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        민사재판에 있어서 법관 기피제도에 관한 연구

        김성태 ( Sungtae Kim ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.6

        법원을 중심으로 지속적인 민사소송제도의 개선과 노력에도 불구하고 재판절차에 대하여 국민의 불만과 불신이 여전히 존재하고 있다는 것은 주지의 사실이다. 이러한 이유는 다양하겠지만, 과거와 달리 공정한 재판을 기대하는 국민들의 관심이 매우 높아졌는데 그에 부합하지 못하는 사법제도의 운영이 그 이유 중의 하나이다. 특히 법관을 둘러싼 공정성 부분에 국민들이 민감하다고 할 수 있는데, 본 연구에서는 법관의 공정성을 담보하기 위하여 마련된 민사소송법상의 기피제도에 대하여 그동안 논의를 중심으로 검토하였다. 구체적으로는 기피사유의 소명시기에 대한 검토와 기피사유의 대한 유형화의 필요성, 법관을 중심으로 회피제도의 적극적 활용 등을 연구하였다. 그동안 소송지연을 목적을 가지고 악의적으로 기피제도를 이용하는 당사자도 분명 존재했으며, 재판부 변경의 수단으로 이용된 것도 분명한 사실이지만, 법조일원화 시대에 일정한 경력을 갖춘 법조 경력자 중에서 법관을 임용하는 현 제도에서는 법관과 당사자 사이의 인적·물적관계가 더 커질 수 밖에 없는 구조이다. 그래서 본 연구에서는 이러한 문제점에 대한 근본적인 대책으로 판사 수의 증원과 법관에 의한 회피제도의 적극적 활용 등을 제안하였다. It is well known that despite the continuous improvement of the civil litigation system and efforts centered on the courts, the public's dissatisfaction with and distrust of the trial processes still exist. Although there may be many reasons for the foregoing, one of the reasons is that the interest of the public who expect fair trials has greatly increased unlike in the past, but the operation of the judicial system does not meet the interest. In particular, it can be said that the public is sensitive to the fairness surrounding judges. In this study, the recusal system under the Civil Procedure Act, which was prepared to guarantee the fairness of judges, was reviewed centering on discussions made thus far. Concretely, this study reviewed the timing of the explanation of the reasons for recusal applications and examined the necessity of categorization of the reasons for recusal, and the active use of the recusal system centering on judges. Thus far, parties that maliciously used the recusal system for the purpose of delaying the litigation certainly existed and it is certainly true that the recusal system has been used as a means of changing the court. However, under the current system where judges are appointed from among those with legal experience equipped with a certain career in the era of unification of the legal system, the personal and material relationships between judges and the parties are bound to increase. Therefore, this study proposed an increase in the number of judges and active use of the recusal system by judges as fundamental countermeasures to such problems.

      • 웹서비스 기반 지능형 추천 시스템

        김성태(Sungtae Kim),박수민(Soomin Park),양정진(Jungjin Yang) 한국정보과학회 2004 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.31 No.2Ⅰ

        인터넷의 활용범위는 정보의 검색 및 수집을 넘어서 여러 범위로 확대되고 있고, 정보의 양 또한 방대해졌다. 그러나 필요한 정보를 찾기는 더욱 어려워지고 있고, 그에 따라 개인에게 맞는 정보를 제공해주는 시스템이 절실해지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 웹 서비스 기반위에 추론엔진을 사용하여 사용자에게 가장 적합한 상품을 검색하여 추천해주는 추천 시스템의 모델을 제시하고 있다. 웹 서비스 기반위에 시스템을 구축함으로써 표준 웹서비스의 가능성을 엿보고, 복잡한 논리적 추론을 추론엔진을 사용함으로써 효율성을 증가시키고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        소액사건심판제도에 관한 문제점과 개선방안에 대한 연구

