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      • 경상남도 고성군 연화산도립공원 일대의 조류 군집 생태에 관한 연구

        전경석,함규황 慶南大學校 附設 基礎科學硏究所 1996 硏究論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        본 논문은 경상남도 연화산 일대에 도래하는 조류들의 군집 생태를 1995년 1월부터 1995년 12월까지 조사한 것이다. 1. 조사기간 동안 연화산 일대에서 기록된 조류는 총 13목 24과 56종 3,801개체였다. 2. 우점종은 붉은머리오목눈이 Paradoxornis webbiana(17.15%, 652개체)였고, 다음은 노랑턱멧새 Emberiza elegans(14.76%, 561개체), 직박구리 Hypsipetes amaurotis(11.79%, 448개체), 박새 Parus major(10.00%, 380개체), 되새 Fringilla montifringilla(7.81%, 297개체)등의 순이었다. 3. 조류의 군집은 봄에 많은 종이 출현했으나, 개체 밀도는 봄과 겨울에 높게 나타났다. 4. 조사 지역별 종과 개체 수는 A지역에서 높게 나타났다. 5. 조류들의 계절적 분포 현황은 텃새 23종(41.10%), 여름새 22종(39.30%), 겨울새 11종(19.60%)으로 나타났으며, 봄과 가을에 통과하는 나그네새는 관찰되지 않았다. 6. 조사 지역별 평균 종 다양도와 동등한 보편종 수는 A지역에서 높게 나타났으며 각 지역간에 유의차는 없었다. 7. 연화산과 주흘산, 화왕산, 지리산, 월악산, 월출산, 칠갑산, 계방산 사이의 유사도 지수는 연화산과 화왕산이 0.61로 가장 높았다. Community structure of birds living in the Mt. Yeonhwa, Kosong-gun in Kyongsang nam-do area by 12 times from January 1995 to December 1995, and came to a conclusion of 'below' 1. Birds living in the Mt. Yeonhwa area a total of 3,801 birds, 56 species, 24 family, 13 order were recorded during censuses. 2. Dominant species in the inquiry area was Crow Tit, Paradoxornis webbiana(17.15%), Yellow-throated Bunting, Emberiza elegans(14.76%), Brown-eared Bulbul, Hypsipetes amaurotis(11.79%), Great Tit, Parus major(10.00%) and Brambling, Fringilla montifringilla(7.81%). 3. Community of birds were abundant in number of species in spring, and density of individuals were rich in spring and winter. 4. The number of species and individuals were most abundant in A area. 5. Status on the distribution of birds were Resident 23 species (41.10%), Summer visitor 22 species (39.30%) and Winter visitor 11 species (19.60%). 6. Means of species diversity (H') and number of equally common species (eH') were most high in A area and there were no difference statistically significant among areas. 7. Similarity among eight mountains (Mt. Yeonhwa, Mt. Hwawang, Mt. Chiri, Mt. Juheul, Mt. Wolch'ul, Mt. Chilgab, Mt. Wolak, Mt. Gyebang) in Korea were most high between Mt. Yeonhwa and Mt. hwawang(0.61).

      • 洛東江, 竹林江 및 注男地域의 鳥類

        咸奎晃 慶南大學校 附設 基礎科學硏究所 1989 硏究論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        This report in the first ever made on the birds of the Kyungnam areas basing on the bird collections and observations conducted by the author since 1984 with some additional collected by some earlier investigation. 1. Bird census by were made on the Naktong-gang, Chuknim-gang and Chunam areas from February, 1988 to December, 1988. 2. The census of 254,560 birds of 78 species, 19 families 9 order of birds recorded in Kyungnam areas Baikal Teal, Anas formosa 42.36%, Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos 10.84% and Bean Goose Anser fabalis 6.07% were recorded to be dominant species which were characteristic species of their habitat. 3. The census by regional groups were as follows : Naktong-gang Area (A. B. C) Of 81,216 birds of 60 species, 12 families, 7 order observed; Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos, Prochard, Aythya ferina, Black-tailed Gull, Larus crassirostris were record to be dominant species. Chunknim-gang Area (D. E) Of 29,288 birds of 38 species, 11 families, 8 order observed ; pochard, Aythya ferina, Coot, Fulica atra, Tufted Duck, Aythya fuligula were record to be dominant species.Chunam Area (F. G) Of 144,065 birds of 45 species, 15 families, 7 order observed ; Baikal Teal, Anas formosa, Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos, Bean goose, Anser fabalis were record to be dominant species. 4. As for the species Whooper Swan, Cygnus cygnus, Bewick's Swan, Cygnus bewickii, White Stork, Ciconia ciconia, White-naped Crane, Grus vipio Black-faced Spoonbill, Platalea minor and Mandarin Duck, Aix galericulata were characteristic by regional group in survey area.

