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        融通和會 自得於心

        Liu Yun chao(劉云超) 대한철학회 2015 哲學硏究 Vol.136 No.-

        왕신자(王申子)는 송(宋)나라 말기에서 원(元)나라 중후기까지 살았던 역학자(易學者)이다. 매우 혼란한 시대를 살았던 그는 일생동안 은거생활을 하며 지냈기 때문에 세상에 이름이 잘 알려지지 않았다. 그러나 그는 역학을 연구하는 방면에서 매우 큰 업적을 남겼으며, 그가 쓴《대역집설(大易緝說)》,《춘추류전(春秋類傳)》두 권의 책 중에서 지금까지 남아있는《대역집설》은 송원시기의 학술사상을 이해하는데 소홀히 할 수 없는 매우 중요한 자료이다. 왕신자의 사상에서 드러나는 중요한 특징은 포용성과 비판성이다. 그는 당시의 주류 학술사상뿐만 아니라 모든 학파의 사상을 비판적으로 계승하고 창조적으로 발전시켜 자신의 독특한 역학체계를 형성했다. 그의 이기(理氣)관은 대체적으로 유가와 도가사상을 융합하고 주자학과 육왕학을 아우르는 송·원시기의 학술추세를 드러낸다. 그러나 그는 언제나 일반적인 학술적 관행을 따르지 않고 자신이 공부해서 체득한 독창적인 견해를 제기했다. 어떤 때에는 당시 매우 권위 있는 관점에 대해서도 그대로 받아들이지 않고 자신의 관점으로 이해하고 해석했다. 그는 한편으로 자각적으로 정주이학을 계승했으며, 다른 한편으로 장재(張載)의 기철학을 받아들여 '기(氣)'가 역학사상의 중요한 범주가 되도록 했다. 뿐만 아니라 "무극이 태극이다(無極而太極)."라는 의미를 "무에서 유가 나타난다(無生有)."라는 의미로 이해하고, '태극(太極)'을 '이기합일(理氣合一)'로 이해했으며, 이로 인해 '태극'이 '도(道)'와 '기(器)', '무(無)'와 '유(有)'를 이어주는 연결고리가 되도록 했다. 모든 학파의 관점을 분석하고 헤아려 서로간의 절충과 조화를 시도한 왕신자의 역학사상은 이론적인 방면에서 매우 독창적인 특징을 지닌다고 볼 수 있다. Wang Shenzi(王申子) is a Yi-ology(易学) scholar who lived in the last year of the Song dynasty. His idea of Li-Qi(理气) is special. First of all, You may find a typical type of fusion from Wang's description. For instance, fusion of Confucianism and Daoism, fusion of Zhu-xi(朱熹)and Lu jiu-yuan(陆九渊), fusion of Qi(元氣) and Idea(理). Wang's theory shows us a characteristic of coordination and fusion. Secondly, on account of the independence study feature in Shu(蜀), Wang shen-zi often breaks the routine and makes some of his own points. When Wang talks about the concept "Non Ultimate then Grand Ultimate"(無極而太極), he explains it as "Existing comes from Non-existing"(無生有), the latter being a Daoism proposition. At the same time, Grand Ultimate(太極) is the mixture of Idea and Qi in his theory, and can be interpreted by either Non-existing and Existing viewpoints. This is Wang's original creation.

      • KCI등재


        劉耘(Liu Yun) 중국어문학연구회 2016 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.96

        The shift of ‘对+X’ structure to the front of a clause is a common fronting of a prepositional phrase, which does not change the meaning of the clause (latent meaning) but produces a different pragmatics expression effect. This process in which the ordering of ‘对+X’ is changed in the clause to highlight the theme is called topicalization of ‘对+X’. However, it is not true that ‘对+X’ structure can be shifted to the clause head under every circumstance. This paper discusses the conditions under which ‘对+X’ structure may be fronted and, after investigating the inter-substitute relationship between ‘对’ and ‘对於’ and classifying theme and predicate under theme-predicate structure context, further demonstrates the possibility of topicalization of ‘对+X’ structure under the two circumstances. The discussion also covers the pragmatics features and functions of ‘对+X’ structure after the completion of its topicalization process.