        김성태(Kim, SungTae) 한양법학회 2012 漢陽法學 Vol.23 No.3

        Currently, more than 70% of civil cases are handled as small claims in the court, and it can be said that the issues on the handling procedure of small claims have a great impact on most parties who perform the cases in person. So far the focus has been only on handling the cases handily and rapidly because they are small claims, and thus the Act on Small Claims Lawsuit provides several special cases different from the Civil Proceedings Act in order to rapidly handle the civil cases of small claims following a handy procedure. However, it is questionable if the cases of amount in controversy of 20 million won or less come under the range of amount of money that can be handled handily and rapidly or not, and it is an issue how much the parties can understand the legal procedures in which the cases can be ended without stating the reason for judgment. Even now it is needed to greatly decrease the range of subject of small claims from the cases of 20 million won to the cases of 10 million won or less by revising the provision of Article 1-2 of Rules on Small Claims Lawsuit to make the Act on Small Claims Lawsuit accord with the original purpose of enactment of the Act to protect small creditors. In addition, there are various opinions other than the plan to decrease the range of subject of small claims to the cases of 20 million won or less, but it is not an issue that would be settled just by decreasing the upper limit, and the current system that provides the range of subject of small claims in the Rules of Supreme Court should be changed again to provide it in the provisions of laws which is the form taken at the time of enactment of the Act on Small Claims Lawsuit. The reason why is that the justification of subject of small claims lawsuit can be found only by providing it not in the form of ‘rules’ reflecting the position of court, which is the institution for small claims lawsuit, but in the form of ‘laws’ reflecting the position of the people using the small claims lawsuit. Therefore, from now on, the court, which is the institution for trial, should not discuss the decision of range of small claims thoughtlessly, and the basis to change or determine the range of small claims only when there is a national consensus should be prepared. In addition, though the exception on the Act on Small Claims Lawsuit that provides that the reason for judgment may be omitted in the sentencing can play the role of an exception provision with the greatest efficiency in the position of judge in charge of small claims cases, even in small claims cases, the omission of reason in sentencing can cause an appeal due to the lack of persuasive power to the parties and cause inconvenience to the higher court in judgment, and thus it would be desirable to let the reason be stated in the sentencing without fail by considering the relationship with the parties and the higher court. However, there is no need to state all the reasons as in general cases, and a brief statement of reasons within the range to satisfy the necessity would be able to meet both the speed and appropriateness in settling small claim cases. In the trials on small claims, a process of trial which is procedurally faithful to small claims to the utmost within the range not deviating from the purpose of the Act on Small Claims Lawsuit which is oriented to a rapid and handy trial should be arranged and operated.

      • KCI등재

        Greedy 기법을 이용한 수정된 블록 대각화 프리코딩 기법

        김성태(Sungtae Kim),서우현(Woohyun Seo),곽경철(Kyungchul Kwak),홍대식(Daesik Hong) 한국통신학회 2008 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.33 No.1C

        본 논문에서는 다중사용자 multiple-input-multiple output (MIMO) 하향링크 채널 환경에서 시스템 용량을 향상시키기 위한 프리코딩(precoding) 기법에 관해 논의한다. 다중사용자 MIMO 시스템에서는 시스템 용량을 향상시키기 위한 다양한 프리코딩 기법들이 연구되어 왔다. 블록 대각화(Block Diagonalization) 프리코딩 기법은 다중사용자 MIMO broadcast 채널 환경에서 만들어진 여러 가지 프리코딩 기법 중 하나로 특이값 분해를 이용하여 제로-포싱(zero-forcing)을 하는 간단한 방법으로 구성되어 있다. 그러나 블록 대각화 기법은 복잡도가 낮아진 만큼 시스템 용량이 저하되는 단점을 갖고 있으며, 이러한 현상은 시스템 용량의 저하는 안테나들 사이에 상관도가 높을 때 더 심각해진다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 블록 대각화 기법을 수정하여 시스템 용량을 향상시킬 수 있는 프리코딩 기법을 제안한다. 실험 결과를 통해 본 논문에서 제안하는 방법이 기존의 블록 대각화 기법에 비해 높은 시스템 용량 성능을 보임을 확인할 수 있다. Dirty Paper Coding (DPC) can achieve the sum capacity of a multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MU MIMO) broadcast channels. However, due to the high computational complexity of the successive encoding and decoding, deploying DPC in real systems is impractical. As one of practical alternatives to DPC, Block Diagonalization (BD) was researched. BD is an extension of the zero-forcing precoding technique that eliminates interuser interference (IUI) in downlink MIMO systems. Though BD has lower complexity than DPC, BD shows poor sum capacity performance. We show that sum capacity performance of BD is degraded due to no IUI constraint. Then, we modify BD to improve its sum capacity performance with relaxing the constraint and sub optimal channel set searching. With simulation results, it can be verified that our modification in BD induces some improvement in sum capacity performance.

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