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        Studies on Grammar by Abdul Qahir Aljurjani

        ( Mohamed Moustafa Ahmed Younes ) 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 2017 중동연구 Vol.36 No.1

        This research comprises of an introduction, two main sections and a conclusion containing the most important results of the study. In the introduction, I discussed Abdul Qahir`s interest with the Element Theory and the way he presents it in his book 100 Elements. Similarly, Systems Theory is considered among the most important linguistic theories in both traditional and modern linguistic studies. I discussed in the first section the traditional aspects of Abdul Qahir, while they mostly centre on the different types of grammatical elements. As for the second section, I dealt with the aspects of innovation by Abdul Qahir, and among the most important of these is the Systems Theory which suggests that words on their own do not carry any meaning until they are joined with other words, at which point the differences in meaning become apparent.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Study on Transformational Grammar between Egyptian Dialects and Modern Standard Arabic : A Study on Simple Sentences

        Mohamed Moustafa Ahmed Younes,ح,م,د,م,ص,ط,ف,ى,أ,ح,م,د,ي,و,ن,س,) 명지대학교 중동문제연구소 2016 중동문제연구 Vol.15 No.3

        This paper aims to study transformational grammar in Egyptian dialects and compare it with Modern Standard Arabic(MSA) while highlighting areas of agreement and differences between them. It is also a historical analysis on the development of modern Egyptian dialects, and a clarification of the characteristics of these developments through the study and comparison of the simple sentences in Egyptian dialects and Modern Standard Arabic using examples from the holy Quran and ancient Arabic poetry to verify its authenticity as well as Arab compositions related to the field of modern and ancient Arabic grammar. This study was conducted within a historical and comparative framework to allude to the historical development that took place in these dialects.

      • KCI등재

        The standard roots for several Egyptian colloquial

        Mohamed Moustafa Ahmed Younes 조선대학교 국제문화연구원 2013 국제문화연구 Vol.6 No.2

        This paper aimed to study the standard roots for several Egyptian colloquial words through historical comparative prospective, proving that there is a relation between these several words from colloquial in Egypt with the standard Arabic and its old dialects, paying attention to study the way of its developing and the reasons behind that. The paper classified the study material into three sections; nouns, verbs and prepositions. The study aimed to find out the deferent changes which had occurred to the each collective word from Egyptian dialect and the main factors behind that, referring to the similarities and the differences with old dialects from standard Arabic proving that Egyptian dialect is historical extension to all levels from standard Arabic and old Arabic dialects. The most important results for this paper are as following: - proving that there is a tight relation between modern dialect and standard Arabic. - Egyptian dialect got red off the formation accents and instead of it used the discontinuation mark that leaded to changes had occurred to syllable structures in the dialect and the place of stress on the syllable has moved as well. The modern Egyptian dialect got red off teeth`s voices

      • KCI등재

        아랍 유산 조사에 대한 연구

        ( Mohamed Moustafa Ahmed Younes ) 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 2016 중동연구 Vol.35 No.2

        Some Arab researchers believe that the art of investigating heritage is a recent topic which was undertaken by contemporary Arab investigators, or those which were learnt from the Orientalists of the current era who slightly preceded them in archeological investigations and their publications. However they were not accurate in this regard as Arab scholars had in fact begun investigating texts since the dawn of Islamic history, and were the first to create rules for this kind of Arab heritage. Those of different fields were also influenced by their style of heritage investigation. Accordingly, much of the current work in investigating texts and publishing them today is a continuation in the work of the great Arab scholars of the past. This study as well as others which have been published in these field are themselves examples of this. In this respect, those who pursue this subject understand the huge effort of the great Arab scholars of the past, and of those who came after them in this field from among the contemporary Arab scholars and Orientalists, in this field of investigating Arab heritage. This study has resulted in the following important findings: Analysing heritage involves the analyst taking great care of the manuscript under analysis in order to assure that all the conditions have been met for confirming its authenticity. Also title of the book under analysis should be correct, as well as the name of the author and the related portion of the book. It is equally necessary to confirm that the text of the book is identical to the image left by the author or at least as close to this as possible. The task of the analyst is to link the text with the reader according to the image that the author would have desired. In addition, mistakes that occur in the text should be left as they are and alluded to in the footnotes with suggestions on possible corrections.

