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        영국의 역사교육과정(1991)과 미국의 역사표준서(1996)에서 내용 선정 및 구성의 개념으로서의 젠더

        강선주(Kang Sun-Joo) 한국여성학회 2008 한국여성학 Vol.24 No.2

        본고는 역사를 중심으로 대표적인 공적 지식(official knowledge)인 교육과정이 여성/젠더를 어떤 방식으로 ‘포함’ 또는 ‘배제’하는가에 대해 영국과 미국의 사례를 검토해 보았다. 분석의 대상은 영국의 역사 교육과정(National History Curriculum of England, 1991)과 미국의 『역사 표준서』 기본판(National Standards for History Basic Edition, 1996) 이다. 1990년대 초 두 나라는 공통적으로 역사 교육과정과 역사 표준서를 통해 학생들이 학습해야 할 표준적인 역사를 국가 수준에서 제시하였다. 그리고 그 표준적인 내용을 선정 및 구성하는 개념으로서 젠더를 고려하였다. 전자가 ‘젠더 포괄’의 방향에서 내용 선정의 중요한 개념으로 젠더를 도입하는 것이었다면, 후자는 ‘삽입’의 방향에서 가능한 곳에서 젠더라는 렌즈를 동해 역사를 분석할 기회를 제공하는 것이었다. 두 나라가 젠더라는 범주를 좀 다른 방식으로 도입했지만, 젠더의 관점에서 역사를 분석할 기회를 제공했다는 점에서는 공통적이다. 한국에서는 사실 젠더가 역사교육에 어떻게 고려될 수 있는가에 대한 논의도 제대로 이루어지지 않은 상태이다. 그러므로 영국과 미국의 두 사례는 한국에서 젠더를 비롯한 차이를 만드는 다양한 범주가 공적 지식인 역사 교육과정의 내용 선정 및 구성의 개념으로 어떻게 고려될 수 있는가에 대한 유용한 시사점을 제공할 것으로 보인다. This article analysed how gender has been incorporated into the National History Curriculum of England(1991) and the National Standards for History the Basic edition (1996) in the U.S. As a result, it has found that the National History Curriculum of England incorporated gender as a main concept to select and organize the content while the National Standards for History in the U.S. included the standards for women and gender issues in mainly social and cultural categories of history. Although the national history curriculum and the National Standards for history took different strategies to include gender issues, they commonly recognized gender as an analytical tool of history. This article suggests that in order to cope with the multicultural society of today, we need to find a way to integrate diverse cultures and contributions of different social groups while developing in students the attitude to respect their unique cultures in the history classroom.

      • KCI등재

        해방 이후 역사 교육과정 개정을 둘러싼 쟁점

        姜鮮珠(Kang Sun-Joo) 역사교육연구회 2006 역사교육 Vol.97 No.-

        This paper undertakes an exploration of issues around history curricula developed since 1945 in order to help history educators assess strengths and weakness of school history. This paper seeks to answer the following questions: in developing history curricula what have been issues and problems to which history educators give rise? What directions should history education take to solve those problems? This paper points out that since the time the school curriculum was first developed, the social studies, which at first put history, geography, and social sciences in juxtaposition and later required the three subjects to be integrated one course in a way that any integration theories wouldn"t support, a nationalist approach to Korean history, and a weak status of world history in the social studies curriculum have been the main issues and caused problems in history education. These problems remain unsolved. In order to solve those problems, this paper suggests, history educators first develop teaching strategies to link history with other subjects, second develop a history curriculum that includes a history course, into which integrates Korean history and world history, and third pay their great attention to curricular theories.

