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        자폐증유아의 치료과정에 대한 이해와 반성

        강인언 ( Kang In-eun ),손영수 ( Soon Young-soo ) 한국유아특수교육학회 2002 유아특수교육연구 Vol.2 No.1

        This study attempts to ontologically inquire into autistic early children by understanding the meanings of the relationship between treating teachers and autistic early children, the application of the programme, and the programme itself to the process to treat them in the point of view of phenomenological hermeneutics. Treating teachers mitigate the tensions and grow confidence between themselves and autistic early children, and improve the autistic early children’s relationship with others by applying the programmes to make them eat some buildup food, hold them aloft in their arms, and go out for a walk with them. The three above- mentioned programmes are applied not strictly by a stereotyped order but very flexibly according to their conditions and emotions. By the process to call and make autistic early children be close and walk out hand in hand with them in order to control autistic early children’s behaviour, the autistic early children would be aware of their being with treating teachers and acclimate themselves to the treating teachers’ behaviour control by responding appropriately to their order and desire. By these programmes the autistic early children grow, change, and develop themselves. Until now,teachers and researchers to be charged with the treatment for autistic early children have the tendency to focus on training and curing them functionally and technically, not on the ontological understanding of them. This study tries to understand the process of the curing of autistic early children ontologically in their situation referring to the characteristics of itself.

      • 幼兒文學敎育 實態에 관한 基礎硏究 : 慶南地域 幼兒敎育機關을 中心으로

        姜仁彦,金英淑 진주여자전문대학 1988 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the actual condition of the literature education of young children in Gyeong Sang Nam Do, The specific problems of this study are as follows : 1. What is the goal of young childrens's literature education? 2. What is the criteria for the selection of young children's literature books? 3. What is trends of use and interest for media of young children's literature? 1) What is trends of use and interest for fairy tales and creative tales? 2) What is trends of use and interest for picture-tales? 3) What is trends of use and interest for kinds of puppets? 4) Have you ever taken a chance of a puppet-show? 5) Have you ever taken a chance of children's drama? 6) Have you ever used the children's verse in a classroom? 4. How many books of young children's literature do they stock in kindergarten and what is the teacher s viewpoint for these? 5. How is YES or NO of the teacher s experience for a creative activity of young children's literature? 6. For fairy tales : 1) What is the title of fairy tale most used in kindergarten? 2) What is the title of fairy tale which kindergarten-boys are most interested in? 3) What is the title of fairy tale which kindergarten-girls are most interested in? 4) What is the title of fairy tale which kindergarten-teachers are most interested in? 7. What do you want in the class allocated for young children's literature in college? 8. What is the problem in young cildren's literature education? For this study 27 nursery schools, 20 kindergarten attached to elementary schools and 78 private kindergarten in Kyeong Sang Nam Do were randomly sampled. The total subject of the study were 125 teachers. The instrument used for this study was a questionnaire. It was distributed to the teachers and filled out by them. Chi-square was used to analyze by the data obtained from the questionnaire. The results of this study are as follows : 1. For the goal of young children's literature education : 'to be helped creative and expressive activities to literature in various ways' was regarded to be the most important in general. 2. For the criteria for selection of young children's literature books ; 'the contents related a unit was regarded to be the most important in general. 3. For the trends of use interest fot the media of young children s literature ; 'picture-tale' and 'picture-books' are the descending order responded. 4. For books of young children's literature and teacher s viewpoint for those ; '100 books and below them' and 101-200 books' are the descending order responded and answered 'proper' for these. 5. For the YES or No of the teacher's experience for a creative activity of youg children's literature ; 'NO' was regarded to be the most in general. 6. For fairy tales and the title of fairy tale most used in kindergartens ; 'Heungbu-Jean', 'Hokburi-younggam' and 'Hae wa Dali Deun O-nui' are the descending order responded by boys. 'Kongzui and patzui' and 'Baek-seol Princess' are the descending order responded by girls. And 'Hae wa dali Deun O-nui' and 'Hokburi-younggam' are by teachers. 7. For the request to the class allocated for young children's literature in college ; 'the manufacture technique for media of young children's literature and communiate method 'and' the guidance of the creative education to the genre of young children's literature' are the descending order responded by teachers. 8. For the problem in young children's literature education ; 'the problem of manufacture technique for media', 'The difficulty of selection for a literary work and the poor of a subject matter' and 'the poor of teaching materials' are the descending order responded by teachers.

