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        바슐라르 이미지론에 나타난 색의 의미

        김융희 ( Yoong Hee Kim ) 한국미학예술학회 2006 美學·藝術學硏究 Vol.24 No.-

        In this paper, I have tried to explain the meaning of the color which is exposed in the theory of image and imagination by Gaston Bachelard. The color is a subject of the science as well as the poetics. In the scientific point of view, the colors are originated from the spectrum of the light, this point of view presuppose the objective point of view which conceive the colors as an isolate phenomenon not related to the subjective mind. Bachelard have regarded the scientific explanation of the color as a mere half understanding of the phenomenon of the color. It is necessary that the color phenomenon is understood as the image produced by our imagination. By the theory of Bachelard`s, the image is produced by `the reverie`, in other words our imaginative consciousness. It is not so called `clear and distinct consciousness` but the ambiguous consciousness which is co-related or confused with the objective world. This consciousness is similar with the pure consciousness which had been proposed by Husserl. In the theory of phenomenology, Husserl had contended that the pure consciousness is a being aware of the relatedness of the consciousness with the world as the intended object. Similarly, the consciousness in `the reverie` is a being aware of the relatedness of the subjective imagination with the objective outer world. While Husserl had regarded the essence of the world which is a residum of the phenomenological reduction as the eidetic essence, Bachelard have regarded it as the material object. The imagination related with the materiality of the world functions in double direction. It connects and co-operates two divided world, that is to say, the man and the woman, the inside and the outside, the upper and the down etc. Bachelard had named this function of the imagination as the androgynous consciousness by C.G. Jung`s terminology. Owing to this double function of the imagination, we can project our inner mind toward the creative image. The theory of the color image of Bachelard`s as well as his whole theory of the imagination have been developed in the thought of the alchemy. That is why the alchemical theory have implied the archetype of the material imagination. In the theory of the alchemy, the process of the refining is symbolized as four colors, that are black, white, yellow and red. These four colors symbolize four elements which are the elementary matters of the alchemy and symbolize four phases of the metamorphoses of the material. In the theory of the color of Bachelard`s, the color is not a fixed phenomenon but a flowing phenomenon. The process of refining of material in alchemy is represented by the state of saturation of color. This process is represented by a phase of the mind of an alchemist as well. It is the participation of our reverie in the material image which can connect the mind with the process of refining and the saturation of the color. It can be say that the color image produced by the participation of our creative imagination have a sensual value as well as a sensible value. We can feel the saturation of the color into our inner mind when we seeing the color in the outer world. In this process of the saturation, the meaning of the color image is created. The creative color image can lead our reverie as well. Above all it is the blue which is suggested a color of the leading reverie by Bachelard. The blue is not only the color of the sky but also the color which can ascend our mind. The ascending of our mind through an color image can be continued to sublimate our mind. While the black is the color which can descend our mind. But both of all color can lead our mind toward the pure consciousness in the end. The color image can sublimate and purify our mind and then let us be reached to the nirvana. I think that Bachelards` thought of the color image can illuminate a meaning of the experienced color which is not illuminated by the scientific explanation of the color. The meaning of the color can not be

      • KCI등재
      • 모유수유를 중심으로 '어머니 되어가기'의 심리적 과정

        김융희(Yoong Hee Kim) 대한여성건강학회 2007 여성건강 Vol.8 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to develop a practical theory through an analysis of the psychological procedure of mothers surrounding breastfeed experience. The thesis question of this study is to examine the psychological process of becoming a mother through breastfeeding within the socio-cultural context. In order to understand the experience of process, Strauss & Corbin's ground theory(1990) was employed as a primary method. The time spent for gathering data spans from December 2004 to February 2006. Total of seventeen women with prior experience of breastfeeding participated in the study. Based on the statement of participants, the central category of psychological process of becoming a mother through breastfeeding came down to the process of re-establishing one's identity as a mother by means of experience of her body. These repetitive patterns were then standardized into three types of the process of re-establishing one's identity as a mother by means of experience of her body.The three types are: without difficulty overcoming conflicts and lack of volition. In conclusion, this study reveals that breast milk function as a medium through which a mother establish her new identity as a mother, by being encouraged to feel unity with her body. This study attempts to shed light on the psychological process of becoming a mother through qualitative studies and to discover different types of becoming a mother and its contextual element, with special attention paid to breastfeeding. In addition, by formulating a practical theory, this study expects to provide framework for the process of becoming a mother to serve as a basis of further studies. In this regards, motherhood cannot be completed biologically and socially by mere physical delivery of a child.

      • 모유수유를 중심으로 '어머니 되어가기'의 심리적 과정

        김융희(Yoong Hee Kim) 대한여성건강학회 2007 여성건강 Vol.8 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to develop a practical theory through an analysis of the psychological procedure of mothers surrounding breastfeed experience. The thesis question of this study is to examine the psychological process of "becoming a mother" through breastfeeding within the socio-cultural context. In order to understand the experience of process, Strauss & Corbin's ground theory(1990) was employed as a primary method. The time spent for gathering data spans from December 2004 to February 2006. Total of seventeen women with prior experience of breastfeeding participated in the study. Based on the statement of participants, the central category of psychological process of becoming a mother through breastfeeding came down to "the process of re-establishing one's identity as a mother by means of experience of her body." These repetitive patterns were then standardized into three types of "the process of re-establishing one's identity as a mother by means of experience of her body."The three types are: "without difficulty" "overcoming conflicts" and "lack of volition." In conclusion, this study reveals that breast milk function as a medium through which a mother establish her new identity as a mother, by being encouraged to feel unity with her body. This study attempts to shed light on the psychological process of becoming a mother through qualitative studies and to discover different types of becoming a mother and its contextual element, with special attention paid to breastfeeding. In addition, by formulating a practical theory, this study expects to provide framework for the process of becoming a mother to serve as a basis of further studies. In this regards, motherhood cannot be completed biologically and socially by mere physical delivery of a child.

      • 메를로 퐁티의 몸 철학과 현대미술의 의미

        김융희 ( Yoong-hee Kim ) 한국고등직업교육학회 2009 한국고등직업교육학회논문집 Vol.10 No.2

        The aim of this paper is to explore a meaning of contemporary art by comparing the philosophy of M. Merleau-Ponty. Merleau-Ponty was a french phenomenologist in 20th century, who explored the meaning of perception and the bodily experience. The 'corporeality' is a major conception of his philosophy. This conception was adopted by Rosalind Krauss who was American art critic. She applied the concept of 'the corporeality' to a series of contemporary artist to explain the meaning of modern sculpture in especially the sculptures of Richad Serra, Robert Morris. The perceptual experience of body laid foundation of the meaning of the world and human being. This experience act on the aesthetic experience and also acts on the basic concept of the contemporary paintings and sculptures in the name of 'theatricality'.

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