      • KCI등재

        박물관의 감정적 전시, 방문객의 감정이입, 그리고 역사교육과 유산교육

        姜鮮珠(Kang, Sun Joo) 역사교육연구회 2022 역사교육 Vol.161 No.-

        A museum is a place for emotions and actively engages in emotional work. The museum has been active in constructing nationalism and patriotism. However, since the memory boom, museums began to represent the past with personal stories and heritages that can rupture the nationalist narrative. In particular, museums tend to expand emotional exhibitions to represent the painful and traumatic past while actively accepting the paradigm shift of ‘emotional turn’. Some museum researchers and practitioners argue that museums should realize its social responsibility for social justice through emotional exhibition. They believe that emotional exhibitions can evoke visitors’ empathy and sympathy, which can be a driving force for changing visitors’ opinions on social problems. In this article, emotional exhibition techniques that represent the sensitive past, and empirical studies on visitors’ emotional responses and empathy were reviewed and analyzed. According to the studies, the majority of visitors to the museum have not not respond emotionally to emotional exhibitions, and even if they did, few experienced a fundamental change in their perspectives or opinions. However, there were a small number of visitors who engaged emotionally to past events or empathized with victims and changed their perspective or opinions. Teaching and learning in museums needs to be structured in such a way that, paying attention to those points, it challenges learners’ habituated cognitive and emotional responses to specific events or figures and provides opportunities for self-reflection on their perspectives and emotions.

      • KCI등재

        세계화 시대의 세계사 교육 : 상호관련성을 중심원리로 한 내용구성

        姜鮮珠(Kang Sun-Joo) 역사교육연구회 2002 역사교육 Vol.82 No.-

        What we teach about the history of the world in the high schools mostly shapes the future citizens" images and ideas about the world, because after graduation, most of the students will never again be exposed to any other kinds of courses that teach about world history or even world problems. Therefore, decisions about what to include and what to exclude from the high school world history course, how the course should be structured, and what the viewpoint for such a course should be are important. Today"s world of globalization demands history educators to revise world history courses to make them relevant to the social demands of the day. Peoples in the every comer of the world have, more than ever, interacted with inescapable intensity. Such increasing contacts between individuals through trade and travel, on one hand, urge for the global identity uniting peoples in the world and on the other hand. demand for awareness of and tolerance for multicultural characteristics of the human society. In this multicultural and global climate, there is no merit in a conventional way of teaching world history, which is a juxtaposition of the histories of different continents or cultures. Each civilization and people has had its own trajectory of development. It is important that each civilization should be understood in its own terms. However, organizing world history with separate civilizations as the primary units has little value. This is because first examining all civilizations and all nations" and peoples" histories from ancient times to the present is impossible to sustain. Anyone attempting to do this either omits most of history by default or moves so rapidly that each epoch and each civilization can only receive cursory attention. Moreover, many of the most important events in history, even in ancient times, have been played out on a map bigger than any single country or civilization. Therefore, each civilization should not be irrelevantly studied as just a fragment of world history, which would impede students to see the grand movements of world changes. This study underscores that world history should give attention to new problems and issues created by increasing cultural and ethnic pluralism and intensified global interdependence in the present world. In this respect, this study emphasizes cross-cultural interaction as a core organizing principle of world history and examines values of the interregional approach to construct world history. World history constructed with an interregional approach can be organized around big events whose impact was wide enough to involve peoples of differing cultures in a shared experience. These big events, then, would provide the common reference point for investigating and comparing other events and trends that related more narrowly to particular civilizations and cultural groups. Examining participation of the world"s peoples in processes transcending individual societies and cultural regions can give a new meaning to the study of world history: that is, by providing those experiences in which a large number of people transcending cultural and political borders involved, students can better identify themselves as participants in the process of world changes.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        학생의 다양성과 역사교육

        姜鮮珠(Kang Sun Joo) 역사교육연구회 2018 역사교육 Vol.148 No.-

        This paper examines empirical studies of students from various ethnic backgrounds in Europe and North America, analyzing their historical identity and thinking about how to consider student diversity in history education. Many empirical studies conducted in the 1990s and early 2000s have examined and analyzed the relationship between the student’s historical identity and the student’s racial and ethnic backgrounds and found that the “given situation” of the student’s race, ethnicity, religion, gender influence the students’ selection of historical interpretation and narratives and their historical identities. However, recent studies have emphasized that not only students’ “given situation” but also their social awareness of social problems are important factors influencing their selections of historical significance and construction of their historical identities. Therefore, in historical education, the diversity of students needs to be redefined not only by the given situation of the student’s race, ethnicity, religion, gender but also crossing artificial compartments of such conditions.

