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        DEA를 활용한 서울지역 세무서의 효율성에 관한 연구

        김주택 한국상업교육학회 2015 상업교육연구 Vol.29 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 서울지역 세무서의 상대적 효율성을 분석하기 위하여 DEA기법을 활용하였다. 분석대상은 우리나라 서울지역의 24개 세무서이며, 각 세무서의 자료는 국세통계연보를 통하여 수집하였다. DEA분석을 위한 투입요소는 세무서 직원 수, 징세비, 법인사업자 수와 개인사업자 수를 사용하였고, 산출요소는 직접세징수액, 간접세 징수액 및 기타 세 징수액으로 하였다. 또한 DEA분석 결과에 기초하여 효율성이 낮은 세무서의 개선 가능치를 제시하였다. 분석결과, 서울지역 24개 세무서 중 45.8%에 해당하는 11개 세무서가 효율적으로 운영되는 것으로 나타났다. 강북지역과 강남지역 세무서의 BCC기준으로 효율성을 조사한 결과 강북지역 세무서 효율성은 0.97이며, 강남지역 세무서 효율성 0.87보다 높게 나타났다. 또한 세무서 규모별로 BCC기준으로 조사한 결과 세무서 직원이 120명이하인 세무서의 효율성은 0.93이며 120명 이상인 세무서의 효율성 0.90 보다 높게 나타났다. 이러한 결과 서울지역 세무서는 강북지역에 위치하고 세무서 직원 수가 120명이하인 세무서가 그렇지 않은 세무서보다 효율성 있게 운영되는 것으로 알 수 있다. This reserch is to analyze the tax offices' relative efficiency in Seoul. To accomplish the purpose, I applied DEA method which is used widely for relative efficiency evaluation. The analysis objects are 24 tax offices located in Seoul from 2011 to 2013 and the data was collected through national tax statistics yearbook. The input data for DEA was the number of employees in tax office, Collection cost, the number of corporate business and individual business. Also direct tax amounts, indirect tax amounts and other tax amounts were used for the output data. The result shows that among 24 tax offices in Seoul, 11 tax offices are running efficiently which takes 45.8% In case of analyzing the efficiency with BBC, the Gangbuk tax offices' efficiency is 0.97 when the Gangnam tax offices' efficiency is 0.87. By using BBC an efficiency of tax office which hired less than 120 employees was 0.93 and efficiency with more than 120 employees was 0.90 From the study, most of the tax offices are located in Gangbuk and tax offices with less than 120 employees are being running efficiently compared to the offices which employees are more than 120.

      • 移轉價格課稅制度에 關한 硏究 : Laying Focus on Intangibles in America 우리나라와 미국의 無形財貨를 中心으로

        김주택 尙志大學校 産業經營硏究所 1999 産業經營硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        Transfer pricing is a process for determining the prices of products, technology and services among affiliated companies. Although taxation problems arising from international investment are not now, they have become more important in recent years as a consequence of the growing internationalization of economic activities. So, transfer pricing to shift their income and expenses from one country to another has made it difficult for tax administrations to impose tax correctly. Our government also applies arm' length methods to decide equitable tax. But, because the existing regulations are based on the transactions of tangibles, it is difficult to use them to solve problems regarding transactions of intangibles. This paper treats these problem, examining U.S. regulations and analysing the practice of transactions and the application of other methods.

      • 중소기업의 조세지원제도에 관한 연구

        김주택 尙志大學校 産業經營硏究所 2000 産業經營硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        Our small and medium enterprises have many problem in spite of their importance and roles, because of small in size, the limit of fund raising capacity, underdeveloped technical, aged facilities, and premodern administrations. Considering the need and importance, the government is carrying forward the support policy, and there is a national consensus that the policy is on the right track. Because of the levy, less tax burden than the large enterprise relatively, it is supported the small and medium enterprise by the tax system. These are two ways : one is the direct support tax system which the small and medium enterprises reduction the burden tax such as the tax reduction. the indirect support tax system which is postponed the tax collection such as the reserve fund and the special refunding. The following are the recommendations of this paper. The first, to extent the tax support system. The second, public authorities should obtain effectiveness of incentive system and encourage industry activities in best practice and regulations. The third, to reinforce the simplicity of tax administration and the tax payment guidence, public information.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 세무서의 효율성 및 생산성에 관한 연구 : 서울·인천·경기지역을 중심으로

        김주택 한국상업교육학회 2014 상업교육연구 Vol.28 No.5

        본 연구는 DEA분석방법을 이용하여 2008년부터 2012년까지 5년 동안 서울·인천·경기지역 세무서의 기술 효율성과 규모효 율성 및 규모수익을 측정하고 서울·인천·경기지역별로 세무서의 생산성을 분석하였다. 투입요소는 세무서의 직원 수와 각 세무서의 징세비를 사용하고 산출요소는 직접세액, 간접세액, 기타세액으로 하였다. 기술효율성의 전체 평균은 0.2258이었 고, 기술효율성이 높은 세무서는 3개에 불과하였으며, 대부분의 세무서가 규모수익체증(IRS)영역에서 운영되는 것으로 분 석되었다. 서울·인천·경기 3개 지역으로 구분하여 생산성지수(MPI)를 분석한 결과 서울·인천에 소재한 세무서의 생산성지수(MPI)가 낮았다. 이러한 이유는 기술변화지수(TCI)의 영향을 받은 것으로 판단된다. TCI를 높이기 위해서는 기술개발, 업무의 전산화 , 연구개발 투자를 확대하여야만 생산성지수도 향상될 것이라고 예측된다. 본 연구는 서울인천경기지역 세무서의 효율성을 동태적으로 평가하고 생산성변화의 원인을 찾는 최초의 시도로 의미가 있 다. 또한 각 세무서의 효율성을 제시하여 효율성이 낮은 세무서는 효율성을 높이기 위하여 어떠한 노력을 해야 하는지 지침 을 제공하는데 공헌점이 있다. This study measured Seoul, Incheon, Kyong-gi Province Tax Offices’ Scale income, Technical and Scale efficiency from 2008 to 2012 through DEA analytical method. Using the same method, it analyzed the productivity of three provinces’ Tax Offices. The number of employees and Tax Collection Fee were used for the input, Direct Tax, Indirect Tax, and Other Tax were used for the output. In the research the total average of Technical Efficiency was 0.2258, among the offices only three Tax offices had high Efficiency and most of others were running in IRS system. The result of analyzing MPI for the three provinces was that Tax Offices in Seoul and Inchoen’s MPI is low. Being affected by TCI would be the reason for the result. Enlarging Technical development, computerized system, and research and development investment is necessary to enhance the Productivity index and high elevate TCI.

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