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      • KCI등재

        국내 성인의 성별에 따른 심혈관계 위험인자 비교 연구

        권기선(Kwon, Gi-Seon),이강구(Lee, Kang-Koo) 세계태권도문화학회 2019 세계태권도문화학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        This study is purpose for suggesting correlations an among obesity assessment index(BMI, %BF) and the cardiovascular disease risk factors. The target was 379 male and 377 female in their 20s~60s who lived in Seoul and had taken the regular check up in C health-checkup center in 2018. The both groups by gender showed statistically significant differences in the variables of BMI, WHR, %BF, TG, HDL-C, FPG SBP, DBP(P<.000). The male group’s BMI showed statistically significant, positive correlations in the variables of weight, SBP, DBP, TC, TG, FPG, WHR and BFM, but showed some negative correlations (P<.000) in the HDL-C. The male group’s %BF showed some negative correlation in the HDL-C(P<.000), but showed statistically significant, positive correlations in the other variables(P<.000). The female group’s BMI and %BF showed some negative correlations in the variables of height and HDL-C, and positive correlations in the other variables(P<.000). It was identified that the non-risk factor group’s means in the variables of age, weight, SBP, DBP, TC, TG, LDL-C, FPG, BMI, WHR, %BF and BFM were lower than the risk-factors possessing group’s means, and the former group’s HDL-C means were higher(P<.000). In this study, it was found that the levels of BMI and % BF being suggested as the criteria of obesity got higher, the cardiovascular diseases(CVDs) risk rate became higher.

      • KCI등재

        성인의 연령과 비만 집단별 구분에 따른 신체구성과 심혈관계 상관성 분석

        권기선(Kwon, Gi-Seon),이강구(Lee, Kang-Koo),김규태(Kim, Gyu-Tae),주진만(Ju, Jin-Man) 한국체육과학회 2015 한국체육과학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        This study aimed to find out whether any correlation between the cardiovascular risk factors and the obesity would be appeared depending on the ages and the obesity levels. This study was conducted targeting 649 males and 460 females in their ages of 20s-60s who had regular checkups across 2014-2015 year. In order to verify this study’s hypothesis, this study set 4 groups on considering the group composition by age and the BMI, %BF level and assigned the all subjects into the 4 groups. And the all subjects were checked their body propositions, their pressures and blood lipid composition. The all data in this study were statistically analyzed in use of SPSS-PC Version 18.0. This study used the independent t-test, One-Way ANOVA & LSD(Least Difference) method. In the intergroup difference by age, it was found that each group showed statistcially significant difference in the variables of body compositions(BMI, WHR, %BF, and BFM), the blood lipid composition(TC, TG, LDL-C, and FPG) and the blood pressure(SBP, DBP)(p〈.000). In the test results of the groups classified depending o the obesity levels, it was found that the both values of age and %BF were the highest in the Group C, and the values of height, weight, SBP, TG and HDL-C were the highest in the Group B. And the values of TC, LDL-C, FPG, BMI, WHR, and BFM were the highest in the Group D. For the variables of BMI and %BF which are currently most frequently used as the obesity criteria, the relevances between obesity and the risk factors corresponding to BMI and %BF respectively were appeared differently, but it was appeared that if one of both BMI level and %BF level is high, the risk level of cardiovascular diseases will eventually became high.

      • KCI등재

        고 카페인 음료 섭취가 엘리트 마라톤 선수들의 운동능력 수준, 무산소성파워, 피로도 및 자율신경기능에 미치는 영향

        박주희(Park, Ju-Hee),권기선(Kwon, Gi-Seon),김규태(Kim, Gyu-Tae),이강구(Lee, Kang-Koo) 한국체육과학회 2015 한국체육과학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        This study analyzed the differences on what kind of effects instant high level caffeine drink intake inflicts to physical capability, anaerobic power, tiredness and autonomic nerve functions of 16 of Korean elite marathon athletes who are in their 20s. This study covered 16 marathon athletes registered to K institute team and the environments that may affect to them were limited and controlled. Physical capability, maximum oxygen intake, lactic acid analysis, abiotic power and autonomic never function were tested as pre-evaluation and post evaluation was done 1 week after pre-evaluation session with intake of a can of high level caffeine drink(250ml, 61.85mg of caffeine) an hour before the tests were applied. For Physical Fitness, Sit and Reach showed p=.0165 which is statistically significantly high, and Sargent jump showed p=.018 and Reaction Time showed p=.013 which were statistically significantly high. For Anaerobic Power, Peak Power showed p=.032 which was statistically significantly increased. In Fatigue: Blood Lactate, it showed no statistically significant differences and in Autonomic Bioelectric response showed Activity p=.048 and Reactivity p=.016 that were statistically significantly decreased. Intake of high level caffeine drink by athletes can be positive help on increasing physical capabilities, improving performance or relieving stresses, but it is expected hardly no significant difference will be acquired during their actual performances for those elite athletes and it is estimated that there are needs on providing precise information on the potential problems can be caused when such substance is overdosed and/or overused.

