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      • 영어를 모국어로 사용하는 교사에 의한 영어지도의 실험연구

        朴商玉 弘益大學校 1981 弘大論叢 Vol.13 No.-

        An experimental study was made to verify a general assumption that foreign languages are best taught by native foreign language teachers. The study lasted one semester in Hong-Ik University. For that purpose, English Reading subject was taught by a native English professor and Korean professor alternately in one class(experimental group). The other randomly selected class, on the other hand, was taught by a Korean English professor (control group). A proficiency test was administered twice to both groups, one at the beginning (pre-test) and the other at the end of the semester (post-test) respectively. Sometime during the latter half of the semester the students were also given a mid-term exam. Finally the experimental group took part in an opinion servey around the end of the semester. Statistical analyses showed that the control group improved more than the experimental group in the proficiency test as a whole, although average English proficiency of both groups had been regarded as same at the beginning of the semester. The control group also excelled the experimental group in the mid-term exam. Besides, in the opinion survery, the experimental group pointed out the lack of classroom hours (two hours a week). It is concluded that the effectiveness of English teaching by a native English teacher was not verified in this particular case. The writer hopes that more similar studied will be made under various conditions for longer period of tiem. Ⅰ. 서 언 Ⅱ. 실험내용 Ⅲ. 실험결과분석 Ⅳ. 요약 및 결론

      • 속담에 나타난 문화차이 연구 : 한국과 미국을 중심으로

        박상옥 홍익대학교 2002 敎育硏究論叢 Vol.- No.19

        Proverbs are defined as something which conveys moral messages and/or wisdoms of general public, of great authors, or famous politicians, although Korean proverbs, in general, were originated from low-class people. It is thus natural that many of them represent certain characteristics of a society. The purpose of this paper is to collect popular American and Korean proverbs, analyze them and find any cultural distinctions from them. Findings are 'respect for privacy, individual opinions and independence,' 'interest in business, money and competition,' 'aggressiveness,' 'optimism,' 'emphasis on honesty,' 'respect for youth,' and 'stress of the present' and 'interest in blood relationship within the family circle,' and 'emphasis on coorperation' in American proverbs. On the other hand, 'heartbreaking feeling for hunger,' 'passivity,' 'pessimism,' 'negative in-law relationship,' 'disrespect for women,' 'interest in human relationship,' 'respect for modesty,' and 'advanced mind-reading skill' are found in Korean proverbs. Based on these findings it is concluded that American culture and Korean culture can still be safely represented as individualism vs. collectivism, directness/action-oriented attitude vs. indirectness/emotionalism.

      • 제 7 차 교육과정에 따른 수준별 영어 수업 운영 방안

        박상옥,이윤숙,장신재 弘益大學校 敎育硏究所 1998 敎育硏究論叢 Vol.- No.15

        This paper is to present a teaching model to improve middle school students' English proficiency by organizing special ability groups after school, as specified in the 7th national English curriculum. It is understood that the current grade system by ages and teaching students at the same grade level in the same way cannot meet their various needs. A review of the relevant literature describes the background information concerning the adoption of the new national English curriculum and reports some experimental case studies which investigate the effect of English teaching in ability groups of some kind. The main part of this paper deals with specific procedures followed in and important findings of an English teaching experiment. The result of this study reveals that English teaching in small ability groups has a great potential with more systematic grouping procedures taken, with various teaching materials used and with better classroom environment maintained.

      • 벌집부채명나방, Achroia grisella(Fabricius)수컷의 소리에 대한 암컷의 반응(곤충강, 나비목, 명나방과)

        朴商玉 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1992 연구논문집 Vol.45 No.1

        The response and orientation of virgin females the lesser wax moth, Achroia grisella(Fabricius) (Pyrallidae, Galleriinae) immediately after eclosion toward male sounds for pair formation were tested under various operational conditions. There are three types of no response, a stray and a orientation moths in the approaches of female toward stationary wing-fanning or circling male. There are significant differences in the approach behaviours and orientations of female moths removed antenna(e) and tympanum(a) toward the ultrasound emitter and male removed tegula. The approaching rates of female toward male in a short distance were higher and faster than in a long distance. Females removed the left antenna may directly contact fast the intact male than female punctured the right tympanum. No females punctured tympana approach toward intact male in a long distance, the immediate outside of the screen arena. The pheromone released from the male's wing glands may stimulate kinesis in females, it does not elicit orientation, while the calling sound induces virgin female to orient toward males.

