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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        두발중 미량 중금속과 필수금속의 과다 또는 과소의 불균형과 폭력범죄 행동과의 관련성 연구

        김두희,장봉기,이덕희,홍성철,김병희,Kim, Doo-Hie,Jang, Bon-Ki,Lee, Duk-Hee,Hong, Sung-Chul,Kim, Byung-Hie 대한예방의학회 1994 예방의학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        To estimate the factors to the inclination of the criminal violence, the content of trace minerals and toxic metals in the scalp hair were measured during the period from May 1992 to October 1992. One hundred eleven violent and 89 nonviolent criminal inmates of Taegu Correctional Institute were selected. The inmates of violent criminals were imprisoned by murder, robber, rape, injury and violent acts. Those of nonviolent criminals were swindle, larceny, and adultery and had no history of institutional violence. The contents of two toxic metals (cadmium, lead) and five trace minerals (Cu, Fe, Zn, Mg, Na) were determined by an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (IL. 551). The contents of cadmium and lead in hair of violent criminals were significantly higher as $0.56{\pm}0.14ppm,\;11.53{\pm}3.32ppm$, respectively, than $0.42{\pm}0.20ppm,\;9.63{\pm}4.31ppm$ of nonviolent group (p<0.01). But the level of copper was significantly lower than nonviolent group (p<0.05). The factors that had a significant correlation with the inclination of violence in multiple logistic regression analysis were cadmium (odds ratio=98.09), unmarried (odds ratio=0.39), many times of criminal history(odds ratio=1.57) and residence of rural area (odds ratio=0.44). The results suggest that the sub-toxic contents of cadmium and lead in the hair may be of potential effect on behavior, and the mineral analysis may be an important adjunctive diagnostic procedure. Further studies into this problem are necessary. 어떤 금속성분의 과다 또는 과소가 폭력성향에 영향을 미치는 지를 분석하고자 1992년 5월부터 1992년 10월까지 대구교도소에 수감된 사람중 형이 확정된 남자 재소자로서 폭력범죄자(살인, 강도, 강간, 상해, 폭력 행위 등과 같은 폭력범죄로 구형 받은 사람 또는 이와 같은 폭력범죄의 전과가 있는 사람) 111 명과 비폭력 범죄자(사기, 절도, 도로교통법 위반, 간통 등과 같은 범죄로 구형받은 사람이면서 폭력범죄의 전과가 없는 사람) 89명, 총 200명을 대상으로 두발중 독성 중금속인 카드뮴 및 납과 필수금속인 아연, 구리, 철, 마그네슘 및 나트륨 함량을 원자흡광분광광도계 (IL, 551)로 분석하였다. 두발중 카드뮴과 납 함량은 폭력범죄자군에서 각각 $0.56{\pm}0.14ppm,\;11.53{\pm}3.32ppm$으로 비폭력범죄자군의 $0.42{\pm}0.20ppm,\;9.63{\pm}4.31ppm$보다 유의하게 높은 함량을 나타냈으나(각각, p<0.01), 구리 함량은 폭력군이 $9.07{\pm}3.85ppm$으로 비폭력군의 $10.53{\pm}5.82ppm$ 보다 유의하게 낮았다 (p<0.05). 다중지수형 회귀분석 결과 폭력성향과 관련되는 요인으로 카드뮴 함량(odds ratio=98.09)이 높을 수록, 미혼인 경우(odds ratio=0.39), 전과(odds ratio=1.57)가 많을 수록, 거주지역(odds ratio=0.44)이 농촌인 경우에 더 폭력적인 성향을 보이는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        임상의(臨床醫)들의 의료(醫療) 윤리관(倫理觀)

        김두희,Kim, Doo-Hie 한국농촌의학지역보건학회 1999 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.24 No.2

