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        하수슬러지 열분해 조건에 따른 생성물의 특성

        김성천 ( Seong Cheon Kim ),승호 ( Seong Ho Kim ),전영남 ( Young Nam Chun ) 조선대학교 공학기술연구원 2010 공학기술논문지 Vol.3 No.1

        The present work explores an alternative method to the one generally employed for the pyrolysis of sewage sludge. This method consists the pyrolysis of a dried sewage sludge as it was produced in the sewage sludge dryer i.e. with a typical moisture content of between 0 and 10 wt%. A bench-scale pyrolysis process was carried out for the treatment of a sewage sludge. The aim of this study was to understand the characteristic of pyrolysis sludge. The pyrolysis of a sewage sludge, produced by a Gwangju urban wastewater treatment plant, was carried out in a laboratory furnace. Pyrolysis conditions (heating rate) was tested so that their influence on the characteristics of the resulting gases, liquids and solid residues could be studied. The result of the experimental pyrolysis conditions, showed different yield as the heating rate changes. Solid, liquid and gas yield were 42%, 28% and 32% at 60 ℃/min heating rate.

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        독일·한국·일본의 정당방위 판례의 차이점과 그의 법문화적 배경

        김성천(Seong Cheon Kim) 중앙법학회 2013 中央法學 Vol.15 No.4

        In judging whether one`s use of force was an act of self-defence, German law does not go through interest balancing and acknowledges all the acts that are needed to defend one`s self or others from an immediate unreasonable threat as self-defence. On the other hand, Korean and Japanese laws do go through the balancing. Accordingly, the range of the behaviors that are acknowledged as self-defence seems to be narrower in Korean and Japan than in Germany. The reason why Germany acknowledged wide range of self-defence criteria can be traced to the establishment and settlement of liberalistic law and order. The individual`s domain which is free from government interference gradually expanded. This change in law and order was also reflected on the self-defence law:The clauses that limit the range of self-defence criteria were abolished one-by-one. By abolishing the regulations that limit thebenefit and protection of the self-defence law as well as the clauses that demanded balancing, all the necessary defensive behaviors are now acknowledged as self-defence. On the other hand, Korea and Japan did not go through the establishment and settlement of liberalistic law and order. After Western society had established the liberalistic law and order, Korea and Japan obtained the resulting legal system but their societies`law and order did not fundamentally change as Western societies did. Consequently, the liberalistic law and order only exists in the textbook.This broken reality was reflected on the precedents and people have limited rights to freely defend themselves from immediate unreasonable threat. In this point of view, Korea and Japan are alike. However, Korea acknowledges relatively wider range of defensive acts as self-defence when they are conducted against offensive acts that are morally condemnable. This is believed to be due to the Korean legal culturewhere the power of social condemnation strongly and explosively aggregates at morally condemnable acts.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 예심제도

