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        건강검진 시 교대근무자의 복부초음파검사와 간 기능 검사, 대사증후군 결과에 대한 고찰

        곽종길,동경래,최성현 (사)한국방사선산업학회 2020 방사선산업학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to find out the health status of shift workers by analyzingabdominal ultrasonography, liver function level, obesity, and metabolic syndrome results of shiftworkers, and to provide data on health management and improvement of shift workers throughanalysis of results. Abdominal ultrasonography, physical measurements and blood tests wereperformed on 978 patients who shift worker with abdominal ultrasonography from January 2019to September 2019 at a medical check-up center in Gwang ju. The study was conducted on 551patients. As a result, abdominal ultrasonography was most frequently diagnosed as fatty liver in 230patients (41.7%), The shift BMI of all age groups was overweight (23~24.9), and high TC, TG andGlucose were the risk of metabolic syndrome (p<0.05). Based on the results of the study, the healthstatus analysis of shift workers by age indicates that it is necessary to apply health management atwork places to introduce continuous metabolic syndrome prevention and intervention according tothe age and characteristics of shift workers. It is expected to provide data on promotion.

      • KCI등재

        수신증을 동반한 요관에서 발견된 요로상피암

        곽종길,문일봉,공창기 (사)한국방사선산업학회 2021 방사선산업학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        Urothelial Carcinoma mainly occurs in adults, compared to renal cell carcinoma,it is relatively rare, but it is a malignant tumor originating from the urinary epithelium thatconstitutes the mucosal layer of the urinary tract where urine travels from the buds and the renalpelvis to the urethra. Cancers that occur in the urinary tract epithelium are commonly referred toas urothelial carcinoma and can be divided into renal cancer, ureter cancer, bladder cancer, andurethral cancer according to the organs that occur. The most frequent cancer is bladder cancer,followed by renal Pelvic ureter cancer. Urothelial Carcinoma is the second most common cancerin the genitourinary system in Korea. Bladder cancer is a malignant tumor of the bladder, andit is more common in people in their 60 years old and 70 years old. Men are at higher risk thanwomen. Pelvic ureter cancer is more common in men, especially among the elderly aged 65 andolder. In recent years, the development of ultrasound enables early diagnosis of lesions, so earlydiagnosis through imaging is becoming important. We experienced a case of Urothelial Carcinomain the ureter with hydronephrosis on Ultrasonography.

      • KCI등재

        경동맥초음파검사 시 반향허상을 제거할 수 있는 젤 패드의 전파 매질 연구

        곽종길,동경래,공창기 (사)한국방사선산업학회 2021 방사선산업학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        Water gel pad is excellent in convenience, but it is disposable, so it has the disadvantagethat repeated use is prohibited, and it is economical for students to use disposable water gel padswhen practicing Carotid ultrasonography at university. In this study, a commercially availableagar jelly based on a commercially available disposable gel pad, which is commercially availableat a high price, is produced to search the radio wave medium to produce a pad to remove theechoed image when practicing carotid ultrasound at university. The validity was evaluatedby comparing with carrageenan in the form of one gel pad. When comparing agar jelly andcarrageenan gel pad based on a commercially available ready-made disposable gel pad, agarjelly satisfies all of the quality control compliance criteria, and skin without virtualization dueto reverberation artifacts and comet tail artifacts frequently observed in carotid ultrasound. Itwas found that the structure of the shallow surface close to and was well observed, providing thebest quality images. As a result of these results, commercially available inexpensive agar jelly andcarrageenan gel pads proposed instead of commercial water gel pads are widely used as a veryefficient ultrasonic delivery medium if additional research is expected to establish an accuratebasis as an ultrasonic delivery medium that complements a virtual image.

      • KCI등재

        건강검진 수진자의 복부초음파 검사와 복부CT 검사의유소견 결과 비교에 대한 고찰

        곽종길,최남길,김광철,최성관,이성길 (사)한국방사선산업학회 2018 방사선산업학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        A total of 266 patients (201 males, 65 females, mean age 53.1 years) who underwentabdominal ultrasound and abdominal CT examinations at the same time were included in thisretrospectively studied from January 2016 to December 2017. Fatty liver were found in 108patients (40.6%) of abdominal ultrasonography and in 21 patients (7.8%) of abdominal CT scan. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a 5 times higher incidence of fatty liver than abdominal CTscan. Gallbladder stones were detected in 11 patients (4.1%) by abdominal ultrasonography and Itwas a 5 times more than abdominal CT scan (7 patients, 2.6%). Gallbladder polyps were detected21 patients (7.8%) underwent abdominal ultrasound examination and the detection rate was a 5times higher than the abdominal CT scan (4 patients, 1.5%). Both gallbladder stones and polypswere better seen on abdominal sonography than on abdominal CT. Abdominal ultrasonography isa useful diagnostic method for the mild fatty liver and detection of small intestinal polyps of lessthan 5 mm in diameter. Abdominal CT scan is a useful diagnostic method to detect lesions thathave been missed by abdominal ultrasound, including kidney tumors, stones, adrenal tumors, andcysts. The diagnosis of abdominal ultrasound and abdominal CT could be useful in minimizingthe diagnostic errors.

