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      • KCI등재

        식육 중 잔류물질 스크리닝법인 EEC-4 Plate Test와 Charm II Test 비교

        함희진,김두환,권택부,이정학,Ham Hee-jin,Kim Doo-whan,Kweon Taek-boo,Lee Jung-hark 한국식품위생안전성학회 2004 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        잔류물질 간이 시험법으로 EEC-4 plate test와 Charm II test가 항생물질과 합성항균제 잔류검사에 널리 이용되고 있는 바, 이들 상호간의 결과 수치를 비교, 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. EEC-4 plate혹은 Charm II 에서 양성으로 나타난 돈육 71건에 대하여 HPLC로 정량 분석한 결과, only tetracyclines 46건, only sulfonamides와 solfonamides+tetracyclines가 각각 4건씩, amphenicols+tetracyclines와 amphenicols+sulfonamides+tetracyclines가 각각 1건씩 검출되었고, 15건에서는 검출되지 않았다. Sulfonamides 계열에서 검출된 9건의 경우, Charm-II test 결과 수치가 낮은 경우에 정량 검출량이 높게 나타났고, EEC-4 plate test 결과 pH 6.0, pH 7.2, pH 8.0 모두에서 양성으로 나타나는 등 두 시험방법 간에 연관성이 있었고, chloramphenicols 계열에서 검출된 2건과 검출되지 않은 7건의 경우, Charm-II test결과 수치가 낮은 경우에는 오히려 정량 검출되지 않았으나, control point 근방의 양성 수치에서는 검출량이 높게 나타날 뿐 아니라 EEC-4 plate test에서도 pH6.0, pH7.2, pH8.0 모두에서 양성으로 나타나는 등 두 시험방법 간에 연관성이 있었다. 한편, tetracycline계열의 경우, EEC-4 plate와 Cham-II간에 연관성은 없었다. 또한, EEC-4 plate와 Charm II에서 각각 양성을 나타내었으나 HPLC에서는 검출되지 않는 경우는 tetracyclines계열에서는 $10.5\%(6/57)$, sulfonamides계열의 경우는 없었고, chloramphenicols계열의 경우는 $81.8\%(9/11)$로 각각 나타나 EEC-4 plate와 Charm II가 세 가지 잔류물질 시험에 대한 screening method로서 적합함을 알 수 있었다. It was carried out to compare the relationship of EEC 4-plate test method and Charm II test method by HPLC. 46 only tetracyclines, 4 only sulfonamides, 4 sulfonamides+tetracyclines, one amphenicols+tetracyclines, and one amphenicols+sulfonarnides+tetracyclines, it was detected on 71 porks of EEC 4-plate positive or Charm II positive by HPLC. In case of sulfonamides and chloramphenicols, two test methods had related with each other, but had no relation in tetracyclines. Also, it was $10.5\%(6/57)$ tetracyclines, $81.8\%(9/11)$ chloramphenicols that were EEC 4 plate positive or Charm II positive, but not detectrd by HPLC. Consequently, EEC 4-plate test method and Charm II test method were suitable by screening test on antibiotics and sulfonamides etc.

      • KCI등재

        Gas chromatograph-mass selective detector를 이용한 식육 중 잔류농약의 동시분석

        홍인석 ( In Suk Hong ),최윤화 ( Yoon Hwa Choi ),권택부 ( Taek Boo Kweon ),이정학 ( Jung Hark Lee ) 한국동물위생학회 2005 한국동물위생학회지 (KOJVS) Vol.28 No.3

        This study was conducted to investigate the extraction method for the determination of organochlorine, organophosphorus and synthetic pyrethroid pesticide residues in beef fat by gas chromatography-mass selective detector(GC-MSD). Twenty one pesticide residues in fat were determined using a simple and rapid procedure based on solid-phase extraction(SPE) clean-up cartridges with octadecyl(C18)-bonded porous silica, florisil, 10% deactivated florisil, a tandem C18 and florisil and a tandem C18 and 10% deactivated florisil. Solvent-solvent extraction using acetonitrile was not satisfied to eliminate fat interference for pesticide residue analysis by GC-MSD, and the recoveries of the method in fat ranged from 16.2 to 57.3% except DDT(83.2%). The recoveries of SPE methods using a tandem C18 and Florisil was 59.6~123.8% except fenitrothion(135.2%), the SPE method was verified the satisfactory performance of pre-treatment for pesticide residues analysis in fat by GC-MSD. The efficiency of florisil deactivated with 10% water has been not proved significantly on recoveries of pesticide residues in fat.

