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      • KCI등재

        중국 지방차원의 지재권 보호 딜레마 -정책순응과 침해묵인 사이의 선택에 관한 탐색적 연구-

        김익수 ( Icksoo Kim ),김병구 ( Byoung Goo Kim ) 한중사회과학학회 2013 한중사회과학연구 Vol.11 No.4

        This paper is an exploratory study of the Chinese local government`s dilemma over the protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs). To provide the rationale and local-level sources of the recurring IPRs infringement phenomena in China, this study adopts game theoretic framework to explain conceptually the choice between policy compliance and infringement connivance motives of local governments. Realistically assuming information asymmetry between central and provincial governments on the one hand, and between lower-level local governments and local enterprises under their jurisdiction on the other, this study finds that one of the most important factors that affect the IPRs infringement at local level is ``localism cum local protectionism,`` in which local governments put priority on their local economic interest often sacrificing the objective of central government to catch up with the global technological level and to comply with the TRIPs requirement of the WTO agreement. Under the multi-layered decentralized setting, local governments have strong incentive not to strictly execute the IPR laws and regulations, deliberately overlooking the deviant behaviors of local enterprises. In the process, the interests of the central government are sacrificed, but the central government with inferior information, has no effective means to control and penalize local governments. Only when domestic and international environment convinces local party cadres of the ``tough guy`` stance of the central government, they try to observe the IPR laws and regulations. Yet whenever central control is loosened, local leaders choose not to comply with the central directions and laws. Their motivations are diverse: to win the growth (rate) race with the neighboring and/or peer local governments, to expand local employment & revenues, to improve export performance, etc. Local power elites` moral hazards, rent-seeking corruption practices using personal connection (guanxi) with infiltrators, coupled with insufficient crackdown cooperation among local governments, make the IPR protection situation at local level even worse. This paper has shortcomings. To provide conclusive evidence to support the conceptual framework presented in this paper, multiple regression analysis should be carried out in the future, using regional panel data on independent and/or control variables that affect both central monitoring decisions and localism practices.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국의 보건의료 정책변화와 혁신 연구: 기업 사례를 중심으로

        서지현 ( Seo¸ Ji Hyun ),김익수 ( Kim¸ Icksoo ) 한국보건사회연구원 2020 保健社會硏究 Vol.40 No.4

        이 논문에서는 보건의료 수요 증가와 의료비 상승 문제 해결을 위해 중국 정부가 펼치고 있는 보건의료 정책은 무엇이며, 그러한 정책변화에 따라 기업들은 어떻게 대응하였는지를 살펴보았다. 연구방법으로 다중사례분석을 채택하였으며, 이론적 틀은 Funk와 Hirschman(2017)의 정책과 기업의 전략에 관한 이론에 기초하였다. 사례 연구결과, 명문화된 정책변화가 있을 때 기업들은 자사의 핵심역량을 기반으로 사업의 다각화를 추구하나(알리헬스, 핑안굿닥터의 다각화 사례), 정책이 모호하거나 부재 시 기업의 혁신이 나타나게 됨을 알 수 있었다(마인드레이의 로우엔드 파괴적 혁신, GE의 역혁신, 생루시아의 신시장 개척 사례). 왜냐하면, 명문화된 정책변화가 있는 경우에는 기업이 주어진 법령과 규제 내에서 활동영역을 정하지만, 해석상의 정책변화가 있는 경우에는 규제를 회피하기 위해서 혁신이 등장하기 때문이다. 그리고 중국의 강력한 리더십과 가버넌스, 내수기업 우대 정책은 내수기업의 혁신성을 위축시키고 오히려 글로벌기업역혁신의 동력을 제공한다는 사실을 알게 되었다. 따라서 기업의 혁신과 의료개혁 측면에서 바람직한 정부의 역할은 보건의료시스템 내 자원이 효율적으로 분배되고 양질의 제품과 서비스로 유지되며 환경 변화에 신속하게 대처할 수 있도록 방향을 제시해 주는 관리자(stewardship)임을 알 수 있었다. This paper discusses what health policies are made by the Chinese government to respond to the growing demand for healthcare and increasing prices in medical services, and how firms react to the authorities’ policies. Multiple cases were investigated to answer the research questions, based on Funk & Hirschman’s (2017) theoretical framework for policy and firm strategy. We find that the formal policy change leads to diversification as a market strategy based on their core competencies (cases of AliHealth’s and Ping An Good Doctor’s diversification), and an interpretive policy change brings innovation as a market strategy because they discover a policy loophole (cases of Mindray’s low-end disruptive innovation, GE’s reverse innovation, St.Lucia’s new-market development). This is because while firms redefine their activities in existing laws and regulations as confronting formal policy change, they also attempt to innovate themselves by finding a policy loophole to avoid regulations and laws under an interpretative policy change. We also identify that innovation of local firms shrinks due to preferential policies for Chinese firms, while it stimulates innovation of global companies like GE introducing reverse innovation in the Chinese medical device industry. This study finds that an effective leadership and governance in terms of healthcare policy change and firms’ innovation is a stewardship which ensures efficient resource allocation, good health services and guidelines to cope with a changing environment.

      • KCI등재

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