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        극지ㆍ고산식물 월귤의 격리 분포와 기온요인

        공우석(Woo-seok Kong),임종환(Jong-Hwan Lim) 대한지리학회 2008 대한지리학회지 Vol.43 No.4

        월귤은 극지ㆍ고산식물로 북극권과 고산대에 주로 자라며, 한반도에서는 북한의 고산대와 아고산대, 남한의 설악산 대청봉과 중청봉 사이 암석지, 귀때기청봉 등 아고산대 그리고 홍천의 산록에 자란다. 월귤이 격리 분포하는 강원도 홍천군 해발고도 350m 부근 애추 말단은 풍혈이다. 플라이스토세 빙하기에 널리 분포했던 월귤은 홀로세에 기후가 온난해지면서 한반도 북부와 중부의 고산대 및 아고산대와 함께 여름이 서늘한 홍천 풍혈 주위를 후빙기 피난처로 삼아 빙하기 유존종으로 격리 분포하게 되었다. 월귤의 남한계선이며 하한계선인 홍천에 자라는 군락은 가장 가까운 거리에 있는 설악산 아고산대와 1,200m의 해발고도 차이가 있으므로 빙하기의 기온은 현재보다 6.6℃ 내외로 낮았던 것으로 추정된다. 극지와 고산에 격리 분포하는 월귤은 여름 고온에 민감한 식물이다. 홍천의 산록에 자라는 월귤은 지구온난화에 따라 생리적으로 영향을 받거나 높은 온도를 좋아하는 식물과의 경쟁에 밀려사라질 수도 있다. 한반도의 생물다양성 보전 차원에서 홍천의 월귤 군락지에 대한 보호 관리가 필요하다. Vaccinium vitis-idaea or lingonberry, a typical arctic-alpine plant, is common on the circumpolar regions and alpine belts of the Northern Hemisphere, and also occurs on the alpine and subalpine belts of the Korean Peninsula, including Mt. Sorak and Hongchon. Vaccinium vitis-idaea at the elevation of c. 350m a.s.l. of Hongchon is found on the wind hole area with cool summer, and mild winter. Vaccinium vitis-idaea at Hongchon is regarded as the glacial relict of the Pleistocene period, and shows a disjunctive distribution, along with the alpine and subalpine belts of the northern and central Korea since the Holocene period. Present vertical range of Vaccinium vitis-idaea between Mt. Sorak and Hongchon might indicates that the temperatures during the glacial epoch was colder than today, down to -6 to -7℃ Vaccinium vitis-idaea at this fragile wind hole site could be endanger if current global warming trends continues, and anthropogenic activities become serious.

      • KCI등재

        쯔쯔가무시증의 시ㆍ공간적 분포와 환경생태요인

        공우석(Woo-seok Kong),신이현(E-hyun Shin),이희일(Heeil Lee),황태성(Taesung Hwang),김현희(Hyunhee Kim),이난영(Nanyoung Lee),성지혜(Jihye Sung),이슬기(Slegee Lee),윤광희(Kwanghee Yoon) 대한지리학회 2007 대한지리학회지 Vol.42 No.6

        쯔쯔가무시증 환자 발생의 시ㆍ공간적 분포를 기후, 서식환경 변화 등 환경생태요인과 관련하여 질병지리적 측면에서 분석하였다. 쯔쯔가무시증은 1951년에 보고된 뒤 1986년에 재발했고, 1998년과 2004년부터 급증하였다. 계절별로는 11월(58%)과 10월(33.2%)에 주로 노인층에서 발병한다. 남부평야지대에 발생하던 쯔쯔가무시증은 점차 동부산지지대를 제외한 전국으로 확산되었으며, 경기도 화성시는 발병자가 급증한 대표지역이다. 발병자가 급증한 것은 기후와 토지이용 변화 등 환경생태요인이 복합적으로 작용한 결과로 본다. 전국적으로는 연평균기온이 상승하고 연평균강수량이 감소하면서 쯔쯔가무시증 환자가 증가하였다. 그러나 사례조사지역인 화성시, 합천군 등에서는 여름철 기온이 상승하고 강수량 많은 해에 환자가 증가했다. 여름에 기온이 높고 상대적으로 건조하면 식생이 무성해져 털진드기의 생장과 번식이 활발해진다. 이어서 가을이 온화해지면서 털진드기 활동이 활발해지면서 환자가 급증한 것으로 본다. 농촌에서 환자가 많은 것은 1980년대 이후 토지이용 변화에 따라 마을과 경작지 주변에 늘어난 관목숲, 풀숲을 중심으로 쯔쯔가무시증의 매개체인 들쥐류와 털진드기가 번성하면서 질병을 확산시킨 결과로 본다. The time-spatial distribution of Scrub typhus and its relationship with environmental ecology, such as climate, and habitat change are analyzed in respect of the geography of disease. Scrub typhus was firstly reported in 1951, and reemerged in 1986 mainly in southwestern Korea. Later it has sharply increased and spreaded out toward whole country in 1998 and 2004, except mid-eastern mountainous region. Hwasung City is the typical example of sudden upsurge of Scrub typhus. High incidence of Scrub typhus patients might due to elevated temperature and decreased precipitation during the summer, as well as milder autumn. Sharp increase of Scrub typhus patients at rural area since 1980’s might also be the result of the rapid changes of land use pattern, which eventually have contributed for the active development of dense vegetation and propagation of chigger mites around cultivated land.