        의료기술 시혜(施惠)의 바탕이 되는 일반적인 의료윤리 상황을 알아보고자 1997년에 작성된 임상의사명부에서 계통적 확률추출법으로 1,500명을 선택하고 그 중 응답한 288명을 대상으로 1999년 3월 - 5월 현재로 윤리관에 대하여 몇 가지 조사해 보았다. 1. 대상이 된 의료인은 여성이 약 15%이고 국립대 출신의 반응이 우세하며 종교적으로는 불교가 14.9%, 천주교가 28.5%, 기독교가 35.4%, 무교가 17.4%로써 천주교와 기독교를 합하면 63.9%이며 불교와 무교를 합하여도 32.3%였다. 2. 일견해서 우리 나라 의료계의 윤리간은 이상(理想)과 현실사이에 대단히 혼란스러운 상태에 있음을 알 수 있다. 3. 환자의 고통을 나의 고통으로 알고 자비회사의 정신을 살리고자하는 마음 바탕을 가진 경우가 많으나 이미 성직자에 비유한 말이 옳지 않다고 한 경우가 많다. 그러나 아직 안락사문제와 관련하여는 종교적 차이를 보이고 있는 것 같다. 건의 하루속히 의료인들이 안정을 찾을 수 있는 시책을 마련해 주고, 정부나 환자들은 의사들에 대한 능력을 인정해야하고, 구체적으로 윤리교육을 원천적으로 강화하고, 정부에서는 의료인들이 난처한 점을 해결할 수 있는 길을 제도적으로 마련해 주기 바란다. This is carried out to study on the general consciousness for medical ethics of Korean local and hospital clinicians from March to May, 1999. The subjects are 288 respondents out of 1,500 those who selected by systemic random sampling method from the list of physicians published on 1997. An adequate questionnaire with 21 questions made by author was distributed through mail for those. The characteristics of respondents are as follows. Women are 15%. For like this questionnaire, those who were graduated from. The national universities were more actively concerned than those graduated from the private universities. Christian was 35.4%, Catholic was 28.5% and buddhist was 14.9% and 17.4% had no religion. Now a day in generally, it is clearly confusing status between an ideal thinking and actuality in medical ethical aspects in Korea. They want more developed medical delivery system. The most of physicians are improving on four mind-sets, the mind of love, pity, joy and abandonment as much as they are cognizing that the pains of patients are themselves pains. But they do not want to be the ministry. On the problems of the easy to die, it seems that they have somewhat different opinions according to their religions, respectively;- christians are more responsible than others to keep to the terminal point of life of patients.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        정신지체아 두발 중 중금속 함량 IV - 구리와의 관련성 -

        김두희,남상숭,박순우,Kim, Doo-Hie,Nam, Sang-Soong,Park, Soon-Woo 대한예방의학회 1989 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.22 No.4

        The relationship between copper content in scalp hair and mental retardation was investigated. Samples of scalp hair were collected from 297 mentally retarded children who were students in one of two schools providing special educational services, one, consisted of children living in an orphan home, the other, children living with parents. For comparison, 117 scalp hair samples were collected from the children who had got average or above average academic achivement in a regular elementary school. Hair samples were taken from the nape of the neck and the copper content was determined by an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (IL 551). There was no statistically significant difference in scalp copper levels across different age groups except female orphan group, but no trend or correlation between copper conents and age was found. The hair copper contents of the mentally retarded children groups were significantly lower than that of control groups. But there was no dose-response relationship between degree of mental retardation and hair copper level. The hair copper contents of the group accompanied by Down's syndrome and unknown group were significantly lower than that of control group in both sex, and in the case of accompanied by epilepsy or autism, lower than control group in male. Although the results of this study show no evidence that mental retardation has owed to copper deficiency, the possibility of copper deficiciency in their fetal or infant age could not be ruled out. Thus further study is needed to determine whether mental retardation could be attributed to copper deficiency, through the examinations about their living environments, dietary pattern, eating habit and the impact of copper deficiency on brain development.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        대기중(大氣中) 배출(排出)된 일산화탄소(一酸化炭素)와 아황산(亞黃酸)가스의 지속시간(持續時間)

