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        실제적인 자료를 활용한 영어교육: 영화 밀리언 달러 베이비를 중심으로

        김동규 ( Kim¸ Dongkyoo ),이동한 ( Lee¸ Donghan ) 한국중등영어교육학회 2021 중등영어교육 Vol.14 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to provide EFL teachers with a method to teach English using a movie. For the purpose, a movie titled Million Dollar Baby was analyzed by extracting some educational elements from the movie. For the most part, the movie is composed of daily life English and it involves a number of useful idiomatic expressions as well as rich cultural information. Above all, the movie is based on a touching story that depicts the value of one’s dream and family love. A total of twelve scenes were selected and analyzed from the perspective of grammar, expressions, pronunciation, and culture. Out of the twelfth scenes, the analysis on the third scene was presented as a sample. Through the analysis, some grammatical points and some idiomatic expressions that deserve to be attended to were presented. It also offered some phonological phenomenon and some cultural aspects. It is hoped that EFL teachers could apply the analysis to their own classroom setting with examples that this study offers. Based on the results, several implications are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        사이버 공간에서의 영어 일기쓰기가 초등학생들의 영어 쓰기 능력 및 정의적 영역에 미치는 영향

        김동규(Kim Dongkyoo),마미영(Ma Miyoung) 팬코리아영어교육학회(구 영남영어교육학회) 2007 영어교육연구 Vol.19 No.3

          The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of writing English diaries using the Internet on elementary school students’ writing ability and their affective domains. A total of 55 students participated in this study and were divided into two groups, an experimental group and a control group. Students from the two groups learned how to write English diary entries through a self-study period that was offered once a week in the morning. Writing English diaries on the Internet was conducted in the experimental group whereas writing English diaries in notebooks was conducted in the control group. Both groups had to write the diaries twice a week for the fourteen-week period of the treatment. The results of this study are as follows. First, there were significant relationships between the students’ affective domains and their English writing proficiency. Second, although both groups showed significant enhancement in writing proficiency over the treatment period, the effect of writing Internet English diary entries on the students’ writing ability was not significant. Finally, writing English diaries on the Internet produced a positive effect on the levels of students’ interest and participation. Several applications are discussed based on the findings of this study.

      • KCI등재

        영어 친화적인 교실환경이 초등학교 EFL 학습자들의 정의적 요인 및 어휘력에 미치는 영향

        김동규(Kim Dongkyoo),이성연(Lee Sungyeon) 팬코리아영어교육학회(구 영남영어교육학회) 2008 영어교육연구 Vol.20 No.2

          The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of an English-friendly classroom environment on elementary school students’ affective factors and their vocabulary ability. A total of one hundred seventy-five students participated in this study, and out of them, sixty students were divided into two groups, an experimental group and a control group. The instrumentations used in this study were a questionnaire for examining the subjects’ affective factors and a vocabulary test. The results of this study were as follows. First, providing an English-friendly classroom environment had positive effects on the elementary school students’ affective factors. Second, providing an English-friendly classroom environment caused a significant enhancement of the elementary school students’ vocabulary ability. Third, low-level students in the experimental group showed more enhancement in their vocabulary ability than high-level students in the same group. However, there was no significant enhancement in the control group. There is, therefore, a significant need for providing our elementary school students with an English-friendly classroom environment.

      • KCI등재

        초등예비교사들의 영어 및 영어 지도 능력 자기 평가와 초등영어교육 제고에 대한 인식

        김동규 ( Dongkyoo Kim ),이동한 ( Dong Han Lee ) 한국중등영어교육학회 2015 중등영어교육 Vol.8 No.1

        This study aims to examine pre-service elementary school teachers``self-evaluation on their English proficiency and teaching skills. It alsoproposes suggestions for better English education in elementary schoolsprovided by pre-service elementary school teachers. A questionnaire wasadministered to 136 pre-service elementary school teachers thatexamined the following five domains; background information, Englishproficiency, English teaching skills, Teaching English throughEnglish(TETE), and suggestions for better English education in elementaryschools. According to the results of the study, the subjects showed thehighest level of self-confidence in reading whereas they reported thelowest level of self-confidence in listening to authentic materials. Pertaining to English teaching skills, the area in which they showed thehighest level of self-confidence was teaching reading, followed by teachinggrammar. Teaching speaking and teaching pronunciation were thevulnerable areas in term of teaching according to their self-evaluation. Next, they had a relatively positive perception of TETE in elementaryschools. Finally, ``teacher factor`` was the most important variable in thedomain of TETE and for better English education in elementary schools. Several implications and applications are discussed based on the findingsof the study.

