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      • Cholera 抗血淸의 in Vibrio 殺菌作用에 미치는 影響

        曺喜中 中央醫學社 1972 中央醫學 Vol.22 No.5

        As one of the steps of investigating the particular vibriocidal mechanism of cholera antiserum, normal and immune sera were inactivated by heating at 56°C for 30 min. and tested as to their bactericidal action with or without the addition of complement. Regardless of serum kinds, all of the inactivated sera did not show any bactericidal activity without complement addition. When complement was added, only immune sera restored more or less the bactericidal activity as expected. The pattern of recovery, however, was noticeably contrasting between brucella and cholera antisera. In the former, brucellacidal activity was enhanced as the serum was diluted, while in the latter the acceleration was noticed only at the undiluted portion of serum. These results suggest that the difference of serum bactericidal activity between brucella and cholera is not due to the specific change of immune serum, but to the particular quantitative balance of complement and antibodies against an organism.

      • KCI등재
      • Cyclopia에 대한 증례보고 일례

        조희중,김귀숙 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1979 慶北醫大誌 Vol.20 No.2

        cyclopia은 태생기의 neural tube 앞에 위치한 procencephalic centre의 장해로 인해서 optic vesicle과 또한 이와 연관된 fronto-nasal process의 mesoderm의 발달에 이상을 가져와 초래되는 선천적 기형이며 그 유발인자에 대해서는 외부적 인자와 유전적인자 두 가지를 생각할 수 있으나 아직 단정지을수 없는 상태이다. 현재까지 동물에서는 cyclopia가 많이 보고되어 있으나 인간에서는 드문 상태이다. 최근 저자들은 일례의 cyclopia을 부검 및 조직 검사하여 본 바 다음의 사실들을 관찰할 수 있었다. 눈에 있어서는 diamond형의 palpebral fissure를 볼수 있었고 한 개의 안와 내에는 2개의 안구가 접합해 있으며 그 외에 결손 증을 동반한 시신경을 관찰할 수 있었다. 눈 바로위에는 한 개의 proboscis가 있었고 중추신경계의 이상으로서는 대뇌가 2개의 hemisphere로 나누어지지 못했으며 수두증이 관찰되었고, corpus callosum이나 septum pellucidum, olfactory lobe 등을 볼 수 없었다. 구강의 소견으로서는 잘 발달된 palato-alveolar groove가 특징이었고 incisor teeth를 볼수 있었다. 두 개부의 이상으로는 비정상적으로 넓은 middle fossa, 잘 발달되지 못한 sella turcica, 한 개의 optic foramen, 그리고 clinoid process, cribriform plate가 없는점 등을 관찰할 수 있었다. Cyclopia seems to develope by a failure in induction by the procencephalic center which normally determine the development of the anterior part of the neural tube and there-fore of the optic vesicle and the associated mesoderm of the fronto-nasal process. It is safe to say that the etiology of cyclopia is still obscured. The two chief mechanism has been proposed such as defective inheritance and unfavorable environment, both of which may be varied in innumerable ways. Cyclopia has been observed in several species, however, so far a few case of cycolpia in human were reported. In this paper, a case of cyclopia in human has been studied and following macroscopic and microscipic points were described. The eye has a diamond shaped palpebral fissure, fused eyeballs and one optic nerve with colobomata within the single orbit. A single snout like proboscis was found a cavity lined by ciliated epithelium. On the brain, the defects were a failure in the division of the telencephalon into two hemisperes, the presence of the hydrocephalus and the lack of the olfactory lobes. Microsocopically, the brain cortex could be divided into six layers with the very rich blood vessels supplied. The oral mamifestaions were characterised with the accentuated palato-alveolar groove and the abscence of the incisor teeths. In the skull, the middle fossa occupied a disproportionately large area of the cranial base. The poorly developed sella turcica, one optic foramen and the abscence of the cribriform plate were osberved. Several bones such as the ethmoid, nasal bone, turbinate, vomer, lacrimal and nasal process of the palating were missing.