      • 영어를 매개로 한 효과적인 문화이해 지도

        朴商玉 弘益大學校 敎育硏究所 2001 敎育硏究論叢 Vol.- No.18

        The purpose of this study is to show how American English can be taught by combining both language and every day culture so as to develop students' critical thinking and research-oriented mind as well as to improve their ability to use English itself appropriately. It is based on the assumption that English is not just a skills subject but a core course in our curriculum. Discussions about the general characteristics of Americans are followed by teaching materials and procedures used in the course and analysis of students' evaluation about them. It is concluded that the course was successful especially in terms of the development of students' analytic thinking and communicative competence through their participation in the English discussion of differences and similarities between the two cultures in their daily life.

      • 大邱新川水系의 生物學的 水質判定

        朴商玉,李浩俊,李麟九 韓國自然史博物學會 1981 生物과 自然 Vol.11 No.1

        Analyzing the water quality biologically by the biotic index(β) of Beck-Tsuda method, for six sites of the water system of Sincheon River which reaches a length of 22km and flows through the Taegu city and Gachang-myun in Dalseong-gun, and extends to the Gumho-river on the lower, it is summarized as follows: ① An indicator species collected from the water system of Sincheon River comprises 37 species and all is tolerant species to water pollution. ② The Sincheon River mainly was polluted with sewage from the city, with wastes from the factory surviving the city and with industrial wastes or products. ③ The water of 3 sites, Naengcheon, Gachang-bridge, and Jungdong-bridge were slightly polluted β-mesosaprobic zone. Those of 2 sites, Dongsin-bridge and Kyungdae-bridge were polluted α-mesosaprobic zone. But the lower Sincheon River was severely polluted polysaprobic zone. ④ The map showing a class of water quality analyzed biologically was also prepared for each site of the water system of Sincheon River. ⑤ The pH of water running the water system of Sincheon River was alkalescent. ⑥ An advantage of biological analysis of water quality was discussed.

      • 대학 교양영어 교육의 방향

        朴商玉 弘益大學校 1983 弘大論叢 Vol.15 No.1

        In order to establish good course objectives, it is necessary for the educators to take students' needs into account. For this, student's needs assesment must come first before setting up any general and specific aims in education. The review of literature however, reveals that most colleges or universities, if not all, disregard needs of their students entirely in planning general English education programs. Realizing that it is the time we English educators should look into general English education curriculum, the paper repors the result of an experimental study through which materials about the needs of the students from Hong-Ik University were gathered. Several important findings were made: 1) Students responded that they needed to learn English badly and to study English subject very intensively for the first three years; 2) Students seemed to be stronger in instrumental motivation than integrative motivation; 3) Students felt that the English reading textbook did not meet their expectations in covering various kinds of interesting and contemporary works; 4) Students realized the necesssity of having the writing class as well as the laboratory class to improve their practical listening, speaking, and writing skill; and 5) it seemed that students were more or less homogeneous depending on to which college they belong. Under the assumption that the above findings would be applicable to most of the univesity students, the author suggests the following guidelines for better general English education programs which take students needs into account: 1) Students should be given at least four hours of English instruction per week during their freshmen years (two of them should be laboratory classes), three hours during their sophormore years, and two hours during their junior years, while they are allowed to take English as an elective during their senior years: 2) Considering that the ultimate aim of general education is to cultivate a well -rounded personality, students should not be motivated only instrumentally but be taught to be the intellectuals through appropriate selection and teaching of reading materials; 3) English writing classes should mostly focus on letter writing and free writing; and 4) individualized instruction, to some extent, should be implemented by differentiating instruction to different schools of students in a university.

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