      • 한국의 주남·동판저수지의 9년간 ('88~'96)의 천연기념물 현황

        함규황 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1997 연구보고 Vol.6 No.1

        本 硏究는 1988年 1月부터 1996年 12月까지 慶尙南道 注南. 東板貯水池에 渡來하는 天然記念物 鳥類를 9年間 調査한 結果이다. 注南貯水池와 東板貯水池에서 1988年부터 1996年까지 出現한 天然記念物은 總 5目 7科 18種으로 나타났으며, 優占 年度는 ’96年이 11種 1,271개체로 最高를 나타내었고, ’92年이 10種 2,325개체, ’93ㆍ’95年度가 9種 1,543ㆍ2,557개체로 나타났다. 各種의 出現 頻度를 보면 큰고니 Cygnus cygnus가 9年동안 계속적으로 觀察되었고, 저어새 Platalea minor와 고니 Cygnus columbianus, 재두루미 Grus vipio가 各各 ’92ㆍ’88ㆍ’93年을 除外하고 繼續的으로 觀察되었고, 황새 Ciconia boyciana와 흰꼬리수리 Haliaeetus albicilla, 붉은배새매 Accipiter soloensis, 독수리 Aegypius monachus, 흑두루미 Grus monacha, 쇠부엉이 Asio flammeus는 ’88ㆍ’96ㆍ’93ㆍ’93ㆍ’91ㆍ’92년에 1個體씩만 관찰되었다. 天然記念物의 出現은 대체로 冬季인 11月에 渡來하여 3月까지 越冬하는 傾向을 나타내었다. 우리 나라의 天然記念物은 總 40種이고 注南貯水池와 東板貯水池에서 觀察된 種은 18種이므로 韓國에 記錄된 天然記念物의 45%程度는 이곳을 通過 내지는 渡來하는 것으로 나타났다. 種과 個體數의 現況에서 種은 계속적인 增加 추세를 보였으나, 個體數의 경우는 ’90年이 最下이고 ’95年에 가장 最高를 나타내었으나 다시 減少하는 趨勢를 보였다. ’96年 10월 韓國自然保存協會 發行 제2차 자연환경기초조사 지침서(1차안)의 조류대상종 및 선정 기준에 따르면 주남저수지와 동판저수지에서 나타난 종은 제 1등급의 13종중 8종(황새, 저어새, 재두루미, 흰꼬리수리, 독수리, 매, 흑두루미, 원앙)으로 61.5%를 나타내었고, 제 2등급에서는 25종중 10종으로 40%를 차지하고 있는 중요한 지역으로 특별한 保護가 필요하다. This is a report on the birds recorded from January 1988 to December 1996 in Junam and Dongpan reservoir in Kyungnam areas. In this paper I focused on the birds designated as natural monuments. Among 40 avian species of natural monuments designated by Korean Government, 18 species (45%) were found in Junam and Dongpan reservoir. In 1996 11 species (1,271 individuals) were recorded and 10 species (2,325) in 1992, and 9 species (2,557) in 1995. Cygnus cygnus was observed continuously for 9 years. Platalea minor, Cygnus columbianus and Grus vipio were watched regularly except 1992, 1988, 1993. The species which were found only one individual were as follows; Ciconia boyciana in 1988, Grus monacha in 1991, Asio flammeus in 1992, Accipiter soloensis and Aegypius monachus in 1993, Haliaeetus albicilla in 1996. In general, the number of species and individuals tend to increase. The year recorded lowest number of individuals (belonging to natural monument species) was 1990 (262 individuals). Highest number of individuals were recorded in 1995 (2,557). Eight of 13 threathened species classified as the first protection grade were found in Junam and Dongpan reservoir: Ciconia ciconia, Platalea minor, Grus vipio, Haliaeetus albicilla, Grus monacha, Falco peregrinus and Aix galerculata.