      • Cholera 抗血淸의 殺菌作用

        曺喜中 中央醫學社 1972 中央醫學 Vol.22 No.4

        Gram-negative bacilli usually survive longer in their homologous antisera than in normal serum, so far as the serum is not too diluted and the agglutinin titer is maintained above a certain level. The typical inhibitory role of antibodies in serum bactericidal activity has been well demonstrated by brucella, some of the salmonella, and E. coli strains. In the present experiment, however, in contrast with such a seemingly contradictory attitude of antiserum, Vibrio cholerae antibodies were shown to have an entirely different effect on the serum bactericidal activity. The followings are the results obtained after studying comparatively the vibriocidal and cross-agglutinating reactions of cholera anti-serum. 1. Vibrio eholerae serotype Inaba and Ogawa, Brucella melitensis and abortus, and Salmonella typhi, enteritidis and thompson were employed as test organisms. Cells were suspended in saline solution at the rate of 2 x 104 /ml. 0. 5 ml of this suspension was put into the test tubes containing the same amount of variously diluted serum. The cell and serurni mixtures were incubated at 37°G for 3 hrs. And the number of survived cells was counted by the pour-plate method. 2. At the initial dilution of serum, no Cholera bacillus was detected surviving such treatments in cholera antiserum, while in normal serum considerable numbers of cell (100-500) were found surviving. As the serum was further diluted, however, the cell survival rate was increased gradually, regardless of the kind of serum. 3. On the other hand, in brucella and salmonella typhi, immune bodies seemed to have a strong inhibitory effect on the serum bactericidal action. Therefore, the less diluted the original serum, the more numbers of cell survived in the immune serum while the less in normal one. 4. A moderate degree of cross agglutination was observed between Brucella abortus and Inaba strains. A similar reaction was also observed between Ogawa and brucella strains. But the

      • 구강점막상피의 Barr body염색법에 대한 몇 가지 소견

        조희중,주 강 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1979 慶北醫大誌 Vol.20 No.2

