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      • KCI등재

        서 - 나무 위축병(萎縮病)과 그 병원균

        김기청 한국임학회 1967 한국산림과학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        In the present paper author investigated the symptom, pathogenic fungus and pathogenicity of Endothia canker of Carpinus laxiflora in Korea, and made clear the indistinct discription on its pathogen in the past. 1. The pathogen is identified as Endothia fluens (Schw.) Shear et Stevens. The discription is recorded as follows: Stromata cortical, erumpent, spherical or conical, outer yellowish-brown and inner yellowish, 0.5 to 2.5 mm in diameter; perithecia irregularly embeded in the bottom of stroma, 7 to 23 in a stroma usually spherical to elliptical or irregular, 235 to 370 μ in diameter, with black slender necks; each neck open the papilliate ostiole to the surface, about 250 to 400 μ in length; asci clavate or fusoid, colorless, 31.16 to 42.64 by 6.54 to 8.20 μ in size, average 37.02 by 6.84 μ, with 8 ascospores in double line; ascospores elliptical, ovate or cylindrical, with rounded ends, hyaline, 1-septate, not constrict at the septum, 6.51 to 9.30 by 3.16 to 3.72 μ, average 7.61 by 3.44 μ in size ; pycnidia formed abundantly in stroma spherical at first but later irregular large cavity by fussing each other; pycnospores oblong or rod-shaped, hyaline, non-septate, 3.8 by 1.9 μ in size ; spore-horn formed abundantly under moist condition. 2. The pathogenis wound parasite invading the hosts through the wound. But after the infection is established, expanding the disease lesion is swiftly vigorus.

      • 전남대학교 생물공학연구소 - 연구소 탐방

        김기청 한국미생물학회 1989 微生物과 産業 Vol.15 No.1

        이글은 전남대학교 생물공학연구소의 연혁과 기구및 임원진 편성, 연구소 활동 현황, 연구방향및 중장기 발전계획에 대해 소개하고 있다.

      • 麥類赤黴病菌菌系의 藥劑에 對한 抵抗力

        金基淸,趙白皓 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1963 농어촌개발연구 Vol.1 No.-

        VIABILlTY OF MYCELIUM OF GIBBERELLA ZEAE (SCH.)PETCH. AGAINST-VARIOUS -FUNGICIDES. KI-CHUNG KIM Dept. of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Chonnam University Present paper deals with the viability of mycelium of Gibberella zeae which occurs head blight of barley against several fungicides, in order to investigate the most favorable fungicides,treating concentration and soaking time for control it. The results are summerized as follows; 1. Complete lethal killing of mycelium cultivated on barley grains for 2 days is attained successfully by dipping in 32 ppm of PMA emulsion and Mercron for 1 hour, as available ccompounds,and in 1000ppm solution of corrosive sublimate. 2. Soaking in 10000ppm solution of Tuzet wettable powder and Dithane Z-78 for 5 hours is not able to recognize killing effectiveness of mycelium nor for 5 hours in Orthocide 10% solution. 3. Mycelial killing effects of fungicides tested on G. zeae are generally put in order as follows; PMA>Mercron>Corrosive sublimate>Tuzet>Dithane=Orthocide. 4. Mycelia attached on surface of grain and penetrated into it vary their viability according to permeability of tested fungicides. In solution of PMA both mycelia mentioned above are killled at 32ppm for 1 hour, in Mercron solution, however, the former at 32ppm and the later at 320ppm. 5. Although high interactions are presented among factors, fungicide, concentration and Soaking time, soaking time comparing with treating concentration do not affect as much as the later in mycelial killing effect.

      • KCI등재

        Phyllactinia corylea(Pers .) Karst 에 의한 가중나무 흰가루병

        김기청 한국임학회 1965 한국산림과학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Powdery mildew of Ailanthus altissima Sw. was first reported by J.S. Park in Korea, 1961. According to his report, this disease was found on the leaves of this tree species collected in Jeongup, 1957, and in Taejon, 1958. He described morphological characters of this pathogen and described also that the causal fungus may be closely related with Phyliactinia corylea. This disease which appears dusty grayish yellow molds under surface of leaves was collected again by the author in Kwangju, 1962. The present works were undertaken to make clear the species of causal fungus by means of the morphology and pathogenecity. According to the following results, the pathogen was identified as Phyllactinia corylea (Pers.) Karst. Morphological characters of the fungus Mycelia persistent or more or less evanescent; matured conidia solitary, aseptate, short-clavate to clavate to clavate, hyaline or yellowish, granulate, 44.6-89. 2×9.3-24.2μ, average 64.8-17.8μ in size; conidiophores elongate clavate or columnar, hyaline, 2-3 septate, 122.8-346.0×3.7-7.4μ, average 208.8×6.3μ; per-thecia usually scattered, rarely gregarious, dark brown to black, depressed globose to globose, 223.2-297.6μ, average 267.8μ in diameter; appendages 12-19, usually 15 in number, hyaline, straight, needle-shaped, sharply pointed at the apex and bulbous at the base, aseptate, 93.0-310.0×5.0-8.0 μ, average 173.3×6.4 μ in size; asci elongate eliipsoidal to broadly clavate, hyaline, more or less stalked, 8-13 in number, 68.5-76.6×26.1-34.2 μ, average 71.4×29.0 μ in size; ascospores 2-4, usually 2 in number, hyaline or yellowish, aseptate, ellipsoidal or ovate, 27.7-34.2×14.7-17.9 μ, average 25.5×13.9 μ in size. Pathogenicity of the fungi In order to make clear the species of the fungus and the pathogenic differences of Phyllactinia fungi which are collected around the contaminated area and seemed to be related to Ailanthus powdery mildew, some inoculation experiments were performed. 1. Cross inoculation to several tree species with their pathogen : Tested materials; Phyllactinia in question on Ailanthus altissima Sw. Ph. Fraxini (DC.) Homma. On Alnus firina S. et Z. Ph. Moricola (P. Henn.) Homma on morus alba L. According to the results of the experiments, the reactions were all negative with the exception of the original hosts of tested fungi. 2. Inoculation to Picrasma ailanthoides Planch : The appearance of symptom on the leaves of P. ailanthoides is not distinct, but more or less mycelial growth. Therefore, under the optimal condition in glass chamber, it may be possible to success artificially.