      • 최근 10년(1989-1998)간 주남저수지에 도래하는 조류의 변동에 관한 연구

        함규황 慶南大學校 附設 基礎科學硏究所 2000 硏究論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        To investigate the variation of species and individuals of the birds within the Junam and Dongpan reservoir Kyungsangnam-do, Korea from January 1989 to December 1998, 120 surveys were carried out. The census of 142 species, 39 families, and 16 orders of birds were recorded in the Junam reservoir. The dominant species were Baikal teal (Anas formosa) 56.9%, Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) 10.8%, Bean Goose (Anser fabalis) 8.7%, and Pochard (Aythya ferina) 5.0%. The number of species in each year were recorded in the survey area : 50.885 birds of 50 species in 1989. 77,273 birds of 45 species in 1990. 56,780 birds of 55 species in 1991. 53,424 birds of 66 species in 1992. 57,459 birds of 71 species in 1993, 21,944 birds of 63 species in 1994. 77,002 birds of 62 species in 1995. 64,670 birds of 81 species in 1996. 21,770 birds of 84 species in 1997. 17,420 birds and 73 species in 1989. The number of species were increase and number of individuals were decreased, because of increase by birds of prey and forest birds, and occurrence of the Baikal Teal (Anas formosa). The number of species and individuals were higher in Dongpan reservoir than in Junam reservoir of Korea.

      • 쇠솔새 Arctic Warbler(phyllscopus borealis)의 相互間 行動에 따른 音聲型

        咸奎晃 慶南大學校 附設 基礎科學硏究所 1994 硏究論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        In studying the Arctic Wabler, Phylloscopus borealis 17 May 1990 in Natural Educational Institution Kyongsangnam-do, Korea. Arctle Wabler had repertories of around six distinct song type that were shared among male territory. During aggressive interactions among male, different song type were statistically associated with various behavioral contexts including with normal song, overlapping, long whistles, short syllables and trill-rattle calls. Given a song types the conditional probabilities of associated behaviors were usuall low 3,440 Hz to 5,480 Hz and different of song form 3.4 dB TO 205.3 dB.

      • 전라남도 광양만지역 동계조류분포 조사

        함규황 慶南大學校 附設 基礎科學硏究所 1999 硏究論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        본 조사는 전라남도 평양만일대에 도래하는 조류분포를 1996년 10월부터 1997년 3월까지 조사 연구한 결과이다. 1. 관찰된 조류는 총 9목 16과 55종 32,931개체이다. 2. 지역별 종수와 개체수는 A지역이 31종 4,529개체, B지역 40종 11,517개체, C지역 40종 24,052개체, D지역 18종 2,833개체로 조사되었다. 3. 관찰 중 우점종은 청둥오리 Anas platyrhynchos (10.747%), 흰쭉지 Aythya ferina (10.687%), 붉은부리갈매기 Larus ridibundus (10.524%) 순서로 관찰되었다. 4. 월별 종수와 개체수는 10월 22종 7,044개체, 11월 25종 2,908개체. 12월 29종 9,669개체, 1월 40종 10,245개체, 2월 38종 6,106개체, 3월 31종 6,959개체로 나타났다. 5. 선호도는 전체에서 C area (56.21%), B area (26.79%), A area (10.49%), Darea (6.51%) 순서였다. 6. 종 다양도 (H')와 동등한 보편종 수 (eH')에서 C지역이 2.67(H'), 14.51 (eH')으로 높은 종 다양성을 보였다. 7. 유사도는 B지역과 C지역이 0.75%로 높은 유사도를 나타내었다. 8. 천연기념물은 흑기러기 Branta bernicla, 큰고니 Cygnus cygnus, 고니 Cygnus columbianus, 황조롱이 Falco tinnunculus, 재두루미 Grus vipio, 검은머리물떼새 Haematopus ostralegus로 총 6종이 관찰되었다. Seasonal distribution of winter birds that were divided A, B, C, D area into mash part was investigated from October 1996 to March 1997 of Kwangyang bay in Chollanam-do. The number of birds were recorded 42,931 individuals, 55species, 16 families, 9 order in census area. The dominant species were Anas platyrhynchos (10.747%), Aythya ferina (10.687%), Larus ridibundus (10.524%). Monthly status on the distribution of birds were 7.044 individuals, 22 species in ctober. 2.908 individuals, 25 species in November, 9.669 individuals, 29 species in December, 10,245 birds. 40 species in January, 6,106 birds, 38 species in February, 6,959 individuals and 31 species in March. The preference in the whole area were following the parts of A area (10.49%), B area (26.79%), C area (56.21%) and D area (6.51%). The means of species diversity (H') and number of equally common species (eH') were 2.21 (H'), 9.16 (eH') in A area, 2.20 (H'), 9.06 in D area. As the result of similarity in each A, B, C, D area, in B area and in C area were the most high similarity (0.75%).

