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        高麗 顯宗代 奉先弘慶寺의 機能

        康賢子(Kang Hyun-Ja) 한국사학회 2006 史學硏究 Vol.- No.84

        본고에서는 국내외적으로 여러 어려움에 처해있던 高麗 顯宗 7年(1016)~12年(1021)에 완공된 奉先弘慶寺의 王室願堂과 院으로서의 機能을 살펴보았다. 그리고 이를 통해 顯宗이 廣緣通化院이 부속된 法相宗 사찰인 奉先弘慶寺를 창건함으로써 자신의 왕권을 강화하고자 하였으며, 先考?의 명복을 비는 동시에 효율적인 지방통제의 수단으로 삼고자 하였다는 것을 고찰하는데 그 목적이 있다. 顯宗은 太祖의 8男인 安宗 郁과 景宗의 4妃인 獻貞王后 皇甫氏가 私通하여 태어났다. 그후 그는 穆宗 말년의 金致陽 亂과 康兆의 政變을 거쳐 어렵사리 왕위에 즉위하였고, 즉위한 元年에는 契丹의 2차 침입까지 당하였다. 세력기반이 미약했던 顯宗은 西京勢力을 비롯한 국초이래의 大豪族勢力과 契丹의 侵入으로 부심하였고,, 자신의 왕권을 강화하여 이러한 난국을 타개하고자 하였다. 그래서 忠ㆍ孝ㆍ仁 등을 강조한 儒敎理念과 法相宗을 정치적으로 적절히 이용하였던 것이다. 奉先弘慶寺 창건에는 이러한 背景 외에 顯宗 자신의 개인적 염원도 담겨있었으니, 바로 불우하게 돌아가신 부모님의 명복을 빌고 國家安泰를 위해 창건한 王室願堂인 것이다. 더욱이 住持의 僧階을 통해 寺院의 격을 파악해 볼 때 奉先弘慶寺는 三重大師급이었으니 당시 顯宗이 奉先弘慶寺를 얼마나 중시하여 창건했는지를 알 수 있다. 이후 弘慶院에서 仁宗광 康宗 때 같은 道場이 행해진 것과 康宗의 願堂이었다는 것, 그리고 고려말에 韓修가 弘慶寺에서 축성드린 것을 볼 때 奉先弘慶寺는 高麗 王室의 지속적인 관심과 지원을 받은 王室願堂이었다. 이러한 奉先弘慶寺에는 姜民瞻ㆍ金猛 등의 別監과 都監ㆍ副都監ㆍ寺主ㆍ副寺主 등의 管理組織이 있었다. 그리고 그 규모가 顯宗대 대표적 王室願堂인 玄化寺의 10분의 1이었음을 생각해 볼 때 玄化寺의 10분의 1이라도 왕실의 지원을 받았을 것이다. 奉先弘慶寺가 창건된 稷山은 忠淸州道에 있으면서 아래로 全公州道와 昇羅州道를 이어주고 있어 중요한 交通의 要地에 위치하였고 顯宗代에는 軍隊가 주둔하기도 한 군사전략적 요충지였다. 그런데 高麗時代에는 교통ㆍ군사적 요지에 院을 설치하여 驛의 기능을 돕도록 하였다. 그러므로 廣緣通化院이 설치된 奉先弘慶寺는 숙박기능을 담당하여 商人ㆍ僧侶ㆍ官人 등에게 무료로 각종 편의시설을 제공하였으며, 廣緣通化院의 운영은 奉先弘慶寺에서 副寺主와 副都監을 두어 관리하였다. 顯宗代 사원의 경제력과 奉先弘慶寺가 지방민의 자발적 보시와 지원으로 창건되었으며 더욱이 군사력까지 갖추었다고 생각해 볼 때, 奉先弘慶寺는 稷山의 社會ㆍ經濟ㆍ軍事的 中心地로서의 역할을 수행했다고 보여진다. The temple Bongsun Honggyungsa(奉先弘慶寺), during the reign of Hyunjong(顯宗) in Koryo dynasty, was the royal temple and Won(院). Through the founding of temple, above all, the king of Hyunjong aimed at the strengthening of royal authority and the effective controling over province. The King of Hyunjong was born as an illegitimate child, whoes parents were Anjong(安宗), the 8th son of Taejo(太祖), and Hunjung Wanghoo(獻貞王后), the 4th queen of Kyungjong(景宗). After Kim Chiyang's rebellion(金致陽의 亂) and political change of Kangjo(康兆의 政變) in the late reign of Monkjong(穆宗), he ascended the throne with difficulty. At the first year of reign, however, Koryo was suffered from the 2nd invasion of Chitan(契丹). He had the fragile political base and, what is worse, was confronted with power of the aristocracy and the invasion of Chitan. Therefore he tried to strengthening of royal authority with confucianist ethics such as loyalty(忠), filial piety(孝) and perfect virtue(仁) and buddhist Bubsangjong(法相宗). With this temple, Hyunjong prayed for happiness in the other world of his late parents and peace of Koryo, namely Bongsun Honggyungsa was Wangshil Wondang(王室願堂). Moreover the chief of the temple had high official post, named Samjungdaesa(三重大師) in buddhist monks. It reflected that the temple was endowed with importance. After the death of Hyunjong during Koryo dynasty, the Buddhist seminars took place in the temple under the reign of Injong(仁宗) and Gangjong(康宗) and the temple was selected, once more, by Gyungjong as Wangshil Wondang. So, these facts demonstrated that the Royal Family of Koryo was concerned constantly about temple as Wangshil Wondang. Bongsun Honggyungsa had official posts which was made up of Byulgam(別監), Dogam(都監), Budogam(副都監), Saju(寺主) and Busaju(副寺主). In comparison with Hyunhwasa which was larger than the temple, we could guess that Bongsun Hongyungsa received the one-tenth of subsidy from the Royal Family. The region of Jiksan(稷山), in which Bongsun Honggyunsga located, was a strategic point in Chungchung provinces(忠淸州道), that is to say, this region connects Jungong provinces(全公州道) with Seongra provinces(昇羅州道). Therefore, at that time, the troops were stationed this point. Moreover, the government established Wons(院), which helped stations(驛), in the important point from the viewpoint of traffic and military. With renovation of the provincial, military system, the political, militay control of government over the provinces was organized countrywide. In 1018, general Gang Mincheom(姜民瞻) was chosen by Hyunjong as inspector for founding Bongsun Honggyungsa, and troops were stationed in this temple. These historical facts reflected purpose of the temple, not to mention the function of lodging. Bongsun Hongyungsa, attached Gwangyuntonghwawon(廣緣通化院), took over the role of lodge. accordingly the temple offeredm without charge, convenience to merchants, monks and officials. And Gwangyuntonghwawon was managed by Busaju in the temple and Budogam. Bongsun Honggyungsa, in the reign of Hyunjong, had considerable economic power and popular support in the residents of the region. For that reason, Bongsun Honggyunsa was the social, economic, military center in the Region of Jiksan.