      • 窒素源, 炭素源 및 基質 pH가 Sclerotium rolfsii의 菌絲生長 및 菌核形成에 미치는 影響

        金基淸 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1973 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        Present study was attempted to be clear the effects of nitrogen sources, carbon sources and pH of substrates on the mycelial growth and sclerotial production of Sclerotum rolfsii Sacc., Magnolia root rot fungus. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Except potassium nitrate and glycine among fourteen nitrogen sources tested, all of them were utilized for the growth of mycelia and production of sclerotia of the organism, When 20 γ/ℓ of thiamine hydrochloride was added in medium solution. Considering the forms of nitrogen, the ammonium nitrogen was more available than nitrate nitrogen for growth of mycelia, and organic nitrogen showed different availabilities according to compounds added. For the sclerotial production, however, nitrate nitrogen was most effective. On the other hand, nitrite nitrogen was not available entirely, whether thiamine hydrochloride was added or not. 2. Seven kinds of examined carbon sources also were not effective in general, so as far thiamine hydrochloride was not added. When thiamine hydrochloride was added, glucose and saccharose showed excellent effectiveness for the mycelial growth, and maltose and soluble starch was lesser, but xylose, lactose and glyceline showed no availabilites at all. In the sclerotial production, all tested carbon sources, except lactose, were available, and glucose, maltose, saccharose and soluble starch were most excellent. 3. The amount of mycelial growth of the organism was increased with iucreasing of amount of carbon source and was decreased with increasing of nitrogen source, the amount of sclerotial production, however, was decreased with increasing of the amount of carbon sources. 4. Considerable amounts of mycelia and sclerotia of the examined fungus was obtained from wide range of pH 3.0 to 9.0, but optimum mycelial growth and sclerotial producion were obtained in and out pH7.0.

      • KCI등재

        벼 줄무늬잎마름病 바이러스에 對한 血淸學的인 檢討

        金基淸 한국응용곤충학회 1975 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        벼줄무늬잎마름병 바이러스에 대한 혈청학적인 검토결과를 다음과 같이 적요한다. 1. 벼줄무늬잎마름병 바이러스는 항원성을 갖고 있으며 항체와 특이적인 혈청반응을 타나냈다. 2. 가토 정맥주사에 의한 항혈청의 항체가는 아주 낮아 16배에 불과하였다. 3. 벼 품종 사도미노리에 있어서 침강반응혼합법으로 측정한 결과 이병엽의 병징정도에 따라 바이러스 농도에 차이가 인정되는데 병징정도가 심할수록 바이러스농도가 높았다. 4. 동정도의 병징이라도 벼품종에 따라 바이러스농도가 달랐는데 저항성품종인 통일에서는 높았고 이병성인 사도미노리, 팔굉, 만경, 니혼바레에서는 낮았다. 그러나 저항성 품종인 유신에서는 낮았다. 5. 항체감작적혈구 응집반응에 의한 항체가는 아주 높아 512배였으며 보독충의 검정시험에서도 반응이 잘 나타나 라는 보독충율을 나타냈다. This experiment was performed to clarify the concentration of rice stripe virus in the rice Plant leaves by serological test, and was attempted to inspect the virus carrier among small brown planthopper by antibody-sensitized hemagglutination test. The antiserum was prepared by injecting intervenously into the external marginal vein of the ear of a rabbit. The precipitin titer of it was 1 : 16. The rough virus fluid prepared from diseased leaves was centrifuged at 10.000 rpm, and then the supernatant solution was treated at for 5 minutes and the solution clarified by removing the agglutinate was used as the antigen solution. Antibody-sensitized erythrocyte solution was prepared from sheep erythrocytes sensitized by rice stripe virus with tannic acid, and its agglutination titer was 1 : 512. The virus concentrations in flag leaves or first leaves just below them showing different symptoms was high with progressing the severity of symptoms. And the concentrations of the virus in leaves of varieties of the rice plant showing same degree symptom were lower in suscetible varieties, Sadominori, Palgoeng, Mangyong and Nihonbare, than in the resistant one, Tongil, but in Yooshin which was known as the resistant, lower rather than in Tongil. The reacton of antibody-sensitized hemagglutination test to inspect the virus carrier, was so highly sensitive that this reaction was recognized as a method which is able to Identify the carrier accurately in short time.

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