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      • 厚朴나무 發牙와 幼苗生長에 關한 硏究

        朴敎秀,朱明七 동국대학교 생명자원과학대학 연습림 1989 演習林硏究報告 Vol.- No.1

        Machilus thunbergii grows rapidly and forms time, especially it may be the free worth of development and wide-supply, because the bark of tree used Chinese herbal medicines is very valuable. The results in order to get the base of seeding nursery in Machilus thunbergii are as follows. 1. Almost it did not show a difference at the germination rate classified by seeding density the rate of average germination per ㎡ was 67%, and the percentage of average plantable seeding was 53.7. 2. The stem length of seeding grew three times and the stem length classified seeding density was in the descending order C(70 seed), B(80 seed) and A(90 seed). 3. The number of seeding in 16-18cm was the most, and the average stem length of seeding came to up 16.5cm. 4. On the basis of 70%, numbers of seeding above 14cm may be trees of plantable seeding. Trees of plantable seeding classified by seeding density were in descending order of B(80 seed), C(70 seed) and A(90 seed). In case of B(80 seed), the rate of plantable seedling was the best, showed 81%. 5. In case of the stem length above 14cm the root collar diameter was above 0.55cm and root length was above 10.3cm.

      • Elderberry(sambucus canadensis)果實의 營養價에 對하여

        朴敎秀 동국대학교 농림과학연구소 1984 農林科學 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        Elderberry는 古代人에게 菜用植物로 알려졌으며 Europe에서는 옛부터 (止瀉劑) 설사약으로 쓰여 왔다. 꽃은 위발성 精油를 含有하고 있어서 製菓, 香料, 및 로숀같은 화장품 등에 쓰이는데 主로 꽃을 물로서 蒸溜해서 使用하며 잎은 脂肪에 Green colour를 着色하는데 使用되며 잎과 樹皮는 昆蟲이 싫어하는 기피성 물질이 들어 있어서 耐蟲性植物이 된다. 果實은 香氣와 天然食用色素로서 主要視되여 商業的으로는 主로 Jam, Jelly, Pies, Juice, Wine을 만드는데 쓰여진다. 營養價는 1941年 Andross가 Vitamin-C의 含有量이 25∼30㎎/100g인 것이 밝혀졌으나 그 外의 Vitamin이나 各種 mineral 및 營養價는 지금까지 報告 된 바없다. 本 硏究에서는 各種 營養價와 minerals, Vitamins, 그리고 食用天然色素의 波長을 測定하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 新鮮한 Elderberry果汁은 mineral이 11種이 含有되여 있는바 Ca : 0.012%, Mg : 0.023%, K : 0.10%, Na : 0.0019%, Fe : 0.0009%, Co : 0.0002%, Zn : 0.0004%, Cu : 0.0001%, P : 0.036%, Mn : 0.0006%, I : 1㎍/g. 등이 고루 含有되여 있다. 2. Vitamin類는 5種이 含有되여 있는데 Vitamin-B_1 : 0.1㎍/g, Vitamin-B_2 : 0.5㎍/g, Vitamin-C : 0.3㎍/g, Niacin : 14㎍/g, Choline Chloride : 0.3㎎/g 으로 되여 있다. 3. 果汁內에는 主要 營養價로서 粗蛋白 : 1.10%, Fat : 0.26%, Carborydrate : 6.9%, Pectin : 0.76%, Tannin : 0.89%, Ash : 0.80%, Water : 90.9%. 그리고 100g당 34.3㎈을 보였다. 4. 新鮮한 果汁의 赤紫色인 天然色素는 最高波長 523∼530mμ을 보였다. The elderberry was known to the ancients for its medicinal properties, and in Europe the inner back was formerly administered as a cathartic. The flowers contain a voletile oil, and serve for the distilation of elder-flower water, used in confectionery, perfumes and lotions. The Leaves are employed to impart a green colour to fat and oil, and the Leaves and bark emit a sickly odour, believed to be repugnant to insect. The fruit with its unique flovor and natural food colour, commercial processing companies used mainly in the making for jam, jelly, peis, juice, and wine. Its Vitamin-C content is reported by Andross (1941) as 25∼30㎎/100g. Havesting and processing has been mechanized to some extent. However, the contains with nutritional value is not reported in this present as yet. In the present study was wish to find the various contains with nutritional value in the fresh elderberry juice by the Quantatively with Qualitatively amalyzed. In this study obtained results can be summariazed as follows. 1. The fresh elderberry juice have been found to be accumulators of certain eleven mineral elements; as the calcium 0.0.12%, magnesium 0.023%, potassium 0.10%, sodium 0.0019%, Iron 0.0009%, cobalt 0.0002%, zinc 0.0004%, cuper 0.0001%, phophorus 0.036%, manganes 0.0006%, Iodide 1㎍/g. 2. Vitamins, contained five kinds of higher propotion as the Vitamin-B_1 0.1㎍/g, Vitamin-B_2 0.5㎍/g, Vitamin-C 0.3㎍/g, Niacin 14㎍/g, Choline Chloride 0.3㎎/g. 3. The nutritional value in the fresh elderberry juice are moderately high as the crude protein 1.10%, Fat 0.26%, carborydrate 6.9%, Pectin 0.76%, Tannin 0.89%, Ash 0.80%, water 90.9% and 34.3㎈/100g. 4. The spectrums in the purplish black color of fresh elderberry juice founded to be 532mμ∼530mμ maximum peaks.

