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      • KCI우수등재

        지렁이고형분단백질의 생물학적이용성에 미치는 섬유성물질의 영향

        고태송,이상락,왕종근 ( Tae Song Koh,Sang Rak Lee,Jong Geun Wang ) 한국축산학회 1985 한국축산학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        In order to investigate an effect of a cellulosics(fibrous material) on the biological utilization of protein, diets contained 15.0% of earth worm cake and 3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 17.0 and 24.0% of rice straw meal, respectively, were prepared. And diets contained protein-free(basal) and 15.0% of fish meal or milk casein, respectively, which also included 17.0% of the, rice straw meal, were prepared. Hatched single comb White Leghorn male chicks were fed with a commercial diet for the first 10 days, basal diet for the next 6 days and experimental diets for the subsequent 6 days. During 6 days of experimental feeding, protein efficiency ratio (PER), net protein ratio(NPR), digestibility, biological value(BV) and net protein utilization(NPU) of the eath worm cake protein were observed. When birds were fed with the earth worm cake, feed intake(y) and weight gain(y) per bird correlated with the contents of the rice straw(x) as quadratic regression equations of y=48.04+4.34x0.155x² and y=6.59+1.503x-0.0499x², respectively. Also the highest values of feed intake and weight gain ware found in birds fed diets contained 10.0% and 17.0% of the rice straw meal, respectively. The PER and NPR were not affected significantly by the contents of the rice straw meal while which were increasing to 2.32 and 3.12, respectively, in the birds fed 17.0% of the rice straw. Also the levels of the rice straw meal in the diets did not affect the apparent and true digestibilities, BV and NPU of the earth worm cake protein but which were increasing to 90.5, 92,8, 100.2 and 93.0%, respectively, when birds were fed with diets containing 5.0% of the rice straw meal. Then it was supposed that diets contained 5.0% of the rice straw meal increased protein utilizability while diets contained 17.0% of the rice straw meal improved the growth rate of chicks fed earth worm cake protein. When diets contained 17.0% of the rice straw meal, the PER, NPR, digestibility, BV and NPU of the earth worm cake protein were not different significantly from those of the fish meal protein but were higher comparing with those of the milk caseine.

      • KCI우수등재

        전분과 단백질사료가 가금의 에너지대사에 미치는 영향

        고태송,왕종근,맹원재 ( Tae Song Koh,Jong Geun Wang,Won Jae Maeng ) 한국축산학회 1986 한국축산학회지 Vol.28 No.11

        In order to investigate an effect of protein content in diet on the energy metabolism of chicks, day-old single comb White Leghorn male chicks were fed for the tirst II days on a commercial chick mash and for the subsequent 10 days on diet containing 22.0% of cotton meal (cellulose diet) and diets substituted 17.0% of cellulose with corn starch(starch diet) and soybean meal(protein diet) in cellulose diet, respectively. And birds were fasted for the following 3 days. Net energy for growth(NEg) and for maintenance(NEm) were measured by the analysis of body composition in initial and final day of experimental feeding, and in final day of fasting duration. Heat production(HP) was equal to metabolizable energy(MEn) intake minus NEg. When chicks were fed cellulose, starch and protein diets, daily NEg per metabolic body size(㎏^(0.75)) were 77, 63 and L04 ㎉, NEm were 113, 77 and 88 ㎉, FIP were 221, 229 and 208 ㎉ and heat increment(HI) were 109, 153 and 120 ㎉, respectively. Thus in birds fed protein diet, NEg was higher and HP was lower than others. NEm increased in birds fed cellulose diet and HI was higher in birds fed starch diet. Also birds fed cellulose and protein diet showed 63.5 and 61.4% of net availability of metabolizable energy(NE/MEn), respectively, which decreased to 47.8% in chicks fed starch diet. The results indicated that NEg, NEm, HI and NE/MEn will be changed according to the diet composition in chick.

