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      • 천골기형종(Sacral Teratoma)을 갖인 태아의 임신분만 경과 및 병리학적 고찰

        순박 現代醫學社 1969 現代醫學 Vol.10 No.1

        This is a case of benign, cystic, sacral teratoma found in a neonatal male infant. In this report the author described delivery course and obstetrical findings of the woman pregnant the ' fetus having sacral teratoma. Clinically, this case was diagnosed as twin pregnancy, malposition of fetus hydramniosis and between even with plane abdominal X-ray finding of the pregnant. Pathological examination revealed that the sacral mass of the infant was cystic and fluctuated, and contained many globular masses resembling the skin, intestinal tract, brain, lung, liver, spleen, bone marrow, and myxoma. It measured 15×14×13cm in three dimensions, and: was 320gm in weight. This tumor was attached to the outer surface of the sacrum and was not communicated with the meninges, of the spinal, cord. Microscopically, elements from three germ layers were present in the masses contained in the cystic space. A large portion-of the masses was madeup of tissues derived from the etodermal and mesodermal components. Endodermal component was the least prominent, but intestinal mucosa, islands of liver and lung parenchyma were remarkably well developed. The cystic space.

      • Bovine Serum Albumin이 家兎肝 Mitochondria의 Adenylate Kinase 活性度 및 酸化的燐酸化에 미치는 影響

        洪淳搏 現代醫學社 1969 現代醫學 Vol.10 No.1

        It has been known that the enzyme myokinase, or adenylate kinase, which catalyzes the establishment of an equilibrium among the three nucleotides, adenosine triphosphate, aenosine diphosphate, and adenylic acid, is localized in the mitochondria. For the purpose of studying the effect of bovine serum albumin on the adenylate kinase activity and oxidative phosphorylation of rabbit liver mitochondria, the following experiments were undertaken: 1. Mitochondria were isolated from the rabbit liver with 0.25 M sucrose by the differential centrifugation technique of Schneider. 2. The method of paper chromatography and isotope exchange reaction between ^(14)C-AMP and ATP were used to determine the adenylate kinase activity of rabbit liver mitochondria after incubation of mitochondrial suspension with ^(14)G-AMP and ATP. These experiments have revealed the following results: 1. The adenylate kinase activity of liver mitochondria was activated by Mg^(++), this activation was augmented in the presence of bovine serum albumin. 2. The adenylate kinase activity of liver mitochondria was slightly activated by Ca^(++), this activation was inhibited by the addition of bovine serum albumin. 3. When the liver mitochondrial suspension including bovine serum albumin and Mg^(++) a, stored at 4℃ for 24 hours, its adenylate kinase activity was augmented markedly, however, in the stored Jiver mitochondrial suspension without bovine serum albumin, the inase activity was augmented to less extent. 4. Afeter heat treatment of liver mitochondria at 90℃ for 5 minutes, the andenylate kinase activity still survived. 5. In the liver raitochondrial suspension with bovine serum albumin, the adenylate kinase showed its maximum activity in a dilution 1 : 3 water, but in the suspension without bovine serum albumin the kinase showed its maximum acivity in a dilution 1 4 water. 6. The phosphorylation of liver mitochondria was inhibited by the addition of residual adenylate kinase, whereas oxygen consumption of liver mitochondria was not influenced by the residual adenylate kinase. Therefore, the oxidative phosphorylation of the liver mitochondria was reduced by the residual adenylate kinase. Bovine serum albumin protected the phosphorylation process of the liver mitochondria against residual adenylate kinase.