      • Pecan과 Shell bark Hickory와의 種間交雜에 의한 有實樹 新品種育種 硏究

        교수 동국대학교 생명자원과학대학 연습림 1997 연습림논문집 Vol.- No.5

        Nut trees are one of the most economical oldest and most good and very importance resources of higher quality food and woody timbers, shading or ornamental tree for man, birds and wild animals. There is needs to desirable and useful for the new improved nut tree breeding and technology programs; production, processing and products of the world to be brought up to date. The author research has prepared for those most easy to grow, harvest and easy to processing and shelling, to keeping nuts kernels good quality, store, import, export, process or manufacture product, as well as biological traits, horticultural characteristics and industrial features, by the interspecific hybrization hybrids. The desirable and excellent higher quality and quantity of those superior hybrids tree nuts are influenced by many factors. The author has 32 years experience between 1995 to 1997, a total 2500 crosses between pecan and hickory cultivations selected seedlings between made at the 「Institute of Nut Tree Science」in Suwon Kyunggido Korea, interspecific hybrid 65 seedling selections have been used under the crossed parentages of pistilate pecan between staminate shell bark hickory. 1. Nut characteristics 1) One of the selected superior nuts and trees interspecific hybrids; The hybrid characteristics of excellent desirable good quality of lager size nuts and kernels or higher kernel percent as well as the nut volume 10.750㎝3, nut weight 6.376g, kernal weight 2.900g and extremely excellent nuts good quality of the kernel precent 45.152%, in other hand the heritability in the hybrids thin nut shell and to good keeping appearance kernels similar to closed pistilate pecan parents, however the heritability in those hybrids lager nut and kernels similar to closed staminate shell bark hickory parents. 2. Nut Tree Characteristics 1) Adaptability; The improved interspecific hybrid trees, more adaptability hardy to winter cold and heavy clay soils at the Suwon Kyunggido Korea. 2) Fruitfulness; The superior selected hybrid grafts the tree bear good annual crops start producing at an early age 5∼6 years old. 3) Hardness; The improved superior selected hybrids the tree winter cold­hardy and escape to late spring frosts injury. 4) Early nut maturity; The superior selected hybrids; nuts have been mature before and harvest the crop before bad wether set in. 5) Vigor in growth of improved selected hybrids; the lateness in spring growth; thus it is usually preferable that remain dormant relatively late in the spring, because escape to the early spring shoot growth to damaged by late frosts.