      • KCI등재

        한반도에 자생하는 소나무과 나무의 생물지리

        공우석(Woo-seok Kong) 대한지리학회 2006 대한지리학회지 Vol.41 No.1

        소나무과 나무들은 자연생태계와 경관에 중요하고 경제적 가치도 높아 국민들이 가장 좋아하는 나무이지만 분포, 생태 및 자연사에 대한 정보는 적다. 이 연구는 한반도 소나무과 나무들의 분류체계, 계통발생과 기원, 외관, 분포, 산포와 이동, 생태를 검토하였다. 한반도에 자생하는 소나무과 나무는 소나무속, 가문비나무속, 이깔나무속, 전나무속, 솔송나무속에 속하는 5속 16종이다. 계통적으로 소나무속은 가문비나무속과 이깔나무속에 가까우며, 전나무속은 솔송나무속과 서로 가깝다. 플라이스토세 빙하기에 북방에서 들어온 침엽수들은 후빙기를 거치면서 한랭한 고산대와 아고산대에 살아남았다. 일부 침엽수는 한반도 북부와 남부 산지에 고립되어 적응하면서 풍산가문비나무나 구상나무와 같은 고유종이 되었다. 울릉도의 섬잣나무와 솔송나무는 오랫동안 격리되어 분포하는 종류이다. 한반도의 고산대와 아고산대에 자라며 씨앗에 날개가 없는 눈잣나무, 잣나무는 잣까마귀, 솔잣새, 어치 등 조류와 다람쥐ㆍ청서 등 설치류가 퍼트린다. 날개가 있는 소나무과 나무들은 주로 바람에 의해 씨앗이 퍼지는 것으로 보는데, 씨앗의 날개가 클수록 바람에 쉽게 퍼져 분포역이 넓고, 날개 크기가 작을수록 분포역이 좁다. 북한과 남한의 고산대와 아고산대와 섬에 격리되어 분포하는 종은 지구온난화와 같은 환경변화에 취약하며, 최근에 빠르게 확산되는 소나무재선충병은 소나무와 곰솔에 큰 위협이다. 나무를 근거로 자연환경 변천사를 복원하고, 자연생태계를 이해하며, 환경변화를 예측할 수 있다. Despite of ecological and landscape importances and public popularity of Pinaceae, not much scientific informations are known about Korean Pinaceae. Present work aims to understand the biogeography of Korean native Pinaceae, i.e., taxonomy, phylogeny, origin, life form, distribution, dispersal and migration. Korean native Pinaceae consists of five genera and sixteen species. Pinus is systematically closely related to Picea and Larix, but Abies is related to Tsuga. Boreal conifers which have migrated from NE Asia during the Pleistocene glacial epochs successfully survived, but now confined to the alpine and subalpine belts of the Korean Peninsula mainly due to climate warming since the Holocene. Species, such as Picea pungsanensis and Abies koreana have gradually adapted to local environment, and later became an endemic species of Korea. Disjunctive distribution of Pinus parviflora and Tsuga sieboldii are also indicatives of climate change of the Pleistocene. Major dispersal agent of pine trees with winged seed is wind, but wingless pine tree seeds seem to dispersed by birds and rodents. Pine trees with bigger wings are easily dispersed by wind, and now show broader distribution. Species of Pinaceae with disjunctive distribution on the alpine and subalpine belts of both North and South Korea seems to be more vulnerable to global warming.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 서울시 도시 숲의 경관생태와 관리방안

        공우석 ( Woo Seok Kong ),김건옥 ( Kun Ok Kim ),이슬기 ( Sle Gee Lee ),박희나 ( Hee Na Park ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2014 환경영향평가 Vol.23 No.3

