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Lü,, Minfeng,Jo, Hongil,Oh, Seung-Jin,Lee, Suheon,Choi, Kwang-Yong,Yu, Yang,Ok, Kang Min ACS AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2017 Inorganic Chemistry Vol. No.
<P>Three new quaternary lithium metal tellurites, Li3MTe4O11 (M = Al, Ga, and Fe), have been synthesized through hydrothermal and solid-state reactions by heating a mixture of LiOH center dot H2O, TeO2, and M2O3. The structures of the title compounds have been determined by single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction. Li3MTe4O11 reveal three-dimensional (3D) frameworks that consist of MO6 octahedra, TeO3 trigonal pyramids, and TeO4 polyhedra. The variable coordination mode of Te4+ within the framework leads to the formation of 1D channels that host Li+ cations on both tetrahedral and octahedral sites. The bulk and grain boundary Li+ ion conductivities for a Li3FeTe4O11 pellet in open air are estimated to be 1.0 x 10(-4) and 2.7 x 10(-6) S cm(-1), respectively, at room temperature from the impedance profile analysis. A lower activation energy of 19.9 kJ mol(-1) is obtained for the system, which is similar to that of Li10GeP2S12 (24 kJ mol(-1)). Detailed characterizations such as thermal, spectroscopic, and magnetic properties for the reported materials are also reported.</P>
Tsung-Hua Lu(Tsung-Hua Lu),Shih-Hsien Lin(Shih-Hsien Lin),Mei Hung Chi(Mei Hung Chi),Ching-Lin Chu(Ching-Lin Chu),Dong-Yu Yang(Dong-Yu Yang),Wei Hung Chang(Wei Hung Chang),Po See Chen(Po See Chen),Yen 대한정신약물학회 2023 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE Vol.21 No.1
Objective: Hypoactivity in the reward system among patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a well-known phenomenon. Whether the activity in the reward pathway is related to harm avoidance, such as in sensitivity to punishment, is unclear. Evidence regarding the potential difference between ADHD patients and controls in terms of this association is scarce. Methods: Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging was conducted on subjects performing the Iowa gambling test. Fourteen adults with ADHD and 14 controls were enrolled in the study. Results: Harm avoidance was found to be positively correlated with the activities of the bilateral orbitofrontal cortex and right insula in individuals with ADHD. A group difference was also confirmed. Conclusion: Understanding the roles of harm avoidance and brain activation during risk tasks is important.
Path Loss Exponent Estimation for Indoor Wireless Sensor Positioning
( Yu-sheng Lu ),( Chin-feng Lai ),( Chia-cheng Hu ),( Yueh-min Huang ),( Xiao-hu Ge ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2010 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.4 No.3
Rapid developments in wireless sensor networks have extended many applications, hence, many studies have developed wireless sensor network positioning systems for indoor environments. Among those systems, the Global Position System (GPS) is unsuitable for indoor environments due to Line-Of-Sight (LOS) limitations, while the wireless sensor network is more suitable, given its advantages of low cost, easy installation, and low energy consumption. Due to the complex settings of indoor environments and the high demands for precision, the implementation of an indoor positioning system is difficult to construct. This study adopts a low-cost positioning method that does not require additional hardware, and uses the received signal strength (RSS) values from the receiver node to estimate the distance between the test objects. Since many objects in indoor environments would attenuate the radio signals and cause errors in estimation distances, knowing the path loss exponent (PLE) in an environment is crucial. However, most studies preset a fixed PLE, and then substitute it into a radio propagation loss model to estimate the distance between the test points; such method would lead to serious errors. To address this problem, this study proposes a Path Loss Exponent Estimation Algorithm, which uses only four beacon nodes to construct a radio propagation loss model for an indoor environment, and is able to provide enhanced positioning precision, accurate positioning services, low cost, and high efficiency.
Finger Vein Recognition Using Generalized Local Line Binary Pattern
( Yu Lu ),( Sook Yoon ),( Shan Juan Xie ),( Jucheng Yang ),( Zhihui Wang ),( Dong Sun Park ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2014 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.8 No.5
Finger vein images contain rich oriented features. Local line binary pattern (LLBP) is a good oriented feature representation method extended from local binary pattern (LBP), but it is limited in that it can only extract horizontal and vertical line patterns, so effective information in an image may not be exploited and fully utilized. In this paper, an orientation-selectable LLBP method, called generalized local line binary pattern (GLLBP), is proposed for finger vein recognition. GLLBP extends LLBP for line pattern extraction into any orientation. To effectually improve the matching accuracy, the soft power metric is employed to calculate the matching score. Furthermore, to fully utilize the oriented features in an image, the matching scores from the line patterns with the best discriminative ability are fused using the Hamacher rule to achieve the final matching score for the last recognition. Experimental results on our database, MMCBNU_6000, show that the proposed method performs much better than state-of-the-art algorithms that use the oriented features and local features, such as LBP, LLBP, Gabor filter, steerable filter and local direction code (LDC).
