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      • KCI등재

        日本語學習者と中國語學習者の學習動機とイメ一ジ硏究 -韓國の大學生を對象としたアンケ一ト調査の結果からみえるもの-

        齊藤明美 ( Saito Akemi ) 한국일어교육학회 2016 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.37

        本硏究は、韓國の大學で第二外國語として日本語を學んでいる學生と中國語を學んでいる學生を對象にアンケ一ト調査を行なった結果を報告するものである。質問の內容は、學習動機、大學を卒業した後學んだ言語を使ってしたいこと、目標言語の國家に對するイメ一ジとイメ一ジ形成に影響を與えた要因、幷びに目標言語に對するイメ一ジであった。調査の結果、學習動機に關しては、日本語學習者は ①他の外國語より面白そうだ②日本·日本人·日本文化に興味がある。③日本の漫畵、アニメ等に興味がある、と答えた人が多かった。これにより、他の外國語より面白そうな日本語を、日本·日本人·日本文化や漫畵、アニメへの興味が學習動機となって學んでいることが明らかになった。一方、中國語學習者は、①他の外國語より面白そうだ。②中國のことが知りたい。③中國語を學習して就職に役立てたい、と答えた學生が多く、「就職」への期待値が日本語學習者より高いところに特徵がみられた。また、大學を卒業した後學んだ言語を使ってしたいことに關しても、日本語學習者と中國語學習者の違いは、中國語學習者の方が中國語を就職に活かしたいという氣持ちが强いところにあった。そして、目標言語や相手國家に對するイメ一ジについては、日本語學習者の方が中國語學習者より良いイメ一ジを持っていることが明らかにされた。筆者は學生の面接等を通して日本語學習者と中國語學習者の學習動機には確かな違いがあると考えていたが、今回の調査結果はこれを統計的に證明するものとなった。 This study reports questionnaire survey results of South Korean university students learning Japanese or Chinese as a second language. Survey questions asked about motivation of learning, how to use language after graduation, images regarding the country, factors that influence formation of images, and images regarding language. Regarding motivation of learning, survey results revealed that many learners of Japanese answered (1) seemed more interesting than other languages, (2) interested in Japan, Japanese people and culture, (3) interested in Japanese comics and animation. Motivation to learn comes from interest in Japan, Japanese people, culture, comics and animation. On the other hand, many learners of Chinese answered (1) seemed more interesting than other languages, (2) to know more about China, (3) to utilize Chinese to find employment. Expectation of language in job-hunting is distinctive. Learners of Japanese indicated a more favorable impression than learners of Chinese regarding country. The author has long felt differences in motivation between learners through interviews with students, thus this survey has statistically proven this.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        日本語学習者の就職に対する意識と企業が求める人材 - 韓国におけるアンケート調査及びインタビューの結果を中心に-

        齊藤明美 ( Saito Akemi ),倉持香 ( Kuramochi Kaoru ) 한국일어교육학회 2019 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.47

        本研究では、韓国の大学で日本語を学習する大学生を対象にアンケート調査をした結果を報告する。調査結果は日本語関連学科の学生とそれ以外の学生に分けて分析した。調査の内容は、「日本語クラスを受講する学目的」「日本語を使用する職場や職種に関して」「就職活動に関して」「大学や学科の就職に対する支援に関して」等であった。また、ソウルにある日本商工会議所と日系企業への人材派遣会社を訪問し、「日本企業が求める人材」について尋ねた。調査の結果、日本語学習の目的については、日本語関連学科の学生は、「就職」と「興味」を目的にする学習者が多く、他学科の学生は「興味」と答えた学習者が多いことがわかった。また、日本語を使用する職場を希望する学習者の比率をみると、日本語関連学科の学生のうち79%が希望し、他学科の学生のうち57.4%が希望していることが明らかになった。そして、就職活動に関しては、日本語関連学科の学生は、「語学の勉強・資格取得」を挙げ、他学科の学生の多くが、「専攻の勉強や資格取得」を挙げていた。大学側としては、学生のために、インターンシップ等の現場実習を紹介する、就職に関する講座を開講するなどの取り組みを行っていることがわかった。また、「日本企業が求める人材」については、「資格も重要であるが、人物が重要」ということを第一に挙げていて企業が求める人材と学生が準備しているものに差があることが明らかになった。 This study reports survey results of Korean university students studying Japanese language regarding ‘objectives of Japanese language study’, learners desiring workplaces in which Japanese is spoken’, jJob search activities’, and ‘university employment assistance’. Results are analyzed for students in Japanese language-related faculties and for students in other faculties. Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Japanese enterprises were questioned about human resources. Results show students in Japanese language-related faculties indicated interest and job employment as objectives for studying, while students in other faculties indicated interest, with those seeking Japanese speaking workplaces as 79% and 57.4% respectively. The former gave language study and obtaining qualifications as activities, while the latter gave study of their major and obtaining qualifications. Internship programs and employment seminars were indicated as assistance from universities. Businesses expressed that while qualifications are of interest, the student as an individual is most important, indicating difference between human resources sought and job searching activities of students.