      • 內分泌效果를 隨伴한 惡性 Brenner氏 腫瘍의 1症例

        金容佑,洪性善,洪淳博,金湘辰,최인준 中央醫學社 1968 中央醫學 Vol.14 No.2

        Malignant Brenner tumor, admittedly of rare occurrence, has been sporadically reported since Dockerty's first report in 1944. Following Meyer's classification in 1932, Brenner tumor had been generally considered to be benign, and hormonally inactive, which has been supported by many authors. But through the sporadic reports and case analysis in the literatures, some of Brenner tumor were associated with uterine bleeding, active proliferative and hyperplastic endometrium or endometrial carcinoma, which hay been under discussion probably on the estrogenic activity that was first suggested by Te. Linde in 1930. A case of malignant Brenner tumor associated with interesting evidence of hormonal effect in a postmenopausal woman, 63 year old, gravida 10, para 8, Korean woman, is reported, because of its rarity in its malignancy and controversial aspect of hormonal activity. The patient complained of a gradually growing abdominal mass for 21 months and irregular uterine bleeding for 2 years since transient 3 months cessation of probable menstrual history at her age of 60 years. Total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and partial omentectomy were performed under the diagnosis of a suspicious malignant ovarian tumor. On operation, a huge right ovarian tumor was found, which was 40 X 40 X 30cm. in size, 5,400gm. in weight and contained about 3, 500cc. of yellow milky thick fluid. Tile tumor was adherent to the lower part of greater omentum and parietal peritoneum. The uterus and left adnexa were not adherent to the surrounding tissues or organs. Grossly, the tumor was unilocular, mostly cystic and partly solid. The outer surface of the tumor was relatively smooth but nodulated. The inner surface of the tumor showed trabeculations and necrosis, forming multiple, large friable polypoid or papillary protruding masses, which were firm and gray white on their cut sections. The cystic wall was variable in thickness from 0. 5 to 3.5cm., very firm, and yellow-tinged gray white on cut sections. The uterus measured 9X6X5cm. and the thickness of myometrium was 2.0cm. and the endometrium appeared to be thicker than usual. Histologically, the tumor was composed of typical epithelial cell nests of Brenner tumor surrounded by proliferative neoplastic stromal tissue, particularly in the sections of cystic wall, but polypoid tumor masses were mostly composed of benign appearing transitional type of epithelium forming papillary structures. On several areas, the tumor cells showed malignant nature with mitotic figures. These tumor cells were also found in the serosal lining of the uterus and left ovarian surface, and in the omentum. Several special stainings were done, such as van Gieson, Trichrome, Aniline blue, P. A. S., Reticulum and Fat stains. Lipid droplets were abundantly found particularly around the -Brenner's epithelial nests and also occasionally in the papillary transitional formed tumor cells. The uterus showed mild hypertrophy of myometrium, adenomyosis, active hyperplasia of. endometrium, functioning endocervical glands and chronic cervicitis. The epithelium of endosalpinges was same as that under the effect of estrogenic activity. With these histological findings and uterine bleeding in a postmenopausal woman in accordance with abundant lipid droplets in the tumor, possible hormonal activity of this malignant Brenner tumor, not solely due to active stromal response by the tumor but the tumor itself, may not completely be excluded.

      • 卵巢 中腎腫의 1症例

        金容佑,趙泰鎬,洪淳博,安在榮,金智煥,朱夏源,최인준 中央醫學社 1968 中央醫學 Vol.14 No.1

        A case off mesonephroma of the ovary is reported in view of its rarity and interesting aspects of its histogenesis. The case was a 16 year-old Korean female who complained of a low abdominal mass, irregular vaginal bleeding for 11 days and mild constipation for 6 months. At the laparotomy with the diagnosis of an ovarian tumor, the frozen section revealed a malignant tumor of uncertain origin. Therefore the right oophorectomy, partial omentectomy and an incidental appendectomy were performed. On the postoperative 5th day the remained pelvic genital organs were cleaned out with the definite diagnosis of a mesonephroma of the right ovary. A substantial amount of deep irradiation was also given. Grossly, the right ovarian tumor showed a smooth, grayish and multiple tiny hemorrhagic surface, semisolidity in consistency, 13.0 by 12.0 by 6.0cm in size, a central hemorrhagic necrosis and cyst formations, and the other specimens appeared normal. Microscopically, the right ovarian tumor showed a mixed pattern of mesonephroma, described by Schiller (1939) and Saphir (1944), and the left ovary a microscopic dermoid cyst and a few cystic follicles, and the uterus was unremarkable.

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