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        『晝永編』을 통해 본 鄭東愈(1744∼1808)의 自然認識

        구만옥 진단학회 2010 진단학보 Vol.- No.110

        『晝永編』은 鄭東愈의 만년 저작으로 經學, 禮學, 文學으로부터 風俗과 自然學에 이르는 다양한 분야의 주제를 다루고 있다. 『주영편』은 정동유의 대표적인 저술로 그의 학문과 사상을 이해하는 기초적이고 귀중한 자료임과 동시에 18세기 후반에서 19세기 초에 이르는 조선후기 학계의 변동 상황을 엿볼 수 있는 저술로서 의미가 크다. 『주영편』을 관통하는 일관된 학문 방법론은 일종의 實證主義라고 할 수 있다. 정동유는 ‘考實’, ‘據實’, ‘依據’의 가치를 중시했고, 國故와 같은 중요한 사안의 典據에 대해서는 상세히 辨析해야 한다고 강조했다. 아울러 그는 의미 없는 말이나 근거 없는 주장[無根之說], 억지로 끌어다 붙이는 주장[傅會之說]에 대해 비판적이었다. 정동유는 曆象論, 定朔法 등에서 독창적인 견해를 제시했고, 서양의 地球說을 수용했으며, 潮汐의 발생 원리에 대해서도 자기 나름의 비판적 견해를 제기하였다. 그는 당시 유행하고 있던 天主敎를 이단으로 간주했으며, 풍수지리설과 같은 미신과 술수에 대해서도 비판하였다. 이처럼 정동유는 자연인식에서도 기존의 학설에 얽매이지 않고 학습과 견문, 경험을 바탕으로 자신의 독자적인 견해를 제기하였다. Juyeongpyeon is one of Jeong Dong-yu’s books in his later years of life, which covers various fields of subjects including not only gyeonghak(classical studies), yehak(study of ritual), and literature, but also a custom and natural science. Juyeongpyeon which is the most outstanding book by Jeong is the basic and important source to understand his study and thoughts. At the same time, it is valuable because it shows changes in the academia of the late Joseon dynasty from the late 18th century to the early 19th century. The methodology used in Juyeongpyeon is a kind of positivism. Jeong considers that proving facts and arguing based on facts are important. Concerning the issues related to national scholarships and culture, he emphasizes that citations grounded on those issues need to be distinguished and analyzed in detail. In addition, he is critical of arguments without meaning or basis, and of farfetched insistence. Jeong Dong-yu provides original views on the theory of astronomy and calendrical science and the law of calculating the first lunar day. He also adopts the Western idea of round earth, and presents his own critical views on the theory of tide. He regards Catholicism as heresy, and criticizes superstition and trickery such as Feng-Shui geomancy. As such, Jeong was not bound by previous theories, but asserted his original views on understanding nature based on his study, knowledge, and experience.

      • KCI등재

        How Did a Confucian Scholar in Late Joseon Korea Study Mathematics? HWANG Yunseok 黃胤錫 (1729-1791) and the Mathematicians of Late Eighteenth-Century Seoul

        구만옥 한국과학사학회 2012 한국과학사학회지 Vol.34 No.2

        The Yijaenango, a lifetime journal of a Confucian scholar of eighteenth-century Korea named Hwang Yunseok, contains detailed records about Hwang’s study on mathematics and on his relationship with other yangban literati who had specialized interests in mathematics. Based mainly on this material, this article examines why and how a Confucian scholar in late eighteenth-century Korea studied mathematics, including Western mathematics introduced from China. Hwang’s interest in mathematics, as shown in his journal, was an extension of his interest in the traditional learning of “images and numbers (sangsu 象數),”an interest that he earned while studying Neo-Confucian texts compiled in the Complete Collection on Nature and Principle (Xinglidaquan 性理大全).He began his mathematical study from texts on Chinese traditional mathematics, notably, the Introduction to Mathematics(Sanxueqimeng 算學啓蒙), and as an extension of this study, he became interested in Western mathematical texts including the Elements of Geometry(Jiheyuanben 幾何原本), and the Essence of Numbers and Their Principles(Shulijingyun 數理精蘊) and the Thorough Investigation of Astronomical Phenomena(Lixiangkaocheng 曆象考成). This paper also examines Hwang’s records concerning the community of mathematicians in late eighteenth-century Seoul—the main figures in the field, their relations to one another, the circulation of books among them, and the trends of their mathematical studies.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        조선후기 西學 수용과 배척의 논리 - 星湖學派의 西學觀을 중심으로 -