      • 明治41年(1908)刊 『日語会話』の研究

        齊藤明美(Saito, Akemi) 중원대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2017 인문사회과학연구 Vol.3 No.1

        본고는 메이지 41년(1908)에 간행된 『일어회화(日語会話)』에 대해 연구한 것이다. 『일어회화』의 저자인 島井浩(시마이 히로시)에 대해 기술한 후 『일어회화』의 서지적 개요에 대해 기술하였다. 이어서 일어회화 의 일본어 가나에 붙어있는 한국어표기에 대해 기술하였으나『일어회화』의 한국어표기와 『일한 한일 신 회화(日韓韓日新会話)』의 에(エ)단에 붙어있는 한국어에서는 차이가 보였다. 다음으로 『일어회화』의 회화 에서 볼 수 있는 예문에 대해 기술하였다. 『일어회화』의 4페이지∼44페이지까지의 일본어 예문은 『일한 한일 신 회화』의 23페이지∼36페이지의 예문과 상당히 유사하다는 것이 밝혀졌다. 이로부터 『일어회화』의 「회화」 예문을 결정할 때에 『일한 한일 신 회화』를 참고로 했음을 알 수 있다. 마지막으로『일어회화』의 「회화」 예문에서 볼 수 있는 일본어 특색에 대해 기술하였다. The purpose of this study was to examine the book “Nichigo Kaiwa” published in 1908 (Meiji 41). This paper first describes the author Hiroshi Shimai, precedent research and bibliographic summary of the book. Korean notation of Japanese kana characters is explained and it is noted that the Korean notation of the phonetic “E” column differs in “Nichigo Kaiwa” and “Nikkan Kannichi Shin Kaiwa”. Research results show that the example sentences used in pages 4- 44 of ‘Conversation’ in “Nichigo Kaiwa” and pages 23-36 of “Nikkan Kannichi Shin Kaiwa” are very similar. This suggests that ‘Mijikaki Kotoba (short words)’ in Nikkan Kannichi Shin Kaiwa was used as reference when deciding upon example sentences to use in “Nichigo Kaiwa”. Characteristics of the Japanese language in the conversation example sentences are described, and research results show that the Japanese phrases used are close to modern language, but also bear aspects of the transition phase before modern language is established.

      • KCI등재

        한국 대학생의 일본어 작문 오용에 대하여

        제등명미 ( Saito Akemi ) 한일군사문화학회 2007 한일군사문화연구 Vol.5 No.-

        본고는 대학교 2학년 학생들의 작문에서 보여 진 오용 예 중에서 명사, 동사, 형용사, 형용 동사, 부사, 조사, 조동사, 청음·탁음의 표기, 장음·단음의표기. 촉음표기, 가타카나표기와 그 외의 오용 예에 대하여 조사하여 분석 한 것이다. 먼저, 명사에 있어서는 한자가 틀리는 경우가 많이 보여 졌으며, 동사 오용 예의 경우, 올바르게 활용 할 수 없어서 생긴 실수나 「ある」와 「いる」의 혼동, 시제에 관한 착오 등이 보여 졌다. 형용사의 경우 과거형을 잘 못 쓴다거나, 올바른 활용이 안 돼 일어나는 오용 예 등이 있었다. 형용동사 오용 예에서는 한국어의 「漢字語名詞+하다」에 해당하는 말을 「~する」와 같이 써 버리는 경우가 많이 보여 졌다. 또한 부사에 대해서도 조사하였으나 그리 많은 오용 예는 발견 할 수 없었다. 조사, 조동사의 오용 예에 대한 조사결과, 조사 오용 예의 경우, 모국어인 한국어의 간섭에 의한 것으로 생각 되어지는 예가 많이 보여 졌다. 그리고 조동사의 경우, 추량을 나타내는 「だろう」, 수동, 가능, 자발, 존경을 나타내는 「れる, られる」, 사역을 나타내는 「せる, させる」, 전언과 추정을 나타내는 「そうだ」, 추정이나 불확실한 단정을 나타내는 「ようだ」 등의 오용 예가 보여 졌다. 또한 일본어 표기에 관한 오용 예 조사를 실시하였으나, 청음, 탁음 표기, 장음, 단음표기, 촉음 표기의 오용 예를 많이 볼 수 있었다. 끝으로 가타카나 표기에 대한 조사에서는 가타카나의 장음, 단음 표기의 문제, 가타카나의 글자 형태가 비슷하기 때문에 생긴 오용 예와 한국어 음을 그대로 일본어로 표기하여 생긴 오용예가 있었다. 이후 이러한 기본적인 오용 예를 없애기 위한 보다 효과적인 방법을 고안하여 학생들을 지도 해나갈 필요가 있다고 생각한다.