      • 枸杞子 體細肥雜種 合成을 위한 生物工學的 基礎硏究

        朴敎秀,朱明七 동국대학교 농림과학연구소 1991 農林科學 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        The present study was carried out in order to develop techniques for rapid mass propagation and afford the basic information for somatic hybrid of Lycium chinense, used commonly as landscape purpose and medicinal resource. Through biotechnology, bud culture, callus culture, protoplast isolation and culture, fusion and gene transformation were examined. Results obtained were summarized as follows ; 1. Plantlets were developed from axillary buds attached to the stem of the current year growth collected in early June and cultured on MS media supplemented with 1.0㎎/l IAA and 2.0㎎/l Kinetin by 56% as the highest yield rate. 2. The highest rate of shoot induction was resulted at 0.5㎎/l kinetin, root induction at MS + 1.0㎎/l IAA + 2.0㎎/l kinetin (56%). 3. The rate of plantlets formation supplemented with 1.0㎎/l IAA and 2.0㎎/l kinetin was the highest and WPM (60%), MS·SH (50%), B_5 (40%) and GD (30%) media gave the result in descending order. 4. Plantlets (10-12 ㎝ of length) survived without fail after being transferred to pots with a mixture of perlite : vermiculite : peat (1:1:1 v/v/v). 5. The leaf collected from in vitro cultured plants cultured on MS media without growth regulators supply gave 60% callus formation and 40% shoot induction. 6. The highest protoplast yield and viability were resulted in the treatment plot of 3.0% macerozyme, 1% cellulase R-10, 0.4M mannitol, pH 6.2 and incubation for 6 hours. And the more effective was at the more juvenile leaf tissue. When protoplasts were cultured at 5x10^4/ml density in MSP_19M medium, the first budding occured at 18 days after culture and 28 days later cell colony was formed. 7. The highest cell fusion yield was 29.6% between leaf cells and 5.1% between leaf and root cell, using 30% (W/V) polyethlene glycol (PEG) concentration, 10 minutes treated and 2x10^5/ml protoplasts density from seedlings in virto. 8. When leaf was inoculated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens ATCC 11157, tumour was formed and rooting was initiated 8 days after inoculation and the growth was continued for 3 weeks. And the rate of tumour formation was 10%. The genetic transformation was confirmed through the opine analysis by the electrophoration.

      • Carpathian 胡桃나무의 種間 品種間 接木에 關한 硏究

        朴敎秀 동국대학교 농림과학연구소 1984 農林科學 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        胡桃나무는 Nut와 Timber 겸용생산 有實樹이나 一定한 生育條件을 要求하므로 比較的 分布(Range)가 넓은 Juglans mandshurica와 Juglans nigra를 台木으로 하고 N40°最低 -35∼-40℉에 栽培가 安定한 Carpathian Walnut 耐寒性品種 5個와 12-15℉의 溫暖한데 栽培가 잘되는 Persian Walnut을 接穗로 하여 種間 및 品種間接木을 施行하여 大型溫室內에 完全自動化된 環境調節溫室內에서 溫度는 28℃, 濕度는 85∼100%로 하여 Modified cleft graftin 方法을 採擇하고 1981∼1983年사이에 3個年間에 걸쳐 溫室接木을 實行하였는 바 同種間接木보다 異種間接木 活着率이 比較的 높았으며 99.33%∼100%의 活着率을 보였고 上記한 四個樹種과 Juglans sinensis를 通한 5個樹種間의 Heteroplastic 및 Homoplast grafting에서 台木은 5%의 有意性을 보였으나 接穗에서는 有意性이 없었다. 卽 J. mandshurica와 J. nigra와 같이 台木의 活力이 강하면 異種間接木이 잘되고 또한 接木癒合速度가 빠르고 接木苗의 生育이 旺盛하고 接木의 親和力이 높아서 Carpathian과 Persian Walnut과의 種間接木으로 이를 台木과 接穗品種의 特性을 合成한 것과 같은 耐寒性 耐暖性을 補强시켜 우리나라 中部地方에 局限栽培되고 있는 胡桃나무 産業을 우리나라 北部와 南部地方까지 擴大栽培化의 기틀이 마련되는 種間接木에 依한 "兩親形質合成" 효과로 品種改良에도 有效하리라고 본다. In order to see the effect of various factors on the success of grafting of Walnut, a modified cleft grafting experiment has been conducted with Juglans sinensis Dode, J. regia(Persian Walnut), J. regia (Carpathian Walnut), J. mandshurica, J. nigra and five cultivars of Carpathian Walnut as "HANSEN", "METCALFE", "SCHOOL", "ILL CRATH", "LAKE" in a Large green hose equipped with automatic environmental control system in which temperature of the grafting bed at 28℃ and 85∼100% for humidity during the period of January 1918∼June 1983. As results of the experiments, the following facts were observed. 1. Heteroplastic grafting was proved to be more successful than homopalstic grafting with all five species tested among the J. regia (Carpathian Walnut), J. regia(Persian Walnut), J. sinensis, J. mandshurica, J. nigra. 2. It was interesting to notice that results hight survival of graft high as 99.33∼100% with heteroplastic grafting when "Persian Walnut" and "Carpathian Walnut" was grafted on the stock of J. mandshurica and J. nigra. 3. A statistical significance of 5% Level was recognized in the above stocks among five species of homoplastic grafting with heteroplastic grafting and no significance among the scions. 4. The heteroplastic grafting when five cultivars of Carpathian Walnut as above as was grafted on the stock of Juglans nigra and J. mandshurica resulting high survival of graft as high as 85.33∼100%. 5. As conclusion, the heteroplastic grafts of Carpathian Walnut and Persian Walnut was grafted on the stock of Juglans nigra and Juglans mandshurica, the graft union, between stock and scion completed, in short period and was followed by a vigorous growth as well the "Cross Breeding", or hybrization, became apparent, with different desirable traits which could be used to cultivate a Later generation that combined these characteristics. Also, the improved Carpathian with Persian Walnut by the heteroplastic grafting hoping that could well include a superior nut having the hardness of the stock plants and the productive ness of a scion plants suitable for a wide range of our nut growing area.

