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      • KCI등재

        環境法上의 協同의 原則

        鄭南哲 한국환경법학회 2003 環境法 硏究 Vol.25 No.1

        Das Kooperationsprinzip wird nach h. M. ein allgemeiner Rechts-grundsatz des Umweltrechts erfasst. Im Bereich des Umweltrechts werden konsensuale Instrumente verstiirkt. Denn die aktuellen Umwelt-probleme beziehen sich wesentlich auf komplexe Verwaltungsent-scheidungen. Der Kooperationsbegriff bezeichnet im Allgemeinen jedes Zusanrmenwirken zwischen Staat und Gesellschaft. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Begnffs stehen Mitverantwortung und Mitwirkung. Das Konzept Kooperation bedeutet ein Paradigmenwechsel im Staats-und Verwaltungsrecht. Zwar basiert staatliches Handeln traditionell auf einseitigen Verhaltensregelungen, aber kooperative bzw. konsensuale Instrumente werden immer wider betont. Das Kooperationsprinzip dient der Vollzugserleichterung durch Konsens. Dariiber hinaus kann die Moglichkeit der Kooperation zwischen Staat und Wtrtschaft Vollzugsdefizite im Umwelhht beheben. Das Kooperationsprinzip findet sich aber im Rechtsstaatsprinzip verfassungsrechtliche Grenzen. Dabei handelt es sich darum, in

      • 사이버 교재의 개발기법과 구현기술

        정남철 동남보건대학 2004 論文集-東南保健大學 Vol.22 No.2

        We surveyed and analyzed the educational cyber contents earlier to be developed. classified them into various points of view.

      • 笠岩山의 高等菌類相

        정남철,오광인,채정기,위계문 전남대학교 한국농어촌개발연구소 1993 농산어촌개발연구 Vol.28 No.-

        The 9 orders, 29 families, 51 genera, and 77 species of higher fungi belong to the two subdivisions(Basidiomycotina, Ascomycotina) were collected from the Jangsung Forests of Chonnam National University Forests around Mt. Ipam. The 23 families and 66 species of basidiomycetes in which the 30 and 36 species of saprophytic and mycorrhizal mushrooms were included respectively, were isolated. The 16 species(53%) from the 30 species of saprophytic mushrooms were edible and the dominant family was Polyporaceae. The Tricholomataceae, Russulaceae, Boletaceae and Strobilomytaceae formed the 64% of the 36 species of mycorrhizal mushrooms. Of these, the Laccaria(Tricholomataceae) and Russula(Russulaceae) were common genera of which 22 species(61%) were edible and two species were very poisonous. Especially, Tylopilus neofellus(Boletaceae) that has a big fruiting body of which cap diameter is around 20-30cm, were grown up in this area. Ascomycetes were composed of 6 family 11 species in which 8 and 3 species of saprophytic and parasitic mushrooms were included, respectively. Of the 8 species of parasitic mushrooms, 4 were edible but the other 4 were weakly poisonous. The 3 species of parasitic mushrooms were belonged to the genus Cordyceps(Clavicipitaceae).

