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        민간외교의 정치적 기능 -일·중공관계를 중심으로-

        김용서(Yong Suh Kim) 한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 1980 중소연구 Vol.5 No.1

        With the end of World War Ⅱ, Japanese diplomacy changed its militarist, expansionist policies of pre-war period into international-Cooperation-oriented, economy-oriented policies. Also in its methods, it adopted new methods of private diplomacy and could achieve democratization and diversification of diplomacy and could have done with inflexibility of the cold war effectively. In this article, I regarded such private diplomacy of Japan not as a temporary variation of diplomacy during a particular period, but as a new functional aspect of modern diplomacy; and intended to show strategic effectiveness of this function. In the approach of the article, I divided it into two parts: One explains the historic background on which the ``private diplomacy`` was formed, and the other offers the case studies of private diplomacy employed between Japan and China. In the former part, ``changes of diplomatic modes`` was studied from the angle of ``private diplomacy.`` and in the latter part, strategic features of private diplomacy between Japan and China were studied and analyzed from the angles of economic diplomacy and political diplomacy. In the former analysis, modernistic factors, cold war factors, Japanistic particular factors concerned with forming ``private diplomacy`` were chosen as the objects of analysis. In the latter analysis, political situation of cold war before and after the forming of private diplomacy, and political situation of detente immediately before the normalization of Sino-Japanese relation during which private diplomacy was actively performed were chosen as the objects of analysis. Especially in the latter, I tried to assess political elasticity of Japanese private diplomacy through analyzing the relation between the diplomacy of the governing party and the opposition party. As the result of such analyses, I concluded as following: First, although the characteristics of Japanese diplomatic policy toward China was often explained with the principle of ``seperation of politics from economics,`` some reservations should be added to such an expression. Because diplomatic relation between Japan and China is not without political elements, but political elements internalized in the economic elements are functioning in it. And the emphasis on strategy of Japanese Government could be explained as economization of politics. Second, following four characteristics could be listed as the political, functions of private diplomacy: (1) People not only give pressure and influence on the diplomatic activities of government, but also they can replace the government as the main actors of diplomatic activities. It has a historical meaning in the fact that it provides the way of private participation in ``diplomacy and therefore precipitates democratization o(I) diplomacy. (2) Private diplomacy toward China gives flexibility and variety to Japanese diplomacy in the fact that it is pro-communistic private diplomacy in contrast with anti-communistic diplomacy depending on the U.S.A. of the Government. (3) Private diplomacy toward China has function of complementing or checking the official diplomacy·. (4) Private diplomacy the has a function of enhancing independence of diplomacy, considering fact that the diplomacy on the government level bas been influenced by the U.S.A. too much. Finally one thing should be noted. This article is still in a incomplete stage. Hencefoward it will be revised to be a more complete one. The aim of publishing this incomplete manuscript is to ask far criticism of readers. This article was concerned only with presenting questions and forming main structure. In place of neglecting accurate evideuces, the efforts were focussed on forming new angles. I will continue to make it revised and publish a more complete one some other time.

      • 百濟 服飾 研究

        최은아(Eun A Choi),김용서(Yong Suh Kim) 전남대학교 생활과학연구소 2001 生活科學硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the form and the structure of costumes in Baek-jae Kingdom, including hairstyles, ornaments of crown, costumes and accessories, based on references of historical documents. By doing that, it aims at understanding the structure of costumes expressed in the remains of Baek-jae Kingdom, recovering its formative characteristics through comparison of different historical records. The result of this study can be summarized as below. First, looking at the hairstyle, they usually had the styles of Ssang-gae and Byeonbalsuh. Besides, it was found that Topknot in Su-gae style existed at that time as well in the tomb of King Muryong. Second, the distinctiveness of Baek-jaes ornaments of crown lies on the difference of its decoration, not on the diversity. Ornament of crown itself had indicated positional levels of governmental officials by using different materials. This fact shows that costume had served as a means that firmly established the class system during that period. Third, as shown in the incense burner of Geumdong-Yongbong-Bongrae Mountain and Jikgong-do of Yang. Baek-jae costumes had its distinctive form in sleeve and collar. Apart from these structural differences. Baek-jae costumes show their unique style in dressing, for example, having belt ornament untied, or tied in double. Fourth, the uniqueness shown in accessories and patterns, representing a sense of diversity and heterogeneity, had been generated by original way of creation. The study on cultural relationships among Baek-jae, Koguryo, Shilla, China, and Japan still leaves much to be discussed. Accompanied with more concentrated efforts to solve the problems. Baek-jae costumes should be redefined and repositioned in the history of costume of the Three Nations Period, particularly in terms of its historical importance.