      • European Filbert 및 American Filbert와 韓國種 Filbert 와의 種間接木에 關한 硏究

        朴敎秀,金昌浩 東國大學校 1977 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        In the present study an experiment on the interspecific grafting of European and American fibleerts butween on the root stock of Korean filbert (C. heteropylla & C. sieboldiana) by means veneer graftings in the green house was carried out and those suruival percentage compatibilities and growth was also investigated. The obtained resvlts can be summarized as follows. 1. Intes[ecofoc grafting of European andl American filberts between Korean fibert (C. heterophylla & C. sieboldiana) was 97%~98.3% of survival and successful those eagily completed unions between grafting components. 2. Those Interspecific grafts was higher compatibilities and nonsukering of root stocks of Korean filberts in the 1-2 years old. 3. Those mean growth of Interspecific grafts was 106.7cm~111cm of height and 11.7mm~14.6mm of diameters at the stem base.

      • KCI등재

        Sambucus canadiensis 에 의한 천연식용 색소의 개발에 관하여

        교수 ( Kyo Soo Park ) 한국산림과학회 1978 한국산림과학회지 Vol.40 No.1

        Elder-berries are economical plants and grown commercially in the United States. Most of the crop is sold to processors and made into natural colour, jellies, jam, port wine or elder berry wine, elder berry juice or used to manufacture of pie mixes. Processors are showing increasing interest in cultivation elder berries. In the present study was wish to find the effect of various factors and practical methods on the processing for the true fruit colour made from fresh elder berries juice as the clearing by the treated pectinase, added sugar, vaccum concentration, extraction of anthocyanosid powder and its property with used prospects. In this study obtained results can be summarized as follows. 1. Pectinase is useful and effected to make clear juice from fresh elder berry juice treated on the 34∼45℃. 2. P.V.C. drum is most useful stored without unfading for clearing elderberry juice and its exposed redish dark purple colour. 3. Clearing elderberry juice stored in the stainless steel drum, changed colour from redish dark purple to dark violets during the stored at the room temperature. 4. Added sugar (Brix 48∼53°) to the fresh elderberry juice is useful and suitable prospects for to make home juice and wine. 5. The elderberry juice of vaccum concentration is change colour from dark purple to black brown colour during the stored at the room temperature. 6. Its possible to make anthocyanosid powder extracted made from fresh elderberry juice 7. Property of anthocyanosid is an follows. 1) The spectrum of elderberries juice is 523∼530 mμ 2) The colouring stability is less than pH₄ 3) The colouring stability by the heating is less than pH₄, and then the more than pH₄ is changed colour from redish dark purple to dark brown. 4) By the light colouring stability is less than pH₄ 5) The colouring most stability in the pH is pH₃ 8. In the future, natural colour made from elderberry juice on the useful prospects is suitable used to make natural fruit juice, ice cream, candy, commercial and home wine, gum, and manufacture of jelly jam, pie maxes, ect.

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