Yu-Hsuan Lu,Dan Chen,Sheng-Fu Hsiao,Ching-Jan Chen,Hung-Shou Nien 전력전자학회 2015 ICPE(ISPE)논문집 Vol.2015 No.6
In recent years, the ripple-based constant on-time (RBCOT) control scheme for voltage regulators has been adopted in many applications because of its high efficiency feature under light-load conditions. However, a RBCOT control suffers from output-voltage offset problem. Therefore, an offset correction circuit (OC) is often added to the basic RBCOT scheme to correct the problem. In the OC circuit, there is a RC filter. The size of this RC filter not only affects the circuit stability and converter transient responses but also directly affects the controller chip size/cost. The main focus of the present paper is to investigate the relationship between the RC filter value and the feedback stability so that RC value can be minimized while avoiding circuit instability. A time-domain analysis approach is proposed to model OCRBCOT scheme for a buck converter configuration. Experimental and simulation results are given for verification.
Yu, Lu,Chen, Yuan,Shi, Jie,Wang, Rufeng,Yang, Yingbo,Yang, Li,Zhao, Shujuan,Wang, Zhengtao The Korean Society of Ginseng 2019 Journal of Ginseng Research Vol.43 No.1
Background: Ginsenosides are known as the principal pharmacological active constituents in Panax medicinal plants such as Asian ginseng, American ginseng, and Notoginseng. Some ginsenosides, especially the 20(R) isomers, are found in trace amounts in natural sources and are difficult to chemically synthesize. The present study provides an approach to produce such trace ginsenosides applying biotransformation through Escherichia coli modified with relevant genes. Methods: Seven uridine diphosphate glycosyltransferase (UGT) genes originating from Panax notoginseng, Medicago sativa, and Bacillus subtilis were synthesized or cloned and constructed into pETM6, an ePathBrick vector, which were then introduced into E. coli BL21star (DE3) separately. 20(R)-Protopanaxadiol (PPD), 20(R)-protopanaxatriol (PPT), and 20(R)-type ginsenosides were used as substrates for biotransformation with recombinant E. coli modified with those UGT genes. Results: E. coli engineered with $GT95^{syn}$ selectively transfers a glucose moiety to the C20 hydroxyl of 20(R)-PPD and 20(R)-PPT to produce 20(R)-CK and 20(R)-F1, respectively. GTK1- and GTC1-modified E. coli glycosylated the C3-OH of 20(R)-PPD to form 20(R)-Rh2. Moreover, E. coli containing $p2GT95^{syn}K1$, a recreated two-step glycosylation pathway via the ePathBrich, implemented the successive glycosylation at C20-OH and C3-OH of 20(R)-PPD and yielded 20(R)-F2 in the biotransformation broth. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that rare 20(R)-ginsenosides can be produced through E. coli engineered with UTG genes.
Lu, Ri Yu,Chung, Yong Seung,Huang, Rong Hui 한국환경과학회 1995 한국환경과학회지 Vol.4 No.4
Examining the precipitation data collected during the period from 1960 to 1993, we found that Taegu Station represents an optimum station for explaining the interannual variations of the precipitation in Korea. Using the variations derived from Taegu, the secular trends of the precipitation in Korea have been studied. It was also found that the interannual variations of summer monsoon precipitation are consistent with those of the annual precipitation. To explore the interannual variations of the summer monsoon precipitation, comparisons of the summer precipitation in Korea with that in China and Japan were made. The results of the empirical orthogonal function analysis showed that Korea, the Yangtze River and Huaihe River valley, and the south Japan are all located in the same climate system during summer. The detailed analysis was carried out on the comparison of the summer precipitation in Korea with that in the eastern part of the the mainland China. We found that the correlation pattern is similar to the East Asia/Pacific pattern. The probable effects of the sea surface temperature on the precipitation in Korea were also discussed.
Yu-Sheng Lu,Chien-Wei Chiu 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2011 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.9 No.2
This paper presents an integral sliding disturbance observer (I-SDOB) to compensate for unknown disturbances for a class of nonlinear systems. To guarantee the existence of a sliding mode for disturbance estimation, the proposed I-SDOB needs only a small switching gain compared with conventional sliding disturbance observers, which leads to further alleviation of chatter. Moreover, the stability analysis of the controller-observer system is given based on the Lyapunov theory. Applica-tions of the proposed scheme to a two-link robotic manipulator have been conducted, and experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
Stabilization of a Coupled ODE-wave System with Disturbances
Lu Lu,Yu-Long Zhang,Jun-Min Wang,Dong-Xia Zhao 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2023 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.21 No.3
This paper is devoted to stabilizing an ODE-PDE coupled system with boundary disturbance, where the PDE is chosen to be a wave equation with viscous damping. Applying the active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) technic, the unknown disturbance is estimated by the extended state observer (ESO). Assuming the absence of disturbance, the dynamic boundary connection is designed. The methods of spectral analysis and separation of operator are applied, which ensures the Riesz basis property as well as the spectrum determined growth condition. The exponential stability of the coupled system without disturbance is then concluded. Finally, combining the disturbance estimation and the dynamic boundary connection, a feedback controller designed to stabilize the coupled system, and the closed-loop system is proved to be asymptotically stable.