      • 경상남도 고성군 동해면 일대에 도래하는 조류의 분포

        이상근,함규황 慶南大學校 附設 基礎科學硏究所 1996 硏究論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        본 조사는 경상남도 고성군 동해면 일대에 도래하는 조류들의 분포를 1994년 3월부터 1996년 2월까지 조사된 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 동해면 일대에서 관찰된 조류는 총 14목 31과 97종 47,486개체였다. 2. 우점종은 검은머리흰쭉지 Aythya marila(17.51%), 괭이갈매기 Larus crassirostris(16.94%), 붉은부리갈매기 Larus ridibundus(11.48%), 흰쭉지 Aythya ferina(14.65%), 청둥오리 Anas platyrhynchos(7.64%) 등의 순으로 나타났다. 3. 1차(1994년 3월∼1995년 2월) 조사와 2차(1995년 3월∼1996년 2월) 조사에 대한 각 월별 종과 개체 수의 변화를 비교해 보면 대체로 유사한 변화 추세를 보이지만 종수는 태풍의 영향을 받는 7∼9월에 큰 차이를 보였다. 4. A지역이 B·C지역보다 종수과 개체 밀도가 높았다. 5. A지역은 검은머리흰쭉지를 비롯한 흰쭉지류가 우점종이었고, B·C지역에서는 괭이갈매기와 붉은 부리갈매기 등의 갈매기류가 우점종이었다. 6. 조사 지역별 종다양도(H')와 동등한 보편종 수(eH')는 각 지역간에 유의한 차이가 없었으며, B와 C지역간의 종구성이 유사하였다. 7. 유사도 지수는 동해면 과 태안반도가 0.63, 낙동강 하구와 서낙동강이 0.62으로 종구성이 서로 유사하였다. The seasonal distribution of birds were investigated a total 24 times from March 1994 to February 1996 in Tonghae-myon, Kosong-gun in Kyongsang nam-do. The results of the survey are as follows: 1. A total of 47,486 birds, 97 species, 31 family, 10 order were recorded during censuses. 2. The dominant species were following the order of Aythya marila(17.51%), Larus crassirostris(16.94%), Aythya ferina(14.65%), Larus ridibundus(11.48%) and Anas platyrhynchos(7.64%). 3. Number of species and individuals density were 79 species, 33,375 birds in A area, 58 species, 5,454 birds in B area and 58 species, 8,657 birds in C area were abundant A before B and C. 4. The dominant species by areas were Aythya marila in A area, B and C areas were Larus crassirostris. 5. Status the distribution of birds were winter visitor 30 species(30.93%), summer visitor 25 species(25.77%), resident and passage migrant 21 species(21.65%) respectively. 6. The means of species diversity(H') and number of equally common species(eH') were 1.84, 6.83 in A area, 1.53, 5.28 in B area, 1.54, 5.76 in C area respectively most high in A area, but there were no difference statistically significant among areas. 7. Constitution of species were similar to between Tonghae-myon and T'aean-bando(0.63), and between Naktong-river and Sonaktonggang(0.62).