      • 진주지역 유치원의 변천과정에 대한 연구

        강인언,임성혜,손영수 진주여자전문대학 1992 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        The main purpose of this study is to investigate the history of early childhood education in Chinju city. And the second purpose is to find out various problems in the field of early childhood education in Chinju, and seek improved suggestions. To carry out this study, the researchers gathered many kinds of data from forty kindergarten located in Chinju city. The opening date, the present situations, and the number of teachers, children and classes of each kindergarten were included in the data. The findings and suggestions of this study are as follows : 1. The kindergarten openting in Chinju for the first time in 「Chinju Chiristian Kindergarten」opened in 1916, which is two years later than the first kintergarten for the Korean childern, 「Ewha Kindergarten」opened in 1914 in Seoul. 2. Most of the private kindergartens in Chinju are very poor in financial aspect. 3. The salary level of the teachers of private kindergarten is lower than that of public kindergarten. 4. The concept of the parents on early childhood education is distorted much more than that of the specialists. 5. Educational programs according to ages (3-5 years old children)is required. 6. To elevate the efficiency of early childhood education, the financial support of provincial government as well as central government is required. 7. To recommendate the encouragement of learning in kindergaten, many of the school inspector are necessary in the special field of the early childhood education.

      • 유치원의 부모교육 실태에 관한 조사연구 : 통합 진주시를 중심으로

        강인언,황은미 진주여자전문대학 1995 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the current situations of parent education of kindergarten in Chinju Area. The specific problems of the study are as follows. 1. How is the parent education executed by kindergartens? 2. What is the goal of parent education in kindergarten? 3. What is the content of parent education in kinergarten? 4. What are the patterns of parent education in kinergarten? 5. What is the administration of the parent education in kindergarten? 6. What are the effects of parent education in kindergarten? 7. What are the problems of parent education in kindergarten? 8. How is the degree of parents paticipation? 9. Is there any difference between public kindergartens and private ones in the above problems? For this study, 68 kindergartens in Chinju Area were sampled. The total subjects selected in the study were 47 kindergartens. (28 kindergartens attached to public elementary schools and 19 private kindergartens) The testing instrument used for the study was a questionaire developed by the researchers. The data were analyzed by percentage(%) and Chisquare(χ²) verification. The results of the study are as follows. There were significant differences between public kindergartens and private ones in the execution of parent education, the name of parents meeting, the person determining the membership fee, the inspecting method of kindergarten class, the type and content of interview with parents, the types of correspondence with students home, the existence of home visite programs, the areas and types participating as a assistant teacher in kindergarten, the effects of parent education and the relatioship between kindergarten and students' home.

      • 兒童敎育을 위한 道德性 發達理論에 관한 考察

        姜仁彦 진주여자전문대학 1984 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        How can one study morality? Current trends in the fields of ethics, linguistics, anthropology, and cognitive psychology have suggested a new approach that seems to avoid the morass of semantical confusions, value bais and cultural relativity in which the psychoanalytic and semantic approaches to morality have foundered. New scholarship in all these fields is now focusing upon structures, forms and relationship that seem to be common to all societies and all languages rather than upon the features that make particular languages or cultures different. Therefore nowadays we have proposed the moral problem to restore the human nature and to criticize the mechanization o f human with the industrial development And by the aids of piaget's and Kohlberg's research, a new interest about morality development and moral education has rised. With this view point, the objectives of the present research is to get some suggestions about the influence of the developmental theory of morality for child education. Moral development has traditionally been studied under one of three theoretical perspectives : social 1earning theory, psychoanalytic theory and cognitive-developmenta1 theory. The social learning model, represented by Aronfreed and Mischel, among others, accepts moral learning as a socially learned behavior, transmitted by direct teaching and imitation of appropriate role models. The psychoanalytic model, reprsesented by Hartman, Sarnoff, and, of course S.Freud, is tied to a theory of personality development that emphasizes the internalization of standards and values. The cognitive-developmental approach, represented by Piaget and Kohlberg, focuses on the kind of reasoning on moral judgement that people use in making their decision and on their understanding of justice. In this research, we have pointed out the suggestion of the piaget's and Kohlberg's morality theory for the child education. Besides their suggestion, we also consider the variables, for example, the child's social cultural mil leu, his parents child-rearing attitudes and practices, possible educational interventions, and the child's social experiences with peers and others.