      • KCI등재

        日韓機械翻訳使用に関する認識と日本語の誤用例研究 ― オンライン授業を受講した韓国の大学生を中心にして ―

        齊藤良子 ( Saito Ryoko ),齊藤明美 ( Saito Akemi ) 한국일어교육학회 2024 일본어교육연구 Vol.- No.66

        Many South Korean universities have adopted online classes to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Recently misusage examples seen in Japanese composition assignments submitted in these classes differ from those in conventional face-to-face classes before the COVID-19 pandemic. One factor that led to this change is the influence of machine translation, which includes translation apps, translation sites and translation softwares that students use when writing. In case of online classes, students can write Japanese compositions outside of the classroom, asking for help from Japanese speaking acquaintances and using machine translation, while students would use dictionaries and textbooks in face-to-face classes. This study surveys the actual status of the usage of translation apps among online-class students when writing Japanese compositions, as well as examines how students recognize translation apps and how they use them. Composition assignments written in both Korean and Japanese with the same content were used to compare and analyze word misusage seen in the Japanese compositions and mistranslation by translation apps. This study looked for relevant factors between the use of translation apps and the actual misusage in the writing. Results of this survey shows that the majority of students used tools such as translation apps, but the condition of recognition and usage was relevant to the students’ major subject and their individual study history. With machine translation becoming increasingly common, studies such as this are necessary to achieve coexistence of language education including Japanese and machine translation.

      • KCI등재

        オンライン授業による日本語作文にみられる誤用例研究 ― 韓国の大学生を中心にして ―

        齊藤良子 ( Saito¸ Ryoko ),齊藤明美 ( Saito¸ Akemi ) 한국일어교육학회 2023 일본어교육연구 Vol.- No.64

        Many South Korean universities have conducted online classes since 2020 to prevent COVID-19. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Japanese composition classes in South Korean universities were mainly held face-to-face, and with the teacher’s supervision, students used textbooks and dictionaries during class to look up words and check grammar. Students may complete the assigned compositions outside of class, but they mainly used these tools in writing. However, in the case of online classes compositions are all written outside of class, and with no teacher present to monitor the writing, some students may write using dictionaries and textbooks as usual, some may use translation apps, and some may ask for advice in writing. Students will have many opportunities to use translation apps even after graduation. Considering these possibilities, it would be meaningful to study misuse found in Japanese compositions that South Korean university students write in online classes. This study presents misuse examples found in the submitted compositions assigned in online classes, and discusses the reasons that led to misuse. Results show that misuse was found in nouns, adjectives, adverbs, particles, honorifics and expressions for acceptance. It is difficult to determine a single reason for misuse, but various factors such as mother-tongue interference, lack of study and use of translation apps can be considered.

      • KCI등재


        齊藤明美 韓國日本語文學會 2004 日本語文學 Vol.21 No.-

        日本語を學習する時, 日本及ひ日本人, 日本語に對して持ってぃる感情か學習意慾, 學習效果等に大きく關わってい思われる. 本稿は, 今後の韓國における日本語敎育の在り方, より效果的な敎育等を考える際た必要不可欠な基礎知識として, 現在の韓國の大學生が持ってぃる日本, 日本人そて日本語に對する意識を把握すると共に, 彼らのイメ一ジ形成に影響を與える要因についても調査し, その結果を報告したものてある. 調査の結果, 學生の專攻, 學習經驗の有無, 學習期間, 學習時期等によって, 日本, 日本人, 日本語に對するイメ一ゾが異なることが分かった.

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