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      • KCI등재
      • 岸曙 金 億 論

        尹錫達 한국항공대학 1991 論文集 Vol.29 No.-

        Kim Eok(Ansuh, his pseudonym), a poet of the early days in modern times, was one of most important poets to pioneer our modern poetic fields. He showed us his literary competence in the fields of other literary activities as well as poetic creation. However, his works have been criticized in terms of their merits and demerits. This article covers his literary life in terms of his works, and the social background of his literary activities. Upon the background, in particular, I studied poetic types and poetic features of his poems. As a result, I find that he left some leading achievements on establishing poetic forms of modern poems, and cognitive frames of poetic rhythms by publishing steadily poems, theory of poetic writing, poetic theories, the translation of western and chinese poems, the introduction of overseas poetic theories. I conclude that the poet will occupy outstanding position in our literary history in terms of the above findings.

      • 李德懋의 生涯와 文學에 대하여

        尹錫達 한국항공대학교 1985 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        This paper deals with the life and work of Yi Tong-mu(1741-1793), a sympathizer with the so-called 'Practical Learning school' in the reign of King Youngjo and Chongjo of the Yi Dynasty. On returning from Peking, he won the favor of King Chongjo who gave special employment to him as an examining officer of books in Kyujanggak, a research library and institute within the palace. Throughout his life, he wrote scores of books including many poems, which show that he did more than mere imitation of older poetic art. This study also treats his relations with the 'Pukhak school' with whom he had friendly relations and shared coterie literary concerns along with his literary theory shown in his literary work.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        유진오의 <華想譜> 재론

        윤석달 한중인문학회 2008 한중인문학연구 Vol.25 No.-

        현민 유진오는 1930년대를 대표하는 중요한 작가의 한 사람이었으나 오늘의 우리 문학사는 그의 문학사적 의미를 중요하게 여기지 않고 있는 듯하다. 여러 가지 이유가 있겠지만 무엇보다도 그가 해방이후 작가로서보다는 법학자로, 정치가로 활약했기 때문이며, 또 한 가지 중요한 이유는 1930년대 지식인의 고뇌를 다룬 소설을 주로 발표했으나 이후 그런 작가의식에서 후퇴하여 시정의 일상사를 주로 다루는 소설을 발표했다는 점에서 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 그리고 그는 문학적 성취도가 낮은 작품을 몇 편 발표한 뒤 마침내 소설 창작을 그만두었다. 해방 이후 그는 작가로서의 생을 포기하고, 다른 인생을 살았다. 본고는 그의 유일한 장편이며 문학적 생애의 후반기에 창작된 소설 <화상보>에 대해 논의를 하고자 한다. 그동안 이 작품은 작가의 새로운 소설쓰기를 위한 방향 모색이 있은 뒤에 나온 작품으로, 많은 연구자들로부터 부정적 평가를 받아왔다. 그가 자신의 주장을 버리고 단지 유행하는 시정의 연애소설을 씀으로써 시대적으로 위축된 작가정신을 보여주었다는 것이다. 이에 본고에서는 <화상보>를 다시 살펴보고, 이 작품을 통해서 작가가 그려내고자 한 진정한 세계는 어떤 것이었으며, 작품에 나타난 실제는 어떤 것이었는지를 보다 구체적으로 탐색하고자 했다. 탐구의 결과로서 이 소설은 작가의 창작의도를 반영함으로써 작가가 도달하고자 했던 식민지 지식인의 일상생활에 대한 묘사, 생활의 정당성, 인간적 성실성 등을 제시하는데 어느 정도 목표에 근접하고 있다. 작가는 이 소설을 구상하기 전에 순수성과 대중성을 잘 조화시킨 ‘연애소설’ 쓰겠다는 의도를 밝힌 바 있다. 이 소설은 그러한 작가의 새로운 활로를 보여주었다. 연애와 통속을 통해 시대의 한 징후를 포착했고, 어느 정도는 형상화에 성공했다. 특히 이 소설이 나오던 시기에는 통속소설이 본격적으로 쓰이던 시대였는데, 이 소설도 그런 시대정황과 맞아떨어진다. 이 소설은 작품의 구조에서 여러 겹의 삼각관계를 형성하고 있으며, 인물들은 긍정적/부정적 인물들이 뒤섞여 흥미로운 서사를 만들어낸다. 여러 유형의 지식인들이 등장하며, 한 사회의 다양한 변모를 인물들이 드러내는데 성공하고 있다. 작품의 구조는 표면적으로 그려내는 내용과 이면에 감추고 있는 내용이 서로 다른데, 작가가 궁극적으로 갖고 있었던 세계는 이면구조가 아니었을까 생각한다. 그러나 작가는 역사의 전망을 확신하지 못했던 듯이 보인다. 통속소설이 보여주는 상투적 결말에 그런 내용이 담겨 있다. Hyunmin, You Jin O was one of the important Korean novelists representing the 1930’s, but the current critics do not seem to agree that he is an important novelist in Korean literary history for several reasons. The first reason would be that he is known more popular as a lawyer and politician than a writer. And the second one would be that he began to write commonplace novels since 1930’s differently from his previous works dealing with intellectuals’ agonies of pain. Finally, he stopped writing novels after a few attempts to write unsuccessful works. He even lived a complete different life since the liberation from Japanese colonialization period. This study discusses <Whasangbo>, a unique full-length novel written in the late period of his literary life. It, however, has been criticized by many researchers because it was published after he applied a new and different writing style. They criticized that he threw away his own previous writing style and tried to accept contemporary writing trend, thus becoming a shrinked novelist. This study aims to reexamine this novel and discover carefully the reality that the author attempts to deliver to us. As a result of the inquiry, it is found that this novel reflects author’s creative intention sufficiently. He attempted to write a “love story” with a balanced harmony between purity and popularity. This novel showed clearly a new insight. He tried to catch a symptom of a contemporary period through love and popularity and in turn visualized it successfully. It is well compatible with the trend of the period when popular novels were becoming attractive. The novel shows multiple and complicated relationships in the plot where positive and negative characters are entangled to make an interesting epic. Different types of intellectuals describes the various aspects of one society in a successful way. Considering that the surface structure of this novel is different from the inner structure, the ultimate world that the author tried to persue in this work might be inner structure. The author seems to have had no confidence in his historical prospect. It is clearly shown in the conclusion as most popular novels do as usual.

