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      • 男子高等學生 運動選手의 運動後 恢復期의 血液 gas 分析과 血中葡萄糖 및 乳酸濃度變化

        鄭武達,李元晶,朴載植,朱永恩 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1983 慶北醫大誌 Vol.24 No.2

        一般 男子高等學校 學生과 同一한 運動負荷後 男子高等學校 陸上 및 排球運動選手들의 恢復期 0分, 5分, 10分 및 20分에서 靜脈血中 變化를 一般 男子高等學校 學生과 比較해 본 本 硏究의 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 同一 運動負荷에 대해 運動選手는 心搏數의 變化가 적었으며 恢復이 빨랐다. pH의 變化도 運動選手가 적었으며 빠른 恢復을 보였다. 즉 對照群의 pH는 7.335±0.005이었으며 運動直期에는 7.137±0.015로 크게 減少한데 비해 陸上選手와 排球選手는 各各 7.339±0.005와 7.302±0.008에서 7.198±0.029 및 7.190±0.012로 減少 幅이 적었고 20分에는 運動選手群들은 安定時와 差異가 없었으나 對照群은 아직 有意한 減少를 나타낸 狀態였다. 酸性化程度를 나타내는 BE나 HCO_3^-含量도 pH와 마찬가지로 運動選手群은 變化가 적었고 빠른 恢復을 보였다. 運動直後 選手群 및 對照群 모두 二酸化炭素分壓은 有意하게 增加하였으며 運動 20分에 對照群은 安定時와 差異가 없었으나 運動群은 오히려 有意한 減少를 보였다. 安定時 對照群의 靜脈血中 酸素分壓은 20.8±1.22㎜Hg였으나 運動直後에는 15.3±1.94㎜Hg로 有意한 減少를, 5分과 10分에는 오히려 有意한 增加를 보인 뒤 20分에는 安定時 値로 되돌아 왔다. 하지만 運動選手群의 運動直後에는 有意性이 없었고 5分부터는 有意하게 增加하여 運動 20分에도 有意하게 높은 酸素分壓을 보였다. O_2CT나 O_2SAT도 거의 같은 變化 樣相을 보였다. 對照群의 安定時 血糖濃度는 90.2±1.76㎎/㎗이었으며 運動後 5分에는 116.5±5.33㎎/㎗로 有意한 增加를 한 뒤 20分까지 112.9±5.00㎎/㎗로 有意하게 높은 狀態였다. 반면 運動選手는 安定時 84.0±1.39와 87.8±2.82㎎/㎗에 比해 運動 10分에서만 101.6±6.66 및 104.6±6.22㎎/㎗로 有意하게 增加하였을 뿐, 20分에는 83.5±3.75 및 91.5±3.80㎎/㎗로 安定時로 恢復되었다. 즉 運動選手는 血糖濃度의 變化가 對照群보다 적었다. 血中 乳酸濃度의 變化도 血糖濃度 變化와 비슷하게 運動選手의 變化 幅이 적었다. 즉 安定時 對照群은 16.5±1.88㎎/㎗이었으며 運動直後는 75.1±3.39㎎/㎗로 有意한 增加後 20分까지 有意한 增加狀態였으나 運動選手들은 運動 5分에 有意하게 最高로 增加하였고 20分에도 有意한 增加 狀態지만 對照群보다는 有意하게 낮았다. The study was carried out to elucidate the effect of exercise on the venous blood gas tension, pH and blood glucose and lactate levels. The subjects chosen for this study were 31 athletic male high school students of 16-19 years of age consisting of 12 vollryballers and 19 field and track athletes. The athletes had about three years of exercise career, and were compared with 20 students who were not directly engaged in any form of regular physical exercise. The subjects were directed to perform running on the treadmill for three minutes under the condition of 15% degree tilt and 5 MPH. Venous blood samples were taken at rest as well as 0, 5, 10 and 20 minutes after the exercise to study the changes during the recovery period. The venous blood Pco_2, P_o2 and pH were determined Blood Gas Analyzer by Corning CO., glucose by enzymatic method, and lactate by Baker and Summerson method. The result thus obtained were compared with the control and summarized as follows: In all the group studied, the venous P_co2 was significantly increased immediately after the exercise, but the tendency of decrease to the normal value was observed in both the control and athletic groups with the significant decrease at 10 and 20 min after the exercise in the athletic groups. Blood pH in the control was significantly decreased from the resting value of 7.335±0.005 with the lowest value of 7.124±0.022 at 5 min and 7.199±0.028 at 20 min. In the athletic group, the blood pH showed a similar pattern as in the control except a complete return to the resting value at 20 min. HCO_3^- and base excess as an indicator of body acidity exhibited the same pattern as in pH. The venous blood P_o2 in the control group showed a significant decrease immediately after the exercise. A significant increase at 5 and 10 min followed by a return to the resting value. In the athletic group, however, the pattern in P_o2 was different from that of the control showing a significant increase till 20 min. The blood glucose concentration in the control group showed a significantly elevated value from 5 min to 20 min after the exercise. In contrast to the control, the athletic group(i.e., track runners and volleyballers) showed a lower than the normal value(84.0±1.39 and 87.8±2.82㎎/㎗, respectively) at the rest, a slightly high value(101.6±6.66 and 104.6±6.22㎎/㎗, respectively) at 10 min and the normal value at 20 min after the exercise. The blood lactate level in the control immediately after the exercise was significantly elevated(75.1±3.39㎎/㎗) from the resting value of 16.5±1.88㎎/㎗. In the athletic group, the pattern of blood lactate level was similar to the control but the recovery was faster. From the above, it is likely that the athletic students are better adjusted physiologically to the same work load compared with the nonathletes because athletes's blood pH, glucose and lactate contents are relatively stable, and shows higher P_02 and lower P_co2 during the recovery period.