      • KCI등재


        류운 ( Liu Yun ) 중국어문연구회 2018 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.85

        This study focuses on the superimposed prepositions in modern Chinese, like “自從”, “自打”, “打從”, “從打”, “由打”. These prepositions is a special category of parallel superimposed prepositions in modern times Chinese. They are composed by monosyllabic prepositions with same or similar semantic meanings. These monosyllabic prepositions merge together and complement each other, so as to become a new category of disyllable prepositions with same semantic meaning. Chapter Two conducts a comparative analysis on superimposed prepositions and their superpositions on synchronic plane. Comparative analysis mainly takes three perspectives as below: first, the uses of prepositions are summarized from the perspective of semantic function. According to the semantic feature of the prepositions introducing the objects, we can categorize the prepositions into 4 types: a) time start, b) place start, c) scope start, d) origin. In each type of preposition, superimposed prepositions and monosyllabic prepositions have huge difference in the choice of object and VP. Second, the features of each preposition’s word order in sentence are analyzed, The syntactic position of preposition. The analysis focuses on the differences of before superposition and after superposition and also where these differences stem from. Finally, the topic function of superimposed prepositions is discussed. Almost all the superimposed prepositions can be place at the beginning of a sentence as a sub-clause or a preposition guide to introduce the objects followed, but they can’t be the topic in all the circumstance. Chapter Three explores the morpheme’s order within the superimposed prepositions based on the diachronic level. The morphemes’ order in a superimposed preposition are not random arrangement, but based on certain principle. Morphemes are mainly arranged in two ways: fixed order and temporary order, which is influenced by syntax, semantics, rhythm, etc. Fixed order is mainly decided by the lexicalization and part of speech. Temporary order is influenced greatly by the semantic meaning, and meeting the requirement of rhythm and avoiding repetition also influence the temporary order.

      • KCI등재

        基於CiteSpace視角的漢語四字格成語 曆時研究可視化圖譜分析及研究展望 ― 以1979年-2021年爲中心

        劉柳(Liu Liu),劉耘(Liu Yun) 중국어문학연구회 2022 중국어문학논집 Vol.- No.134

        The idiom, which is short but powerful, is a set phrase accepted through common practices for a long period of time. The idiom has various forms, and are mainly of four-character structure. Aiming at important issues about the diachronic situation, current hot spots and future trend of four-character idiom research, etc., this paper sorts out the relevant literature published in CNKI from 1979 to 2021, and utilizes CiteSpace to develop the author collaboration network, research institution cooperation network, keyword co-appearance network, clustering map and other visualized knowledge maps in respect to diachronic research situation of four-character idioms. Then, those visualized knowledge maps are quantitatively analyzed to obtain their development trend that rises steadily as a whole. After analysis of current research hot spots, it’s found that the academic circles are currently focusing on researches about ontology and translation of the Chinese. Based on the analysis results, this paper makes a scientific prediction for future idiom development, and deduces that the idioms will evolve towards the direction of construction grammar, cognitive science, etc., in the future.

      • KCI등재


        金鉉哲(Kim, Hyun-cheol),劉耘(Liu Yun) 중국어문학연구회 2018 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.109

        The morphological reduplication of prepositions is synchronic, prescribing the combination of morphemes on the basis of word-formation rules. However, as for conditions in which reduplications make sense, semantics which are appropriate and causes which have led to the formation of syntaxes, the lexical diachronic evolution and development have the final say. This paper adopted the source-tracing approach to investigate “自, 从, 打, 由” and their respective reduplicated phrases in terms of the following three steps: semantic evolution, semantic models and reduplicated mechanisms. Firstly, it had adopted the method of reanalysis and grammatical path to parse the semantic evolutions of the four monosyllabic prepositions and how the derivational senses generated as well as how the implied semantic features embodied themselves on the syntactic level. Second, based on a full understanding of monosyllables and semantic features and functions of reduplicated preposition, it re-categorized the propositions and their corresponding features and unearthed the relations between semantic coverages and semantic features, which involved mutual selection, blending and reduplication.

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