        김두희,Kim, Doo-Hie 대한예방의학회 1974 예방의학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        일산화(一酸化) 탄소(炭素)에 대한 피해와 대기오염(大氣汚染) 기준을 아황산(亞黃酸)까스를 기준으로 한다는 데의 관심을 가지고 가정에서 많이 사용하고 인는 연탄을 중심으로 관찰한 결과 CO는 연소온도와 비례하나 $SO_2$는 비례하지 않으며 일단 발생된 CO는 적어도 24시간(時間) 이내에는 변화가 거의 없으며 비교적 장시간 유지한다. $SO_2$는 대기중에서 곧 변화를 일으켜 ($H_{2}SO_{4}$로 전환) 30분이내에 극소량으로 되므로 대기중의 황화물 측정은 $SO_2$보다 유황자체나 $H_{2}SO_{4}$를 측정함이 더욱 효과적이라 하겠다. The concentration of Carton momoxide(CO) and Sulful dioxide($SO_2$) by burning time of coal, and its time of fading out in atmosphere after effluence from stove were measured with Kitagawa gas detector, January, 1974. Gas for measurement was sampled by gas syringe at the point distanced 60cm. from first junction of garvanized pipe of stove. CO concentration was directly proportional to the burning temperature of coal but $SO_2$ was generally constant durning burning time or also in proportion to burning temperature. CO gas of effluent mixed with air(relative humidity, 40%) was maintained for long period relatively, but $SO_2$ gas was early faded out within short time. The period decreasing to allowable limit was about 4 days in former and about 30 minutes in later, respectiively.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        낙동강 본류에 서식하는 붕어에서의 납, 카드뮴과 아연의 함량

        김두희,김용구,장봉기,Kim, Doo-Hie,Kim, Yong-Gu,Jang, Bong-Ki 대한예방의학회 1988 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.21 No.2

        낙동강 중류의 수질과 그 수계에 서식하는 어류와 납, 카드뮴 및 아연과의 관계를 붕어를 대상으로 관찰하였다. 본 실험을 위한 표본은 비교적 갈수기라고 인정되는 3월 초순에 안동댐, 낙동교, 왜관, 강정, 개포 인근 그리고 낙동강의 주 오염원이 되는 금호강에서는 팔달교 부근에서 채취하였으며 수중 중금속 및 조직 중 납, 카드뮴과 아연은 원자흡광분광광도계(IL-551)로 분석하였다. 낙동강의 상류에서 하류로 내려올수록 납, 카드뮴, 아연 함량은 증가하였고, 팔달교 부근은 강정 상류보다 $3{\sim}5$배 더 높았으며 이는 낙동강과의 하류지점에서 약 40km 하류에 위치한 개포의 수질보다 약 1.5배 정도 높게 나타났다. 붕어의 뼈, 근육, 지느러미 중의 납, 카드뮴 함량도 상류에서 포획한 것보다 하류에서 포획한 것이 많았다. 강정을 포함한 상류보다 오염수역이라고 할 수 있는 개포 및 팔달교 근처의 붕어에서 유의성 있게 높았다. 붕어의 뼈조직 중 납, 카드뮴, 아연의 함량은 조사 전역에 걸친 그들 수환경보다 각각 $771{\sim}2,856$배, $188{\sim}564$배, $663{\sim}1,327$배이었으며 근육에서는 각각 $170{\sim}516$배, $62{\sim}169$배, $247{\sim}389$배이고 지느러미에서는 각각 $484{\sim}1,770$배, $122{\sim}360$배, $509{\sim}983$배 이었다. 이들 붕어의 성장 햇수별 납, 카드뮴 및 아연 함량은 연령이 증가할수록 증가했으며 각 수역에서의 동일 연령군까지 비교했을때는 상류에서 하류로 내려갈수록 그 함량이 많았다. 팔달교에서의 $0{\sim}1$세군에서의 뼈 중 납의 함량은 개포의 $4{\sim}5$세군과 근사하며 강정 상류의 $3{\sim}4$세군보다 높은 경향을 보였다. 이상과 같은 결과를 요약하면 낙동강은 금호강의 탁류의 영향을 크게 받아 오염 수역에서 포획한 어군은 비오염수역의 어군보다 중금속 함량이 유의하게 높으며 성장 햇수가 많아짐에 따라 중금속 함량은 높다는 것을 알 수있다. In order to determine the contents of lead, cadmium and zinc, the tissues of the crussian carp, Carassius carassius, collected from the middle streams of the Nakdong river were examined. During the dry season from 8 to 15, March, 1987, six loci were selected to sample the fish and river water; five of them were the midstreams of the Nakdong river i. e., the vicinities of the Andong dam, the Nakdong bridge, the Waegwan bridge, Gangjung and Gaepori, the other one was the Kumho river around the Paldal bridge(see Fig. 1). The microanalyses of lead and cadmium contents were undertaken by the atomic absorption spectrophotometer(Model IL-551) connected with CTF-IL 655, while that of Zinc by the flame method with IL551 only. The contents of lead and cadmium in water sampled from Gaepori distant from about 30km downward from the junction with the Kumho river were about 1.5 times higher than those from Gangjung distant about 0.5km upward from the junction, and the content of zinc from Gaepori was slightly higher than that from Gangjung. However, the contents of lead and cadmium in water sampled from Gaepori were three fifth of those from the vicinity of Paldal bridge far about 2km upperward from the junction. In the other words, the contents of lead and cadmium in the samples from the vicinity of the Paldal bridge were about 2.5 to 3 times higher than those from the Gangjung and 5 times higher than those from the Andong dam. The contents of the heavy metals in the tissues of Carassius carassius were relatively consistent to those of the aquatic environments where the fish were collected, with higher contents in the tissues of the crussian carp collected from the vicinity of Gaepori and the Paldal bridge which were so much polluted than in those from other loci in upper stream from the junction. And the contents of lead and cadmium in tissues were positively correlated with the age of the fish, however, that of zinc was not. The contents of lead in bone of crussian carp from the vicinity of the Paldal bridge in the group of 0-1 year old fish were similar to those of 4-5 years old fish from Gaepori, and higher than those of 3-4 years old fish collected from the upper stream of the junction. It is likely that fishing from Gaepori and the paldal bridge is not recommended, and all the industrial producers have to pay intensive attention to the water pollution due to the sewage disposal.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        잠사회사(蠶絲會社) 여공(女工)의 피부질환(皮膚疾患)