      • 智異山의 高度別 鳥類 分布에 관한 生態學的 硏究

        河慶三,咸奎晃 慶南大學校 附設 基礎科學硏究所 1994 硏究論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        A writer inquire into community structure of birds living in the Mt. Chiri area by 12 times from October 15, 1988 to September 25, 1989, and came to a conclusion of 'below' 1. Birds living in the Mt. Chiri area were found out 70 species, 26 families, 10 order. 2. The areas of Distribution by altitude: 1) The area of 'A'(below 850 m above sea level) was 1,053 birds, 60 species. 2) The area of 'B'(from 850 m to 1,450 m) was 493 birds, 35 species. 3) The area of 'C'(from 1,450 m to 1,915 m) was 51 birds, 10 species. 3. Dominant species in the inquiry area was Crow Tit, paradoxornis webbiana (14.92%), and next was Long-tailed Tit, Aegithalos caudatus(7.21%), Varied Tit, Parus varius (5.58%) and Marsh Tit, Parus palustris(5.52%). 4. Seasonal distribution was Resident(73.18%), Summer visitor(9.96%), Winter visitor(12.21%) and Passage Migrant(4.26%). 5. Individuals groups more the 10 individuals were 27 species in A area(38.57%) , 14 species in B area(40.00%) and 2 species in C area(20.00%). And more than 50 individuals wore 6 species in A area(41.12%), 2 species in B area(37.72%) and not species in C area. 6. Diversity was 2.792 in A area, 2.184 in B area and 0.611 C area and the lower was altitude, the higher was diversity. 7. Species incidence was following the order of Brambling, Fringilla montifringilla (40.00), Rustic Bunting, Emberiza rustca(18.50), Crow Tit, Paradoxornis webbiana (19.83) and Yellow-throated Bunting, Emberiza elegans(16.40).

      • 식용개구리(Rana catesbeiana)의 혀의 형태학적 연구

        이정훈,함규황 慶南大學校 附設 基礎科學硏究所 2000 硏究論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        본 연구는 식용개구리의 식이물 섭취에 따른 혀의 형태적 특징과 설유두의 기능적 역할과의 관계를 알아보기 위하여 광학 및 전자현미경으로 관찰한 결과를 다음과 같은 결괄르 얻었다. 1) 식용개구리의 혀는 타원형으로서 혀의 후반부는 다소 움푹패인 U자형의 형태를 취하고 있었으며, 2종류의 설유두인 사상유두와 융상유두로 구성되어져 있었다. 융상유두의 표면은 망상구조로서 긴섬모형의 상피세포들에 의해 둘러싸여져 있었다. 또한 긴 섬모형의 상피세포들은 벽측 세포들에 의해 둘러싸여져 있었다. 2) 융상유두는 2종류의 세포유형 즉 점액분비세포와 비점액 분비세포형으로 구성되며, 융상유두의 중앙의 정단표면에는 명세포와 암조세포로 구성되어져 있었다. 명세포는 섬모가 짧고 세포질의 전자밀도가 낮은 반면에 암조세포는 섬모는 짧으나 세포질은 높은 전자밀도를 갖으며, 이들 두 세포들은 모두 분비형의 세포로서, 세포질 내에는 잘 발달된 조면소포체를 비롯하여 미토콘드리아 그리고 풍부한 분비소포를 가진다. 긴 섬모형의 상피세포들은 비 분비형의 세포로서, 섬모가 길며 굵은 것이 특징적이다. 벽측세포 역시 2종류의 세포 즉 명세포와 암조세포로 구성되어져 있으며, 이들 모두의 세포는 분비세포로서 짧은 섬모와 세포질내에는 잘 발달된 조면소포체를 비롯하여 미토콘드리아 그리고 풍부한 분비소포를 가진다. 3) 사상유두의 세포의 유형은 융상유두와 마찬가지로 2종류의 세포 즉 명세포와 암조세포로 구성되여져 있으며, 융상유두의 명세포와 암조세포와 같은 세포의 유형을 취하고 있다. To investigate the relationship between the morphological features of tongue and the functional role of the lingual papillae by a food ingestion in the Rana catesbeiana, were examined by light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The results were as follows. 1) The tongue of R. catesbeiana was globular, and the posterior part of tongue was concaved U-form. The tongue of R. catesbeiana consists of two lingual papillae, the filiform papillae and the fungiform papillae only. The surfaces of fungiform papillae was a reticular form, surrounded by the conspicuous long-ciliated epithelial cells. The long-ciliated epithelial cells were surrounded by the later wall cells. 2) Cell types of fungiform papillae consists of two major parts, the mucous and non-mucous secretory cell. The apical surfaces of the center of the fungiform papilla consists of two cells, the light cell and the dark cell. The former is secretory cell, were characterized by a short cillia and lower electron dense materials. The latter was non-secretory cell, were characterized by a short cillia and high electron dense materials. The long-ciliated cell of inside of the later wall cells are non-secretory cell, and the cillia had a long and thick were characterized by a tonofilament. The later wall cell consists of two cells, the light and the dard cells, which is a secretory cell, were a short cilia and well-developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum, a great many of ribosomes and secretory vesicles. 3) Cell types of filiform papillae consists of two cells. the light cell and the dark cells. The former is characterized by a short cillia, lower(light type) electron dense materials. The altter was a short cillia and high electron dense materials. These cells are secretory cells, which contain well-developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and secretory vesicles.

