상호교호관계

        김철(Chull Kim) 한국사회이론학회 2010 사회이론 Vol.- No.38

        필자는 오로지 실증 법학 자체만을 연구 대상으로 하지 않고, 법제사(사법사와 공법사)와 경제사 및 사회사를 동시에 볼 수 있어야 충분한 성과를 거둘 수 있다고 생각해왔다. 2008년 10월 24일 세계금융위기가 왔을 때 소수의 예언자들 중 경제사와 법제사와의 관계, 더 나아가서 정치경제사와 같은 역사적 근거를 가장 충분히 입증한 사람은 폴 크루크만이었다. 필자는 폴크루크만의 학제적 연구 중 사회경제사와 법제도사와의 상관관계를 역설한 데에 주목하여 2008년 세계금융위기의 역사적 원형을 1929년 9월에 시작된 세계대공황에서 찾았으며 대공황의 경제사에 대비하는 법제도사 연구에 몰두하였다. 뉴딜 시대의 법제사가 2008년 세계금융위기의 치유에 여전히 유효하다는 것을 입증하려고 해왔다. 다시 크루크만은 2010년 6월 27일 앞으로의 선진국의 경제상황은 이제 1930년대의 대공황은 모면했으나 오히려 24년이 걸린 1873~1897년의 장기대침체의 유형에 들어가고 있다고 예언했다. 필자는 이전까지의 대공황기의 경제사와 법제도사의 상관관계의 연구에서 이제는 장기대공황 때의 경제사와 법제도사와의 상관관계에 주목하게 되었다. 19세기 세계사에서의 장기대공황(1873-1897)은 당시 선진공업국가 모두에게 닥친 것으로서 보편적 성격을 가지는데 이 점에서 1930년대의 세계대공황과 유사하다고 볼 수 있다. 이런 보편적 성격 때문에 당시의 선진국 경제 상황과 이에 동반하는 법제도와 에토스의 상관관계를 찾게 되는 계기가 된다. 이 연구는 2010년 이후의 세계 경제 상황에 시사점을 줄 것이다. This paper aims at finding correlation between characteristics of economic history and those of legal history during the Long Depression(1873-97) which hit advanced industrial countries in Western Europe and America. The interdisciplinary study between economic history and history of legal institution has been neglected or ignored either in Korea and in foreign countries. This kind of interdisciplinary study across several disciplines can be found in Paul Krugman`s Economics of Depression, and The conscience of the Liberal, in which interdisciplinary study between economics, social history and political history has been used. Paul Krugman has been one of a few economists whose predictions on 2008 world financial crisis have been correct; his interdisciplinary study has aroused world-wide concern since 2008 world financial crisis. The author has been doing interdisciplinary study between law & related disciplines since the early 1990`s. The author has found historical archetype of 2008 world financial crisis in the history of the Great Depression beginning 1929. The author has tried to prove the eligibility of New Deal legislation (Emergency Banking Law of 1933, Glass-Steagall Act of 1933) to deal with 2008-world financial crisis. On July 29, 2010, Krugman predicted, "We are at the beginning of the Long-Wave Depression, something like 1873-97." The author tries to find correlationship between legal history and economic history during the Long Depression Era, in this paper.

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