      • KCI등재

        영국의 역사 교육과정의 쟁점 - 2014 교육과정을 중심으로 -

        강선주 ( Kang Sun-joo ) 역사교육학회 2017 역사교육논집 Vol.65 No.-

        This paper analyzes the history program of study in the national curriculum of England. If we look at the history of history curriculum in the UK, we find that the British history education community has also dealt with similar issues of Korea. This paper reviews the issues related to the history curriculum in England and makes some suggestion to the Korean history education community, with regard to how history curriculum should be structured, how to slim down history curriculum, how to incorporate the issue of diversity, how to teach historical thinking, etc.

      • KCI등재

        ‘다중시각의 역사수업’, 개념과 가치 충돌의 해결 방안

        姜鮮珠(Kang, Sun Joo) 역사교육연구회 2020 역사교육 Vol.154 No.-

        This paper reviewed how Korean and European scholars defined and have used of multiperspectivity and what ideological orientations or ethical stance they represented using the terms in the field of history education. A couple of Korean scholars used ‘다원적 관점(the pluralistic view)’ connoting ‘diverse view’ and ‘multicultural view’. However, a Korean scholar who introduced a German theory to Korea described multiperspectivity as a strategy to design history lesson based on historical methodologies. In Europe, multiperspectivity theorise are originated in ‘new history’ developed in the western Europe in the 1970s and spread to the Eastern Europe in the 1990s. International organizations in Europe, such as the European Council and EUROCLIO, have focused on multiperspectivity as a strategy to resolve conflicts between countries, ethnic groups and cultural groups and to visualize historically marginalized groups beyond a mono-cultural and a mono-ethnic perspective. The theorists argued that history teachers provide students with different sources or historical narratives to give opportunities to review different views within the frame of historical methodologies. When applying multiperspectivity in history class, different values may collide as students evaluate events based on their different identifies. To resolve the value conflicts, scholars have taken different approaches: a pluralistic approach, an integral approach, and a discipline-oriented educational approach.

      • KCI등재

        성찰적 비판과 복합 정체성으로서 역사교육

        姜鮮珠(Kang, Sun Joo) 역사교육연구회 2016 역사교육 Vol.138 No.-

        As the debate on the new-right’s Korean history textbook intensified and the decision that the state develops middle school history and high school Korean history textbooks was made, ‘critical thinking’ has been discussed as a central aim of history education. Some scholars even call for ‘deconstructive reading of history textbooks’ in the school history class. This article examines issues around the ‘historical thinking’ theories and ‘the deconstructive reading of history textbook’ theory and ‘critical thinking’. It suggests that school history provide knowledge and methods that assist students to think reflectively about the histories they learn and their historical consciousness and to construct histories by themselves. It emphasizes that schools teach history as an interpretive discipline, not as an indisputable narrative. It also points out that history should provide students opportunities to appreciate their complex identities.

      • KCI등재

        역사교육에서 내용 선정 및 구성의 개념으로서 성별

        姜鮮珠(Kang Sun-Joo) 歷史敎育硏究會 2007 역사교육 Vol.102 No.-

        School history curriculum and textbooks are not satisfying in terms of women’s history and issues. Because elementary and middle school history curricula are organized chronologically, with an emphasis on political history, the field in which few women have been allowed to participate, most women are excluded from the curriculum and textbooks or are portrayed in relation to standards appropriate to men. Women’s history scholarship has developed dramatically since the 1960s. However, historians in the field of women’s history have made little effort to infuse women’s history into school history. To give students an opportunity to view history from women’s perspectives and recognize gender as an important category to analyze history, we should put a great deal of energy into making their research results applicable to educational settings. This paper examines how different approaches to women’s history can be adopted to develop the history curricula and suggests a way to revise the national level history curriculum by adopting gender as a main concept to organize the school history curriculum.

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