      • KCI등재

        영유아보육법과 유아교육법의 통합에 관한 법적 고찰

        정남철,정선아 한국토지공법학회 2015 土地公法硏究 Vol.69 No.-

        오늘날 아동보호시설 및 보육교사 자격증의 부실관리, 아동학대, 무상보육・무상교육의 불균형 등이 사회적 문제가 되고 있다. 또한 아동 및 청소년에 관한 법제는 중첩적이고 규율대상의 정의도 일치하지 않는 경우가 있다. 영유아보육과 유아교육이 이원화되어 있는데, 이에 대한 행정감독권이 분산되어 행정의 비효율성을 초래하고 있다. 유치원교사와 보육교사의 자격도 이원화되어 있어, 교사의 자격에 대한 감독이 부실할 경우에는 교육의 질이 저하될 우려도 있다. 또한 근래에 지방자치단체의 재정이 악화되어 누리과정의 지원이 중단되는 지방자치단체가 등장하고 있다. 이러한 무상보육지원이 중단되면, 유치원에 대한 유아교육과의 형평성이 문제가 될 수 있다. 그러한 이유에서 유아교육과 영유아보육의 통합이 논의되고 있다. 이와 관련하여 단계적인 통합방안을 고려해 볼 수 있다. 우선 유치원과 어린이집에 대한 시설기준을 표준화하고, 이를 기준으로 유아교육의 환경을 개선할 필요가 있다. 누리과정의 운영을 통해 교육프로그램을 통합이 이루어질 수 있도록 해야 한다. 누리과정의 운영에서 표출된 복지재원의 문제는 매우 심각한 장애요소이다. 이 문제는 국가의 복지정책과 관련하여 매우 중요한 사안이며, 이에 대해서는 사회적 숙의(熟議)가 필요하다. 가장 어려운 과제 중의 하나는 유치원 교사와 보육교사의 자격을 통합하는 것이다. 이 경우 교사의 자격을 상향조정할 필요가 있고, 자격의 취득 및 절차 등에 대해서도 규정을 보완해야 한다. 마지막으로 아동과 청소년의 정책에 관한 소관부처의 통합이다. 양자를 포괄하는 행정기관(예컨대 아동청소년부)을 신설하거나 현존하는 행정기관 중 청소년 정책을 관할하는 여성가족부에 통합하는 방안을 고려해 볼 수 있다. Today, poor management of licensed child care facilities and nursery teachers, child abuse, such as an imbalance of free child care and free early childhood education have become a social problem. In addition, legislation on child and youth has the overlapped and inconsistent definitions. The child care and the early childhood education are dual, and this dispersion of supervision has resulted in administrative inefficiencies. Qualifications of preschool teachers and child care teachers have also been dual in Korea. When the supervision over the qualifications of teachers is insufficient, there is also concern for lowering the quality of education. In addition, because of the worsening finances of local government in recent years the so-called Nuri education process has been stopped in some of the local governments. If such support is discontinued for free child care, the equality of free child (infant) care for the free early childhood education can be a problem. The integration of early childhood education and child care is being discussed in these reasons. This has to be considered in relation to the phased integration plan. First of all the criteria for kindergarten and day care facilities is standardized so that there is a need to improve the environment of the early childhood education and the infant care. The integration of education programs through the operation of the Nuri education process should be made. The issue of welfare funds presented from the operation of the free courses is a very serious obstacle. This problem is a very important issue in relation to the welfare of the state; to this social deliberative is required. One of the most difficult tasks is to integrate qualified kindergarten teachers and nursery teachers. In this case it is necessary to adjust upwards the qualifications of teachers and should supplement the provisions and procedures which also acquire such qualifications. Finally, the integration of the competent ministries on child and youth policy is necessary. Encompassing both administrative agencies may be newly established or be considered ways to integrate the child policy to the existing Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Affairs which oversee the juvenile policy. tasks is to integrate qualified kindergarten teachers and nursery teachers. In this case it is necessary to adjust upwards the qualifications of teachers and should supplement the provisions and procedures which also acquire such qualifications. Finally, the integration of the competent ministries on child and youth policy is necessary. Encompassing both administrative agencies may be newly established or be considered ways to integrate the child policy to the existing Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Affairs which oversee the juvenile policy.

      • 무등산 도립공원내 자연휴식연제 구역의 등산로 훼손과 토양환경변화의 비교 : 용추계곡과 평두메계곡을 중심으로 On Youngchoo and Pyungdoome valleys in the Moodeung Provincial Park

        오광인,정남철 全南大學校 農業科學技術硏究所 1998 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        본 연구는 1991년부터 무등산 도립공원내 자연휴식년제 실시구역으로 지정된 용추계곡(3.291㎢)과 평두메계곡(0.917㎢)일대의 등산로를 중심으로 훼손실태와 그 주변 토양 및 환경의 변화를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 용추계곡 토양산도는 각 조사구별 좌, 우측 및 등산로의 평균치가 pH 4.7, 4.67, 4.87인 반면 평두메계곡은 pH 4.62-5.12 사이에서 계속 강산성화되고 있다. 그리고 용추계곡토양의 양이온치환용량(CEC)의 전체평균치가18.19cmol/kg인 반면에 평두메계곡은 9.55cmol/kg로서 용추계곡이 더 높았으며 임상의 교환이 없는 좌,우측이 등산로면보다 더 증가했다. 또한 치환성 양이온 (K??, Mg??, Ca??), 전질소, 가용인산, 수분함량은 유기물함량이 많은 용추계곡이 평두메계곡보다 더 높게 나타났다. 양지역의 주등산로의 답압에 의한 토양경도값은 용추계곡과 평두메계곡이 각각 43.06kg/㎠와 12.4kg/㎠를 나타냈다. 용추계곡은 평두메계곡에 비하여 등산로면의 상태가 대체적으로 양호하였고 평두메계곡은 지형이 가파른 경사조건에 등산로의 종침식이 더 발달하였다. This study was carried out to evaluate the changes of hiking trails, their surrounding area and soil erosion of Yongchoo and Pyongdoome valleys at Mt. Moodeung designated as part of sabbatical year for natural preservation ever since 1991, in the Chonnam Provincial Park. The average soil acidity of Yongchoo valley was pH 4.7, 4.67 and 4.87, whereas it was between pH 4.62 and 5.12. The overall average of CEC at Youngchoo valley was 18.19 cmol/kg, whereas it was 9.55 cmol/kg at Pyungdoome valley. The CEC in the forest follrs of either side of the hiking trails was higher compared to others. K, Mg, Ca, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, and soil moisture content, were higher in Youngchoo valley, where organic matter content was higher than in Pyungdoome valley. The soil hardness wrought up by soil compaction of main hiking trails of both valleys was 4306 kg/㎠ and 12.4 kg/㎠, respectively, in Yongchoo and Pyungdoome valleys. Vertical erosion, however, of the hicking trails was more frequent in Pyungdoome valley, especially when it was steeper.

