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      • 갈라디아서의 종말론 연구

        권연경 두란노 2004 목회와 신학 Vol.- No.178

        그래햄 스탠튼(Graham Stanton)교수가 지도한 권연경(38세)의 학위논문은 "갈라디아서의 종말론"(Eschatology in Galatians)이다. 종전의 이해와 달리 본 논문은 갈라디아서가 미래종말론적 관점을 전제로하여 쓰여졌음을 보여준데 있다. 본 논문은 올 여름에 권위있는 학술지인 독일 튀빙겐대학교의 「WUNT」(Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament)에 실릴 예정이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        옛 관점과 새 관점의 충돌 - 주석적 평가와 제안

        권연경 한국개혁신학회 2010 한국개혁신학 Vol.28 No.-

        This article examines the contributions and drawbacks of the so-called 'New Perspective on Paul' in light of the traditional Reformational interpretation of Paul. After a brief account of the works of E. P. Sanders and J. D. G. Dunn, the acknowledged midwives of the NPP, the study highlights its major characteristics with reference to the summary of F. Watson. In the second section, the study discusses both the contribution of the NPP to a deeper appreciation of the social dimension of Paul's doctrine of justification and its weaknesses, especially its inability to explain the theological and soteriological aspect of the doctrine. In the third section, the study deals with the tension between the traditional paradigm of 'not by works but by faith' with other statements of Paul which combine faith and works rather than distinguish them, and ones that present the final judgment as conditional on believers' life of obedience. In the next section, the study turns to the 'works of law', a concept which encapsulates Paul's critique of the Jewish Law. Here, both perspectives are brought to task for their inclusion of moral observance within the concept, a view that does not fit with Paul's own portrayal of his opponents as religious hypocrites, namely, those who boast of their Jewish identity without showing proper obedience to the moral injunctions of the Law. In the final section the study offers an alternative explanation of Paul's critique of the Law, highlighting its inability to give life to, or mediate the Holy Spirit for, believers, the function reserved exclusively for faith in Christ. The study concludes with a look at the positive dimension of Paul's view of faith as the only channel of God's life-giving Spirit (Galatians) and as faith in the God who is able to give life to the dead (Romans), thereby suggesting a more positive understanding of Paul's doctrine of 'justification by faith'. 본 논문은 바울신학에 관한 종교개혁 전통의 해석에 비추어 소위 ‘바울신학에 관한 새 관점’의 장점과 단점을 검토한다. 첫 단락에서는 새 관점의 공인된 산파들이라 할 수 있는 E. P. Sanders와 J. D. G. Dunn에 관한 간략한 논의 후, F. Watson의 말을 빌려 새 관점의 핵심적 특징을 소개한다. 두 번째 단락에서는 두 관점의 장점과 약점이 논의된다. 여기서는 새 관점이 바울 칭의론의 사회적 혹은 교회론적 차원에 대한 보다 깊은 이해를 도모했다는 기여와 더불어, 칭의론의 신학적 및 구원론적 차원을 제대로 해명하지 못했다는 약점이 지적된다. 세 번째 단락에서는 ‘행위가 아니라 믿음’이라는 전통적 패러다임과 바울서신에 나타나는 다른 진술들, 특히 믿음과 행위를 결합하는 구절들 및 마지막 심판이 순종을 조건으로 하는 것처럼 묘사하는 구절들과의 긴장이 다루어진다. 그 다음 단락에서는 바울 율법 비판을 집약하는 ‘율법의 행위’ 개념이 논의된다. 여기서는 도덕적 순종을 포함하는 것으로 '율법의 행위‘ 개념을 해석하는 양 진영의 공통된 입장과 바울의 명시적 진술과의 긴장이 지적된다. 바울은 적대자들을 종교적 위선자들, 곧 유대적 정체성을 자랑하면서도 그에 상응하는 도덕적 순종을 보여주지 않는 이들로 제시하고 있다는 사실이 강조된다. 마지막 단락에서는 율법 혹은 율법의 행위가 갖는 태생적 한계, 곧 생명을 부여할 수 없는 무능력이 바울의 율법 비판의 핵심이라는 제안과 더불어, 바울이 제시하는 믿음의 적극적 차원, 곧 성령을 매개하는 유일한 통로로서 혹은 죽은 자를 살리시는 하나님의 약속을 믿는 부활신앙으로서의 믿음 개념이 하나의 대안으로 제시된다.

