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      • KCI등재

        VI분과 : 단기소득임산물 재배 소득분석-주요 수실류를 중심으로-

        강학모 ( Hag Mo Kang ),장철수 ( Cheol Su Chang ),최수임 ( Soo Im Choi ) 한국임학회 2014 한국산림과학회지 Vol.103 No.3

        본 연구는 은행, 머루, 다래, 복분자, 산딸기 등 주요 수실류에 대한 재배공정을 조사하여 소득을 분석함으로써 임산물 손실에 대한 보상 기준 및 임업경영진단 등을 위한 합리적인 정책수립에 필요한 기초자료 제공을 목적으로 하였다. 조사결과, 품목별 재배형태는 크게 노지재배와 산지재배로 구분되었다. 품목별 단위면적당(3.3 m2) 연간 평균소득은 은행 노지재배가 1,060원, 은행 산지재배가 618원, 머루 노지재배가 5,891원, 다래 산지재배가 8,113원,복분자 노지재배가 14,701원, 산딸기 노지재배가 17,482원 수준으로 복분자와 산딸기의 연간 평균 소득이 타 품목에비해 매우 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 특히, 산딸기의 경우 생산이 식재 후 2년차부터 이루어진다는 점과 수확작업 시많은 노동력을 자가노동에 의존하고 있어 고용노동 비용 지출이 적은 것으로 분석되었다. 그리고 대부분의 수실류재배 시 시설비, 묘목 등 초기 투자비용이 경영비에서 차지하는 비중이 평균 30% 내외로 높은 것으로 분석되어 재배 활성화를 위해 정부의 적절한 지원이 필요할 것으로 판단된다. This study investigates the cultivation processes of major nuts and fruits such as Ginkgo biloba L., Vitiscoignetiae, Actinidia arguta Planch, Rubus coreanus Miq., and Rubus crataegifolius and analyzes standard income inorder to provide foundational data necessary to make reasonable policies related with the criteria of compensating theloss of forest products or diagnosis of forestry management. According to the research results, the types of cultivationby items can be largely divided into open field culture and mountainous culture. Regarding the average annual incomeper unit area (3.3) by items, the open field culture of Ginkgo biloba L. was 1,060 Won, mountainous culture of Ginkgobiloba L. was 618 Won, open field culture of Vitis coignetiae was 5,891 Won, mountainous culture of Actinidia argutaPlanch was 8,113 Won, open field culture of Rubus coreanus Miq. was 14,701 Won, and open field culture of Rubuscrataegifolius was 17,482 Won or so; thus, the average annual income of Rubus coreanus Miq. and Rubus crataegifoliuswas very higher than that of the other items. In particular, because the production of Rubus crataegifolius starts twoyears after the planting and they rely on family labor mainly for the cultivation, the expenses for employment and laborwere analyzed to be low. In addition, the analysis shows that at most of the nuts and fruits cultivation, initial investmentcosts for facilities or seedlings occupy a great part as about 30% averagely out of the management cost, so it is thoughtthat the government should provide proper support to vitalize the cultivation.

      • KCI등재

        산림조합의 사회공헌에 관한 연구

        강학모 ( Hag Mo Kang ),이총규 ( Chong Kyu Lee ),최수임 ( Soo Im Choi ),김현 ( Hyun Kim ),이대성 ( Dae Sung Lee ),오혜진 ( Hye Jin Oh ) 한국산림경제학회 2022 산림경제연구 Vol.29 No.1

