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        山下大輔(Yamashita Daisuke) 동아시아일본학회 2010 일본문화연구 Vol.33 No.-

        This study aims to explore a possibility of implementation of “Service-Learning” program into the Korean University curriculum. To do so, the author took some Korean university students to Malaysia and organized a volunteer project in July 2009. In the middle of the project, the participants were asked for producing their “reflection paper” and drew what impressed them the most during the stay. The data collected has been categorized into three different groups such as positive descriptions, negative descriptions and others, and analysed in order to find the experiences which made impacts on them. It allows authors to find the ones led them to some rare overseas “learning experiences”. On top of that, some descriptions, which are able to connect with a reparation program as well as a post-session evaluation program for the next project. It can be said that the result may illuminate the possibility of implementation of Service-Learning program into the Korean university curriculum.

      • KCI등재


        山下大輔(Yamashita Daisuke) 동아시아일본학회 2011 일본문화연구 Vol.39 No.-

        A lot of mass-medias have discussed the tendency of insuring among the young people in Japan these days. This article explores the level of this phenomenon in the 2nd year engineering students of a state university near Tokyo. The research consists of two different parts. The first part employs a set of questioners, which ask theire xperience of travelling outside Japan and the future possibilities of working for Japanese companies and non-Japanese companies in Japan as well as the ones outside Japan. The second part is the text analys on their writing after my lesson, which introduced the case of a Korean university and my own experience in Africa. This research reveals that the students in the university are extremely insuring and the awareness of the Korean cases and Africa did not make a huge impact on many students. However, few students started breaking their own barriers and tried to be the ones who act globally.

      • KCI등재


        김수호,山下大輔 한국일본근대학회 2012 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.35

        筆者の勤務先では2010年度より敎職免許取得要件としての敎育實習を海外(マレ―シア)で實施している。本稿は、このユニ―クな試みに對して、初めて實質的な評價と檢證を加えることを目的とする。その方法とは、基本的に韓國人が引率を行わないため、マレ―シアで實習生のクラスを受けた生徒と、韓國人實習生の雙方に對し、質的なアンケ―ト調査を事後に實施する。そこで得られたデ―タを比較分析をすることで、このプログラムが持つ潛在的な問題点を明らかにし、次年度へのよりよいプログラム化へ活用する。それによって、事前の授業の見學がプログラム化していないことを發見した。これは、文化の違いがその原因にあると思われるが、勤務先が現地校へ積極的に動きかけることで、來年度以降は、しっかりとマレ―シア人敎員のクラスを見學した上で、實施させることが必要となる。さらに、韓國から實習に派遣する時期が、マレ―シアでの全國統一試驗の時期と重なることも明らかになった。そのため、4週間の實習期間中、實習生が授業をできたのはわずか2週間に留まった。そのため、今後は時期をずらすなどして、實習期間が無馱にならないようなスケジュ―ルを組む必要がある。實習生個人に對しては、マレ―シア人生徒からの生の聲を屆けることができた。媒介言語が英語であるため、日本語のクラスを行っても、實習生の日本語よりも英語の實力が優先的に評價の對象となることも判明した。實習生らが、實習前と實習後で、異なるマレ―シアのイメ―ジを抱いている点も、海外で敎育實習をする價値を高めている。 A practicum for pre-teachers has been placed in Malaysia since 2010. This research substantially examines and evaluates this program for the first time. As a methodology, two different qualitative surveys took place after the practicum onto both pre-teachers and students who were taught by the Korean student teachers. The data collected were analyzed in order to illuminate the potential problems of this program and utilized to make it better for the next year. It discovered that the local school did not let the pre-teachers to look at the lessons held by Malaysian teachers before the practicum. Probably, it was caused by the cultural difference between the two countries. Moreover, the time the practicum was held was the time for the national exam in Malaysia thus Korean students only gave lessons for 2 weeks even though they stayed there for 4 weeks. It should be rescheduled for the future program. Other data became raw feedback from the students they taught. Through this program the pre-teachers deepens their understanding on the Malaysian culture.

      • KCI등재


        金秀晧,山下大輔 한양대학교 일본학국제비교연구소 2012 비교일본학 Vol.27 No.-

        본 연구는 삼육대학교 일본어과가 2012년 6월에서 7월에 걸쳐 4주간 말레이시아에 서 실시한 교생실습에 대한 연구이다. 실습에 참가한 두 여학생을 연구 대상으로 하고 실습 중의 직접 관찰과 실습 후의 인터뷰를 통해 얻은 자료에 분석을 실시했다. 문제 해결 학습법을 사용하여 실습 중에 실습생은 문제점을 모아 그것에 대해 유효 한 해결 방법을 찾도록 했다. 인터뷰는 귀국 후 1개월 경과하여 어느 정도 실습 경험이 정리된 시점에 그 문제점을 재검토하고 그것이 실습생들에게 실습 중과 실습 후에 어 떠한 의미를 가졌는지를 물었다. 또한 실습생에게는 밝히지 않고 문제를 발견하는 시점 및 문제에 대한 접근에 자문 화상대주의적 입장에 서 있는지를 분석함으로 글로벌적인 교원에게 요구되는 자질이 해외에서의 교육 교육실습에서 배양된 과정도 평가했다. 결론으로서 본고는 두 실습생의 문화적 시점의 차이를 분명히 했다고 말할 수 있다. 특히, 한 실습생에 대해 말하자면, 자문화상대주의와 그 학생의 독자적인 공리주의 사 이에 존재하는 모순점을 발견했다. 이들 성과는 실습생에 대한 앞으로의 지도에 도움이 될 것이다. This article explains how the overseas teaching practicum works in Malaysia and examines the latest practice, which allowed 2 Korean female students to have a onthe job training as teachers in a local Sabahan secondary school for 4 weeks in July 2012. This endeavor was originally planned to develop a sense of multiculturelism and cultural relativism for the future global educators. The authors employed the method of problemsolving practice. An author (Yamashita) observed the practicum from the beginning to the end, and provided a help both to find out problems in the school as well as their personal ones. After coming back to Korea, the students explained their findings and its solutions to the other author (Kim), which were video recorded. By the authors, the interviews have been transcribed and collaboratively analyzed to illuminate how much the students were able (or not able) to look at their own culture as well as the local culture relatively. In their interviews, even though the students showed they have been partly aware of the difference of the cultural standpoints, they need more experience and help to look at their own culture objectively.

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