      • KCI우수등재

        가금에서의 전분과 단백질사료의 대사에너지와 진대사에너지

        고태송,임기원,신인수 ( Tae Song Koh,Ki Won Lim,In Soo Shin ) 한국축산학회 1986 한국축산학회지 Vol.28 No.10

        In order to investigate an effect of excreta energy on energy utilization of diet, metabolizable(MEn) and true metabolizable(TMEn) energy of corn starch and soybean meal were studied. Hatched single comb White Leghorn male chicks were fed for the first 11 days on a commercial chick mash and for the subsequent 10 days on diet containing 22.0% of cotton meal(cellulose diet) and diets subsetituted 17.0% of cellulose with corn starch(starch diet) and soybean meal (protein diet) in cellulose diet, respectively. When birds were fed protein diet, body weight gain was higher and feed: gain ratio was lower than those fed cellulose and starch diets. Ratio of MEn to gross energy, MEn/GE, was 72, 83 and 77% for cellulose, starch and protein diets, respectively. While rate of productive energy(PE) to MEn, PE/MEn, was 27.0% for cellulose diet which was decreased to 21.0% in starch diet, and 35.0% for protein diet. Corn starch showed 83.0% of MEn/GE which was higher than 39.0% for soybean meal. PE was minus value in corn starch but which was 2149 cal for soybean meal having 132.4% of PE/ MEn. TMEn/MEn was 101.2 - 101.4% for cellulose and starch diets, which was increased to 101.8% for protein diet, Soybean meal had 107.0% of TMEn/MEn which was higher than 100.2% for corn starch. Birds fed protein diet excreted higher urinary energy(UE), metabolic fecal energy (FEm) and endogenous urinary energy(UEe) than those fed starch and cellulose diets, which was resulted in the low MEn for soybean meal.

      • KCI우수등재

        화학물질에서 가열한 왕겨구성분의 변화와 가금에서의 영양소이용성

        고태송,안종호 ( T . S . Koh,J . H . Ahn ) 한국축산학회 1986 한국축산학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        In order to observe an effect of the components of rice hull(RH) on the utilization of nutrients in chicks, the RH of 100 g were digested in 800 ㎖ of water or 0-25N HCl, NaOH and NaC10₂ at 135℃ and the pressure of 3.2 ㎏/㎠ by autoclave for 30 minutes (water, HCl, NaOH and NaC10₂-30-RH). The contents of neutral detergent fiber(NDF), acid detergent fiber(ADF) and lignin were analyzed in the washed and dried RH meal. Hatched single comb White Leghorn male chicks were fed for the first 10 days with a commercial chick mash and for the subsequent 8 days with 7 kinds of experimental diets which contained 17.0% of wheat bran (basal), cellulose(cotton meal), HCl-30-RH, NaOH-30-RH, NaC10₂-30-RH, water-30-RH and nontreated RH, respectively. The water, HCl, NaOH and NaC10₂-30-RH had lost 4.4, 19.7, 24.0 and 9.6% of dry matter, respectively. And the dry matter loss of the water-30-RH was mainly originated from the extractable cell contents, the NaOH and NaC10₂-30-RH from the cell contents and hemicellulose, and the HCl-RH from the cell contents and NDF of the nontreated RH. The RH heated with chemicals did not affect body weight gain, feed conversion, nitrogen balance and digestibility of crude fat. Also the effect of chemical treatment was not found on the energy utilization of the RH while buds fed NaOH-30-RH tended to increase the energy utilization of diet. Metabolizable energy(MEn) intake and protein retention per birds or metabolic body size(㎏^(0.75)) were not affected by the chemical treatment of the RH. When birds were fed the RH diets, the MEn required for gram protein retention was 35-40 ㎉ which was higher than 31-32 ㎉ of birds fed wheat bran and cellulose diets.

      • KCI우수등재

        가성소다 및 염산용액에서 가열한 볏짚의 가금에서의 영양소 이용성에 미치는 영향

        고태송,김해수,김성규 ( Tae Song Koh,Hae Soo Kim,Sung Gyu Kim ) 한국축산학회 1985 한국축산학회지 Vol.27 No.7

