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      • KCI등재

        한국어 ‘따르다’와 중국어 ‘跟’의 문법화 양상 비교 연구

        곽녕(Guo Ning),유현경(Yu Hyunkyung) 한글학회 2021 한글 Vol.- No.332

        이 글에서는 ‘환유-은유’ 모형을 이용하여 ‘따르다’와 ‘跟’의 부사화와 조사(개사)화 과정을 비교⋅설명하였다. 연구 결과에 따르면, ‘따르다’는 “‘이동’ 동사→‘수반’ 동사→‘근거’ 동사→‘근거’ 부사”의 문법화 과정을, ‘跟’은 “명사→‘이동’ 동사→‘수반’ 동사→‘시간적 선후’ 부사”의 문법화 과정을 거쳐 부사의 기능을 가지게 되었다. 또한, 조사(개사)화 과정을 살펴본 결과, ‘따르다’는 “‘이동’ 동사→‘시간적 경로’ 동사→‘그때에만 유독’ 보조사”라는 비교적 간단한 과정을 거친 반면, ‘跟’은 아래 두 가지 개사화 과정을 거쳐 여러 의미를 가지게 되었다. 하나는 “명사→‘이동’ 동사→‘수반’ 동사→‘동반’ 개사→‘협동’ 개사→‘관련’ 개사→‘비교’ 개사”이며, 다른 하나는 “명사→‘이동’ 동사→‘수반’ 동사→‘동반’ 개사→‘협동’개사→‘대상’ 개사→‘출처’ 개사”이다. 그중 ‘동반’ 개사 ‘跟’은 다시 병렬 접속사 ‘跟’을 파생시켰다. 이와 같은 ‘따르다’와 ‘跟’의 문법화 과정에서 문맥에 의한 재해석과 구조의 재분석이라는 환유적 기제가 중요한 역할을 하였다. This study compared and explained the grammaticalization of “ttaluta” and “gen” using the metonymic-metaphorical model. The results of the study were as follows. “ttaluta” functioned as a conjunctive adverb through the grammaticalization process of “locomotion” (verb) → “comitative” (verb) → “according to” (verb) → “consequence” (conjunctive adverb). “gen” became a conjunctive adverb through the grammaticalization process of noun → “locomotion” (verb) → “comitative” (verb) → “after” (conjunctive adverb). Furthermore, as a result of the adposition grammaticalization process, “ttaluta” went through a relatively simple process of “locomotion” (verb) → “temporal path” (verb) → “on this of all days” (postposition). “gen” has several meanings, so the following two grammaticalization processes were also identified. The first was noun → “locomotion” (verb) → “comitative” (verb) → “comitative” (preposition) → “co-agent” (preposition) → “association” (preposition) → “comparison” (preposition). The second was noun → “locomotion” (verb) → “comitative” (verb) → “comitative” (preposition) → “co-agent” (preposition) → “goal” (preposition) → “source” (preposition). The preposition “gen,” which indicates the comitative case, ultimately serves the function of a conjunction. The metonymic model played an important role in the grammaticalization processes of “ttaluta” and “gen.”

      • KCI등재

        ‘및’의 통사적 특성과 접속 양상에 대한 고찰

        곽녕 ( Guo Ning ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2021 언어사실과 관점 Vol.52 No.-

        This study aims at the structure of [NP1과 NP2], [NP1 및 NP2] in which both ‘와/과’ and ‘및’ can appear, and tries to reveal the syntactic properties and aspects of use of ‘및’ through comparing with ‘와/과’ based on corpus usage examples and internet data. The research results can be summarized as follows. Regarding the syntactic properties of ‘와/과’ and ‘및’, ‘와/과’ and ‘및’ can both connect nouns (phrases), but there is a difference in that ‘와/과’ can connect postpositional phrases, and ‘및’ can connect prenoun of ‘XX적’ or roots. Second, when the predicate has [+Reciprocity], ‘와/과’ is preferred over ‘및’. Finally, if ‘와/과’ and ‘및’ are used repeatedly when connecting three or more noun phrases, the sentence may become unnatural. Therefore, in this case, ‘와/과’ and ‘및’ often appear together. When noun phrases are connected equally, ‘및’ follows ‘와/과’. But When connecting noun phrases that are not semantically equivalent, ‘및’ is used more between the two noun phrases that are semantically closer regardless of location. On this occasion, it can be seen that the range of connection of ‘및’ is smaller than that of ‘와/과’. Finally, when the syntactic level of the ‘와/과’ noun phrase and the ‘및’ noun phrase are different, the sentence is natural even if the order of concatenation of ‘와/과’ and ‘및’ is reversed.

      • KCI등재

        의문문에서 실현된 추측 표현 ‘-을까’, ‘-겠-’과 ‘-을 것 같-’의 의미적 차이

        곽녕 ( Guo Ning ) 한국어의미학회 2022 한국어 의미학 Vol.75 No.-

        The purpose of this paper was to clarify the semantic and distributive differences of ‘-을까’, ‘-겠-’, and ‘-을 것 같-’ in the general questions and rhetorical questions and to review the basic meaning of ‘-을까’. From the three different usage in the general questions between ‘-을까’, ‘-겠-’ and ‘-을 것 같-’ below, it can be seen that the basic meaning of ‘-을까’ is expressing ‘the speculation of speaker’. Firstly, only ‘-을까’ can be used in the context where ‘the unknown state of the speaker’ is emphasized, and only ‘-을 것 같-’ or ‘-겠-’ is used in the context where asking for ‘the speculation of listener’. Secondly, only ‘-을까’ can be used in the situations where the listener is well aware of the circumstance. Thirdly, when the speaker asks for the listener’s speculation of the proposition speaker knows, only ‘-을 것 같-’ or ‘-겠-’ can be used. And all of ‘-을까’, ‘-겠-’ and ‘-을 것 같-’ can be used in rhetorical questions, but it has been confirmed that ‘-겠-’ is the strongest and ‘-을까’ is the weakest in the terms of expressing the degree of the speaker's subjective thoughts. The stronger the speaker’s subjective thoughts are expressed, the weaker the expression of the listener’s speculations accordingly.

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