        This work aims to establish the landscape ecological countermeasures to improve the sustainability of urban mountain forest and to enrich the biodiversity in twenty mountains of the Seoul Metropolitan City. Landscape ecological analysis was conducted based upon various criteria, such as area and elevation of mountains, flora, naturalized plants, vegetation, forest types, mountain trails, and public facilities. Various measures were suggested for the better maintenances of floristic diversity, introduced plants, vegetation and forest types of urban mountain forests. Sustainable recommendations for land use adminstration were developed for the preparations of a climate change-adapted urban mountain forests, as well as rational managements of ecosystem, walking trails, and public facilities within mountain forest. Rich and diverse natural vegetation as well as high floristic diversity were reported at mountains with higher elevations, larger area size, and rich landscape diversity. Mountains with low elevation, small size with easy public access, however, might require an urgent action to decrease the burdens by anthropogenic disturbances and urban development.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        북한 자연생태계의 생물지리적 특성

        공우석(Woo Seok Kong) 한국환경영향평가학회 2002 환경영향평가 Vol.11 No.3

        This work aims to collect a biogeographic informations on the biota, alpine ecosystem, nature reserves, forest ecosystem of North Korea, and also to accumulate a basic data on the current situation and problem of the natural ecosystem of North Korea for the preparation of future cooperation and exchange between South and North Koreas. The obtained findings are as follow. First, North Korean biota contains 18,013 species, and consists of 6,710 plant species, including 3,860 species of vascular plants. Secondly, urgent investigation on the biogeographically important arctic-alpine and alpine plants and ecosystem, those are known to be endangered due to environmental change and global warming, is required. Thirdly, the conservations of diverse nature in North Korea are conducted by the introduction of various systems, such as nature preservation region, reserves for plant, animal and sea bird, and natural monuments. Fourthly, out of 9.5 million hectares of forest, one million hectares have already faced forest denudation, thus caused lots of damages for forest ecosystem. Sharp decline of North Korean forest land are due mainly to the expansion of terraced dry-field farming and deforestation. Recovery of denudated forest land should be approached by both South and North Korean sides to solve the problem of shortage of foods and restoration of natural ecosystem of North Korea.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 풍혈의 환경 특성과 식물지리적 가치

        공우석 ( Woo Seok Kong ),이슬기 ( Sle Gee Lee ),윤광희 ( Kwang Hee Yoon ),박희나 ( Hee Na Park ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2011 환경영향평가 Vol.20 No.3

        Present work aims to establish an integrated management system of environmental data base for nine typical wind holes or air holes in Korea. It basically deals with definition, geographical distribution, morphological pattern, physical characteristics and anthropogenic environments of wind hole to propose systematic preservation strategy of their periglacial landscape and flora, which are known to be sensitive to global warming. Wind hole, in which cool air blows out during the summer, but mild air comes out during the winter from a cave or hole, is frequently found on northwest- and north-facing slopes on the terminal point of steep talus, block field, and block stream, and can be categorized into three types, i.e., talus, cave and sink types. Environmental characteristics of nine wind holes are analyzed on the basis of their geology, landform, climate, soil, hydrology, vegetation, road, footpath, land-use, and management system, and relevant DB are prepared. Wind hole areas with unique landscape and ecological values need to be designated as a nature reserve, and zoning of core, buffer, and transitional zones are required for the multi-dimensional preservation of periglacial landscape and ecosystem. Phytogeographical values of glacial relict plants, including mountain cranberry(Vaccinium vitis-idaea) at its global southernmost limit at Bangnaeri wind hole, Hongchon County, Gangwon Province of Korea are discussed in detail as a floristic refugia in connection with climate change during the Pleistocene Epoch and potential in-situ and ex-situ preservation sites in the future.

      • KCI등재

        풍혈의 공간적 분포 특징과 관리 방안

        공우석 ( Woo Seok Kong ),윤광희 ( Kwang Hee Yoon ),김인태 ( In Tae Kim ),이유미 ( You Mi Lee ),오승환 ( Seung Hwan Oh ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2012 환경영향평가 Vol.21 No.3

        Wind holes or air holes, from which cool air blows out during the summer, but mild air comes out during the winter, have provided the phytogeographically important refugia for cryophilous or cold-loving boreal flora during the Holocene period, At present, wind holes are serving as a faraway disjunctive habitat for Pleistocene relict glacial floristic elements, and present an invaluable information to reconstruct the natural history. Present work aims to collate the nationwide distribution and relevant DB on the potential wind holes of Korea based upon media and literature sources, along with geographical informations, such as place name, topographic map, environmental geographical information, flora, monitoring data of Korea National Arboretum, and field survey data, Geographical information on sixty nine wind hole sites have compiled and analyzed on the basis of flora and presence of fossilized periglacial landforms, such as talus, block field, and block stream, and sixteen sites have thereafter carefully selected and scrutinized through field surveys. To maintain a sustainability of wind hole ecosystem, including their original landform, micro-meteorological phenomena and plant community therein as a refugia or habitat for relict plant species of Pleistocene glacial period, appropriate restrictions and preservation measures are required.

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