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      • KCI등재

        Differential Encoding of Trace and Delay Fear Memory in the Entorhinal Cortex

        공미선,김남수,김성필,최준식 한국뇌신경과학회 2023 Experimental Neurobiology Vol.32 No.1

        Trace fear conditioning is characterized by a stimulus-free trace interval (TI) between the conditioned stimulus (CS) and the unconditioned stimu- lus (US), which requires an array of brain structures to support the formation and storage of associative memory. The entorhinal cortex (EC) has been proposed to provide essential neural code for resolving temporal discontinuity in conjunction with the hippocampus. However, how the CS and TI are encoded at the neuronal level in the EC is not clear. In Exp. 1, we tested the effect of bilateral pre-training electrolytic lesions of EC on trace vs. delay fear conditioning using rats as subjects. We found that the lesions impaired the acquisition of trace but not delay fear conditioning confirming that EC is a critical brain area for trace fear memory formation. In Exp. 2, single-unit activities from EC were recorded during the pre- training baseline and post-training retention sessions following trace or delay conditioning. The recording results showed that a significant propor- tion of the EC neurons modulated their firing during TI after the trace conditioning, but not after the delay fear conditioning. Further analysis re- vealed that the majority of modulated units decreased the firing rate during the TI or the CS. Taken together, these results suggest that EC critically contributes to trace fear conditioning by modulating neuronal activity during the TI to facilitate the association between the CS and US across a temporal gap.

      • KCI등재

        눈부심 감소를 위한 반사형 LED 스탠드 광학계 설계에 관한 연구

        공미선,정미숙 한국광학회 2020 한국광학회지 Vol.31 No.6

        In this paper, a study of the design of a lighting optical system to form indirect light was conducted, to reduce the glare caused by the hot spot of the LED. In the case of using an LED for indoor lighting, glare is caused because of the high luminance and non-uniform luminance distribution. In particular, LED stands are located close to the user’s eyes and are used for a long time, so research to reduce glare is essential. Therefore, in this paper an optical system structural study and the design of an LED stand for glare reduction were conducted. Afterward, the luminance analysis and comparison to an existing LED stand product confirmed that the reflective LED stand proposed in this paper had better performance in terms of glare.

      • 의사소통의 측면에서 본 의복행동과 동서문화의 차이

        오희선,공미선 釜慶大學校 1996 釜慶大學校 論文集 Vol.1 No.1

        This study is to examine Eastern and Western clothing behavior through comparing perceived differences between Eastern and Western culture in respect of communication system. The results show that the cultural differences led to different clothig behaviors between the Eastern and Western people as the followings. First, Eastern culture shows the high conformity in which people prefer to wear the clothing for their rules, while Western culture emphasizes individual personality in which people wear the clothing for their image and convenience. Second, the Eastern people are very careful for their self-expression, and they are reluctant to expose their body parts to be polite for their clothing behaviors. But the Western people, rooted in their preferences of straightforward expression, prefer to expose their body parts and revolutionary design and colors for their clothing behaviors. Third, the Eastern people prefer to the formal wear emphasizing other's age or social status in the human relationship, while the Western people prefer to the casual wear which functions to achieve their tasks. Current development in scientific technique and traffic decreased cultural differences between East and West. Accordingly, clothing styles are becomming universalized.

      • 땅뒤영벌(Bombus terrestris)의 휴면과 관련된 난황단백질(Vitellogenin)의 발현 연구

        공미선,송우근,이경열 한국응용곤충학회 2008 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.10

