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벼 육묘트레이를 이용한 어린 잎 채소 생육에 미치는 광 조절 영향
최기영 ( K. Y. Choi ),김시홍 ( S. H. Kim ),김재경 ( J. K. Kim ),유형주 ( H. J. Yoo ),김일섭 ( I. S. Kim ) 강원대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2016 농업생명환경연구 Vol.28 No.2
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of light control on growth of baby leaf vegetables (tatsoi, pak-choi, chinese cabbage ‘alpine’ and leaf lettuce ‘cheongchima’) in rice seedling tray. Light treatment controlled in non-shading (NS), shading for 8 days+non-shading for 9 days (S8NS9), non-shading for 8 days+shading for 9 days (NS8S9), and shading for 17 days (S17). Integrated solar radiation in NS was highest, and in S8NS9>NS8S9>S17 order. Integrated temperature did not shown difference among the treatments for growing periods. Growth and chlorophyll content of baby leaf vegetables were lowest in shading treatment for 8days. The highest growth characteristics (plant height, leaf length, leaf width, stem diameters, and fresh weight) and chlorophyll content of baby leaf vegetables was shown in NS. Increment rate of plant height and fresh weight of baby leaf vegetables were high in NS or S8NS9 as affected by light control for 8 days in early growth periods. These results suggest that we can utilize in low layer for early period and in high layer for harvest periods for baby vegetable production in rice seedling factory.
1-MCP (1-methylcyclopropene) 처리가 파프리카 과실의 품질과 저장성에 미치는 영향 1-MCP (1-methylcyclopropene)
최인이 ( I L Choi ),손진성 ( J S Son ),김일섭 ( I S Kim ),이용범 ( Y B Lee ),강호민 ( H M Kang ) 강원대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2012 농업생명환경연구 Vol.24 No.3
``Nagano`` paprika fruit were harversted at 70% red color developed stage and treated with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) at 0.9 ppm at 24 for 20hrs and 1.0 ppm at 8 for 20hrs. Fruits packed with carton box (commercial size) and O ℃ ℃ 2 permeability film 920,000 cc/m 2 ·day·atm), MA condition and stored at 8 for 28 days(box) and 40 days(film) with 90 ℃ ± 5% relative humidity. The fresh weight loss of paprika was less than 0.8% in MA condition storage, but in the carton box storage, showed 5-6% in all treatments. In carton box storage, paprika treated 1-MCP 1.0 ppm/8 showed lower fresh ℃ weight loss than other treatments. The ethylene production of paprika treated 1-MCP delayed for 3 days compared with control on the early storage period, however, as storage period progressed, the ethylene production rate was rapidly increased in 1-MCP 0.9 ppm/24 treatment. In MA condition, the ethylene concentration of 1-MCP treated paprika showed ℃ lower than control during the storage periods even though there was no significant difference. The 0.9 ppm/24 treated ℃ paprika was rapidly increased color development in carton box on the early storage period, but showed lower a * /b * value than control at 28 th day of storage. In MA storage, a * /b * value of paprika treated 1-MCP 1.0 ppm/8 developed less than ℃ the other treatments at 40 th day of storage. The shelf life was prolonged for 2 days in 1-MCP treatment in carton box storage, but in MA condition, there was not any significant difference between 1-MCP treatments and control in shelf life. The soluble solid contents of paprikas were not affected by 1-MCP treatment in carton box storage and MA storage. The firmness maintained higher in 1.0 ppm/8 treatment than the other treatments in MA condition, however, there was no ℃ significant difference. Therefore, 1-MCP treatments might extend the paprika shelf life slightly in short term storage in carton box storage, but these treatments could not affect the shelf life of paprika in long term storage in MA condition.
윤혁성 ( H. S Yoon ),최인이 ( I. L. Choi ),백준필 ( J. P. Baek ),김일섭 ( I. S. Kim ),강호민 ( H. M. Kang ) 강원대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2016 농업생명환경연구 Vol.28 No.1
This study was carried out the investigate the effect of different stem diameter on qualities of asparagus in MA storage and conventional storage (packed with perforated film). Asparagus were sorted by stem diameter, such as 10 mm and 15 mm and then stored at 4℃ for 40 days. Fresh weight loss rate was 3-4% in conventional storage and under 0.3% in MA storage regardless of stem diameter. Carbon dioxide contents within a package maintained 5-12%. Oxygen contents were more than 5%. Ethylene contents were quickly increased after one day of storage and then dropped down to the final storage day. Gas compositions within a package did not shown any significant differences between asparagus stem diameter. Visual quality in MA storage had higher value than conventional storage and 10 mm stem diameter of conventional storage was shown the lowest value. Off-flavor had shown the better result in MA storage regardless of stem diameter, because fungi and decay occurred during the late period of storage. Firmness was higher in MA storage than conventional storage and 15 mm stem diameter showed higher than 10 mm in MA storage. Soluble solid contents were highest the 15 mm conventional storage. Hue angle value was higher the 10 mm MA storage than others and MA storage had higher value then conventional storage. The results were indicated that the 15 mm stem diameter of asparagus was suitable for conventional storage, although the stem diameter of asparagus did not have a significant effect on storability in MA storage.