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        교류분석 상담에 관한 국내 연구의 동향

        금선미(Sun Mi Keum),심혜진(Hye Jin Shim) 한국교류분석상담학회 2019 교류분석상담연구 Vol.9 No.1

        다양한 상담이론 중에서 개인의 성장과 변화를 위한 체계적 심리치료 기법인 교류분석 상담은 현대사회에서 주요한 상담이론 중의 하나로 대두되고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 국내에서 지금까지 이루어진 교류분석 상담의 연구 동향을 분석함으로써, 연구의 흐름과 성과를 정리하고 앞으로의 연구 방향을 제시하는 데 있다. 교류분석 상담과 관련하여 1982년부터 2018년까지 총 90편의 학위논문과 8편의 학술지 논문이 발표되었으며, 이를 발행연도별, 연구주제별, 연구대상별, 연구방법별 동향을 분석하였다. 발행연도는 1982년 학위논문 1편 발행을 시작으로 2000년부터 매해 학위논문이 발행되었고, 학위논문 91.8%, 학술지는 8.2%로 상대적으로 적은 비중을 차지하고 있다. 연구주제별로는 상담성과연구가 48.0%, 성격특성 및 적응연구가 24.5%, 프로그램개발 및 효과연구 15.3%로 나타났다. 연구대상별로는 청소년 33.0%, 성인 30.3%, 아동 24.8%순으로 나타났다. 연구방법별로는 양적연구가 83.8%로 가장 많은 것으로 나타났다. 끝으로 앞으로 교류분석 상담의 치료적 요인들을 밝히고 상담과정 및 성과연구, 상담자 대상의 연구, 질적 연구가 더 활발히 진행되어야 함을 제언하였다. Among the various counseling theories, the Transactional Analysis Counseling which is a counseling technique for individual’s growth and change is noticed as the important theory in this day. The purpose of the present study is to examine the trends and issues in the research about the Transactional Analysis Counseling in Korea up to date, and to propose directions for future studies. From 1982 to 2018, 90 journals and 8 dissertations on Transactional Analysis Counseling have been published and are analyzed by categories of dates, research topics, subjects of study, research methods in this research. First journal was in 1982 and each journal was published every year from 2000. Journals account for 91.8% and dissertations for less proportion, 8.2%. In categories of research topics, counseling result studies account for 48%, personality and adaptation studies 24.5%, program development and performance for 15.3%. In categories of study subjects, 33.0% were adolescents, 30.3% were adults, 24.8% were children. In categories of research methods, quantitative study account for 83.8%. To conclude, it is suggested that therapeutic factors should be proved and counseling process and performance study, counselor subject, qualitative study should be conducted more actively.

      • KCI등재

        Be The Space: 복셀아트를 활용한 메타버스 공간 창작 워크숍

        권두영,금선미 한국디지털콘텐츠학회 2023 한국디지털콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.24 No.10

        This study aims to develop a methodology for metaverse space design and implementation, targeting a nonexpert group. Toachieve this, a three-dimensional (3D) design approach based on voxel art is introduced. The "Be The Space" project, a learner-centered metaverse initiative, is designed to enhance the participants' motivation for metaverse creation. Even if theparticipants are not familiar with complex computer graphics design and modeling techniques, they can successfully implementdistinctive metaverse spaces using the "Magicavoxel" voxel-modeling tool. Their creations are uploaded to a metaverse integrationplatform called "Spatial," which allows the participants to collaborate in real-time and share works. In the research, a tripartitestructure of co-space, sub-space, and indie-zone is employed to parallel collaborative and individual creative activities. Participantsset up their sub-space within a communal area, where they craft a metaverse space reflecting their ideas and visions. Eachindividual space is linked to the communal area through a portal, forming an integrated metaverse structure. This study verifiesthat collaborative creative activities can be effectively conducted among nonexpert groups in a voxel-art–based metaverse platform. This research proposes a novel methodology for various nonexperts in the field to collaborate in metaverse space creation.

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