      • KCI등재

        언어,교육 : 여성 결혼이민자의 구어 자유 담화 분석 -사회언어학적 능력을 중심으로-

        강현자 ( Hyun Ja Kang ),김선정 ( Seon Jung Kim ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2012 비교문화연구 Vol.26 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the sociolinguistic competence of female marriage-immigrants through analyzing their free colloquial discourse. Because previous studies on female marriage-immigrants have not been performed based on the natural illocutionary data, an accurate diagnosis of their communication method will be necessary for the efficiency of the Korean education aimed at them, and for the development of their communication ability. For this study, the colloquial discourse situation from five female marriage-immigrants from China, the Philippines and Vietnam was recorded. The sociolinguistic characteristics were analyzed centering on the use of designation, respect terms, and regional words. ``Eomma`` was used as a designation for their husband`s mother, which means that ``intimacy`` worked for the designation of their husband`s mother. The respect-word classes for others were limited to the ``haeyo`` form and the ``hae`` one, and the reception for listeners was often discarded. In addition, the influence of regional words was found in the vocabulary and grammar, and the more proficient the Korean language, the more frequent the regional word occurrence. Based on the above result, the teaching method of Korean for the immigrants shall be suggested as follows: the teaching has to focus on respect words positively influencing the relationship with the counterpart.

      • KCI등재

        여성결혼이민자의 화행 사용 양상에 관한 연구

        김선정(Kim, Seon-jung),강현자(Kang, Hyun-ja) 한국언어문학회 2012 한국언어문학 Vol.81 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine how speech acts teaching is performed in the Korean language education for female marriage-immigrants through the Korean language text books which are developed for them. This study also aims at analyzing the rate of the similarities between real speech acts of female marriage-immigrants and the sentence patterns including speech acts in the textbook, and then to endeavor the right device for teaching speech acts with the results based on this research. In the textbook for female marriage-immigrants, a function and sentence patterns of speech acts are presented by one-to-one correspondence, some of these correspondences are shown in the sentences of speech acts including grammatical meanings. Some of them are presented with a mix of context and speech acts, and some of them are not relevant. These correspondences show a big difference when compared with the real speech acts of female marriage-immigrants. From the results of this study, it can be suggested that the learning contents considered concrete and practical situations of discourse and the list of sentence patterns classified by the typical functions of speech acts are needed to improve the ability of using speech acts. Also, it is suggested that, considering practical use, the situations of speech acts and sentence patterns should be presented in the textbook flexibly.

      • KCI등재

        이주여성 대상 한국어교육 사례 보고: 대구경북지역

        김성수 ( Kim Sung-su ),김선정 ( Kim Seon-jung ),강현자 ( Kang Hyun-ja ) 한국언어문화교육학회 2007 언어와 문화 Vol.3 No.2

        Female migrants have difficulties in learning Korean and understanding Korean culture. Therefore, it is essential to study how to teach them effectively. This case-study on Korean education for female migrants shows Korean education effects. These effects will be a great help for them to understand Korea and Korean culture. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the best direction for teaching Korean to female migrants, and to present a Korean education program for them. (Keimyung University)

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