        산림조합이 시행하고 있는 산림사업은 국가산림자원의 확충과 환경을 고려한 공익적 기능 측면에서 매우 중요하며, 산림의 중요성이 전 세계적으로 주목받고 있는 상황에서 산림조합의 공익적 역할에 대한 기대는 커질 것으로 생각된다. 또한 새롭게 변화하는 ESG 시대에 발맞추어 산림조합만의 특색 있는 사회적 책임과 가치 구현을 위한 전략 수립이 필요하다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 사회공헌활동을 주요 협동조합인 농협과 신협 그리고 수협 등과 비교 분석하였다. 산림조합은 수익증대를 위한 일반사업과 신용사업 활성화, 조합원 가입확대, 공공가치 실현을 위한 국가 참여유도, 산림조합 특화 사회공헌서비스 개발, 사회공헌활동 홍보채널 구축, 사회공헌 전담조직 운영을 통해 사회 공헌도를 높일 수 있을 것이다. The forest projects conducted by the National Forestry Cooperative Federation (NFCF) exert important roles in expanding national forest resources and environmental functions for public interests. Thus, the NFCF’s roles might increase due to the importance of forests, which attention has been paid globally. In addition, it is necessary to establish a strategy to realize NFCF’s unique social responsibility and value in line with the new changing ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) era. Social contribution activities were compared and analyzed with major cooperatives, such as the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, National Credit Union Federation, and National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives in this study. NFCF would be able to increase social contribution through the revitalization of general and credit businesses for profits, the expansion of union members, the inducement of national participation to realize public values, the development of specialized social contribution services, the establishment of PR channels for social contribution activities, and the operation of a dedicated organization for social contribution.

      • KCI등재

        주요 약초류 재배에 대한 소득분석

        강학모 ( Hag Mo Kang ),장철수 ( Cheol Su Chang ),김현 ( Hyun Kim ),최수임 ( Soo Im Choi ) 한국산림과학회 2015 한국산림과학회지 Vol.104 No.3

        This study intended to provide basic data required in establishing policies for improving the forestry management and the compensation standard for the loss from non-timber forest products by examining the cost of cultivating key medicinal herbs and the earnings from them to analyze the income. According to the income analysis on the cultivation of medicinal herbs, the average annual income per unit area of Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara was the highest as it recorded 14,233,000 won/10a and was followed by Pleuropterus multiflorus TURCZ. which recorded 4,121,000 won/10a, Gastrodia elata Blume 3,766,000 won/10a, Epimedium koreanum Nakai 3,537,000 won/10a, Atractylodes ovata (Thunb.) DC. 2,655,000 won/10a, Aralia continentalis Kitagawat 1,048,000 won/10a, Paeonia lactiflora Pallas 1,025,000 won/10a, and Bupleurum falcatum L. 919,000 won/10a. Compared with the income from major nuts and fruits analyzed in 2014, the average annual income per unit area for medicinal herbs was relatively higher. For Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara and Aralia continentalis Kitagawat, soots are used for food and the roots for medicine, it appears that it can become a new income source for the farming and mountain villages. Meanwhile, the price for Paeonia lactiflora Pallas is dropping due to Chinese imports, and also damage to the income from other medicinal herbs due to Chinese imports is expected with the implementation of Korea-China FTA in the future.

      • KCI등재

        고로쇠나무 수액의 채취와 유통구조에 관한 연구

        안종만,강학모,김준선 ( Jong Man An,Hag Mo Kang,Jun Sun Kim ) 한국산림과학회 1998 한국산림과학회지 Vol.87 No.3

        The study was carried out to devise a proper measure to increase the income of mountain villagers by producing sap water of Acer mono, and to make the most of sap water as local specialty to contribute to the local economy of mountain villages. All the processes from collecting to marketing of sap water of Acer mono was investigated. The survey was done from mid-January to mid-February in the 3 major sap water collecting regions, Toji-myon Kurey-gun(Piagol area of Mt. Chiri), Okryong-myon Kwangyang city(Mt. Baekun), and Jookhack-ri Sunchon(Mt. Chokey). A total of 90 householders who collect sap water, to say again, 30 householders in each region, were interviewed personally to make up questionnaires. The habitual or general practices about collecting sap water, the selling price, the sales process, labor power to collect and carry down, carrying distance and facilities, sales income and side income, and family income were investigated and examined. Spots of collecting sap water were nut concentrated but scattered all over the collecting area. Collecting method, collecting amount, sales process, and selling price varied with the village and region. Sap water was colleted by tapping or boring method, the latter of which was widely used in lots of regions except in Sunchon. Although the amount of sap production per family varied with region, the average amount was about 1,350 liters. Of all the sap water collected, 44% was consumed by drinking of on-the-spot visitors and 36% was sold by order, etc. Sap water was sold at the price varying from 10,000 won to 60,000 won per 18 liters. The average selling price was 41,000 won, but selling prices of 43,000 won and 45,000 wan amounted to 38% and 25%, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        고로쇠나무 수액 이용객의 음용형태에 관한 연구

