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        미술품거래사기에 관한 몇 가지 쟁점

        김성룡(Kim, Sung-Yong) 조선대학교 법학연구원 2013 法學論叢 Vol.20 No.2

        이 글에서는 ‘문화재보호법’이나 ‘매장문화재보호법의 보호 및 조사에 관한 법률’의 적용대상에서 제외되는 미술품에 대한 거래에서 특정경제범죄가중처벌법이나 형사법적 사기죄의 관점에서 문제되는 쟁점 중 몇 가지를 골라 살펴보았다. 특히 미술품의 거래와 관련하여 기망행위라는 사기죄 성립의 존부판단에 있어서 미술품의 진본성에 관한 문제, 해당 물품시장의 적정가격이 어떻게 정해지며 무엇을 기준으로 판단해야하는가라는 문제, 나아가 미술품에 대한 해당 전문시장에서의 평가나 가격이 일정하고 지속된 가격으로 안정될 수 없다는 미술품시장의 특성에 비추어 매수자의 투기심리와 관련한 위험분배의 문제 등을 살펴보았다. 특히 미술품 거래가 경매시장을 통해 이루어지는 경우와 위탁 매매의 형식으로 이루어지는 경우의 차이점이 무엇인지도 검토해보았다. 결론적으로 향후 사경매시장의 활성화가 예상된다고 하면 독일의 영업조례의 관련 규정을 국내에 도입하는 방법에 대한 심도 있는 고찰이 필요하다는 점을 지적했으며, 예술품시장의 공개화와 활성화를 한편으로 하고, 소비자 보호와 판매자의 위험부담의 최소화 등을 다른 한편으로 하여 이를 모두 고려한다면, 결국 현재로서 진품ㆍ원본성의 확인의무를 판매자와 경매자에게 부담시키는 것이 매매목적물의 하자담보책임이라는 매매법의 기본원칙에 비추어 보아도 그리 가혹한 것은 아니라고 판단했다. 나아가 진본성과 원본성의 판단도 절대적일 수 없는 만큼, 가용하고 지나친 부담이 되지 않는 범위 내에서 판매자나 경매자에게 감정 의무도 부과될 수 있다고 보았다. 기망과 관련해서도 명시적으로 진본임을 주장한 경우는 물론, 당시의 매매목적물의 전문시장에서 형성될 수 있는 진품의 가격을 제시하였다면, 곧 진품임을 묵시적으로 주장한 것으로 평가할 수 있다고 보았으며, 진품임을 확신하지 못한 상태의 위탁자나 경매인이 구매자나 응찰자가 진품으로 믿고 있음을 알았음에도 이를 고지하지 않은 경우에는 부작위에 의한 기망이 성립될 가능성도 있다고 보았다. 또한 허위호가를 통해 응찰자에게 물품의 가격과 수요를 가장한 경우, 응찰자가 결국 고가로 매입한 경우에는 사기죄의 기수가, 유찰된 경우에도 미수죄의 성립이 가능하다고 보았다. 나아가 이러한 허위호가 행위에 가담한 경매인, 위탁자, 허위호가자는 적정한 시장가격의 형성에 위험을 발생한 경매방해죄의 죄책을 질 수 있다고 보았다. Unter dem herkommenden Gesichtspunkt ist der Kunsthandel Gegenstand einer Reihe von jüngsten Presseveröffentlichungen, die sich mit skandalösen Mißständen auf diesem besonders vornehmen Markt beschäftigen. Aber neuerdings auch in Korea es weist vor allem darauf hin, daß sich der Kunsthandel stark verändert hat, wobei die einen von “Demokratisierung”, die anderen von Verwilderung sprechen kann. Daß die Rechtsprechung sich bisher mit den Schwerpunktsproblemen erkennbar noch nicht beschäftigt hat, besagt nicht, daß keine Problemfälle im Kunsthandel vorhanden seien. In dieser Arbeit is es speziell untersucht worden, auf welchen Maßstäben wir entscheiden können, ob ein bestimmter Kunsthandel wegen des Betruges bestraft werden kann. Vor allem die praktisch wichtigere Frage nach den Kriterien für die Original- Eigenschaft von Kunstwerken im Bezug auf den Betrug ist jedoch bisher juristisch noch nicht befriedigend gelöst. Diese Arbeit hat vorgeschlagen, dass die Versteiger oder Kunsthändler Echtheit und Authentizität der Kunstwerke garantieren soll, also die Bestätigungspflicht zur Echtheit und Authentizität also dem Versteiger oder Verkäufer des Kunstwerkes gehören soll. Und es ist auch angezeigt, dass der Betrug im Kunsthandel wohl möglich ist, nicht nur ausdrücklich, sondern auch stillschweigend. Es is als stillschweigender Betrug anzunehmen, wenn der Händler den normalen oder durchschnittlichen Preis der Kaufwerkes im bestimmten Kaufmarkt als angemessenen Preis für den Gegenstand des Vertrages angegeben hat. Auch der unterlassene Betrug is auch möglich, wenn der Versteiger oder der Kunsthändler nicht angekündigt hat, dass er nicht sicher ist, ob der Kunstwerk echt ist, obwohl der Käufer den gegenwärtigen Kundstwerk echt zu sein glaubt. Und der Versuch des Betruges is auch möglich, wenn der Beteiligte im Auktion den Nominalwert angegeben hat, obwohl er den Kunstwerk tatsächlich nicht kaufen möchte.