        시설재배 작물의 주요 화분매개곤충인 땅뒤영벌의 난황단백질(Vitellogenin; Vg) 유전자를 클로닝하고 휴면 및 사회성에 따른 발현 양상을 조사하였다. 클로닝한 Vg 유전자의 일부분은 꿀벌 및 기생벌의 Vg와 높은 유사성을 나타냈다. Northern blot을 통해서 Vg 유전자의 발현 패턴을 조사해 본 결과 우화한 여왕벌은 교미를 했으나 휴면 전 단계에는 난소가 발달하지 않았고 Vg 발현이 아주 저조했다. 그러나 3개월 동안 저온에서 휴면기간을 지내고 난 뒤에 상온에서 산란유도를 했을 시에는 Vg 유전자의 발현이 증가하였다. 여왕벌의 휴면 전 단계(우화후 6일간)와 여왕벌의 지배를 받지 않은 같은 나이의 일벌을 대상으로 Vg 유전자의 발현패턴을 비교한 결과, 우화한 이 후 여왕벌은 Vg 발현이 저조한 반면 일벌은 증가하였다. 또한 여왕벌의 몸무게에 따라서 Vg의 발현이 차이가 있었다. 즉, the heavy group(>0.9g)은 Vg 발현이 저조한 반면 휴면에 들어가지 않는 the light group(<0.7g)은 증가하였다. 땅뒤영벌의 유약호르몬인 JH-III를 먹이에 혼합하여 휴면 전 단계인 여왕벌을 습식시킨 결과 0.1μM 농도에서 Vg 유전자의 발현이 촉진되었다. 하지만 다른 농도에서는 그 영향이 나타나지 않았다. 본 연구를 통하여 Vg 유전자의 발현패턴은 여왕벌의 휴면생리와 관련하여 차이가 있었을 뿐만 아니라 사회성에 의한 영향도 관찰할 수 있었다. 또한 유약호르몬의 습식에 의한 Vg의 발현이 유도되는 것으로 보아 호르몬처리에 의한 여왕벌의 휴면타파를 예상할 수 있으며 휴면기작 연구를 위한 분자 마커로서 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        파리와 로마의 오뜨 꾸띄르 (Haute Couture) 디자인의 특성

        공미선(Mi Sun Kong) 한국복식학회 1998 服飾 Vol.39 No.-

        In this research, first of all, the special features of Haute Couture design world (1990 ∼ 1996) prevailed in Paris and Rome are investigated, and additionally the understanding of collection concept and design structure analysis are performed to show the various methodology of creative design. Expression method and design method are the main criteria in analyzing, and the main results of this research are summarized as follows: 1. Most of designers in Paris and Rome express the traditional costume style. Paris designers are focusing on the expression of design morphology through the abstraction and reappearance without being confined to theme expression; Rome designers are expressing their main ideas utilizing the fashion image as their theme in lieu of expressing the design morphology. 2. Most of the designers in Paris and Rome are using simple lines for their design. Paris designers prefer the plastic design based upon formal and symmetrical balance of informal and asymmetrical balance to the partial transformation design;Rome designers are enjoying rather the partial transformation using the detail and trimming than the plastic design.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        세계시장을 위한 한국적 패션디자인의 개발

        공미선(Gong Mi Seon),채금석(Chae Geum Seog) 한국복식학회 2004 服飾 Vol.54 No.2

        This research aims at the development of Korean fashion design for the world market, which combines the western beauty and Korean tradition into the product design focusing on the styling concept. Through the example-analysis of structural elements which from Europe and Korean fashions, the styling concepts of functional change, beauty-combination, and tradition-conservation, are derived. The results are as follows : 1. Functionality needs to be improved by the structural change and the development of new materials from the traditional materials. 2. Beauty should come from the combination of natural patterns and western-spatial allocation, as well as from the front combination of western-beauty. 3. Tradition needs to be kept as Korean beauty and representation skills in the colors, accessaries, and in the spatial design. The styling concept for Korean fashion design in this research is related to the visual structural elements, and is not expanded to the styling concept of Korean image and/or feeling. Therefore future researches may follow on these un-expanded points, and also may continue the wide comparison between the Korean fashion design and oriental image fashion in Europe.

      • KCI등재

        크리에이티브 패션 디자인의 전개 방법에 관한 연구

        공미선(Mi Sun Kong),채금석(Keum Seok Chae) 한국복식학회 2005 服飾 Vol.55 No.2

        The creative fashion design is the technique which can be obtained through the structural analysis of the relationship between principle, element-combination and idea-expression. In the research, as the results of theoretical survey of design structure and idea-expression, the structural and subjective designs are classified and defined: a. the structural design is analyzed with the existing examples based on the combinational idea-expression of the O.C.L method, and b. the subjective design is also analyzed connecting the real examples to Gordon method, Synetic method, Association method, and expansive idea-expression-method obtained by the Experiences of Geometrical Combinations. The research can be summarized as follows: 1. The creative fashion design which emphasizes the geometrical structure utilizes the modification method which combines the shapes and constructs extraordinary structural beauty coming from the complex structural principle, that is, emphasis and balance. 2. The creative fashion design which emphasizes specific subjects utilizes the modification method which mimics representative and plastic resemblances and constructs symbolic structural beauty coming from the simple structural principle, that is, material elements.