        김두희,Kim, Doo-Hie 대한예방의학회 1976 예방의학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        잠사회사(蠶絲會社) 근로자(勤勞者)의 직업성질환(職業性疾患)을 분석해 보기 위하여 1975년(年) 11월(月) 근로조건(勤勞條件)이 같은 대구시내(大邱市內) 모잠사회사(某蠶絲會社) 여자근로자(女子勤勞者) 177명(名)에 대하여 집단건강진단시(集團健康診斷時) 시진(視診)에 의하여 실시(實施)한 결과 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있었다. 전(全) 여자근로자(女子勤勞者)에 있여서 각종피부질환(各種皮膚疾患)의 유병률(有病率)이 53%로 반수(半數)이상에 달하여 피부질환(皮膚疾患)은 대체(大體)로 3가지로 대분(大分), 손톱마모(磨耗), 피부(皮膚)의 각화, 나류(裸瘤), 구열(龜裂) 등과 같은 피부변화(皮膚變化)(47.5%)가 가장 많으며 알레르기 반응(反應)(14.7%)과 기타 무좀 등의 순이었다. 피부변화(皮膚變化)는 그 진행정도(進行程度)의 차이(差異)가 있었으나 대개 복합적(複合的)으로 발생(發生)하여 근속년수와는 무관한 것 같으나 대체적으로 2년이상 근속자에게 빈발하는 경향을 보이며 손톱마모(磨耗)는 이에 따라 현저(顯著)한 차이(差異)를 보이고 있다. 알래르기 반응(反應)은 입사후(入社後) 수개월 이내에 발생(發生)하며 다시 접촉 여하에 따라 그 정도로 달라지게 되는 것 같다. 계속 근무자보다 과거에 경험한 바 있는 자에서 다소 그 빈도가 높은 경향을 보여 준다. 호발부위(好發部位)는 역시 접촉이 잦은 손가락부터 손바닥, 손, 팔, 다리, 얼굴, 목, 몸통등 광범하게 번져가며 심한 경우 습진 양으로 변해 가고 있다. The occupational skin diseases in an industry of silk reeling located in Daegu city of Korea were analyzed by inspection through a mass survey for improving the workers' health, November, 1975. The subjects, 177 persons were all females, and were distributed at 18-38 years old. About two thirds were under 25 years old. The meanage was 23.6 years. The incidence of skin diseases was about 53%. It was generally divided into three groups;- the epidermic changes of those were most frequent, 47.5%, the allergic reactions were 14.7%, and athlete's foot was only four cases, 2.3%. Most frequent signs of epidermic changes was the worn-out nail, 32.3%; and the keratolysis, 28.8%; and the callus, 15.3% were followed in order. Theses were significant in five per cent level between the sections of the silk reeling and the manufacturing;-Allergic reactions and worn-out nail were more frequent in the manufacturing group than the silk reeling, and keratolysis and callus were inverted proportionally. Allergic reactions were occurred within a few months from first entrance time, and it was more frequent in the group exposed to same allergen in the past than the continuing group from first. Most of the appearing sites of theses were hands, and infrequently, it was occurred in the face, neck, trunk, knee anfeet. These epidermic changes except allergic phenomena were appeared in the fingers, palmal and dorsal surface of hands frequently contacted. But these changes and allergic reactions were generally combined with two or more kinds.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        상수도(上水道) 페놀오염으로 인한 노출-비노출(露出-比露出) 지역주민(地域住民)의 호소증상(呼訴症狀) 비교(比較)