        In order to observe an effect of the components of rice straw on the utilization of nutrients in chicks, the rice straw of 100g were digested in 800㎖ of 0.25N NaOH or HCl solution at 135℃ and in the pressure of 3.2㎏/㎠ by autoclave during 30, 60 and 120 minutes. The contents of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and lignin were measured in the washed and dried rice straw meal. Hatched single comb White Leghorn male chicks were fed with a commercial chick mash for the first 10 days and 8 kinds of experimental diets for the subsequent 8 days which contained wheat bran (basal), cellulose (cotton meal) and the rice straw meal digested in NaOH or HCl solution during 30, 60 and 120 minutes (NaOH or HCl-30, 60, 120-RS), respectively. The NaOH-30 60, 120-RS had Tossed 21.2, 24.3 and 28.2% of dry matter, respectively, while the. HCl-30, 60, 120-RS had shown 1.5-2.0 times of the dry matter loss of the NaOH-RS. The dry matter loss of the NaOHRS or HCl-RS was mainly extractable cell content and hemicellulose in NaOH or HCl solution by heating though a part of cellulose was contained in the dry matter loss of the HCl-120-RS. Body weight gain, feed conversions and nitrogen retention rates were not found any significant difference among birds fed experimental diets during experimental feeding period. Crude fat digestibility was highering in birds fed cellulose diet compared to birds fed wheat bran and NaOH-RS diets but higher than those fed HCl-RS diets. Metabolizable energy(MEn) and metabolizability to gross energy of wheat bran diet was higher than those of other diets. The MEn was 2394 ㎈ per gram in wheat bran, 437-818 ㎈ in NaOH-RS, 247-353 ㎈ in HCl-30, 60-RS and -6 ㎈ in HCl-120-RS. Daily MEn intake and protein retention per bird and MEn required for 1g protein retention were 57-67 ㎉, 1.8-2.2g and 28-33 ㎉, respectively.

      • KCI우수등재

        병아리사료의 영양소이용에 미치는 가성소다 혹은 염산처리 낙엽송고엽의 영향

        고태송,이은대 ( Tae Song Koh,Eun Dae Lee ) 한국축산학회 1981 한국축산학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        The effects of the unutilized materials treated with alkali or acid solution on the utilization of nutrients of diets were observed in chick. Fallen leaves of larch (Larix Kaempferi) were treated at the ratio of 100 gm per 800 ㎖ of 0.25N NaOH or HCL solution for 24 hrs at indoor temperature. Semipurified diets contained 17% of wheat bran, cellulose, NaOH - and HCL - treated larch were prepared. To compare with acid and alkali treated larch, the diet contained non-treated larch was prepared. The hatched White Leghorn male chicken were fed with a commercial diet for the first 7 days and experimental diets for the next 10 days during the 17 days of experiment. NaOH or HCL-treated larch diets showed better growth rate than non-treated, and worse than cellulose and wheat bran during 10 days of the experimental feeding. Feed intake required for body weight growth of birds fed NaOH or HCl-treated larch showed lower value than that of non-treated and higher value than that of wheat bran, but the difference was not significant. The rate of metabolizability to the gross energy were as follows, wheat bran and cellulose diets were 80.5% and 73.6%, respectively and NaOH or HCl-treated and non-treated larch diets were 73.7%, 71.8%, 71.7%, respectively. Metabolizable energy of non-treated larch was 44 cal per gram. This was increased to 852 cal and 608 cal in NaOH and HCl-treated larch, respectively. The metabolizability was reached to 0.9%, 17.1% and 11.5%, respectively. The metabolizable energy and metabolizability of wheat bran were 2373 cal per gram and 49.8%, respectively. Birds fed NaOH-treated larch showed lower nitrogen retention than those of cellulose and wheat bran, and Mgher value than those of HCl-treated and non-treated larch. Birds fed NaOH and HCl-treated larch showed higher digestibility of crude fat than that of non-treated larch, and lower value than those of wheat bran and cellulose diets. Therefore, it is concluded that NaOH or HCl-treated larch increases the metabolizability as well as the utilization of protein and fat of diets compared with non-treated larch.

      • KCI우수등재

        병아리사료의 섬유소함량이 옥수수전분 및 우지 ( 牛脂 )의 대사에너지값에 미치는 영향

        고태송,박양춘,오세정 ( Tae Song Koh,Yang Chun Park,Se Juong Oh ) 한국축산학회 1980 한국축산학회지 Vol.22 No.5

        The effect of the cellulose content of diet on the metabolizability of starch and tallow was determined. The metabolizable energy values for starch and tallow were calculated from the difference in the metabolizable energy content of the reference diet which was substituted a proportional content of cellulose for test material and diet containing starch or tallow. The hatched White Leghorn male chicken were fed a commercial diet for the first week and experimental diets for the next three weeks during the four weeks of the experiment. Body weight gain, feed conversion, and retention of nitrogen did not show significant difference among the chicken fed diets containing various levels of cellulose contents during the experimental period. When the proportion of cellulose in the diet was increased, the metabolizable energy of the diets showed a stepwise reduction. When the cellulose content of the diets was higher, the starch of 99.1% was metabolized, and the metabolizable energy value amounted to 4142 ㎈ per gram. and the tallow of 82.3% was metabolized and the metabolizable energy value reached to 7764 ㎈ per gram. But, when the cellulose content of diets was lower. the metabolizability of starch was significantly lower value, being 65%, than that of higher cellulose content of diet. The metabolizability of the tallow was 62% which was also lower value than that of higher cellulose content.