        안종만,김준선,강학모 ( Jong Man An,Jun Sun Kim,Hag Mo Kang ) 한국산림과학회 1998 한국산림과학회지 Vol.87 No.4

        This study was carried out to investigate the drinking patterns of sap water of Acer mono by on-the-spot visitors. The survey was done from late-February to mid-March in the 3 major sap water tapping regions, such as Piagol of Mt. Chiri in Kurey, Okryong of Mt. Baekun in Kwangyang, and Mt. Chokey in Sunchon, Chonnam. A total of 300 visitors over 20 years old, 100 visitors in each region, were interviewed personally to make up questionnaires, irrespective of sex. The purpose of drinking, the frequency of visit, the modes of traffic, the length of stay, drinking amount per person, one`s opinions after drinking, drinking plans and patterns, and intention of drinking processed sap were investigated and examined. Wide range of age groups from twenties to sixties drank sap water. Visitors drank sap water in order to keep health, to promote mutual friendship, and so on. 44% of sap drinkers visited for the first time, and 71% visited by private automobiles holding the first place. 59.7% of visitors spent only a day, but 40.3% passed one or two nights to drink sap water. For drinking amount of sap water, 3-6 a was consumed by 31.3% of visitors, under 3 ℓ or 9-12 ℓ by 22.7% 6-9 ℓ by 12.7% and so forth. 74% of visitors felt sap water sweet and favorable, but were doubtful about the efficacy of sap water. 79.0% of visitors had a plan to drink sap water again next year, 40% of whom preferred a day`s visit to overnight staying (29%) or 3 days` staying (6%). 45% answered to plan to drink sap water with having meals, and 43% with having meals and passing a night. More than half (54.3%) of the visitors were inclined not to drink processed sap water for the reasons of unreliable quality, unwillingness for process, change in quality, etc.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회에서 국유림의 역할 -한국의 서부지방산림청을 중심으로-

        정철호 ( Cheol Ho Jeong ),강학모 ( Hag Mo Kang ),이총규 ( Chong Kyu Lee ),최수임 ( Soo Im Choi ),김현 ( Hyun Kim ) 한국산림경제학회 2022 산림경제연구 Vol.29 No.1

        본 연구는 국유림과 지역사회와의 관계 변화를 서부지방산림청을 중심으로 분석하였다. 그 결과, 첫째 국유림 이용률은 지속적으로 감소하고 있어 지역사회에서 국유림의 토지자원 제공 기능이 점점 약화되고 있었다. 둘째, 지역주민들의 국유림 보호 역할이 점점 축소되면서 국유임산물 이용도 점차 감소하고 있었다. 셋째, 산림분야 일자리는 증가하였으나 낮은 임금과 취약한 고용구조에 머물고 있었다. 넷째, 산림서비스는 과거 체험프로그램 방식의 인적서비스에서 국가가 직접 인프라를 구축하는 방향으로 변화하였다. 다섯째, 국유림 관련 민원사례는 사용허가, 대부 및 임산물 양여가 주를 이루고 있었다. 본 연구는 한국에서 국유림과 지역사회의 실제 역할에 대한 통찰력을 제공할 수 있다. This study analyzed changes in the relationship between the national forest and the local community, focusing on the Western Regional Office of Forest Service. Our results demonstrated that (1) the utilization rate of the national forest has been consistently decreased, and the provision of land resource function of the national forest has also been gradually weakened in the local community. (2) the use of the national forest products had been gradually declined as the role of the residents in protecting the national forests has been increasingly diminished. (3) job creation in the forest sector has been increased; however, wages and employment structure remained low and vulnerable, respectively. (4) forest service has shifted from experience program-based human service to how the nation built its infrastructure. (5) lease permission on the indispensable and disposable national forest and a surplus of forest products were the main causes of civil complaints from the national forest. This study may provide insights into the real role of the national forests and the local communities in South Korea.

      • KCI등재

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