      • KCI등재

        도축장의 생,해체검사를 통한 경산우 및 미경산우 감별법(1)

        최임용 ( Im Yong Choi ),최태석 ( Tae Suk Choi ),이달주 ( Dal Ju Lee ),이해영 ( Chang Sik Rho ),노창식 ( Kyu Hiun Kim ),김규현 ( Eun Kim ),김은 ( Taek Boo Kweon ),권택부 ( Jung Hark Lee ),이정학 한국동물위생학회 2007 한국동물위생학회지 (KOJVS) Vol.30 No.3

        This study was performed to make helpful standard for discrimination of cows from heifers by uterine and ovarian section inspection. A total of 3,736 heifers and 249 cows were inspected from January to November 2006 in Karak Market Slaughter house. Firstly, it was obvious that non-corpus albicans were observed in almost heifers(3,597/3,736, 96.3%), but there were distinctive corpus albicans in all cows(249/249 100%). Secondly, another evident was that the length and diameter of the horn in uterus was below 30㎜ in 94.5%(3,267/3,736) heifers, but above 30㎜ in 90.4%(225/245) cows, and it was easy to distinguish between right and left horn by difference of size in 87.6%(218/249) cows. Thirdly the diameters of pelvic cavity was below 220㎜ in 96.8%(3,615/3,736) heifers, but was over 200㎜ in 85.1%(212/249) cows. Fourthly another difference was found in second sacrum union condition and 13th thoracic vertebral process`s states. In case of heifers, it was distinctive five lines in each second sacrum, but it was non-distinctive or united in the same each lines of the sacrum in cows. Fifthly in the results of 13th thoracic vertebral colors, the ratio between red color and white color was 7:3 in heifers(3,385/3,736, 90.6%), but that was 2:8 in cows(199/249, 79.9%). Consequently, it was possible to use the method which discriminated cows from heifers by uterine and ovarian section inspection in large scaled field slaughter house.

      • KCI등재

        HPLC-MSD를 이용한 식육 중 합성항균제의 동시분석

        홍인석 ( In Suk Hong ),최윤화 ( Yoon Hwa Choi ),권택부 ( Taek Boo Kwon ),이정학 ( Jung Hark Lee ) 한국동물위생학회 2006 한국동물위생학회지 (KOJVS) Vol.29 No.3

        This study was conducted to develop the analytical method about simultaneous determination for synthetic antimicrobials in muscle by high performance liquid chroma-tography-mass selective detector(HPLC-MSD). Solid phase extraction(SPE), matrix solid phase dispersion(MSPD) and liquid-liquid extraction(LLE) have been adapted as pretreatment procedures for HPLC-MSD. Among various solvent tested, methanol was chosen for extraction of synthetic antimicrobials in muscles. For the optimized response, the values of various MS parameters including fragment voltage, drying gas flow, nebulizer pressure, drying gas temperature were verified. The average recovery rates using MSPD and SPE for muscles of bovine and pork were 78.9-127.1% and 78.3-121.7%, respectively. This method was verified the satisfactory performance for fourteen synthetic antimicrobials excepting carbadox in muscle of pork as detection limit of 0.05 ㎍/g on API/ES SIM mode.

      • KCI등재

        시판 식육가공품(햄류, 소시지류 등)에 대한 최근 4년간(2000-2003) 아질산이온 함량

        함희진 ( Hee Jin Ham ),홍인석 ( In Suk Hong ),임홍규 ( Hong Kyu Lim ),양윤모 ( Yoon Mo Yang ),최윤화 ( Yoon Hwa Choi ),김창기 ( Chang Gi Kim ),권택부 ( Taek Boo Kweon ),이정학 ( Jung Hark Lee ) 한국동물위생학회 2004 한국동물위생학회지 (KOJVS) Vol.27 No.2

        Contents of nitrites was tested in 2,290 meat products during 2000-2003, in Seoul by Diazoa method. It was detected over 40 ppm NO2 contents in 20 hams, 7 sausages, one bacon, and one crushed meat product respectively. Also, over 20ppm nitrites was 21.8%(240/1,103) in hams, 20.7%(122/589) in sausages, 6.8%(14/205) in crushed meats, and in 6.0%(5/83) bacons respectively. In case of average contents and contents range, 0.012 g/kg, ND-0.116 g/kg in hams, 0.012 g/kg, ND-0.066 g/kg in sausages, 0.010 g/kg, 0.001-0.089 g/kg in bacons, and 0.006 g/kg, ND-0.040 g/kg in crushed meats etc. Specially, in sausages, it was increased continually by years, in not only average nitrites contents but also their contents range, also, in case of bacons, increased continually by years on only average nitrites contents. According to results, the NO2 contents monitoring for the processed meat products must be reinforced to supply safety food for the citizens.

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