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      • 中風의 痰因設에 대한 考察

        정완우,이원철 동국대학교 한의학연구소 1999 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        痰飮은 疾病의 경과중에 발생되는 病理的인 産物로, 痰飮 자체가 疾病의 原因이 될 수 있으며, 疾病의 결과물로 생길수도 있다. 저자는 <內經> 이후의 歷代 文獻 考察을 통해 痰飮이 中風의 발생에 미치는 영향과, 아울러 痰飮과 津液의 관계, 津液과 腦의 관계, 痰飮과 瘀血의 관계 등을 연구하였다. 痰飮은 七情의 不調, 精氣虧損 ,飮食失調, 外感六淫, 體質的 素因 등의 因子로 인해 발생되어 熱痰, 風痰, 濕痰으로 化하고 臟腑ㆍ經絡에 鬱滯하여 氣血의 순환을 막아 中風을 유발하게 된다. 한편 痰飮은 津液으로부터 형성되고, 津液은 氣滯, 火鬱, 寒凝의 病理過程을 통하여 痰飮으로 轉化되며, 腦는 津液의 滋潤과 充??에 의해 그 기능을 유지한다. 따라서 津液이 痰飮으로 轉化되어 氣血運行을 막으면 脛에도 영향을 미칠수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 痰飮과 痰血의 관계를 보면 痰飮은 瘀血과 病理變化에 있어 밀접한 관계에 있으며, 中風發生에 있어서 痰飮이 瘀血에 先行하거나, 瘀血이 먼저 형성된 후에 痰飮이 형성되거나, 혹은 서로 兼하여 발생할수도 있다. "Dan-eum(痰飮)" is the pathological product which is developed in the progress of disease. "Dam-eum" itself can be an etiological factor and id developed as consequential products on diseases. This study is investigated into "Dam-eum" and stroke through the literature since the book, "Hwangje-naekyong(黃帝內經)" and the results are as follows. 1. "Dam-em" is the patholofical product, which is changed into "Yol-Dam(熱痰)", “Pung-dam(風痰)" and "Seub-dam(濕痰)", owing to the disorders of diet and "Chil-jung(七情)", infirmity of "Jung-ki(精氣)", "Oi-gam-yuk-em(外感六淫)", constitutional factors and so forth. In is blocked up "Jangbu-Kyongrak(臟腑經絡)" and brings about stroke with the disorders in circulation of "Gi-hyul(氣血)". 2. "Dan-em" is formed out of "Jin-aek(津液)", which is changed through the pathological process of "Gi-cheh(氣體)", "Hwa-yoi(火鬱)" and “Han-eng(寒凝)", In the meanwhile, the brain keeps its function with nutrition of "Jin-aek", If "Dam-em" isformed by deficiency and cirticulation disorders of "Jin-aek", it can affect the brain 3. "Dam-eum" is correlated with "Eo-hyul(瘀血)", and the pathological trunsformations. In the attack of stroke. "Dam-eum" precedes "Eo-hyul", in reverse or the two are concurrent with each other

      • KCI등재

        거풍지보단(祛風至寶丹)이 Mongolian Gerbil의 가역성 전뇌허혈 모델에 미치는 영향

        정완우,박인식,신길조,이원철,정승현,Jeong, Wan-Woo,Park, In-Sick,Shin, Gil-Cho,Lee, Won-Chul,Jeong, Sung-Hyun 대한한방내과학회 2001 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.22 No.2

        Objectives : The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the effect of Geupoongjibo-dan Extracts on Reversible Forebrain Ischemia in Mongolian Gerbils. Methods : The change rate of water content in cerebral tissues, the numercal change of the CA1 pyramidal neuron in the hippocampus, the change of delayed neuronal death(necrosis apoptosis) through light microscopy, the reactivity change of glycoprotein in neuronal membrane and the ultrastructural change of pyramidal neuron through electron microscopy caused by dalayed neuronal death were investigated. Results : 1. The change rate of water content in the normal group showed 78.90% on the third day, and 79.12% on the seventh day after an attack of ischemia. The rate in the control group showed 82.25% and 85.13%, respectively. The rate in the sample group showed a significant decrease: 81.72% and 83.66%. 2. Light microscopy revealed that the cells, continuous and systematic forms in the pyramidal cells of hippocampus, changed into discontinuous and unsystematic forms in the normal group when compared with the control group. The cells were less damaged in the sample group. 3. The mean of the numerical change of the CA1 pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus was 104 in the normal group. The mean of the control group was decreased to 27. The mean of the sample group was 44. 4. TUNEL staining examination reveals that the whole part of the hippocampus of the normal group had negative reactivity. As far as CA1 pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus, the control group had positive reactivity. The sample group was more positive than the control group. 5. Electron microscopy reveals that the ischemic injury of the control group had both necrotic and apoptotic morphology. The sample group was less necrotic, and more apoptotic morphology than the control group. 6. Lectin histochemisrical examination reveals that the normal group had positive reactivity to PNA and SBA in interneuron, and weak positive reactivity to WGA Con A LCA in intercelluar space. The reactivity to PNA and WGA decreased in the control group. The reactivity to PNA and WGA tended to increase in the sample group. Conclusions : The data shows that the effect of Geupoongjibo-dan Extracts on Reversible Forebrain Ischemia in MG is a significant result.