      • 영화 제 5원소에 표현된 색의 상징성

        공미선(Kong. Mi-Sun),채금석(Chae. Keum-Seok) 한복문화학회 2002 韓服文化 Vol.5 No.4

        The movie, "The Fifth Element: is known as color-related. However the fame came from the facts not only that the iconography elements are related to colors but also that the theme of movie itself is related to the ancient color treatment.<br/> This movie is a SF (Science Fiction) aiming at the optimistic victory of goodness by contrasting the evil and goodness conceptually. The victory saves the earth that is comdosed of water. fire, wind. soil and the fifth element. the human. by generating the light as the combination of the elements.<br/> The victory of goodness implies that the subject. object. sender. receiver. and helper defeat the oPDOnents. It can be described symbolically that the colors of actor-clothes, orange. white, and green wins the black that is the symbol of evil. The water. fire. wind. and soil as the theme of movie has come from the ancient color-treatment. The light changes the red. yellow. and blue into the white. which is the message of human spirit. fleshly-dynamic vitality. and hope.<br/> Color symbol in the movie. The Fifth Element can be summarized as follows:<br/> 1. The theme-color of the movie. Le.. red. yellow. blue. and white represent the spirit and vitality as well as dynamic hope.<br/> 2. The colors of actor-clothes are represented as the goodness and evil; the goodness colors. orange. white. green, and blue are contrasted with the evil color. black.<br/>

      • KCI등재

        영아전담기관의 음악활동에 대한 교사의 인식과 요구 및 실태

        공미선(Kong Mi-Sun),김영연(Kim Young-Youn) 한국열린유아교육학회 2010 열린유아교육연구 Vol.15 No.5

        본 연구의 목적은 영아음악활동에 대한 교사들의 인식 및 요구와 현장에서 이루어지고 있는 영아음악활동의 실제를 알아봄으로써 바람직한 영아음악교육 실천 방안 모색에 도움을 제공하는 것이다. 연구방법으로는 영아음악활동에 대한 교사의 인식과 요구를 알기 위하여 영아전담기관의 교사 211 명을 대상으로 설문조사하고 세 명의 교사와 심층 면담하였으며 현장의 실태파악을 위하여 기관의 일 년분 주간보육계획안 23부를 수집하여 내용 분석하였다. 연구결과 교사는 영아의 정서적 감수성 함양을 음악활동의 주요 목표로 삼는다는 점, 활동의 실천과정에서 음악교육내용의 중요성에 대한 교사의 인식이 높다는 점, 그리고 시청각교육을 동반한 영아음악활동워크숍과 이에 대한 기관에서의 연수비 지원 및 교재ㆍ교구의 지원을 요구 한다는 점이 밝혀졌다. 한편 분석된 주간보육계획안은 영아음악활동의 내용별, 월별, 주제별, 활동수의 차이를 보였는데 영아전담기관에서 실시하는 음악활동은 노래 부르기나 악기 탐색 및 연주하기, 몸동작으로 반응하기 등 다양하지만 그 중에서도 노래 부르기기 가장 빈번한 활동이라는 점에서 유아음악활동과 구별 되지 않았다. 이러한 연구결과는 영아음악활동은 표준보육과정과 영아발달에 준하여 보편적이고도 체계적으로 계획되어야 하되 활동의 효율적인 실천을 위하여 교수내용과 방법 면에서 차별화된 음악교사교육이 영아교사에게 제공되어야할 필요성을 시사한다. The purpose of this study was to examine the teachers' perception and practice on music activities in infants care centers. Survey with 211 infants' teachers in P city and its suburb and interview with three teachers were utilized as research methods in this study. In addition to these methods, yearly teaching plans collected from 23 infants care centers were analysed according to the main themes of the music activities and numbers of the activities designed for weekly and monthly units were categorized. As a result of the study, these followings were found: First, the teachers recognized the necessity of infant musical activities for the infants' emotional development; second, the teachers agreed on the importance and adaptation of the music activity contents suggested in the national curriculum guide for their infants; third, they wanted more frequent teacher music retraining program accompanied by audio-visual teaching aids and materials and financial support for these program attendance. Finally, from the analysis of annual teaching plans, singing was reassured as the major music activity for infants as same as for older children and some specific teaching themes such as 'care center', 'transportation', 'animals' and 'summer' were more frequently used for the music activities of infants.

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