        김두희,이성국,천병렬,이덕희,홍성철,장봉기,Kim, Doo-Hie,Lee, Sung-Kook,Chun, Byung-Yeol,Lee, Duk-Hee,Hong, Sung-Chul,Jang, Bong-Ki 대한예방의학회 1993 예방의학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        A accidental spills of phenol(100%) to the river Nakdong with subsequent contamination of the tap water fer about two million consumers in Taegu city of Korea were occurred in March 1991. A historical cohort study of 6,913 individuals was undertaken to determine the associated with illness. Population subjects were divided into two groups of exposed and unexposed. Exposed subjects were reported to be phenol associated symptoms significantly higher than those in a nearby unexposed area(39.6% vs 9.4%, p<0.01). Especially, in the related symptoms, highly significant differences were noted in the number of subjects reporting gastrointestinal illness such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain. During the accident, study subjects who experienced peculiar taste or odor in the tap water were significantly higher in the exposed areas(92% vs 34.3%). Chlorophenols formed from chlorination of water may have aggravated the problem. 지난 1991년 3월 16일 대구지역에서 발생한 상수도 페놀오염이 인체에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위해 대구지역의 상수도 공급분포와 초 중 고등학교 지역적 분포를 비교하여 대상학교 10개교를 선정하여 이를 폭로군과 비폭로군으로 나누어 학생들의 가족구성원 전체를 대상으로 하여 설문지를 통하여 자기기입법으로 조사하였다. 분석내용은 노출지역과 비노출지역에서의 증상호소의 차이, 음용수 유형의 변화형태 등이다. 노출지역과 비노출지역에서 수도물만 먹은 사람을 비교하였을 때 페놀의 영향으로 볼 수 있는 증상으로 노출지역에서 3배 이상의 호소율을 나타낸 증상은 구역질, 구토, 설사, 복통, 두통, 입 목이 따끔거림, 피부증상으로 나타났다. 유관증상을 한가지 이상 호소한 경우는 노출군이 비노출군보다 약 3.5배(39 9% 대 9.4%)였으며 의료기관 이용율은 노출군에서 18.5%인 반면 비노출군에서는 4.7%로 약 4배의 차이를 보였다. 유관증상은 노출정도가 심할 수록 호소율이 높아지는 용량-반응 현상을 나타내었다. 그리고 이번 사건이후 생수. 혹은 약수를 찾거나 정수기를 설치하는 가구가 늘어났음을 관찰할 수 있었다. 노출지역에서 사건 전에 65.4%를 차지하던 수도물 사용이 페놀확인 후 32.2%로 떨어졌으나 비노출군에서는 57%에서 46.2%로 떨어졌다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        페놀오염사건 이후의 낙동강수 오염평가