      • KCI우수등재

        줄무늬지렁이 ( Eisenia Foetida ) 고형분단백질의 병아리에서의 생물가

        고태송,오찬호 ( Tae Song Koh,Chan Ho Oh ) 한국축산학회 1984 한국축산학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        In order to investigate the biological value (BV) of the protein of earthworm cake which is a dried residue after the fractionation of supernatants from Lumbricidae Eisenia Foetida (earthworm) heated at 180 - 190℃, the hatched White Leghorn male chicken were fed with a commercial diet for the first 8 days, protein-free basal diet For the next 6 days and experimental diets for the subsequent 6 days. The experimental diets contained the earthworm cake of 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 15.0%r and 7.5 and 10.0%, of fishmeal or milk casein, respectively. Urinary nitrogen was calculated from the nitrogen content of uric acid, total creatine and ammonia in excretes of chick. Nitrogen intake and nitrogen balance per day were increased according as the graded level of the earthworm cake protein was increased. Daily urinary nitrogen(y) per bird correlated exponentially with the daily nitrogen intake(X) as a regression equation of y=11.7e^(0.005344X)(r=0.952**). Also daily fecal excreted nitrogen(y) correlated with nitrogen intake(X) as a regression equation of y=3.38e^(0.01227X)(r=0.863*). It means that the endogenous urinary nitrogen (EUN) is 11.7㎎ and metabolic fecal nitrogen(MFN) is 3.38㎎ per day if the chicks will be fed protein-free diet. The BV calculated using the EUN and MFN were 86.5% in average and apparent digestibility of the protein were 85.8% in average. Those values were not affected by the graded levels of protein content in diets. But true digestibility of the protein was over 100% when the diets contained 2.0% of the protein, which was gradually decreased according to the contents of the protein increased, showing 87.1% when the diets contained 10.4% of protein. Then the value of net protein utilization was reached to 86.1% when the diets contained 2.0% of the protein, which was decreased to 74.8% when the diet contained 10.4% of the protein. And the nitrogen balance(y) also correlated linearly with the absorbed nitrogen as a regression equation of y=0.869x-9.83 (r=0.999**). Then nitrogen balance index was 0.869 of which hundred magnificence, 86.9, was similar with the BV. When the chicks were fed diets contained 5.1 and 6.5% of fishmeal protein, respectively, the true digestibility were 92.8 and 96.5% and the BV were found as 91.3 and 81.8, respectively. And the chicks fed diets contained 7.4 and 9.0% of milk caseine have shown 89.6 and 87.8% of the true digestibility and 90.2 and 89.4% of the BV, respectively. Thus, in this experiment, the digestibility and biological value were not shown any significant difference among the earthworm cake, fishmeal and milk casein protein.

      • KCI우수등재

        감귤가공부산물의 아세톤추출 및 초음파 처리가 가금의 에너지이용성에 미치는 영향

        고태송,서인준,남기택,김영범 ( T . S . Koh,I . J . Suh,K . T . Nam,Y . B . Kim ) 한국축산학회 1985 한국축산학회지 Vol.27 No.10

