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      • 韓國 浪漫主義 詩意識에 관한 硏究

        朴喆石 東亞大學校 1987 東亞論叢 Vol.24 No.1

        My purpose in this paper is to attempt to elucidate the identity of Korean romantic poetry which has played a major role in the history of our modern poetry. The identity of Korean romantic poetry up to the present is surveyed in terms of foreign influence and tradition. In terms of the former the formative processes of Korean romanticism is traced from the point of poetic history and in terms of the latter it is shown how the thought of Buddhism, Confucianism and of Lao-tze and Chung-tze have passed into the vein of modern poetry as tradition. And this dissertation, to begin with, is concerned with the magazines of Pehuh, Jangmi-Chon and Baegjo. Ⅰ) The literary tendency of Korean romantic movement in the early 1920s of the magazines of Pehuh, Jangmi-Chon and Baegjo may be summarized as follows: 1) Pehuh: The main propensity is romanticism. It is manifested in 'Standing In the Ruins' of Yeom Sang-seob, 'Agony of the Times and Sacrifice' of O Sang-sun and in the poems of Hwang Seog-u, Nam Gung-byeog, Bbyeon Yeong-ro. Though their poems are somewhat different from one another in style, they are similar in that they were all trying to get over the oppressed situation imposed upon by the Japanese imperialism. And it is subsequently realized that Hwang Seog-u or his metaphorical style exerted an influence upon Park Jong-haw, Park Yeong-hi, and Yi Sang-hwa. 2) Jangmi-Chon : Reverie and long-cherished desire are suggestively expressed in the poems-'Bursting Rose' of Ro Ja-yong and 'A Banquet in Jangmi-Chon' of Hwang Seog-u; the desperate situation, skepticism, and the aweful thing of decease in the poems such as 'Bamboo's Lamentation' of Park Yeong-hi, 'Life and Death' of Geun Weon, and 'The Last Home Village' of U-Yeong And the above two dispositions are together involved in the poem, 'A Milk-White Street' of Park Jong-hwa. The propensity of Jangmi-Chon in view of Korean poetical history is after all realized as transitional aspects of modern romanticism in Korea. 3) Baegjo. It is sure to show three aspects as follows: first, in 'The Sixth Miscellaneous Notes' and poems of Park Jong-hwa, Yi-Sang-hwa, Park Yeong-hi, and Hong Sa-yong is revealed their firm resolution that they stood face to face with the Japanese colonialism; second, the modern romanticism upon Korean emotion was for the first time to start off with the magazine. third, the magazine Baegjo was a switch-role to play in the moment that the romanticism was converted into the critical romanticism. Ⅱ) With the Samil Movement as a momentum, a socialist movement grew more aggravated in 1920s, and spontaneously occurred the active romanticism which put stress upon social renovation on the real basis. From about this time on Kim Hyeong-weon, Hyeon Cheol, Kim Eog, and the western born academic Seoulites consistently advocated new literature, popular arts, or mass-struggle literature, and so did Kim Gi-jin-in his poems, essays, and criticism-who was under the influence of Japanese newly emerging literature. Meanwhile Ju Yo-han, and Kim Gi-jin, who expressed themselves upon the romanticism and poetics, can be specified as leading poets of those days. Kim Gi-jin played a major role, in them, in accepting the active romanticism in the Korean literary circles and his literary absolute tendency is best expressed in his poem 'A Ray of Light' Ⅲ) In the mid 1920s in the Korean literary circles, truned up reformism and active romanticism on the subject of pauperism. According to such a tendency Yi Sang-hwa freed himself from the imprisonment of his early literary life in egoism and he was deeply concerned in the social problems. It is suggested, in his critical essays, that proletarians should be supported, and that poetry should be made an rule to read in everyday life. Of course his poems such as 'Street Feature(街相) are supposed to be humanistic rather than ideologic. Nevertheless, as an excellent piece of the nationalistic romanticism, especially the poem 'How Should the Spring Come towards the Plains Which Are Deprived of ?' written in his later life-cherishes mood or tone of locality that is very close to the mass of people.