      • KCI등재

        하나님의 진노는 현재적인가

        권연경 한국복음주의신약학회 2013 신약연구 Vol.12 No.2

        Paul's reference to the revelation of God's wrath in Romans 1:18 is typically interpreted as denoting a present manifestation of God's wrath, with the verb taken to be present progressive rather than futuristic. For this, scholars normally appeal to the present tense of the verb ἀποκαλύπτεται and the close parallelism between v. 17 and v. 18. Together with this, the following description of moral depravity is also taken to be the evidence for the reality of God's wrath. This paper attempts to expose various exegetical problems this 'present' interpretation creates and thereby demonstrate that the futuristic construal of the verse is the best way to go. The major problems discussed in this study are 1) the spuriousness of appealing to the present tense of the verb; 2) the problem of interpreting v. 18 in the light of an already biased understanding of v. 17, especially in relation to the tense of the righteousness language in Romans; 3) the problems of taking God's action of "handing over"and the necessary "reward/punishment"as concrete manifestations of God's wrath. The paper then offers a critique of various attempts to relating the present and future aspects of God's wrath, showing the exegetical and logical problems those construals create within the immediate context and in Paul's theology as a whole. All these problems, so concludes the paper, simply disappear when one takes the revelation of God's wrath as referring to God's final judgment, thereby confirming the conclusion reached by H. J. Eckstein some twenty five years ago.

      • KCI등재

        C. S. 루이스와 욕망: 『침묵의 행성 밖으로』를 중심으로

        권연경 한국문학과종교학회 2016 문학과종교 Vol.21 No.4

        This study explores C. S. Lewis’s portrayal of desire/greed in Out of the Silent Planet, the first of his Space Trilogy. After an introductory note on Lewis’s concern to connect supernatural with mundane, the novel’s background is explained with a sketch of its storyline. The first main section deals with Devine, a paragon of materialistic greed. In light of Lewis’s “dialectic of enjoyment and renunciation,” he constitutes a tragic case of a “wrong attitude toward things.” a futile attempt to grasp eternity with transient things. The cold-blooded “evolutionist” Weston is clothed with the ideal of “eternal prosperity of humanity,” which seems to transcend mere materialistic desire. Yet he too is driven by fear of death, possessed by the egocentric desire to become his own mater. The study makes constant references to Byung-chul Han, a Korean German philosopher, noting the remarkable correspondence between the two, very different, thinkers. Toward the end of the study a critical reflection is offered on the unmistakable difference between Lewis the hopeful Christian and Han an atheist philosopher.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        바울의 복음과 다문화적 상황

