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      • 工程苗의 生産現況과 利用에 關한 硏究

        金榮七 公州大學校 資源科學硏究所 1996 資源科學硏究論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        This study was carried out to investigated the use and production present status of plug seedlings. The basic data used here were collected by the field survey and 100 controlled farms and 17 nursery were selected for this analysis. The results were summarized as follows; 1.The kind of plug seedling crops survey were 11 species and the production was murch chinise cabbage, peper. 2.The cost of plug seedling was less that 200won and the day of seedling was 14days to 126days. 3.The controlled farms of the size of cultivated was that 300-600 Pyeong farms was 34.5% and 1,300 Pyeong over farms was 15.5%. 4.The controlled status was still pipe (98.5%), the covering film was PE(75%), it was the tinnel status and warm wind heating. 5.The demand of plug seedling was estimated 2,600 millions plant in year, and of these 150 millions plant were produced. The demand of plug seedling was considered rapodly increased in future.

      • 피드빈의 선택과 사용관리 (II)

        김영칠 대한양계협회 1983 월간 양계 Vol.15 No.2

        `FRP FEED BIN 선택시 가장 큰 문제점은 품질의 균일성, 강도, 후도, 재료의 안정성 등을 신뢰하기 어렵다는 것이며, 철판보다 3배 이상 고가라는 점이다. 또한 발암물질을 생성하는 FRP 용기도 문제가 된다.

      • 農家所得增大를 爲한 草事業에 關한 硏究

        金榮七 건국대학교 농과대학 농업교육학과 1976 農業敎育硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        경제발전이란 사회함수의 맥동을 통한 생산력의 증대이며 이 궁극적 목적은 사회의 경제적 후생의 증진에 따른 국민생활의 향상에 있음은 말할 것도 없다. 국민의 생활은 경제발전과 소득의 증가에 따라서 그 양상이 달라지며 이는 지역별 또는 산업별에 따라 경제생활의 수준맥동이나 그 구조도 달라지게 마련이다. 우리 나라도 현재 100대 60 정도로 알려지고 있는 도시와 농촌의 소득과 소비생활면의 격차를 줄이고 농업생활을 향상시키는 것이 국가정책의 주요한 목표의 하나가 되어있다. 이 목표가 이루어지지 않는 한 사회의 경제적 후생의 증진에 따른 국민생활의 향상은 불가능한 것이다. W.W.Rostow는 후진국의 기형적인 경제발전을 비판하고 다음과 같이 지적하였다. 즉 「급속도의 공업화에 따른 지나친 의욕때문에 신생 독립국 가운데는 농촌발전에 중점을 둔다는 것을 마치 신식민지화가 되어 선진국가에 예속된다고 생각하는 국가가 많은 것 같다. 이러한 결과로 이들 국가의 도시는 공업화되고 현대적인 면모를 보이고 있으나 농촌은 침체내지 답보상태에 있게 된다.」 이것은 농촌이 경제발전의 기본조반이 된다는 것과 농촌과 공업이 같이 발전되어야 한다는 것을 뜻한다.

      • 忠南地域 自生春蘭의 開花特性과 몇 가지 量的形質間의 相關關係

        朴奉圭,李武鉉,金榮七 公州大學校 資源科學硏究所 1995 資源科學硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        忠南地域 自生春蘭의 開花 特性을 調査하고 몇 가지 量的形質間 相關關係를 分析함으로써 春蘭 꽃의 觀賞에 필요한 基礎資料를 얻고자 遂行하여 얻은 몇 가지 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 自生春蘭 꽃의 特性은 ①株當 花莖數는 平均 3.60個였고, 1個 花莖數 2個의 꽃이 開花한 株의 比率도 7.14% 程度 되었고, ②花莖長은 平均 17.18㎝程度되었고, 그 範圍는 11.40∼24.80㎝였으며, ③ 꽃의 가로 幅과 세로幅은 平均的으로 各各 57.10, 32.55㎜로 나타나서 가로 幅에 대한 세로 幅의 比率은 57%程度 되었다. ④平均 主瓣의 길이는 30.02㎜, 幅은 10.13㎜, 副瓣 길이는 30.65㎜, 幅은 9,62㎜, 捧心의 길이는 22.25, 幅은 7.58㎜, 舌瓣의 길이는 14.04㎜, 幅은 8.23㎜, 鼻頭의 길이는 16.69㎜, 幅은 4.69㎜였다. 2. 花型은 71.4%가 大部分이 平肩피기로 나타났고, 落肩피기는 20%, 上向피기는 8.57%로 나타났다. 3. 花色은 짙은 綠色이 2.86%, 綠色은 32.86%, 엷은 綠色은 41.43%, 연둣빛 綠色은 15.71%로 自生狀態에서의 花色은 一般的으로 엷은 綠色으로 나타났다. 4. 葉幅은 主·副瓣幅, 捧心幅, 鼻頭幅에 正의 相關關係가 認定되었고, 가로 花幅과 세로 花幅은 꽃잎의 길이(主·副瓣長, 捧心長)에 正의 相關關係를 나타내었다. These studies were carried out to investigate the characteristics of flower and correlation coefficients between some quantitative characters on wild Cymbidium virescens Lindl in Chung-nam, Korea. No. of flower stem per plant was 3.60 on average and frequency of two flower per plant was shown to be 7.14%. Length of flower stem was 17.18㎝ on average. Width and length of flower were shown to be 57.10, 32.55㎜ on average, respectively, and ratio of length about width were calculated to be 57%. The size of dorsal, lateral, petal, lip, and column was variousness. Among flower type, horizontal, drooped, and other were shown to be 7.43, 20,00, and 7.14%, respectively. Leaf width showed a significant positive correlation with width of dorsal, lateral, petal and column, and both width and length of flower were also significantly positive correlated with flower length(length of dorsal, lateral and petal).