      • 南北 詩文學 比較 硏究 : Centered on Poems of 1980's 80년대 詩를 중심으로

        朴喆石 東亞大學校 1993 東亞論叢 Vol.30 No.1

        Centering on North Korean Gi-Ga in 1980's, I hgave studied generally heterogenity beteen South Korean poems and North Koerens' in many aspects. North Korean Si-Ga has differences in many aspect with South Korean poems in characteristics of genres, figure of expression, themes, and matrials. This is due to the fact that North Korean Si-Ga should be made by the strict policy of literature and art following the nation and the party with difference from South Korean poems that have scarcely factors to be limited. Consequenlty North Korean Si-Ga has been being written by writing order of subjective theory of literature and art, based on characteristics of party, of class, and of the people. This differentiating South Korean poems and North Korean that seperation between south and north for nearly 40 years incur cannot be easily overcome. But the possibility of overcoming it from the standpoint of us wishing united literature should not be given up in advance. The fortunate thing is that a possibility of overcoming can be found in both changes of South Korean poems and North Koreans'. Reality of South Korean Public poetry or Labour poetry and expansion of lyricism in North Korean Si-Ga in 1980's, must contantly support the possibility of approch of both poems to each other.

      • 解放直後의 文學史 연구

        朴喆石 東亞大學校 1989 東亞論叢 Vol.26 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to put in order the literary movement of the Right and the Left for three years from 1945 to 1948. The significance of history of literature on Liberation lies in seeking a way ahead in that period, that is, in building a national literature through the period of confusion. So here is a way to revive the strength to respond to it, proposed by historial view of point. First, literary men in those times had to get back our literature once lost during the past Japanese-ruling-period and remove the literary legacy of that period. To do so, the first thing is to get rid of remains of pro-Japanese as quick as possible and build solidly our national literature, and at the same time to fill the vacuum of literature with a new one. Second, in removing actually those remains, it was required literary effort to re-establish the spirit of national literature by recovering our native language. Third, there lay a problem to overcome confrontation between ideologies which caused our country into two parts as South-Korea and North-Korea. Fourth, a decision on view of national literature had to be made, what the imaginative power developing incessantly spirit of literature within literature itself must be fixed on. Last, a period just after Liberation is that of the important in our modern history, and also that of making a stroke in history of our literature. Therefore a study on this part comes to have a great significance in that today literary territory can be criticized by reviewing the history of literature of just after Liberation.

      • KCI등재
      • 萬海의 詩集 「님의 沈默」 硏究

        朴哲石 부산여자대학 1980 釜山女子大學 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        A poetical Works of "Your silence" written by Han Yong Un is excellent in explaining the youth’'s love paradoxically. And it also deals with the historical living from the deep point of view in our long literary history. The followings are characteristics appeared in them . 1. The Buddhistic thought expressed in these poetical works is not " So-seung, Buddhism which stand above the common world but it is " Dae-seung" Buddhism which seeks the Buddha ’'s truth through the living in this common world. 2. When compared with Indian poet 'Tagore’ his poems are not ones which desire the common world bues which express the historical consciousness clearly. 3. So his poems are neigher the strong nor the weak which can be found in “YuNia Kyung" but are based on the qualization.

      • 辛夕汀硏究

        朴哲石 부산여자대학 1979 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        1) His poetic world appeared in "the First Poetical Works "Candle-light" is dependent chiefly on the western conceptive method but his interest in mountains, rain, wind and bamboo-bush shows us that his deep structural consciousness has been influenced by Taoism, To Yen Myung and Oriental mysticism. 2) His poetic world appeared in the Second Poetical Works A Sorrowful Pastoral" shows thathe is desirous of the mutual sympathy with nature through mountains and bamboobush; that is to say to him the nature is not the object of his observation but the mutual participant united by mysterious perception. 3) His poetic world appeared in the Third Poetical Works" The Glacier" shows that his interest is stressed on the dark reality after ending the Japanese rule. Yet His works showing the strength in reality is remained only in the feebly complicated ideal world. 4) His fourth poetical works “"The Prelude of Mountain" shows the dignity of mountain; that is, he attempts to describe the historical record through the posture of mountain but it remains within the sense of admonition. His poetical world succeeded in the works of poetizing the quiet, bamboo wind than the great posture of mounsain. At any rate, he is the pure poet who lived in the violent times.

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