        김두희,장봉기,홍성철,문효정,이덕희,오혜주,Kim, Doo-Hie,Jang, Bong-Ki,Hong, Sung-Chul,Moon, Hyo-Jung,Lee, Duck-Hee,Oh, Hae-Ju 대한예방의학회 1993 예방의학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        The aquatic quality of the Naktong river after two or three months in June, 1991 with phenol spillage from a electrical factory in Kumi was investigated. The samples were collected at six sites of the Naktong river basin and Kachang and Kongsan lakes. Phenol was not detected from all water samples. Turbidity was very much increased to the down stream in the Naktong river. The BOD and COD values exceeded the 2nd grade(3mg/l) of the Korean standard quality of Environmenal Water Act at the all sampling sites of the Naktong river. Especially, the value of COD at Kaejin (12.5mg/l) was poorly classified as to the 5th grade of water class for the environmental quality standards. Organophosphorous pesticides such as parathion, malathion, fenitrothion and diazinon were investigated but not detected. Diazinon was only detected at the Ilsan bridge(1.42ppb), Okkye stream(6.95ppb), Waekwan bridge(0.32ppb), Gangjung reservior(0.13ppb), Kaejin (0.05ppb). Of the carbamates such as carbanyl, isoprocarb and cabofuran, the carbofuran was detected all sites except tap water, and Kachang and Kongsan lakes. The content of heavy metals such as Cd, Pb, Zn, Fe, Mn, Hg were not exceeding for drinking water standards at the all sampling region, but only mecury was detected from Okkye stream(0.018ppb) and Kaejin (0.09ppb). In the regions of Kachang and Kongsan lakes, the content of heavy meatals were lower than that of reservior of Naktong river.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        도금공(鍍金工)에 대한 임상적(臨床的) 관찰(觀察)

        김두희,Kim, Doo-Hie 대한예방의학회 1977 예방의학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        ${\ulcorner}$크롬${\lrcorner}$과 ${\ulcorner}$니켈${\lrcorner}$등의 도금(鍍金)을 하는 도금공(鍍金工)에 대하여 그 직업성질환(職業性疾患)을 관찰(觀察)하고 저 1976년(年) 6(월)月 대구시내(大邱市內) 소재(所在)하는 서로 유사한 종류와 방법으로 작업하고 있는 중소기업체(中小企業體) 중 작업환경개선(作業環境改善)이 어느 정도 되어 있는 곳과 전연 되어있지 않는 곳을 각각 1개소(個所)씩 선택(選擇)하며 비교해 본 결과 다음과 같이 요약(要約)할 수 있었다. 전반적(全般的)으로 비강내(鼻腔內) 증상(症狀)이 총출현빈도(總出現頻度) 중 50%이상을 점하며 다음 현기증(眩氣症)이 문제(文題)로 되어 있으며 환경개선(環境改善)을 함에 따라 비강내증세(鼻腔內症勢)중에서 괴양성 병변(病變)을 줄이어 증상(症狀)은 가볍게 되었으나 개입보호구사용(個入保護具使用)을 소홀히 함으로써 점차 만성적인 변화(變化)를 초래할 염려가 있었다. 각종 혈액상(血液相)중 ${\ulcorner}$헤모글로번${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$헤마토크리트${\lrcorner}$ 적혈구(赤血球)와 요소견(尿所見)중 단백질당(蛋白質糖), ${\ulcorner}$우로비리노겐${\lrcorner}$등에는 큰 영향을 미치지 않고 있다고 생각된다. This is a result of clinical examination for workers working with Chromic acid and Chromium compounds in the plating room of their companies. I selected two companies that the plating process and the kinds of plating were similar. One (SW Co.) was more or less improved the operating environment with the ventilation machine so on and another (SR Co.) did not it so. The former was examined at March 29th 1977, the latter was at June 28th 1976. But the respiratory communicable diseases, flue or common cold so on were not spreaded there at that time. The clinical aspects were compared between the group of SW, and SR. The swelling and hyperemic signs of nasal mucous membrane and the experience of nasal bleeding were about 50%, generally, in all the groups. The following problem was dizziness or vertigo. The nasal signs in the group of SW (improved ventilation of the room air) were relatively weak, but in another, it was some what severe; - there was necrotic sign with thick nasal clast. They were only used of gauze mask when the vapors of various solvents were deeply full in the room. And there was very high rate of bronchial signs, sputum or coughing in the group of SW improved ventilation so called, than another one. I suppose that it means chronic inflammatory change of the bronchial mucous membrane with deeper signs, due to the individual protectors were carelessly or not used according to the improving of the operating environment. Theses nasal signs mentioned the above were not nearly in the other groups had not been done the Chromium plating. The Status of RBC, Hb and Ht, of urine protein and urobilinogen were mostly in normal range. But the number of WBC was more or less showed with a positive correlation to the working duration.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        기상(氣象)에 따른 교통사고(交通事故) 발생양상(發生樣相)과 빈도(頻度)