        김성천(Kim, Seong-Cheon) 중앙법학회 2021 中央法學 Vol.23 No.3

        지구상에서 가장 먼저 예심제도를 도입한 나라는 프랑스이다. 1522년에 예심 절차를 담당하는 형사총감이라는 직책을 만들면서 시작된 것이다. 예심제도를 도입한 이유는 규문주의의 폐단 때문이다. 프랑스의 예심제도를 ‘프랑스식 규문주의’라고 보는 입장도 있지만, 소추기관과 재판기관이 인적으로 분리되어 있는가를 기준으로 판단하자면 프랑스의 예심제도는 탄핵주의에 속한다고 할 수 있다. 재판기관이 수사까지 담당하는 규문주의가 가지는 중요한 문제점은 재판기관이 수사를 개시하면서 스스로 오판을 하면 그 상황에서 벗어나기가 거의 불가능하다는 점이다. 이는 자신의 판단이 잘못되었다는 것을 인정하지 않고자 하는 인간의 본성 때문에 발생하는 현상이어서 규문주의를 폐지하지 않는 한 시정이 불가능한 문제이다. 이를 시정하는 방법이 여러 가지가 있을 수 있는데, 프랑스는 예심판사를 별도로 두는 방식을 취하였다. 이러한 예심제도를 가지고 있는 국가가 별로 많지 않은 상황에서 북한이 예심제도를 가지고 있다는 사실이 상당히 특이해 보인다. 북한의 예심제도가 프랑스에서 직접 계수된 것은 아닌 것으로 생각된다. 그보다는 프랑스의 예심제도를 수입한 소비에트연방공화국을 통해서 도입된 것으로 추정된다. 해방 이후에 소련이 북한을 점령하였고 소련군에 입대했던 김일성이 권력을 잡았기 때문에 소련의 영향이 있었을 것으로 보인다. 북한의 예심제도는 프랑스와는 상당한 차이가 있다. 예심제도가 소련을 거쳐 수입되면서 매우 독특한 형태로 정착되었다. 우선 예심원이 스스로 예심을 개시할 수는 없고, 반드시 수사원, 검사 또는 재판소의 요청이 있어야 예심을 시작할 수 있다는 점에서 남한의 경찰과는 다른 속성을 가지고 있다. 예심의 모든 절차가 검사의 지휘 아래 진행된다는 측면에서는 남한의 검찰 수사관에 해당하는 조직으로 볼 수 있다. 또 한편으로 예심원은 사실관계를 확정하는 기능을 가지고 있다. 예심이 종결되고 검사가 기소를 하면 재판소는 형벌 부과에 대해서만 논의를 할 수 있다. 사실관계에 오류가 발견되면 재판을 중지한 후 사건을 예심원으로 돌려보낼 수 있을 뿐이다. 이러한 면에서 보면 북한의 예심은 남한에서 공판절차가 2단계로 분리될 경우에 제1단계에 해당한다고 할 수 있다. 여러 가지 면모를 들여다봐도 북한의 예심이 남한의 어느 소송절차에 해당한다는 언급을 하는 것은 불가능해 보인다. 북한의 예심제도는 그 원류인 프랑스의 예심제도와도 상당히 다른 아주 독특한 제도라고 할 수 있다. France was the first country on earth to introduce an Investigating Judge. It began in 1522 with the creation of the position of lieutenant particular criminal in charge of pretrial proceedings. The reason for introducing the pretrial system is because of the disadvantages of the Principle of Inquisition. Some view the French pretrial system as a "French Principle of Inquisition", but if it is judged based on whether the prosecution and the judiciary are individually separated, the French pretrial system can be said to belong to the Principle of Accusation. An important problem with the Principle of Inquisition, in which the court is in charge of the investigation, is that it is almost impossible to get out of the situation if the court makes an erroneous judgment while initiating the investigation. This is a phenomenon that occurs because of human nature not to admit that one"s judgment is wrong, and it is a problem that cannot be corrected unless the Principle of Inquisition is abolished. There may be several ways to correct this, but France took the method of having a separate Investigating Judge. The fact that North Korea has a pretrial system seems quite unusual in a situation where not many countries have such a pretrial system. It is believed that North Korea"s pretrial system was not directly counted in France. Rather, it is presumed that it was introduced through the Soviet Union, which imported the French pretrial system. After the liberation of Korea, the Soviet Union occupied North Korea and Kim Il-sung, who enlisted in the Soviet Army, came to power, so it is likely that there was a Soviet influence. North Korea"s pretrial system is quite different from that of France. As the pretrial system was imported through the Soviet Union, it was established in a very unique form. First of all, it has different properties from the South Korean police in that an Investigating Judge cannot initiate a trial on their own, and can only start a trial with the request of an investigator, prosecutor, or court. In the sense that all procedures of the preliminary trial are conducted under the direction of the prosecutor, it can be seen as an organization that corresponds to the South Korean prosecutor"s investigator. On the other hand, the Investigating Judge has the function of confirming the facts. After the trial has been concluded and the prosecution has made an indictment, the tribunal can only discuss the imposition of a penalty. If an error is found in the facts, the case can only be returned to the Investigating Judge after the trial is stopped. In this respect, North Korea"s pretrial system can be said to correspond to the first stage when the trial procedure in South Korea is divided into two stages. It seems impossible to say that North Korea"s pretrial system corresponds to any criminal procedure in South Korea, even if we look at various aspects. North Korea"s pretrial system can be said to be a very unique system that is quite different from the French pretrial system, its origin.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        폴리설폰 중공사막을 이용한 연소 배기가스 중 이산화탄소 분리에 관한 연구

        김성천(Seong Cheon Kim),전정현(Jeong Hyeon Chun),전영남(Young Nam Chun) 大韓環境工學會 2014 대한환경공학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        본 연구에서는 폴리설폰 중공사막을 이용하여 화석연료 연소에서 배출되는 온실가스 중 CO₂의 회수에 관한 연구를 실시하였다. 고농도의 CO₂를 회수하기 위한 막분리 공정에 대한 선행연구이다. 혼합가스 분리거동 관찰을 위하여 이산화탄소가 10% 함유된 배기가스를 사용하였다. 압력, 온도, 주입가스 조성, 다단 막 변화를 주어 스테이지 컷에 따른 분리 성능을 조사하였다. 압력과 온도가 증가 할수록 투과측에 CO₂ 농도와 회수율이 증가하였다. 주입 가스 조성 변화 시 CO₂의 함량이 높을 경우 회수율 및 분리 효율이 높아졌다. 3단 분리막 시스템을 이용시 CO₂ 농도 95% 이상, 회수율 90% 이상 보였으며 1단분리막 보다 분리율이 향상되었다. In this research, polysulfone hollow fiber membrane was used to recover CO₂ which is one of greenhouse gases from flue gas stream being emitted after the combustion of fossil fuels. The prerequisite requirement is to design the membrane process producing high-purity CO₂ from flue gas. For separation of CO₂, a membrane module and flue gas containing 10% carbon dioxide was used. The effects of operating conditions such as pressure, temperature, feed gas composition and multi-stage membrane on separation performance were examined at various stage cuts. Higher operating pressure and temperature increased carbon dioxide concentration and recovery ratio in permeate. Recovery ratio and separation efficiency increased if a higher content of CO₂ injection gas composition. Three-stage membrane system was producing a 95% CO₂ with 90% recovery from flue gas. The separation efficiency of three-stage membrane system was higher than one-stage system.

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