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      • 個別化重要技能模式對國小自閉症學生購物技能成效之研究

        陳誼紋(Yi-Wen CHEN),陳政見(Cheng-Chien CHEN) 한국마이너리티학회 2019 마이너리티연구 Vol.2 No.1

        This research is based on Time Series Research Design , which is aimed at first researcher’s a fifth-grade middle-aged autistic student in the rehabilitation class working in the winter and summer vacations to develop the Individualized Critical Skills Model, ICSM, selects five of the 13 implementation points of the ICSM model to plan and design shopping teaching programs, and design individualized and relevant teaching courses for students needs. The courses cover the general community and combine shopping needs. After the intervention of basic skills, the study of the effectiveness of shopping skills acquisition for moderate autistic students. The implementation location is to increase the practice of using change in the simulated shopping situation in the classroom, and then use the frequent store as a place to practice shopping. Learning effectiveness assessments are not only assessed in the classroom, but also in the store. The effectiveness of the teaching programs is divided into two aspects. One is the overall performance of the performance, including selecting items , finding the price , putting the price with the goods , and checking the counter . After intervention, the results showed significant progress. Secondly, the behavioral performance was subdivided into (1) motor performance, (2) oral performance, and (3) payment performance. Through the progress curve, the teaching status was improved, and the results showed significant progress. Finally, we have some comments for the future include teaching plans, case selection, teaching locations and personnel coordination. 本研究係以「時間序列研究設計」、針對研究者(1)在寒暑假打工的安親班中的一位國小五年級中度自閉症學生、以發展個別化重要技能模式 (Individualized critical skills model、ICSM)為本、以ICSM模式十三個實施要點選定其中五個來規劃設計購物教學方案、對學生需 求而設計個別化且相關的教學課程、課程涵蓋在一般社區領域、結合購物需求與基本技能的教 學介入後、對中度自閉症學生其購物技能習得之成效研究。實施地點是先在教室中以模擬購物情境增加使用零錢的練習機會、再以常去的商店作為練習購物的地點。學習成效評量不僅在教室中評量、在商店中也會作評量。教學方案介入後之成效分為兩方面、一為行為表現總體表現、包括「挑選物品」、「尋找標價」、「拿出與商品對等之價錢」、「至櫃台結帳」等四種行為、介入處理後皆呈現明顯進步;二再將行為表現細分成(一)動作表現、(二)口語表現、(三)付款表現三種、透過進步曲線了解教學狀況、結果皆呈顯著進步。最後針對教學方案、個案選擇、教學地點及人員協調提出未來研究建議。

      • 녹음 구어 제시가 중도정신지체 성인여성의 목욕 능력 개선에 미치는 효과

        鄭如意,陳明聰,陳政見 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2006 再活科學硏究 Vol.24 No.2

        1. This study aimed to explore the effect of recorded auditory prompts on helping an adult with profound mental retardation to take bath independently. 「A-B-C-A-C」design, a kind of single-subject experiment was adopted. Three phases, baseline phase, intervention phase(B): auditory prompt, and intervention phase(C): recorded auditory prompt were included. A female with profound mental retardation participated in the experiment. It took over seven months to finishing the intervention. The results of the experiment indicated that auditory prompts, whether human auditory prompt or recorded prompt, could help the client to take bath more independently. The families of the client also regarded recorded auditory prompt was a feasible solution. Based on the result, there were some suggestions for the further research. 본 연구의 목적은 녹음 구어 제시를 이용해서 극 중도 지능장애 성인 여성 스스로 목욕 동작을 완성 할 수 있도록 도와주는 효과에 대한 연구입니다. 본 연구에 사용하는 연구법은 ⌜A-B-A-C-A-C⌟역 설계이다. 기선기의(A)개입一(B)인공구어제시 개입二(C)녹음 구어 제시로 나누어졌다. 실험기간은 모두 7개월 반이었다. 연구결과는 피 실험자가 스스로 목욕할 때와 비교했을 때 인공구어 제시와 녹음구어 제시는 모두 피 실험자가 목욕 동작을 완성 하는 데에 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이 외에도 녹음 구어 제시는 피 실험자 가족들도 받아들일 수 있다. 본 연구 결과에 근거해서 연구자들은 미래 응용과 연구에 대한 건의도 제출하였다.

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