        김두희,이정미,Kim, Doo-Hie,Lee, Jung-Mi 대한예방의학회 1990 예방의학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        교통사고와 기상요소와의 관련성을 보기 위하여 대구지방에서 1988년도 1월 1일부터 12월 31일까지 1년간 교통사고를 일으킨 총 운전자중 약 1/10인 2,562명을 대상으로 하여 대구측후소에서 측정한 기상요소를 중심으로 그 관련성을 관찰하였다. 사고양상은 사고당시 인적피해와 물적피해로 구분하고 인적피해와 물적피해가 중복된 경우는 인적피해로 간주하였다. 인적피해는 다시 사망, 중상, 경상 등으로 구분하였으며 두가지 이상에 해당될 때는 피해가 큰 쪽으로 결정하였다. 계절별로 보면 겨울철이 1일평균 사고건수도 적고 인적피해 사고의 비율도 가장 낮았으며 계절에 따른 사고양상은 통계학적으로도 유익한 차이가 있었다. 기온에 다른 시간당 사고건수는 $25.1-30.0^{\circ}C$에서 가장 많았고 인적피해 사고의 비율은 41-50%일 때 가장 높았으나 습도에 따른 사고양상은 통계학적으로 유의하지 않았다. 풍속에 따른 시간당 사고건수는 풍속이 강할수록 많아지는 경향을 보였고 인적피해 사고의 비율은 6.1-7.0m/sec일 때 가장 높은 비율을 보였으나 풍속에 따른 사고양상은 통계학적으로 유의하지 않았다. 강수에 따른 시간당 사고건수는 5.1-10.0mm일 때 5.4건으로 가장 많았고 인적피해 사고이 비율은 강수량이 많을수록 높아지는 경향을 보였으며 강수량과 사고양상 간에는 통계학적으로도 유의한 관련성이 있었다. 시정에 따른 시간당 사고건수는 시정 6 Km미만일 때 가장 많았고 인적피해사고의 비율은 6 Km미만일 때 가장 낮았으며 시정과 사고양상 사이에는 통계학적으로 유의한 관련성이 있었다. 적설이 있을 때 시간당 사고건수는 적설이 없을 때보다 많았고 인적피해사고의 비율은 비교적 적었으나 적설유무와 사고양상과는 통계학적으로 유의하지 않았다. 이상의 결과로 보아 자동차 사고는 기온, 습도, 풍속 등 몇가지 기상조건에 따라 서로 그 발생양상에 크고 작은 차이를 보이고 있는데 계절, 강수량 빛 시정에 따른 사고발생 분포의 차이는 통계적으로도 유의했다. In order to fine out the relationship between traffic accidents and atmospheric phenomena, we have analyzed 2,562 cases, one tenth of the total traffic accidents occurred in Taegu city for a year in 1988. The meteorological elements observed by Taegu Weather Bureau were used. It was divided into two largy categories : the patterns of accident as human injuries and destructions of car. When the accidents were overlapped in each other, it was considered as human injury. Human injuries were subdivided into three parts : death, severe wound and slight in, when more then two cases were overlapped, we choiced severe damage. The average number of daily traffic accidents including human injuries were lowest in winter of four seasons. The accident patterns in accordance with the seasons showed statistically significant difference. The frequency was the highest as 3.3 cases in an hour at $25.1-30.0^{\circ}C$ of atmospheric temperature, the rate of human injury showed the increase by the increased temperature. But there were not significant. Also it was the highest as 3.7 cases in less than 31% of humidity and the rate of human injury as the highest at 41-50%, but not significant. And it was the increasing tendency as wind speed increase, and the rate of human injury was the highest at 6.1-7.0 m/sec, but it was not significant. In relation to precipitation, and visibility, were the highest as 5.4 cases at 5.1-10.0 mm of rainfall, the rate of human injury was increased by the increased precipitation and showed statistically significant. And it was highest within 6 Km of visibility, but the rate of the human injury was the lowest within same distance, and also showed significance. The accidents were higher with snow on the road, but the rate of human injury was comparatively lower, but no significance.

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