      • KCI등재

        부진정연대채무의 입법적 수용을 위한 기초연구(1)

        김성룡(Kim, Sung-Yong) 한양법학회 2016 漢陽法學 Vol.27 No.2

        First of all, It is generally acknowledged that there is share of obligation in the internal relationship and the right to indemnity in case of Untrue Joint and Several Obligation. Therefore, the right to indemnity abides by what the law prescribes if there are special provision of law about a case of the Untrue Joint and Several Obligation. Otherwise, the right to indemnity occurs based on The Principle of Equity named ‘the impartiality of internal apportionment’ if the special provision of law do not exist. The regal characteristic of the right to indemnity is restitution of unjust enrichment and Article §425 shall apply to the limit of the right to indemnity in case of Untrue Joint and Several Obligation. Next, the share of obligation between joint debtors is decided either by private contract or special provision of law, and the right to indemnity in case of Joint and Several Obligation are actualized due to the proportion of settlement materialized after breakup of the combination relation, not because of the combination relation in itself. When an individual among joint debtors repaid debt, the portion that exceeds one"s share of obligation will be others" repayment of debt, person who has performed obligation asks for return of this excess amount as unjust enrichment according to Civil law article §425. Ultimately Civil law article §425 is an express provision for restitution of unjust enrichment. Thus the right to indemnity in Joint and Several Obligation is not essential. In conclusion, there is no essential difference between Joint and Several Obligation and Untrue Joint and Several Obligation in regards to share of obligation and the right to indemnity.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        연대채무에 있어서 결합관계의 실체와 일본민법 개정안의 시사점

        김성룡(Kim, Sung-Yong) 한양법학회 2016 漢陽法學 Vol.27 No.4

        In Korean civil law, the substance of close combination relations in Joint and several obligation is “communication relationship” among debtors. And “communication relationship” is not enough to know existence of other joint debtors, it is necessary for joint debtors to make agreements or shared decisions with respect to joint charge for debt. The legal basis are The article §416, §422, §425 Ⅰand §426 Ⅱ are it’s legal basis. Practically, it cannot be denied in the theory of “Untrue Joint and Several Obligation” that there is no “communication relationship” among debtors. Therefore, to legalize “Untrue Joint and Several obligation”, It needs to remove the element “communication relationship” in the definition of Joint and Several obligation. In other words, the case of Untrue joint and Several obligation should be elementary type of Joint and Several Obligation in korean civil law. First of all, the article §416 and the article §422 must be deleted in korean civil law. And the principle of ‘Relative effect’ must be adhered to, except the ‘Absolue effect’ caused by the accomplishment of objectives such as debt repayment etc. Espetially, in case of novation contract, waiver of an obligation and completion of extinctive prescription, it is reasonable for only ‘Relative effect’ to be admitted for the rigid reinforcement of security right effect. It may as well be allowed ‘Absolute effect’ only in case of merger. Secondly, the extent of claim for indemnity needs to be dealt with as ‘Management of administrative affairs’ or ‘Unjust enrichment’. But, when ‘communication relationship’ exist between debtors, it should be dealt with as delegated person’s obligation to return. Thirdly, the preliminary notice duty must be deleted in korean civil law. However, the requirement of an ex post facto notice duty is fixed to clearly according to the rule of good faith and sincerity. Another subjective requirements in the amendments of Japan civil code, the awareness of the existence of joint debtors, is also reference point. Finally, If there is “communication relationship” among debtors as a special form of Joint and Several Obligation, it will have to be allowed to the various form of claim-obligation relationship subject to agreement of the parties.

      • 제3세대 고속열차(HEMU-400X) 디자인 프로세스의 기본개념에 대한 고찰 (pp.295-308)

        김성룡(Kim Sung-Yong),이종호(Yi Jong-Ho) 한국철도학회 2009 한국철도학회 세미나자료 Vol.2009 No.5

        Now, the goal of the third generation KTX project is to create a new species of high speed train in order to open a new era of high speed railway system in history by authentic Korean technology and innovative design. Now the third generation KTX, must go beyond the original stagnant paradigm and be positioned as an emotional resource which is creating a shift in the public's perspective of transportation and expanding the idea that transportation intersects the two distinct realms of culture and environment as well. In addition, the overall design should reflect the Korean culture and characteristics, simple yet resonant, both the interior space and the exterior fuselage should portray the dynamic heritage of Korea such as the powerful yet subdued energy of Jung Joong Dong. In short, through the symbolic key words in Korean, Dong(Dynamics), Mek(Pulse), Ryu(Flow), Gam(Sensibility), the third generation KTX design project aims to create an new identity of Korean high speed railway which can stand globally.

      • 제3세대 고속열차(HEMU-400X) 디자인 프로세스의 기본개념에 대한 고찰

        김성룡(Kim Sung-Yong),이종호(Yi Jong-Ho) 한국철도학회 2009 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.5월

        Now, the goal of the third generation KTX project is to create a new species of high speed train in order to open a new era of high speed railway system in history by authentic Korean technology and innovative design. Now the third generation KTX, must go beyond the original stagnant paradigm and be positioned as an emotional resource which is creating a shift in the public's perspective of transportation and expanding the idea that transportation intersects the two distinct realms of culture and environment as well. In addition, the overall design should reflect the Korean culture and characteristics, simple yet resonant, both the interior space and the exterior fuselage should portray the dynamic heritage of Korea such as the powerful yet subdued energy of Jung Joong Dong. In short, through the symbolic key words in Korean, Dong(Dynamics), Mek(Pulse), Ryu(Flow), Gam(Sensibility), the third generation KTX design project aims to create an new identity of Korean high speed railway which can stand globally.

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