      • 악학궤범에 나타난 처용무 복식고찰

        박양경,김용서 全南大學校家政科學硏究所 1999 生活科學硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose of thesis is to make an analysis of a symbolic meaning color combination and construction for Cheo-Yong dancing as traditional royal dancing costumes shown in Ak-Hak-Gue-Bum. Cheo-Yong dancing is originated by a primitive religion effected charmanism in Shin-La period, developed as the royal dancing effected Buddhism in Go-Ryeo period. After all, Cheo-Yong dancing was in all its glory as dancing in Jo-Seon period effected Eum-Yang-Oh-Haeng thought. Cheo-Yong dancing costumes shown in Ak-Hak-Gue-Bum of Jo-Seon period was consisted of Wei(衣), Gun(裙), Sang(裳), Han-Sam(汗杉), Kil-Kyoung(吉慶), Sa-Mo(紗帽), Dea(帶), Hye(鞋). Indeed it showed dignity of the royalty as the royal court dancing costumes from head to toe. In addition, Dan-Lyoung of Wei and Sang among every costumes from taking a style of official outfit showed a bureaucratic character. Also, Gun, Han-Sam, Cyun-Wei, Kil-Kyoung had charmanistic factors with wearing a costumes of the other sex. Moreover Man-Hwa moonyang represented that Wei, Cyun-Wei, Bang-SI was involved in the Buddhist character. Cheo-Yong under the influence of Eum-Yang-Oh-Haeng thought was composed of Oh-Bang Cheo-Yong dancing costumes have weared clothes each other colored according to each directions like this East-West-South-North-Middle due to idea of Eum-Yang-Oh-Haeng thought royal dress for dancing and this idea also had effect on life style and Yellow clothes was placed in the middle and wore the clothes colored like this(Blue-Red-Yellow-White-Black). The Eum-Yang-Oh-Haeng thought is to make a harmony the positive and negative element in nature, symbol of all things, is in creative and disappearance and make a harmony the theory of each other very much.

      • 近代國家의 先進化 要因 比較硏究

        金龍瑞 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1986 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.49 No.-

        This dissertation consists of five parts. In the first part (Prologue), I have tried to criticize the new nationalistic or neo-Marxist trends of the young generation, who challenges to the establishment of social science in Korea, so-called depended only on the foreign theories with out correct understanding or correct evaluation for Korea. I emphasize that it is too hasty to attack the foreign theories or their translators for their shortsighted judgement. (This stage of Korea's scholarly history may need more introductions of foreign theories). For me it is rather the time to retrospect the experiences of advanced countries for their overseas expansion and the mechanism or structure of expansion, with its relationship with advancing factors, because the process of modernization in Korea now faces the various problems that occurred to the advanced countries in the Imperial Age. In the second part, I summarize and classify the relative theories about expansionism or colonialism. The most critical argue goes on between Marxists and anti-Marxists in the theories of Imperialism. Nest I make an argument point named natural environment related to the ethos that makes the difference between advanced Europe and underdeveloped Orient, of which study developed as Weber's Patrimonial bureaucracy, Marx's Asian mode of production, Oriental despotism by Wittfogel, and which also could accommodate F.J. Turner and W.P. Webb's Frontier theories. Then I add one more argument point named Social Darwinian view that would extend form H. Spencer's model of military type society and that of Industrial type society to the Nazis' Geopolitik or Lehensbaum theories. The third part deals with the historical development of the two most symbolic patterns of European colonial expansionism, which would explain the distinctive causes of success of their late comers, England, comparing with the failure of once advanced Spain. The point is as followings. The system and policy of Spain was Absolutism and mercantilism that depended only on extremely external colonial exploitation, without developing the industry of their own mother countries, or without realizing their modernization that could adjust or decrease internal class struggle. Their wealth depended on immoral means made social pathology and drained soon without difficulty. On the contrary, the model of England grew slowly and steadily. They first followed difficult internal overcome of religious revolution, industrial revolution, and political revolution, so that the class struggle came more softly before they started to concentrate their national power to the overseas expansion. We can name the model of England as the model of Modernism in contrast with the Absolutist model of Spain. The characteristics of the model of England can be summarized as followings: a power system of commercial empire (bourgeois capitalist state), strategy of sea power, instrument of civilian control (anti-militarism) and value system of protestant ethics. The fourth part of this dissertation tries to achieve the main purpose of this writing, that is, the comparative view of the real advantages of Europe, distinct from the Oriental modernization and expansion. Japan, the only competing country of Imperialism in Orient, has the analogy of isolated geographical situation in Asia as England in Europe. But there had been no advantage of interaction of intimate communication of various culture, religion, ethnical personalities of check and balanced political power of Europe in Asia. Asian countries commonly had taken Closed door policy including Japan in Absolute Age. Therefore Japan, which can be explained as sea power like England, falls in "closed sea power," and military bureaucratic empire instead of commercial empire though in capitalistic state form. That leads to the militarism in 1930s, following Prussian model, so that Japanese model can be called as Absolutistic modernism. The last and the most important factor of Japanese success of modernism is their social self-regulatory function of cultural characteristics of shameness and Samurai (warlord) ethics that makes the same effectiveness of protestant ethics conceptualized by Max Weber. At the end of this chapter, I intentionally emphasize the present Japanese characteristics of power system of commercial state, civilian control policy, sea power orientation, as the analogy of once world colonial empire state of England. In conclusion part, I display the expectful research orientation of the scholastic world of this country: as not to be hasty, but be in historical context and challenge greater theoretical framework in world-wide perspective. It is not the time to attack each other in our narrow and immature society, but the time to train ourselves to cooperate each other in order to look for the social self-regulatory function in our national personality of political culture.

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