      • KCI등재

        족부형태 변형이 정적 평형과 체력에 미치는 영향

        김금태(Kim, Keum-Tae),권기선(Kwon, Gi-Seon),김규태(Kim, Gyu-Tae),이강구(Lee, Kang-Koo) 한국체육과학회 2014 한국체육과학회지 Vol.23 No.6

        The purpose of this study lies in figuring out the effect of plantar transformation of 60 male office workers in their 50s on their static balance and physical strength, along with supplementation of the weak points of plantar form. Those subjects ith transformed plantar were divided into normal plantar(15), pes cavus(15), pes planus(15), hallux valgus(15). Entire subjects were measured of their weight, BMI, BF rate with multi-frequency Impedance (X-scan plus Ⅱ), and static balance, pes cavus, pes planus depending on the pressure distribution affecting plantar were analyzed with Gaitview AFA-50(Alps electric Co., Lid, Korea. Hallux angle of the hallux valgus was measured with goniometer, and static balance, cardiorespiratory endurance, lower extremity endurance, flexibility, explosive muscular strength and quickness were measured. One-way ANOVA and Turkey"s post hoc test were conducted to see the difference between the transformed plantar as the data process. Significant level was P<.05 with the results as below. Pressure distribution pre. post static balance by plantar form showed significant difference between the groups, while the pressure distribution of both side showed insignificant difference. Exercise stress test showed considerable difference in exercise duration by plantar form, while there were insignificant difference in maximum oxygen intake, maximum heart rate, titration number of heart beat. Isokinetic test showed significant difference in protractor and flexor of both sidei by plantar form, and insignificant difference in the rate of flexor defect, and significant difference in the defect rate of protractor of both side. No significant difference appeared in the rate of muscular strength of both side. Seeing from synthesized results, there were significant differences in pre, post static balance, exercise duration of cardiorespiratory endurance, lower extremity strength and protractor defect rate of both side and quickness by plantar form. Accordingly, plantar transformation can be considered as greatly influential on static balance, exercise duration, lower extremity strength and quickness.

      • KCI등재

        성인남성의 BMI 측정방법에 의한 평가분류와 WHR, %Fat, 대사성 위험요인과의 관련성 연구

        이호진(Lee, Ho-Jin),권기선(Kwon, Gi-Seon),김규태(Kim, Gue-Tae),이강구(Lee, Kang-Koo) 한국체육과학회 2014 한국체육과학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to observe the relationship between indicators of metabolic syndrome, WHR and %Fat by BMI classification in adult men. The subjects of this study were 500 adult men with ages ranging from 40 to 59 years old who had no physical and congenital problems. These adult men were measured their body composition height, body weight, body mass Index, percent body fat, waist to hip ratio, fast blooding sugar, blood pressure and serum lipids total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride. The result of these variables was analyzed and compared using SPSS 12.0 program. The major analysis employed Descriptive detective, Independent samples t-test and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient. All statistical significance levels were P<.05. The results of this study were as follows. First, in normal weight group, there was the significance positive correlation between BMI, WHR and %Fat in BMI classification of both WHO and KSSO(Korea society for the study of obesity). Generally in overweight and obesity groups, the classification of KSSO’s BMI had more significance than WHO’s. Second, there was the significance positive correlation between systolic blood pressure, diastolic pressure and fasting blood sugar in overweight and obesity groups of KSSO’s BMI classification. But, WHO BMI classification had no significant correlation in metabolic risk factors. Future studies must be performed with more variables region, gender, age, exercise, alcohol, nicotine and percent body fat, waist circumference indicating distribution of body fat to examine the interaction between BMI and metabolic risk factors.

      • KCI등재

        성인 남성 만성정신질환자의 규칙적인 복합 운동이 건강 및 운동관련 체력과 혈중지질에 미치는 영향

        김형돈(Hyung Don Kim),권기선(Gi Seon Kwon),이강구(Kang Koo Lee) 한국사회체육학회 2011 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.45

        The purpose of this study was the Effects of Regular Exercise on Body Composition, Physical Fitness and Blood Lipid in Mental disorder men. The subjects consists of 26 men in exercise(13) and control(13) group, two groups: the exercise group(n=13), and non-exercise group(n=13). After an overnight fast of at least 12 hours blood samples of 6ml were drawn from antecubital vein. Serum was then separated for determination of total cholesterol(TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC), triglycerides(TG), FBS(Fasting blood sugar). Body composition was measured by X-scan plusⅡ. Physical fitness of hand grip, sit up, sit & reach, sargent jump, balance, agility were measured using O2run system. The exercise program(yoga and dancesport) were executed 60 minutes a day, 2 time a week for 20 weeks. Experimental data were analysed through SPSS windows 18.0 PC+ and analysed by using Paired t-test. The experimental results from this study are as follows. Significant decrease were %BF(p<.05), WHR(p<.05) in exercise group and significant increase was flexibility(p<.05) in exercise group. Significant decrease were TC(p<.05), FBS(p<.05) and significant increase were HDL-C(p<.05) in exercise group. Similar findings were also reported from case-control studies. conclusion, we can consider for this study that regular exercise had positive effect on blood lipid, body composition, physical fitness in Mental disorder.