      • KCI등재

        유용미생물(EM) 기비시용 처리가 오이 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향

        김영칠 ( Young Chil Kim ),안승원 ( Seoung Won Ann ),강태주 ( Tae Ju Kang ),박갑순 ( Gab Soon Park ) 한국환경과학회 2015 한국환경과학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        This study was aimed to determine the effect of basal application of Effective Microorganisms (EM) on the grow and yieldof cucumber. For treatments, the EM was applied to soil with fertilizer composed with N-P2O5-K2O-manure (24.0-16.4-23.8-2,000kg) in the 1.0 strength (defined as EM+1S), 2/3 strength (defined as EM+2/3S), 1/2 strength (defined as EM+1/2S), without fertilizer (defined as EM), or only fertilizer in the 1.0 strength (defined as 1S). In result, there was no significant differences of organic substance content and pH with the EM treatment. While the EC (Electric conductivity) concentration was decreased, plant-available P (phosphorus) was markedly increased. Chlorophyll content was highest in thetreatment of EM+standard application rate for both semi-forcing and retarding culture. In contrast, no significant difference was found in plant height and internode length under the fertilizer treatment. Weekly harvested number of cucumber was highest at the treatment of EM+standard application for the semi-forcing culture, while it was 3.6 at the EM+1/2 application for the retarding culture. Weekly yield was greatest at the EM+standard application treatment and decreased with the decrease of fertilizer application rate. In addition, weekly yield was significantly reduced in the treatment of EM . There was no significant difference in yields by production time with the fertilizer applications?. Yield was increased with temperature for the semi-forcing culture, while consistent pattern was maintained for the retarding culture.

      • 딸기의 夜冷育苗시 光條件이 花芽分化와 生育및 收量에 미치는 影響

        김영칠,최재현 公州大學校 資源科學硏究所 1999 資源科學硏究論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        These experiments were carried out to investigate the effests of light sourese during nursling of under the low night temperature plus shortday on flower bud differentiation, growth and yield culture strawberry. The results were as follows; 1.The development of flower bud differentiation was initiated at 14th day after treatment of low night tempeerature at the upper, middle and low flat positions but the plot of conventional method was not diffierentiatied. At the 20th, however flower bud differentiation degree in concertional nutsling method was accelated than those of the middle and lower flat position of autosystem. 2.Petiole length of upper and lower flst position of autosystem using sunlight was 10.8cm. It was more gtown about 6.9cm and 9.0cm respecticely, before treatment of low night temperature and shortday. In convertuonal nursling method growth was significantly lower than those of aotosystem of sunlight. 3 Crown diameter of seedling decrsed rrom 2.8cm to 3.2cm, in autosystem of sunlight but incresed by 2.2cm per plant in conventional nursling. Fresh weight per a plant reduced by 1.3g to 2.2g in autosystem of sunlight, but in the conventional nursling incresed by 2.0g. 4. Maketable fruit properties of fruit were enhanced by the treatment of autosystem of sunlight upper>middle> lower. The early yield, produced of November was hight at lower and middle flat position but total yield was similiar from 2,584 to 2,890kg/10a at all treatment. 5. Flower bud differentiation was initiated at 14th treated by high and low intensity of white light source. At 20th after light-sources treatment white, blue and red was flower cluster differentiation initiated but was not completely differentiatied. 6.The growth decresing rate of petiole length and flesh weight as influnced by light sources was lower at red, blue and white light in order. 7. Maketable fruit properties as treated by differentlight sources during nursling were similar. Total yield was higher at all light source treatment than of the control.