      • KCI등재

        가족 변천 연대기의 형성과 풍속의 발견 재론

        윤석달 ( Yoon Suk Dal ) 한국문학이론과 비평학회 2006 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.31 No.-

        This study aims to show that the social manners in family chronological stories not only provided a means to overcome various problems of the society, but also contributed to the expansion of the contemporary literature. The social manners in stories are closely related with the contemporary lifestyle. Stories dealing with civilization period reflects the social manners and reality recognition of the people during that period, and the writers' perspectives on the contemporary history and reality as well. It was in late 1930’s when the social manners first appeared in our story writing theory. As a way of searching for a new topic, it first appeared in Nam-Chon Kim’s long story “Daeha” (The great stream) and many other chronological stories dealing with family history and family change. Kim’s concern was to reveal the essence of social reality and ultimately accomplish realism in the literature. Subsequent stories dealing social manners are Ki-Young Lee’s “Pom” (Spring) and Seol-Ya Han’s “Tap” (Tower), and Tae-Jun Lee’s “Sasang kwa Weolya” (Philosophy and Moon Night). The important point in the family history stories is to show how the family members are rising and falling along with the social change. From this perspective, “Daeha” .shows weak chronological characteristics, and “Tap” and “Pom” shows strong chronological characteristics, but “Sasang kwa Weolyan focuses on the growth of one character. In particular, they do not concern every generation of the civilization period, but only the last pan of the civilization generation, through which they attempt to show the development of family history. While the stories of 1920's and 30’s have concerned with ‘money’ and ‘sex’ to show the social manners of corrupted urban middle class, the stories of the late 1930's mainly concerned with social manners of the folks such as new education, marriage customs, civilization culture, commercialism, and social status change. During the civilization period, conventional lifestyle have changed dramatically and people experienced social rise or fall. In conclusion, the appearance of social manners in the late 1930,s family chronological stories contributed greatly to Korean literature by providing alternative way to overcome the contemporary social problems and diversifying the range of story writing.

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