      • 氣血의 相關性에 關한 文獻的 考察

        文炳淳,鄭完祐,申善澔 圓光大學校 韓醫學硏究所 1997 원광한의학 Vol.7 No.1

        氣와 血은 水穀의 精微로움과 腎中의 精氣로 만들어지며 肺·脾·腎의 正常的인 機能에 依存한다. 氣와 血은 生命活動을 維持시키는 重要한 基本 要素이다. 氣와 血은 各各 固有의 機能이 있다. 氣는 無形으로 陽에 屬하고 活動力이 强하며 溫煦·推動作用이 있고, 血은 無形으로 陰에 屬하고 活動力이 弱하며 濡養·滋潤作用이 있다. 그러므로 氣와 血 사이에는 密接한 關聯이 있다. 만약 氣와 血의 相互關係를 維持하는 機能이 失調하면 "百病乃變化而生"한다. 氣血의 調和가 疾病의 豫防과 治療의 原則이다. 氣血의 相關性을 生理·病理·治療上의 觀點에서 歷代 文獻을 通하여 考察한 結果 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 1. 氣血의 生理的 關係는 相互依存的이며 氣爲血之師하여 生血, 行血, 攝血하는 作用이 있고 血爲氣之母하여 載氣, 化生氣하는 作用이 있다. 2. 氣血의 病理的 關係는 氣病은 血에, 血病은 氣에 相互影響을 미쳐 氣血同病이 나타나며 氣滯血瘀, 氣不攝血, 血隨氣脫, 氣血兩虛의 類型으로 分類할 수 있다. 3. 氣血의 治療上의 關係는 調氣爲上, 調血次之의 治法이 運用되며 氣滯血瘀時에는 理氣行血法, 氣不攝血時에는 益氣攝血法, 血隨氣脫時에는 大補元氣와 補氣固脫法, 氣血兩虛時에는 氣血雙補法을 使用한다. Ki(氣) and Hul(血) are made of food(水穀)' s essence and vital essence(精氣) in the kidney-Ki(腎氣), and they are dependent on normal function of lung, spleen, kidney. They are basic element for maintenance of vital activity. Ki and Hul have characteristic function. Ki is immaterial, is included in Yang(陽), has energetic activity, makes the body to be warm(溫照), and promotes the activity of body(推動). Hul is material, is included in Yin(陰), has a little activity, and has the effects of the nourishing(滯養) and moisturizing(滋潤). Therefore there is close correlation between Ki and Hul. If Ki and Hul lose their fuction which maintains the mutual connection, all diseases take place from it(百病乃變化而生). The harmonies of Ki and Hul are the prevention of disease and the principle of therapy. The results are as follows 1. The Physiological mutual effects of Ki and Hul have two types. One type is that Ki makes Hul flow(氣爲血之師), the other type is that Hul is a mother of Ki(血爲氣之母). The first type has the effects such as promoting generation of blood(生血), promoting circulration of blood(行血) and promoting Hul-control(攝血). The second type has the effects such as Ki-loading(載氣) and Ki-transforming(化生氣). 2. The Pathological mutual effects of Ki and Hul can be classified as stagnancy of Ki and Hul stasis(氣滯血瘀), out of the Hul-control by the lowering of Ki(氣不攝血), bleeding resulting from exhaustion of Ki(血隨氣脫), and deficiency of both Ki and Hul(氣血兩虛). 3. The principle of medical treatment about the disease by both Ki and Hul(氣血同病) has 4-types. In the case of stagnancy of Ki and Hul stasis(氣滯血瘀), we can promote blood circulation to remove Hul stasis(活血祛瘀法). In the case of being out of the Hul-control by the lowering of Ki(氣不攝血), we can invigorate Ki for promoting Hul-control(益氣攝血法). In the case of bleeding resulting from exhaustion of Ki(血隨氣脫), we can use invigorating primodial Ki(大補元氣法) and invigorating Ki for the prevention of weakness(補氣固脫法). In the case of deficiency of both Ki and Hul(氣血兩虛), we can invigorate Ki and Hul(氣血雙補法).

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