      • 최근 9년간 서낙동강 수금류의 분포 현황

        함규황,강정훈 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1997 연구보고 Vol.6 No.1

        본 연구는 1988년 2월부터 1996년 12월까지 9년간 총 107회에 걸쳐 서낙동강일대에 분포하는 수금류를 조사한 결과이다. 서낙동강일대에서 관찰된 조류는 58종으로 나타났고, 연도별 평균 개체수는 29,457개체이며, 우점종은 흰죽지 Aythya ferina(20.93%), 넓적부리 Ansa clypeata(11.99%), 댕기흰죽지 Aythaya fuligula(11.68%), 청둥오리 Anas platyrhynchos(10.71%), 물닭 Fullica atra(9.10%)외 붉은부리갈매기 Larus ridibundus(6.98%), 알락오리 Anas strepera(6.04%) 그리고 홍머리오리 Anas penelope(4.45%) 등은 본 지역의 특징종이다. 연도별 현황은 1988년 35종 29,294개체, 1989년 32종 22,329개체, 1990년 38종 22,321개체, 1991년 36종 38,880개체, 1992년 34종 34,890개체, 1993년 36종 28,202개체, 1994년 34종 27,182개체, 1995년 44종 37,358개체, 1996년 41종 24,655개체로 나타났다. 연도에 따른 종수와 개체수는 모두 증가하는 추세를 나타내었는데, 종수는 계속해서 많은 증가를 보였고, 개체수는 아주 완만한 증가 추세를 내타냈다. 본 조사에서 3종의 천연기념물 조류가 기록되었다. This is a report on waterbirds found in the West-Naktong river, Korea from February 1988 to December 1996. During the 9 year survey, 58 species were recorded. The average number of species and individuals per year was 37 and 29,457, respectively. The year recorded highest number of species was 1995 (44 species)and in 1991 hightest number of individuals was recorded (38,880). The dominant species were Aythya ferina (20.93%), Anas clypeata (11.99%), Aythya fuligula (11.68%), Anas platyrhynchos (10.71%), Fulica atra (9.10%), Larus ridibundus (6.98%), Anas strepera (6.04%) and Anas penelope (4.45%). The Three natural monument birds, designated by Korean Government, were found in the west-Nokdong river: Anser cygnoides, Cygnus cygnus, Cygnus columbianus were recorded in survey area.

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