      • KCI등재

        병적 도박중독자의 우울척도, 신체구성, 기초체력, 혈압과 혈당 수준의 비교연구

        김형돈(Kim, Hyung-Don),권기선(Kwon, Gi-Seon),김규태(Kim, Kyu-Tae),이강구(Lee, Kang-Koo) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to define the complex relationship of beck depression inventory, body composition, physical fitness, blood pressure and fasting blood sugar according to pathological gambler. The subjects consists of 120 man in pathological gambler(60) and normal(60) group. Depression test was measured survey by beck depression inventory scale and Body composition was measured by X-scan plusⅡ. Physical fitness of VO2max, hand grip, sit up, sit & reach, sargent jump, balance, agility were measured using O2run system. The statistics procedure of this paper was independent t-test and performed by SPSS (ver 18.0) to define the relationship of beck depression inventory, body composition, physical fitness, blood pressure and fasting blood sugar between pathological gambler and normal group. pathological gamblers reported Significant higher level of BDI, BMI, %BF, WHR and FBS. But, there was no significant difference in weight, Physical fitness and BP in both groups. As a result, the level of beck depression inventory, body composition, blood pressure and fasting blood sugar to pathological gamblers are thought to be higher.

      • KCI등재

        중년 남성의 운동 참여 유무에 따른 골밀도, 신체구성 및 혈중지질의 상관관계

        김형돈(Kim, Hyung-Don),권기선(Kwon, Gi-Seon),이강구(Lee, Kang-Koo),김규태(Kim, Kyu-Tae) 한국체육과학회 2013 한국체육과학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of long term participation of physical activity on the relationship between bone mineral density (BMD), Body composition and blood lipid in middle-aged men The subjects consisted of exercise group(n=145) and non-exercise group(n=145). Bone mineral density and bone content were measured by dual~energy X-ray absorptiometry(DEXA), GE Lunar Prodigy advance for femoral neck and Lumber spine, L1-L4. Body composition was also measured by Inbody 720. After an overnight fast of at least 12 hours blood samples were drawn from antecubital vein. Serum was then separated for determination of total cholesterol(TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides(TG), and Glucose, and measured by HITACHI 7600 automatic analyzer and Glucose & Lactate Analyzer YSI2300 STAT Plus. Experimental data were processed through SPSS windows 18.0 PC+ and analysed using Pearson"s multiple correlation, independent t-test, and logistic regression analysis. The results of this study are as follows; no significant differences exist in height and LBM between the two groups. Age, body weight, BFM, %BF, BMI, WHR, and WR were significantly(p <.001) differencet between the two groups. Lumber L1-L4 BMD and femur neck BMD were positively correlated with height, weight, LBM, BFM,BMI, WHR, WR, and glucose. In addition negative correlations were observed with Age, %BF, TC, TG, LDL-C, and HDL-C. Logistic regression showed that WC, TC, BFM, LBM, weight, and height were selected to classify the two group and significant differences existed. In conclusion it would be assumed that increase in the amount of habitual physical activity would have beneficial impact on bone and decrease the cardiovascular risk factors.

      • KCI등재후보

        태권도 경기 후 골드스톤 마사지 처치가 체력 및 혈중 젖산농도에 미치는 영향

        라경민(Ra, Kyoung-Min),원종석(Won, Jong-Suk),권기선(Kwon, Gi-Seon),이강구(Lee, Kang-Koo) 세계태권도문화학회 2017 세계태권도문화학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        This study aims to investigate the effects of Goldstone’s massage on physical fitness and blood lactate after Taekwondo competition, and offer the preliminary data for recovery methods of athletes and leaders during the break. 14 male students who is attending in department of Taekwondo participated in this study performed over two times(twice) within a week period. This study was designed to investigate the effects of recovery methods of Goldstone s massage on physical fitness and blood lactate by measuring physical fitness and blood lactate at pre- and post-treatment. With regard to treatments, the change of physical fitness level was statistically significant highly the left and right of grip strength of experimental group in comparison with control group after group treatment in case of muscular strength. In case of muscular endurance, quickness, flexibility, agility & cardiopulmonary function, experimental group was statistically significant highly compared to the control group after group treatment. In case of blood lactate, experimental group was statistically significant low compared to the blood lactate of control group after group treatment. In conclusion, it is effective that Goldstone s massage eliminates muscle fatigue rapidly and then restores to its original condition. This study shows that Goldstone s massage treatment have a tendency to increase physical fitness after games. As a result, Goldstone s massage treatment has a positive effect on recovery method after competition. Therefore, the utilization in this field is expected. However, it is necessary to verify the effects because the study of effects on Goldstone s massage is certainly not enough so far.

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