      • KCI등재

        내시경과 복부초음파 당일 검사에서 복부초음파 영상의 화질 개선에 관한 연구

        곽종길,최남길,동경래,김미현,김현수,김성길 (사)한국방사선산업학회 2019 방사선산업학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        SNR and CNR were evaluated to investigate using for harmonic technique, Compositeimage and technique to reduce speckle artifact reducing the stomach, duodenum, and intestinalgas artifacts through transducer compression and position changes to obtain a good image ofthe abdominal organs (centered on the pancreas) in abdominal ultrasonography performedafter gastroscopy, abdominal ultrasound examination after colon cleansing and abdominalultrasonography performed after simultaneous gastroscopy and colonoscopy. Statistical analysiswas performed using Robust Analysis of Variance, which was performed using the raov functionof Rfit and the raov function including the main effect and all order interactions. We calculatedthe rank - based variance analysis for all 2k - 1 hypotheses. The statistical program was analyzedwith the Rov function of the Rfit package of the R program and the post test for the significantresults was calculated through the least significant difference (the significance correction usingthe Hochberg method). The following conclusions were quantitative and qualitative analysis ofpancreatic head images of examines who examined endoscopy and abdominal ultrasonographyon the day of health examination. In quantitative evaluation, SNR and CNR showed statisticallysignificant differences in abdominal ultrasonography, abdominal ultrasonography, and weightgroup, and there was a significant interaction between abdominal ultrasonography and weight group. The results of qualitative evaluation showed that there were differences in the clarity,internal structure, and visual range of the pancreatic head according to the pressure and thechange of the position, and the order of abdominal ultrasonography and weight group wereaffected. Quantitative and qualitative analysis showed that the use of harmonic, real-timesynthetic imaging technique, and reduction of the speckle artifact were performed in the caseof normal body weight. Abdominal ultrasonography can be performed after endoscopic, postoperative,intestinal, and gastrointestinal endoscopic examinations with appropriate transducercompression and changes in position according to intraperitoneal gas and fluid flow in theintestinal tract. Patient with overweight, it is appropriate to perform abdominal ultrasonographybefore gastroscopy and after gastroscopy. In the case of obesity, abdominal ultrasonographyshould be performed before endoscopy to avoid obstruction of artifacts such as gastric andintestinal gas and intestinal fluid by attenuation due to subcutaneous fat or visceral fat of theabdominal wall. In order to remove stomach and intestinal gas that should be using for harmonictechnique, Composite image and technique to reduce speckle artifact.

      • KCI등재

        복부초음파 검사 시 탐촉자 압박과 체위 변화에 따른 영상 화질 평가

        곽종길,최남길,동경래,신지윤,김현수,김호성 (사)한국방사선산업학회 2019 방사선산업학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        SNR and CNR were evaluated to investigate the effect of reducing the stomach, duodenum,and intestinal gas artifacts through transducer compression and position changes to obtaina good image of the abdominal organs (centered on the pancreas) in abdominal ultrasonographyperformed after gastroscopy, abdominal ultrasound examination after colon cleansing andabdominal ultrasonography performed after simultaneous gastroscopy and colonoscopy. Therewas a difference between SNR and CNR according to the presence or absence of compression, butcompression did not affect the ultrasound sequence and weight. There was a significant differencein the CNR in the position change but the change in the position did not affect the abdominalultrasonography order and the weight group. The results of qualitative evaluation showed that therewere differences in the clarity, internal structure, and visual range of the pancreatic head accordingto the pressure and the change of the position, and the order of abdominal ultrasonography andweight group were affected. In the case of obesity, abdominal ultrasonography should be performedbefore the endoscopy to avoid obstruction of artifacts such as gastric and intestinal gas and intestinalfluid by attenuation due to subcutaneous fat or visceral fat of the abdominal wall. In order to removestomach and intestinal gas that may interfere with abdominal ultrasonography. Therefore, improvethe quality of the images, it is considered that the pressure of the transducer and the change of theposition of the examinee should be performed.