        In order to investigate an utilizability of citrus pulp, a byproduct of manufacturing juice or can from orange, as a possible feed resource, metabolizable energy (MEn) and productive energy (PE) of untreated citrus pulp were compared with those of wheat bran and citrus pulp extracted with acetone (citrus pulp-AE) or ultrasonically treated citrus pulp (citrus pulp-UT). Hatched single comb White Leghorn male chicken were raised for 8 days with a commercial diet and for next 3 days with basal (wheat bran) diet and for subsequent 10 days with experimental diets containing 17.0% of cellulose (cotton meal), wheat bran, untreated citrus pulp, citrus pulp-AE arid citrus pulp-UT, respectively. The MEn was measured by intake energy minus excreted energy in excreta and the PE was calculated by protein and lipid retention determined by carcass analysis of birds. Body weight gain or protein and lipid retention were not significantly different among buds fed experimental diets. But the body weight gain or protein and lipid retention of birds fed citrus pulp-AE and -UT were highering compared with that fed untreated citrus pulp, And feed conversions of birds fed citrus pulp-AE and -UT showed lowering tendency compared to that fed untreated citrus pulp. The rate of MEn to gross energy (GE), MEn/GE, was not significantly different between birds fed wheat bran diet and those fed citrus pulp-AE and -UT diets, which were higher than that fed untreated citrus pulp. But PE and PE/MEn were not significantly different among birds fed experimental diets.. MEn of citrus pulp-AE had shown 1.885 ㎉ per gram dry matter was similar with that of wheat bran, which was significantly higher than those of untreated citrus pulp and citrus pulp-UT. The MEn/GE of citrus pulp-AE had been 44.8% and was also similar with 43.2% oi` wheat bran, which was significantly higher than 21.8 and 29.1% of untreated citrus pulp and citrus pulp-UT, respectively. The PE of untreated citrus pulp, citrus pulp-AE and citrus pulp-UT reached to 0.906, 1.831 and 1.500 ㎉ per gram dry matter, respectively. The results seem to indicate that the energy utilization of citrus pulp extracted with acetone be similar with that of wheat bran and that the availability of citrus pulp would be improved by some proper treatment.

      • KCI우수등재

        증류수 혹은 0.25N NaClO2 에서 가열한 볏짚의 구성분의 변화와 가금에서의 영양소이용성

        고태송,김해수,김성규,나채영 ( Tae Song Koh,Hae Soo Kim,Sung Gyu Kim,Chae Young Ra ) 한국축산학회 1985 한국축산학회지 Vol.27 No.12

        In order to observe an effect of the components of rice straw on the utilization of nutrient in chicks, 100 g batches of rice straw were soaked in 800 ㎖ of either distilled water or 0.25N NaC10₂ and then autoclaved for 30, 60 and 120 minutes at the temperature of 135℃ and at the pressure of 3.2㎏/㎠(water or NaC10₂-30, 60 and 120-RS). Neutral detergent fiber(NDF), acid detergent fiber(ADF) and lignin of the washed and dried rice straw meal were analyzed. Hatched single comb White Leghrn male chicks were fed on a commercial chick mash for the first 10 days and five kinds of experimental diets which contained 17.0% of wheat bran(basal), cellulose(cotton meal), non-treated RS, water-30-RS and NaC10₂-30-RS, respectively, for the next 8 days. The water-30, 60 and 120-RS had lost 9.7, 12.1 and 13.3% of dry matter, respectively, while NaC10₂-30-RS had shown similar dry matter loss to those of water-30-RS though NaC10₂-60 and 120-RS had lost 1.5 times of dry matter compared with those of water-60 and 120-RS, respectively. And the dry matter loss of the water-RS or NaC10₂-RS was mainly originated from the extractable cell contents and hemicellulose of the non-treated RS. Birds fed water-30-RS diets showed higher body weight gain and lower feed conversion than those of birds fed non-treated and NaC10₂-30-RS diets during 8 days of experimental feeding. Also nitrogen balance and retention rate of birds fed water-30-RS was higher compared with those of birds fed non-treated and NaC10₂-30-RS. And digestibility of crude fat tended to be high in birds fed water-30-RS. The rate of metabolizable energy(MEn) to gross energy(GE) of birds fed non-treated RS, water-30-RS and NaC10₂-30-RS diets were 71.9, 72.9 and 70.4%, respectively, and energy intake per metabolic body size ㎏^(0.75)) were reached to 307.3, 296.2 and 291.4 ㎉ per day, respectively. And daily protein retention per ㎏^(0.75) were 1.647, 1.969 and 1.560 g, respectively. The MEn required for 1 g of protein retention was 30.56 ㎉ in the bird fed water-30-RS, which was lower than 36.90 and 37.56 ㎉ of birds fed non-treated and NaC10-30-RS, respectively. The results seems to indicate that non-treated rice straw had a substance or characters which affect the energy utilization or protein retention of diets and which will be eliminated by boiling in water.

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