        권연경 한국복음주의신약학회 2018 신약연구 Vol.17 No.1

        This paper is an investigation of the universalistic and inclusive nature of Paul’s gospel in light of the rapid multi-cultural changes Korean society currently faces. After a brief discussion of the multi-cultural situation of the first-century Judaism, and of the early Christianity which grew out of it, it goes on to describe Paul’s about-face from a Jewish nationalistic enthusiast to an ardent advocate of Christian Gentile mission. Then follows a brief review of the two interpretive trends in Pauline scholarship, the traditional and the so-called ‘New Perspective,’ with an emphasis on the importance of the social context of Paul’s apostolic mission. The next major section explicates how Paul’s presentation of the doctrine of justification by faith is guided by the social and pastoral needs of the day. It highlights in particular how Paul, by way of contextual expositions of the truth of justification by faith, brings out the equality of Jews and Gentiles in Christ. The next section argues that Paul’s policy of inclusiveness is not just a pastoral exigency but necessary consequence of his gospel itself; the grace-ful nature of the gospel necessitates that it has to be open to everyone who comes to Christ in faith. This is followed by the final section which shows how the inclusive logic of Paul’s gospel is borne out of the conviction that the gospel of crucifixion and resurrection is the only genuine manifestation of God’s creative power of life which, for that very reason, overrides and nullifies all human, worldly, conditions and values which lack such power. The study concludes with a brief reflection on the practical implications of its major thesis in the context of Korean society and church. 이 연구는 한국 사회가 현재 직면하고 있는 급격한 다문화적 변화를 염두에 두고, 바울의 복음이 가진 보편적이고 포용적인 성격을 살펴보려는 시도다. 우선 일세기 유대교 및 거기서 자라나온 초대교회의 다문화적 상황을 간략하게 묘사한 후, 열광적 민족주의자에서 기독교적 이방인 선교의 열렬한 옹호자로 변화한 바울의 모습을 살펴본다. 그리고 바울의 선교에 있어 사회적 맥락이 갖는 중요성을 강조하면서 바울 연구의 두 큰 흐름인 전통적 관점과 새 관점을 간략히 개관한다. 다음 단락에서는 바울의 이신칭의 교리가 어떻게 당시의 사회적, 목회적 필요에 이끌리는지 살펴본다. 여기서는 특별히 바울이 어떻게 이신칭의 교리를 상황적으로 풀이하면서 유대인과 이방인의 평등이라는 결론을 도출해 내는지에 초점을 맞춘다. 다음 단락에서는 바울의 포용 정책이 단지 목회적 필요의 산물이 아니라 그가 선포한 복음 자체의 필연적 결론이었다는 주장이 제시된다. 은혜에 기초한 복음은 믿음으로 그리스도에게 나아오는 모든 이에게 개방된 것일 수밖에 없다. 마지막 단락에서는 바울 복음의 포용적 논리가 그의 복음적 신념, 곧 십자가와 부활의 복음만이 하나님의 창조적 능력에 대한 진정한 표현이라는 신념으로부터 흘러나온 것이라는 사실을 논증한다. 하나님의 창조적 능력이라는 점에서 복음은 생명의 능력을 갖지 못한 일체의 인간적 조건과 가치를 넘어서며 이를 무효화한다. 연구의 결론에서는 본 연구의 핵심 논지가 한국의 사회와 교회에서 어떤 함의를 갖는지 생각해 본다.

      • KCI등재후보

        죽음의 변형: 초대 부활공동체의 죽음 이해* -바울서신을 중심으로

        권연경 한국복음주의신약학회 2009 신약연구 Vol.8 No.1

        This article argues that the early church, especially Paul, viewed the `death' of Jesus not as a tragic miscarriage of justice but as an indispensable source of life. Having discussed the importance of Jesus' resurrection for the emergence of the early church, and briefly sketched how the early church's experience of such a ground-shaking event affected the way it interpreted the death of Jesus, the study goes on to substantiate the thesis by examining a few Pauline passages crucial in understanding Paul's view of the death of Jesus: Galatians 3:1-5, 13-14; 4;1-7; 1 Corinthians 1-4. A close look at these texts bears out our point that Paul does not perceive the death of Christ as death itself, but primarily as the death of the risen Christ, i. e., as a purposeful death which has wrought a new life. Thus, in Galatians Paul presents the crucifixion of Christ, and our faith in it, as an exclusive source of the Spirit, the Spirit of life which sustains believers towards the final `hope of righteousness', with its negative corollary that this Spirit cannot come from `works of the law'. In 1 Corinthians too, Paul's exclusive focus on `the Christ crucified' is motivated by his desire to underscore the power of the cross, the power believers need in order to inherit the eschatological Kingdom of God. Thus, for Paul who serves the risen Christ as Lord, Christ's death is seen, more than anything else, as God's purposeful measure intended to bring out a new life. To be sure, this life is paradoxical, in that it more resembles death than life as the world understands it. In Galatians it is one of persecution and suffering(3:4). In 1 Corinthians too, it means the kind of hardship which characterizes in Paul's apostolic ministry. This paradox does not mean mere lack of life, however; on the contrary it is a dynamic expression of life springing from the resurrection of Christ. This is the kind of life which cannot be concocted by any human measures, and for that very reason, it belongs to God's pure grace. So Paul is fixated on the death of Christ, since he knows that it is the only source of such life.

      • KCI등재후보

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