      • KCI등재

        The Origin of Juman Languages

        Mohamed Moustafa Ahmed Younes 조선대학교 국제문화연구원 2016 국제문화연구 Vol.9 No.1

        This study is concerned with the emergence and evolution of human language, and the differing views and ideas among scientists on this topic. Despite the fact that some of these ideas lack evidence and objectivity, they are still significant to a certain extent. Especially if they are placed in comparison with the acquisition of language in children. This research aims to explore two stages of human language, the first is the creation of mankind and their early activities and interaction with other humans, and secondly at the stage of childhood, when children acquire language from living in a society where a particular language is spoken by the people of that community. This research found the following important results: The emergence of language during childhood goes through particular stages different from those experienced by the first creation of mankind, when language was uttered for the first time, as they go through specific stages of development which most of the world's children experience when first acquiring language. Children then continue to develop their language until the child reaches a stage of stability, where the child utters the language of the community in which he lives only. At this point, acquiring languages other than the language of society around them requires conscious study. In addition to this, there is a clear difference between the development of natural language from the first humans, and the development of language in children who acquire language living in a particular discourse community. [Key words] the emergence of language - human - children - development - tradition - simulation - emotion - social

      • KCI등재

        A study of Generative grammar for simple nominal sentences simple, in Egyptian dialects

        Mohamed Moustafa Ahmed Younes 조선대학교 국제문화연구원 2015 국제문화연구 Vol.8 No.2

        This subject focusses on the study of simple noun sentences in some Egyptian dialects. The Egyptian vernacular does not consist of one dialect, rather there are different dialects, with some closer to classical Arabic. We find that the dialect of the Bedouins is closer to that of those living in the countryside than to classical Arabic. They kept the authenticity of the dialect, and taught it to their children, generation after generation. As a result these modern dialects have remained very similar to some ancient Arabic dialects. This research aims to study these dialects using methods generative and transformational grammar, because through this method, we are able to study the sentences of dialects at all levels, including classical Arabic. All linguists require a method to approach any study or research in order to fully achieve an accurate linguistic. Accordingly I will study generative grammar in simple noun sentences and apply this method to Egyptian spoken dialects. This research has come up with important findings related to the following issues: 1. The influence of ancient Arabic dialects in the tone of Bedouin speech in Egypt. 2. Egyptian dialects’ use of compound movements, such as (aw) and (ay). 3. The shortening of long open syllables and the centralization of syllable composition in many words. 4. The possibility of applying principles of transformational and generative grammar to spoken dialects, and the accuracy of linguistic analysis. Key words: simple sentence - generative grammar– selective features – phonological component - semantic component - essential component - dialects.

      • KCI등재

        الدراسات الصوتية عند عبد القاهر الجرجاني 

        Mohamed Moustafa Ahmed Younes,ح,م,د,م,ص,ط,ف,ى,أ,ح,م,د,ي,و,ن,س,) 명지대학교 중동문제연구소 2017 중동문제연구 Vol.16 No.1

        This first section of this study explains Abdul Qahir Al-Jurjani’s ability to understand phonetics and his dependence on previous phonetical studies, especially that which he took from the book of Sibawayhi and that of his teacher’s teacher Abi Ali Al-Farisi. It also explores Abdul Qahir’s work on consonants and vowels which indicate his understanding and knowledge of phonetics. Then the section compares his understanding to modern phonetical studies, and how the field of modern phonetics has developed. In the second section, this paper explores the phonetic classifications of Abdul Qahir, and compares this with recent studies in phonetics and the precision of Abdul Qahir’s findings in phonetic classification which closely resemble recent phonetic classifications.

      • KCI등재

        The semantic studies of Abdul Qahir Al-Jurjani

        Mohamed Moustafa Ahmed Younes 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2018 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.22 No.2

        One of the most important aspects in the semantic studies of Abdul Qahir Aljurjani is Systems Theory. It is a theory related to choosing the best grammatical meanings in speech so that each arrangement becomes a sentence with a specific meaning. This is because the interest in the organisation of sentences produces different word orders which differ with each other and rise above one another until it reaches a miraculous degree, and it is mainly concerned with a good choice of words and ways of organising them so that we can produce a number of different structures.

      • KCI등재

        Linguistic and Pedagogical Aspects of Ibn Khaldoon

        ( Younes Mohamed ) 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2018 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.22 No.4

        The aim of this research is to study the linguistic and pedagogical aspects of Ibn Khaldoon's work. Several ideas from Ibn Khaldoon's work show us that he was well ahead of his contemporaries due to his thought and foresight. His ideas on linguistics and education are a valuable source required by all scholars. Ibn Khaldoon theorised that language is a social phenomenon that has come as a result of a number of necessary interactions brought about by a society to allow for a choice and use of speech between individuals. As many scholars accept today, language is a personal acquisition that requires a social branch to appear and develop. As such, Ibn Khaldoon was ahead of other scholars of pedagogy when he confirmed that a strict approach towards pupils is harmful to them, as methods of teaching and its effect on pupils explain to us in detail.

      • KCI등재

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