        구강점막상피의 Barr body를 관찰함에 있어 많은 염색법이 소개되어 있으나 Barr body의 출현율 선명도, 소요시간, 방법의 난이도 등을 고려할때 그 선택을 망설이게 된다. 이에 저자들은 비교적 많이 사용되는 Hematoxylin-eosin stain, Cresyl fast viloet stain, Feulgen technique, Thionin stain, Biebrich scarlet-Fast green (BS-FG) stain, Carbolfuchsin stain, Papanicolaou stain, Rapid ace-to-orcein squash technique 등의 염색법을 남자 30명, 여자 30명씩을 대상으로 실험하여 방법의 개선을 시도한 바 다음의 결과를 얻었다. 1) 저자들이 약간의 개선을 가한 Carbol fuchsin stain이 가장 적합하다고 보았는데 Barr body의 출현율이 여자의 경우 48.0%로서 가장 높았으며 선명하게 나타나고, 소요시간이 15分 미만이며 방법이 아주 쉬웠다. (이 경우 저자들은 본래의 염색법과는 달리 함수, 수세의 과정을 략생하였다). 2) 최근 소개된 Rapid aceto-orcein Squash technique은 Barr body가 뚜렷이 관찰되고 소요시간은 1분 이내며 아주 간편하였으나 Barr body의 출현율이 여자의 경우 평균 21.8%로서 매우 낮았고 이에 대한 검토로서 다른 염색법과 마찬가지로 고정액을 통과한 후 aceto-orcein으로 염색하여 보았으나 역시 평균 출현율이 22.4%로서 아주 낮았으므로 그 실용성이 의심스러웠다. 3) BS-FG Stain의 성적은 Guard는 Barr body를 형태와 위치에 따라 1) marginal, 2) submarginal, 3) paranucleolar, 4) bipartite type 등으로 구분하고, 소요시간이 24시간이었으나 저자들이 사용한 otis의 편법에 있어서는 소요시간이 1시간 이내로 줄고 결과도 쉽게 나왔지만 핵소체도 염색되어 Barr body를 4가지 type로 분류하여 관찰할 수 없는 점을 알게 되었다. 4) 기타의 Hematoxylin-eosin stain, Cresyl fast violet stain, Thionin stain, Papanicolaou stain, Feugen technique의 경우 Carbolfuchsin stain에비해 Barr body의 평균 출현율이 낮았으며 Barr body의 선명도, 소요시간, 방법의 난이도 등을 고려할 때 Carbolfuchsin stain보다 불리하다고 판단되었다. This study was performed to adopt the most farorable staining technique for the barr bodies. This technique reveal should high incidence of clear barr body, and the process should be easy and not time consuming. Buccal smears from 30males and 30females were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, cresyl fast violet. Feulgen technique, Guard's method, carbolfuchsin, papanicolaou and rapid aceto-orcein squash technique. The results were compared to each and discussed. 1. Carbalfuchsin stain which was modified by authors seemed to be most favorable. With this method, the mean incidence of the barr body in females was highest (48.0%), the barr bodies were clear, the technique was straight-forward and the whole process took only 15minutes. 2. With popular rapid aceto-orcein squash technique, the barr bodies were observed clearly, the time required was less than one minute, and the method was easy. However, the mean incidence was very low(21.8%). Aceto-orcein stain after fixation showed also very low incidence(22.4%). 3. With Biebrich scarlet-Fast green stain, Guard classified the barr bodies into 1) marginal 2) submarginal 3) paranucleolar 4) bipartite type according to the shape and the location, and the process took 24hours. With Otis' modified method, the process could be finished within 1hour, and the method was not too complicated. But the classification of different types of the barr bodies was difficult because the nucleoli were also stained. 4. Compared to carbolfuchsin stain, hematoxylin eosin, cresyl fast violet, thionin, papanicolaou stains and Feulgen reaetion seemed to be less favororable.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 흰쥐 뇌의 중심편도핵에서의 substance P 및 leucine-enkephalin 함유구조에 대한 전자현미경적 연구

        조희중,백영일,홍해숙,주강 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1990 慶北醫大誌 Vol.31 No.2

        In order to investigate the distribution and ultrastructure of substance P(SP) and leucine-enkephalin(Leu-Enk) immunoreactive structures in the central amygdaloid nucleus, brains of the rats were processed for peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique. The results obtained were as follows; SP immunoreactive neurons were found in the medial zone and immunoreactive axon terminals were heaviest in the lateral capsular zone. The immunoreactive neurons were round or oval in shape (diameter, 15-20㎛) and had two tor three proximal dendrites. SP immunoreactive neurons were characterized by a relatively thin rim of cytoplasm that surrounded an unlabelled nucleus. The immunoreactive products were found throughout the cytoplasm of the cell bodies and dendrites. Non-reactive axon terminals made synaptic contacts more frequently with the soma than with the dendrits of the immunoreactive neuron. Most of the synaptic terminals on SP immunoreactive somas were of type Ⅱ. The immunoreactive dendrites made both of type Ⅰ and Ⅱ synaptic contacts; the latter were more common. SP immunoreactive axon terminals contained numerous small (40-50㎚) clear vesicles and a few large(100-150n), dense cored vesicles. The reaction product characteristically filled the core of the large granulated vesicle and surrounded the outer membrane of the small clear vedicles. The majority of axon terminals displaying SP immunoreactivity formed symmetrical synapses with dendrites and, less frequently, with somas of nonreactive neurons. Leu-Enk immunoreactive neurons and axon terminals were located within central and capsular zones. The immuno-reactive neurons were round or oval shape(diameter, 17-24㎛) and had threeof four proximal dendrites. Compared to the ultrastructural characteristics of SP immunoreactive neurons, those of Leu-Enk immunoreactive neurons showed similar morphological features except that type Ⅱ synaptic contacts were more common between immunoreactive dendrites and nonreactive axon terminals.

      • KCI등재후보

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