        구만옥 동국역사문화연구소 2018 동국사학 Vol.64 No.-

        The acceptance of western studies(西學) of the Seongho School(星湖學派), represented by Yi, Ik(李瀷), has several characteristics as follows. Firstly, western science and technology is regarded separately from Catholicism. While he has asserted that Catholicism was a heresy, Yi, Ik has showed a positive attitude toward western science and technology. Secondly, they have affirmed the academic excellence and practicality of Western science and technology, based on historical awareness and perception of reality. They have had historical awareness that Science and technology becomes more and more precise as it goes down later, and even the wisdom of the saints can not grasp the whole truth, At the same time, they have had perception of reality that China’s academic ability was lagging behind the West at that time. Thirdly, based on the open-minded attitude of study, they have raised the selective acceptance of the doctrine of heresy. Yi Ik has the view that even if it is a book of heresy, they can remove the nuisance part and can adopt only outstanding discussion. Finally, they have explored the doctrines of Catholic and other heretic theories thoroughly. Scholars of the Seongho School have read a wide range of books related to Western learning and extracted pros and cons. This differentiates them from those scholars who have never read books of Western learning and raised criticism. Unlike the acceptance of Western learning of the Seongho School, it is difficult to find a discussion on the excellence of Western science in the Heterogeneism and the traditional logic of heretical rejection, held by those scholars belong to Southerners group and those who have strong opinion of defending orthodoxy and rejecting heterodoxy. Based on the tradition of heretical rejection, they have categorized Catholicism into the heresy which acknowledges neither king nor father. They have also expressed a negative view on the excellence of Western science. Their criticisms of Western science are as follows. Firstly, they have not recognized the academic ability of Westerners. They scorned, exaggerated, and abused Western knowledge as ‘one-sided wisdom’ at best. Secondly, they have looked down on the excellence of Western science as a mere handicraft. They considered the excellence of Western astronomy no different than the special abilities of animal and poultry. The sophistication of Western studies was compared to the “delicate handicraft of Japan and Vietnam”. Thirdly, the difference between the Chinese academic and Western skills were compared with that between the fundamental comprehension of the aristocracy and a handicraft of the lower class. Finally, in their view, the difference between the orthodoxy and the heresy is in ‘academic goal’. They pointed out that heresy focuses on the material force as the principal[主氣] and qi(氣) with physical form[形氣], while the orthodoxy focuses on the nature and external necessity[性命] and the moral principle[道理]. 李瀷으로 대표되는 星湖學派의 서학 수용론은 다음과 같은 몇 가지 특징을 지니고 있다. 첫째, 서양의 과학기술과 천주교를 분리하였다. 이익은 천주교는 이단이라고 단언한 반면 서양의 과학기술에 대해서는 적극적인 수용의 태도를 보였다. 둘째, 서양 과학기술의 학문적 우수성과 실용성을 긍정하였다. 이익은 과학기술은 후대로 내려갈수록 더욱 정밀해지고, 비록 聖人의 지혜라고 할지라도 그 이치를 모두 알 수는 없다는 역사적 인식, 그리고 당시 중국의 학문적 능력이 서양보다 뒤떨어져 있다는 현실 인식을 바탕으로 서학 수용론을 전개하였다. 셋째, 개방적 학문 태도를 기초로 異端의 학설에 대한 선별적 수용론을 제기했다. 이익은 이단의 책이라고 해도 그 가운데 잡스러운 부분을 제거하고 뛰어난 논의[明論]만 채택하면 된다고 보았다. 넷째, 천주교를 비롯한 이단의 학설에 대해서도 깊이 있게 탐구하였다. 성호학파의 학자들은 다양한 서학 관련 서적을 폭넓게 읽고 장단점을 적출하였다. 이는 서학과 관련된 책을 전혀 읽지 않고 비판론을 제기했던 학자들과 비교할 때 분명한 차별성을 보인다. 성호학파의 서학 수용론과 달리 南人 계열과 衛正斥邪 계열의 闢異端論·斥邪論에서는 서양과학의 우수성에 대한 논의를 찾아보기 어렵다. 이들은 전통적인 이단 배척의 논리에 기초해서 천주교를 ‘無父無君’의 邪學으로 단정했으며, 서양과학의 우수성에 대해서도 부정적 견해를 피력하였다. 서양과학에 대한 비판의 논점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 서양인의 학문적 능력을 인정하지 않았다. 서양의 지식은 ‘한쪽으로 치우친 지혜’라고 폄하되거나 과장되고 황당한 말로 치부되었다. 둘째, 서양과학의 우수성을 소기(小技: 조그마한 재주)의 차원으로 낮추어 보았다. 서양 천문학의 우수성은 禽獸가 지니고 있는 특별한 능력과 다를 바 없다고 여겼고, 서양 학문의 정교함은 ‘日本이나 安南의 정교한 工技’에 비유되었다. 셋째, 중국의 학문과 서양의 기예를 君子의 上達과 小人의 下達로 대비하였다. 넷째, 正學과 異端의 차이를 ‘학술의 차이’에서 찾고 있었다. 그것은 바로 主氣·形氣를 위주로 하는 학문과 性命·道理를 위주로 하는 학문의 차이였다.

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