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      • KCI등재

        Environmental factors affecting roost use of shorebirds in the southern Kanghwa Island, Republic of Korea

        김관목,문영민,유정칠 한국습지학회 2013 한국습지학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        There are some factors affecting the shorebirds in selecting a coastal inland roost site where they have to stay during the high tide when the entire intertidal zone is covered with water. We investigated eight species (Eastern Curlews Numenius madagascariensis, Green Shanks Tringa nebularia, Bar-tailed Godwits Limosa lapponica, Grey Plovers Pluvialis squatarola,Dunlins Calidris alpine, Whimbrels Numenius phaeopus, Eurasian Curlews Numenius arquata and Terek Sandpipers Xenus cinereus) to identify the spatial and temporal variability in coastal inland roost use in the area and the factors influencing the use. We considered the area and length of the standing water in the roost site, temperature, wind speed, the time of migration and the intensity of disturbance. As a result, number of individuals and type of species using the roost site varied across spatial and temporal scales. And the factors affecting the roost use was species-specific. The roost site of the study area was a closed shrimp farm however, it has been converted to a Salicornia herbacea, a salt marsh plant, farm recently. In a situation where coastal inland roost site is needed, we hereby describe a resolution for the juxtaposition of shorebirds and farming.

      • KCI등재

        강화도 남단 조간대에 도래하는 마도요류의 환경수용능력 예측

        문영민,김관목,유정칠 한국습지학회 2013 한국습지학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        본 연구는 현재 강화도 남단 조간대의 마도요류(알락꼬리마도요 Numenius madagascariensis와 마도요 Numenius arquata) 서식지로서의 질을 평가하고자 환경수용능력(Carrying capacity)을 추정하였다. 저서무척추동물(칠게 Macrophthalmus japonicus)의 생물량 추산에 있어 토양 입도(Sediment grain size)의 공간 분포를 고려하였으며, GIS의 공간 분석 기법을 이 용하였다. 추정 결과 2012년 봄철은 약 153일 동안 11,767개체가 이용할 수 있는 수준이었으며, 가을철은 약 122일 동안 16,275개체가 이용할 수 있는 수준이었다. 환경수용능력 대비 평균 도래 개체군의 차지 비율은 봄철 9.4%, 가을철 5.9%의 수준이었으며, 이는 분석 방법이 달라 직접 비교는 어려우나 1993-94년 선행 연구 대비 2.8-6.3% 수준이 감소한 수치였다. 과거에비해 환경 수용 능력이 감소한 현재의 상황에서 향후 서식지 보전을 위한 지속적인 연구와 관리가 매우 시급하다고 판단되며, 나아가 향후 조간대의 다양한 서식지 특성을 반영한 공간 분석을 통해 더욱 정교한 예측이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        조간대 갯벌에서의 도요·물떼새 서식지수용능력 추정

        문영민,김관목,유정칠 한국해양과학기술원 2020 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.42 No.1

        Shorebirds migrating along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF) have been drastically decreasing due to continuous area loss and quality degradation of intertidal mudflats in the Yellow Sea. Evaluating the current habitat quality by means of habitat carrying capacity estimation could be effective in predicting the magnitude of impacts caused by habitat loss and provide better understanding to improve management strategies. In this study, we estimated the total biomass of Macrophthalmus japonicus, a main prey item of curlews in the Korea peninsular as habitat carrying capacity of the southern intertidal mudflat of Ganghwa Island, one of the key stopover sites for curlews in the EAAF. The result of the estimation took into account spatial differences of prey biomass and the available foraging time by tide patterns. Accordingly, it was found that curlew populations account for 30.26% of the habitat carrying capacity. When we calculated the mean biomass of the area and extrapolated it to the whole area to calculate the total biomass, it was found that the curlews have consumed 10.92% of the total biomass. The results show that the habitat carrying capacity of the southern intertidal mudflat of Ganghwa Island has decreased by 7.8% compared to a study conducted twenty years ago employing the same method. This study shows that there can be considerable differences in the results of habitat carrying capacity estimation between different methods, indicating that various environmental factors that affect the estimation results of habitat carrying capacity must be considered to achieve a more precise analysis and assessment.

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