      • KCI등재

        성인 남성에서 진단된 지방간 정도와 혈액학적 검사 및비만지표의 상관관계

        곽종길,문일봉,공창기 (사)한국방사선산업학회 2021 방사선산업학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to determine the proportion of fatty liver findingsobtained by abdominal ultrasonography by the degree of obesity, and to investigate therelationship between obesity index and hematological examination according to the degreeof fatty liver. From January, 2019 to October, 2019, 551 male subjects who had abdominalultrasonography performed at the Health Check-up Center in Gwangju Hospital were testedfor abdominal ultrasonography, physical measurements and hematology simultaneously. Thestudy was performed on 222 patients diagnosed with fatty liver. Ultrasonography was classifiedinto three grades: Grade I (mild fatty liver), Grade I (moderate fatty liver), and Grade II (severefatty liver) according to the degree of parenchyma texture, acoustic attenuation, obesity index,hematological examination, and metabolic syndrome. As a result, 50 years (51.3%) of fatty liverwere the most in Grade Ⅰ, Grade II and Grade III. BMI, WC, and obesity were increased withincreasing fatty liver grade (p<0.05). Hematological analysis showed that AST, ALT, γ-GTP,TC, TG, HDL-C, LDL-C, Glucose were significantly different from each other (p<0.05). Whendiagnosed as fatty liver, there were correlations between blood levels indicating obesity, liverdysfunction, and metabolic syndrome according to the degree of fatty liver. Based on the resultsof this study, ultrasonography with factors related to the diagnosis of fatty liver may be clinicallyhelpful in the diagnosis of fatty liver and in the observation and treatment of fatty liver. Inaddition, it is expected to be useful as a basic data for diagnosing fatty liver and presentingstandardized criteria that can be classified more objectively.

      • KCI등재

        복부초음파 검사 시 탐촉자 압박에 따른 영상 화질 평가

        곽종길,박신의,최남길 (사)한국방사선산업학회 2018 방사선산업학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        Abdominal ultrasound images with or without compression of the transducers, beforeand after endoscopy, were evaluate SNR and CNR which showing good images of abdominalorgans (centered on the pancreas) and the effect of reducing stomach, duodenum, and intestinalgas artifacts. Statistical analysis was performed using the non-parametric krukal-Wallis testcomparisons between the presence or absence of compression and before and after endoscopy. Thestructural model of the triple batch method with the different number of experimenters was usedfor expected factors that will affect the response value (with or without compression, SNR or CNR,group). Between difference before and after endoscopy and SNR, CNR intergroup interactionswere statistically significant. Scheffe’s post test was used to compare the mean difference betweengroups, the response value of overweight was higher than that of the control group (phantom),and there was no difference between the other groups in the control group. CNR and SNR andintergroup interactions are similar to intergroup effect of overweight (NO) before endoscopyin responses to CNR and SNR were significant differences and other patients showed similarresults to phantom. Before and after endoscopy of with or without compression, there was nodifference between before and after endoscopy. The SNR and CNR values were higher than thoseof compression stress. Therefore it would considered necessary to apply pressure to improve thequality of the abdominal ultrasound image.

      • KCI등재

        동적 심혈관 로드맵을 이용한 중재적 시술이 투시 시간 및 환자 피폭에 미치는 영향

        곽종길,서영현 한국방사선학회 2023 한국방사선학회 논문지 Vol.17 No.4

        Angiography equipment is used to evaluate and treat coronary artery disease. As a common feature of equipment, radiation is used, and function development for dose reduction is being carried out by each company. Therefore, the difference depending on whether DCR installed in angiography equipment is used is analyzed from a radiological point of view to prove the effect. Among 431 patients who underwent coronary artery intervention from March 2021 to February 2023, 250 patients with retrospective data were selected. And than among the 250 subjects obtained, 91 patients used the cardiovascular roadmap function during single-vessel intervention, and 159 patients did not use the roadmap. When DCR was used, total dose area product (34.57 uGy/m2 : 69.15 uGy/m2), total air kerma dose (688.47 mGy : 1640.4 mGy), fluoroscopy dose (23.87 uGy/m2 : 49.91 uGy/m2) and fluoroscopy time (723.55 s : 366.03 s), total number of images (17 : 26) showed lower values and were statistically significant than those not used. The use of DCR function in single vessel coronary intervention is thought to be radiologically safer as single vessel coronary intervention using dynamic cardiovascular DCR showed lower perspective time and perspective dose than procedures performed without the DCR.

      • KCI등재

        이형성 협심증 진단 조영 검사의 방사선학적 관점

        곽종길,서영현 한국방사선학회 2023 한국방사선학회 논문지 Vol.17 No.4

        If complete coronary artery occlusion occurs due to severer coronary spasm, malignant arrhythmias can lead to death. Therefore, early screening for coronary artery spasm angina is essential. Among the test methods, the drug injection test through coronary angiography is generally performed. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the advantages of ergonovine drug test for vasospasitc angina examination during coronary angiography, such as the relationship between the procedure time, contrast medium usage, and radiation exposure effects of coronary angiography. Follow-up data of 142 patients who underwent coronary angiography and variant angina examination from september 2021 to february 2023 were used. As a result of analyzing contrast usage dose and dose area product and air kerma dose and number of imaging series and procedure time, variant angina examination was statistically significantly higher than coronary angiography. (p<0.001) In conclusion, variant angina examination other than coronary artery angiography are radiologically negative. Therefore, we think it is better to avoid excessive inspection. Nevertheless, in the case of the provocation test, the longer the examination time, the higher the fluoroscopy time and the amount of contrast medium used, so it is better to conduct the test as quickly as possible or shorten it.

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