      • 正常家兎肺洗滌液의 Phospholipid含量 및 組成

        李錫江,鄭武達 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1979 慶北醫大誌 Vol.20 No.2

        肺胞表面活性物質을 유리하는 方法은 여러가지가 있으나 比較的 異物質의 包含이 적어서 효과적인 方法으로 알려진 肺洗滌液을 作成하여 肺胞表面活性物質의 主性分인 Phospholipid를 分析한 本實驗結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 右側肺洗滌液의 phospholipid 含量은 7.66±2.14μmol 이였으며 肺組織 gm當으로 換算한 phospholipid 含量은 1.37±0.39μmol/gm wet weight였다 phospholipid의 組成은 PC가 가장 많아서 64.32±3.18%였으며 同一한 分劃에 나타나는 PE 및 PG의 合은 23.46±3.42%였으며 PI 및 PS의 합은 9.54±2.52% 였다. sphyngomyelin과 Lyso-PC는 각각 2.26±1.44 및 0.64±0.83%였다. 體重에 대한 右側肺臟의 무게 比는(2.32±0.32)×10 exp(-3) 이였다. The phospholipid content and composition of right lung washings was measured in the normal rabbit. And the right lung weight-body weight ratio was also measured for the purpose of evaluating the lung pathology in the experimental animal. The right lung washings yielded 7.66±2.14μmol phospholipid. In other words, 1.37±0.39μmol phospholipid per gram wet lung tissue was recovered from the lung washings. The phospholipid composition of the washings was analyzed with thin layer chromatography technique with the solvent which consists of chloroform, methanol, acetic acid and water (25 : 15 : 4 :2). Phosphatidylcholine was the most abundant phospholipid in the washings, comprising 64.32±3.18% of the total phospholipid. Resolution of phosphatidylethanolamine and phophatidylglycerol, and phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylserine could not be obtained with this one dimensional chromatography system. The combined percentages of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol, and phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylserine were 23.46±3.42 and 9.54±2.52, respectively. The percentages of sphyngomyelin and lyso-phosphatidylcholine were 2.26±1.44 and 0.64±0.83, respectively. The measured right lung weight(gm)-body weight(kg) ratio was (2.32±0.32)×10^-3 in the experimental animal.

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