      • 半促成 固形培地耕 養液栽培時 培養液 濃度가 토마토의 品種別 生育,收量 및 品質에 미치는 影響

        김영칠,이환구 公州大學校 産業開發硏究所 1998 産業開發硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        The study was carried out to determine the optimal electric conductivity(EC) of nutrient solution on semi-forcing culture of tomato variety groups in hydroponics. Eight varieties of cherry tomato('Mini Carol', 'PePe', KoKo', 'Dadaki', 'Suncherry Extra', 'Popitsuto', 'Fire Fly', and 'Chelsea Mini'), two varieties of pink color tomato('House Momotaro' and 'Kanpuku'), and two varieties of red color tomato('Red Giant' and 'Apollo') sowed January 8 and harvesting them from April 28 to July 21. The experiment was carried out plastic house condition. Culture medium of hydroponics mixed with perlite 7 and charcoal 3(v/v). The composition of macro nutrient in Yamazaki's tomato solution was as follows: N 7 meq, P 2 meq, Ca 3 meq and Mg 2 meq/liter. The treatment EC was 1.4, 1.7, 2.0, and 2.3mS/cm. EC of planting stage was 0.3mS/cm less than treatment EC and gradually increased to treatment EC(increase 0.1mS/cm every 15 days). EC of last harvesting time 3 weeks ago was 0.1mS/cm less than treatment EC. 1. Plant height of 'Mini carol', 'PePe', 'KoKo' and 'House Momotaro' at 30 days after transplanting was increased by 1.4mS/cm more than 1.7, 2.0 and 2.3mS/cm in nutrient solution, and 'Dadaki', 'Fire Fly', 'Chelsea Mini' and 'Red Giant' was increased by 1.7mS/cm more than 1.4, 2.0 and 2.3mS/cm in nutrient solution, and 'Popitsuto' was increased by 2.0mS/cm more than 1.4, 1.7 and 2.3mS/cm more 1.4, 1.7 and 2.0mS/cm in nutrient solution Stem diameter of tomatoes was thickened on increasing the concentration of nutrient solution at after fifth cluster. 2. Total fresh yield of cherry variety group and pind color tomatoes was increased by 4∼26% and 3∼25% on 1.4mS/cm more than 2.3mS/cm in EC of nutrient solution, respectively. 'Red Giant' of red color group was increased by 9% on 2.0mS/cm more than 2.3mS/cm in EC of nutrient solution, and 'Apollo' of red color group was incresed by 11% on 2.3mS/cm more than 1.4mS/cm in EC of nutrient solution. Marketing yield of cherry variety group and 'House Momotaro' of pink color tomato was increased by 14∼44% and 47% on 1.4mS/cm more than 2.3mS/cm in EC of nutrient solution, respectively. 'Kanpuku' of pink color group was increased by 11% on 1.7mS/cm more than 2.3mS/cm in EC of nutrient solution, and 'Red Giant' of red color group was increased by 21% on 2.0mS/cm more than 2.3mS/cm in EC nutrient solution, and 'Apollo' of red color group was increased by 3% on 2.3mS/cm more than 1.4mS/cm in nutrient solution. 3. The appearance ratio of small fruit was increased by 2.3mS/cm more than 1.4, 1.7 and 2.0mS/cm nutrient solution of cherry tomato group, and by 2.0mS/cm more than 1.4, 1.7 and 2.3mS/cm in nutrient solution of 'House Momotaro'·'Kampuku'·'Apollo', and by 2.3mS/cm more than 1.4, 1.7 and 2.0mS/cm in nutrient solution 'Red Giant'. 4. Average fruit weight was increased by 1.7mS/cm more than 1.4, 2.0 and 2.3mS/cm in nutrient solution of cherry tomato group, 'Kanpuku' and 'Apollo', and by 1.4mS/cm more than 1.7, 2.0 and 2.3mS/cm in nutrient solution of 'House Momotaro' and by 2.0mS/cm more than 1.4, 1.7 and 2.3mS/cm in nutrient solution of 'Red Giant'. Soluble solids was significant on tomato varieties. By increasing the concentration of nutrient solution, soluble solids increased. 5. Firmness of fruit was increased 'Chelsea Mini'(Fruit equator : 0.62∼0.64kg/㎠) among the cherry tomatoes and 'Apollo'(Fruit equator : 0.65∼0.69kg/㎠) among the non-green back tomatoes.

      • 溫度 및 生長調節劑 處理가 Dendrobium의 花芽形成과 開花에 미치는 影響

        金榮七,印致鍾,鄭載薰,蔡洙天,李春容,李武鉉 公州大學校 産業開發硏究所 1996 産業開發硏究 Vol.4 No.-

        According to the effect of temperature on the visible flower bud formation and flowering, they were promoted as ADT decreased: none of four cultivars differentiated flower bud at higher temperature such as 25C and 30C ADT. At 20C, days to flower bud formation in Snowflake 'Red Star', Malones 'Fantasy' and Yukidaruma 'King' was quitely delayed wheres days to flower bud formation at 15C was a little bit more advanced than those at 20C and more advanced in Yukidaruma 'King' and Snowflake 'Red Star' than in Golden Blossom 'Kogane' and Malones 'Fantasy'. On the basis of these results, it was found that flower bud formation of Dendrobium was accomplished by low temperature(below 15C) and the flowering and ripening of stem after occurrence of flag leaf were accelerated by high temperature. In addition, flower bud formation and flowering were markedly stimulated by BA 200ppm application, showing the additive effect with low temperature.

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