      • KCI등재

        불안감이 조성된 과업이 EFL 학습자들의 영어듣기 능력에 미치는 영향

        김동규(Kim Dongkyoo) 팬코리아영어교육학회(구 영남영어교육학회) 2005 영어교육연구 Vol.17 No.4

        This study aims to investigate EFL learners’ levels of language anxiety and examine the relationships between the levels of anxiety and foreign language learners’ listening proficiency. It also intends to explore the effects of an anxiety-triggering task on students in an English class. A total of 235 EFL university students participated in different aspects of this study. For the descriptive and correlational approach to the study, students indicated their levels of English anxiety by completing a self-report questionnaire, while a TOEIC listening test was used to measure their English proficiency. These data were analyzed with multiple Pearson product-moment correlations. For the experimental approach to the study, an experimental group took a dictated listening test as a posttest under an anxiety-triggering situation whereas a control group took the same test under normal conditions. According to the results of the study, there were significant negative relationships between the levels of anxiety and the listening test scores. This study also found a significant negative effect caused by anxiety on the students’ listening proficiency.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        질문 구상 활동이 EFL 학습자들의 영어 듣기 능력에 미치는 영향

        김동규(Kim, Dongkyoo),진경애(Jin, Kyung-Ae) 팬코리아영어교육학회(구 영남영어교육학회) 2013 영어교육연구 Vol.25 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of thinking question tasks on EFL college students' listening comprehension. Forty-one college students took part in this study and were divided into a control group and an experimental group. While students from the control group received a general listening lesson, students from the experimental group participated in the task of thinking questions based on listening scripts over 12 weeks. Thinking question tasks involved making three questions based on the listening scripts and answering their own questions. A questionnaire and two sets of listening tests were administered to each group for the analysis of their improvement on listening comprehension proficiency. According to the results of the study, the experimental group students showed significant improvement in comparison to that of the control group students on the posttest of listening comprehension proficiency. It was assumed that they would improve their comprehension in the process of thinking questions based on the listening scripts. They also perceived the positive role of thinking question tasks in the enhancement of their communicative competence. Several applications are presented and discussed based on the findings of this study.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        영화 『프로포절』(The Proposal) 분석연구를 통한 영어수업 지도 방안

        김동규 ( Kim Dongkyoo ) 부산대학교 과학교육연구소 2019 교사교육연구 Vol.58 No.2

        본 연구는 EFL/ESL 교육에서 실제적 자료 가운데 하나인 영화를 분석하여 이를 통해 중등 EFL 학습자들에게 지도하는 방안을 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 필자는 영화 선정 기준(Shim & Back, 1997; Stewart, 2006; Yang, 2011)에 의거, 분석 및 활용 가치가 높다고 판단되는 『프로포절』이라는 Hollywood 영화를 선정하고, 이를 영어교육 관점에서 다각적으로 분석하였다. 총 일곱 장면이 분석대상으로 선정되었으며, 각 장면은 문법, 어휘, 발음, 문화 네 가지 관점에서 체계적으로 분석되었다. 본 연구에서는 일곱 장면 가운데 첫 장면을 분석 사례로 제시하였는데, 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 먼저 문법 면에서는 사역동사, 수동태, 가정법, 관계대명사 등이 다루어졌고, 어휘 면에서는 우리나라 학습자들이 생소할만한 여러 어휘 및 표현들이 다루어졌다. 발음 면에서는 ‘ed’로 끝나는 과거형 동사의 발음 지도와 연음, 축약, 플랩현상 등의 초분절음에 대한 발음 지도가 다루어졌다. 끝으로 문화 면에서는 지인들끼리의 호칭 문화, 감탄사 등이 다루어졌다. 이러한 사례 분석 결과를 바탕으로 영어교육현장에 대한 제언도 함께 이루어졌다. The aim of this study was to analyze a movie and provide EFL/ESL teachers with a method to teach English utilizing movies. In EFL/ESL education, the use of authentic materials has been emphasized since the advent of the Communicative Language Teaching. Based on the standard of movie selection for teaching English(Shim & Back, 1997; Stewart, 2006; Yang, 2011), a movie named “The Proposal” was selected and analyzed from several perspectives. First of all, the researcher watched the movie about ten times in order to select scenes that are worthy to be analyzed and utilized in the classroom. A total of seven scenes were selected, and each scene was analyzed from the view of English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and culture. In this study, the analysis of the first scene was offered as a sample. Some grammatical points such as causative verbs, voice, mood, relative pronouns, words and expressions that deserve to be attended to, phonological phenomenon such as linking, contractions, and the flap phenomenon and some cultural aspects that deal with appellation were analyzed and presented. Several implications were discussed and presented based on the analysis of this study.

      • KCI등재

        초등예비교사들에 의한 실제적 영어교육자료 분석과업 사례 연구

        김동규 ( Dongkyoo Kim ) 한국중등영어교육학회 2014 중등영어교육 Vol.7 No.2

        This study aimed to examine pre-service elementary school teachers``perception of authentic English materials and to explore their analysis ofauthentic English material. A questionnaire was administered to the subjectsin order to describe their English learning and to identify their perception ofauthentic English materials. As an English educators, each subject selected amovie and analyzed the movie from the perspective of the following threedomains; grammar, pronunciation, and culture. According to the results ofthis study, the pre-service elementary school teachers were fond of moviesthat involve ``love`` as the main subject. From a grammar perspective, ``tense``was the area that the subjects concern themselves with the most, followedby ``modal verbs,`` ``comparatives,`` and ``relative pronouns``. They analyzed``linking`` and ``flap`` phenomena the most in the area of pronunciation, followedby ``contraction`` and ``softening`` phenomena. In regard to culture, theyanalyzed the movies in respect to ``food,`` ``parties,`` ``appellation,`` etc. After theanalysis task of each movie, they showed very positive perceptions ofutilizing movies as English teaching materials. Several implications andapplications are discussed based on the findings of the study.

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