      • 초˙중등학교 전자 통계학습 교재의 연구 개발

        鄭南喆 동남보건대학 2001 論文集-東南保健大學 Vol.19 No.2

        This Paper researches a CAI Program to teach statistics to primary and secondary school students effectively. A statistics CAI for those students is yet to be developed though there have been lots of statistics CAIs for university students or adults. We analyze the curriculum of statistics for primary and secondary school students , based on the 7th general curriculum by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, executed from 2000. And we suggest a model of method to design and implement a statistics CAI ('e-Stat') for primary and secondary school students.

      • 자바스크립트 프로그래밍 능력 향상을 위한 실습 중심의 교육용 컨텐츠의 설계 및 구현

        정남철 동남보건대학 2003 論文集-東南保健大學 Vol.21 No.2

        In this work, we developed practice-oriented educational contents for JavaScript programming efficiency. These contents are applied to the cognitive apprentice model, one of the teaching-learning models based in constructivism Specifically the functions of these contents are as follows: Learners can 1) learn from the lecturing video made of multimedia, 2) have practical programming training according to the lecturing video showing illustration executed similar to a practical environment, 3) grasp level of their understanding by themselves as doing the assigned tasks. Therefore we can anticipate for learning effects, because the contents that we developed can induce learners to learn by themselves and interest them in programming practice.

      • Pisolithus tinctorius菌에 의해 형성된 소나무류 外生菌根의 形態的 比較

        文美蘭,吳光仁,鄭南澈 全南大學校 農業科學技術硏究所 1999 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.34 No.-

        Pisolithus tinctorius菌을 곰솔(Pinus thunbergii), 소나무(P. densifora), 리기다소나무(P. rigida), 테에다소나무(P. taeda), 리기테다소나무(P. rigitaeda), 버지니아소나무(P. virginiana)에 人工接種하여 수종간 균근의 發達, 菌根型의 特異性, 外部形態的 特徵을 調査하였다. P. tinctorius菌이 接種된 소나무류의 菌根型은 線型(linear type), 頂端型(apical type), 棍棒型(clavate type), 塊根型(nodular type), 二次分枝型(dichotomy type), 念珠型(bead type), 長二次分枝型(long dichotomy type), 不均衡 二次分枝型(unbalanced dichotomy type), 二重二次分枝型(double dichotomy type), 不均衡二重二次分枝型(unbalanced double dichotomy type), 不均衡半二重二次分枝型(unbalanced semi-double dichotomy type), 珊瑚型(coralloid type)으로 識別되었다. 곰솔, 리기테다소나무의 均套표면은 노란색 Felt 형의 뚜렷한 菌套를 형성하였다. 그러나 리기다소나무, 소나무, 테다소나무, 버지니아소나무의 菌套表面은 부착 菌絲의 형성이 전혀 없는 매끄럽고 윤기있어 보이는 황갈색 velvety형 均套를 나타냈다. 소나무, 리기다소나무, 테다소나무, 버지니아소나무는 線型, 頂端型, 二次分枝型, 念珠型, 長二次分枝型들과 같은 단순한 형태들이 주로 나타났지만, 곰솔과 리기테다소나무는 二次分枝型, 變形들인 長二次分枝型, 不均衡二次分枝型, 二重二次分枝型, 不均衡二重二次分枝型, 不均衡半二重二次分枝型들이 많이 나타났고 안정형인 珊瑚型으로 發達하였다. The morphological characteristics of ectomycorrhizae in the seedlings of 6 different pines(Pinus. thunbergii, P. densiflora, P. rigida, P. teada, P. rigiteada and P. virginiana), inoculated with ectomycorrhizal fungi, Pisolithus tinctorius(Pers.) Coker & Couch, were analyzed. The types of ectomycorrhizal short roots among 6 pines could be categorized into 12 types; linear, apical, clavate, nodular, dichotomy, bead, long dichotomy, unbalanced dichotomy, double dichotomy, unbalanced double dichotomy, unbalanced semi-double dichotomy, and coralloid types. Whereas the sheaths of seedlings of P. thunbergii and P. rigiteada were covered with a mycellium bed of light yellowish white, those of the other pines were covered with the smooth and blight bed of yellowish brown without attached mycellium. The five major types(i.e, linear, apical, dichotomy, bead, and long dichotomy types) of the 12 types classified in this study were for P.densiflora, P.rigida,P.teada,and P.virginiana,respectively. However, P. thunbergii, and P. rigiteada of long dichotomy, unbalanced dichotomy, double dichotomy, unbalanced double dichotomy, and unbalanced semi-double dichotomy types were the major types, which were developed into a stable type such as coralloid type.

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