      • 兒童의 形式的 操作構造發達에 影響을 주는 變因의 分析

        姜仁彦 진주여자전문대학 1983 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        The objective of the present research is to determine the influence of the related variables on the development of Piagetian formal operation structure The related variables were age, sex, SES, residence and parents childrearing practices etc. The subject were 135 nine-fourteen year old children randomly sampled from urban and rural areas covering BUSAN and KYUNG SANG NAM DO The testing instrument were childrearing practice questionnaire, cognitive development test and a home background questionnarie. The result of this research were as followings 1) There was a significant difference in cognitive development between mediated and sense dominated childrearing practices 2) There was a significant difference in cognitive development between rural and urban areas. 3) There was no significant difference in cognitive development between upper and lower SES. 4) There was a significant difference in cognitive development between man and woman. 5) There was a significant difference in cognitive development between ages according to each items. 6) The result of item analysis according to ages indicates a significant difference in cognitive development and the formulation age of the formal operational stage means to be alike that of western society

      • 幼兒敎育機關에서 사용 빈도가 높은 傳來童話의 內容 分析 : 慶南地域 幼兒敎育機關을 中心으로

        姜仁彦,金英淑 진주여자전문대학 1989 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the content of fairy tales which are in general used in kindergarten. The specific problems of this study are as follows: 1. What is the theme of fairy tales? 2. For the framework of fairy tales? 1). What is the types of characters? 2). What is the types of accidents? 3). What is the types of background? 3. Is there any relationships between fairy tales and young children's need? 4. Is there any relationships between fairy tales and five fields of educational goal in kindergarten? For this study 27 nursery schools, 20 kindergartens attached to elementary school and 78 private kindergartens in Kyeong Sang Nam Do were randomly sampled. 40 fairy tales obtained from 125 teachers were analyzed. The results of this study are as follows: 1. By following the theme, 'the promotion of virtue and reproval of vice' revealed mostly, 'solving a problem' followed, and 'the rights of man' 'the failure of imitation' revealed few. 2. For the framework of fairy tales: 1). By following the characters, 'ordinary men' revealed mostly, followed by 'ordinary animals', 'helping animals', 'assailants', 'Gods' and so on. 2). By following the accidents, 'unselfishness', revealed mostly, 'wish and achieve', the wise', 'punishment' followed, and 'respect' revealed few. 3). For the types of backgorund, first, by following backgound of status followed by 'a child hare', 'a woodcut', 'king' and so on. By following the backgound of age, 'the male' and 'an adult' were emphasized more than 'the female' and 'a child'. And, by following the physical background 'the deformity' and occult arts revealed. 3. By follwing the young children's needs, 'the need for security' related mostly, followed by 'the need to belong' 'the need to love' the need to achieve', and 'the need for change'. 4. By following five fields of educational goal in kindergarten, 'emotional field' and 'social field' related mostly, followed by 'physical field' 'congnitive field' and 'verbal field'.


        Kang, In-Eun,Lee, Deok Soon 진주여자전문대학 1990 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        개인의 건전한 성격발달에 기초가 되는 자아존중감은 개인의 자신에 대한 평가적인 태도로 간단히 정의되어 진다. 이러한 자아존중감은 James와 Cooley, Mead와 같은 상징적 상호작용론자들에 의하면 인간이 태어날 때부터 가지고 있는 것이 아니라 다른 사람들, 특히 중요한 타인들과의 사회적 상호작용을 통해서 형성되어 진다. 이와같은 이들의 주장은 많은 연구들에 의해서 뒷받침되어 지고 있다. 중요한 타인들 중 특히 아동들의 성격형성에 중요한 역할을 하는 부모-자녀관계와 아동의 자아존중감과의 관계에 대한 여러 논문들의 연구결과로 부터 다음과 같은 결론을 내릴 수 있다. 즉, 아동들의 자아존중감은 1)체벌이나 무관심보다는 지원, 온정, 수용, 격려, 그리고 약간의 통제와 같은 부모의 양육태도와 2)부모와의 친밀도, 3)가족간의 상호작용의 개입정도, 4)가족 구성원들간의 의견일치도, 5)부모의 원만한 부부관계에 대한 자녀의 인지 등과 정적인 상관관계를 갖는다. 따라서, 아동들의 자아존중감을 강화하기 위해서는 중요한 타인으로서 부모들은 그들 자녀들에게 보다 많은 애정과 지원, 그리고 수용 등을 아끼지 않아야 할 것이다.

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