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      • 열형광 CaSO₄:Dy 소자의 최적 제조조건에 관한 연구

        김장렬,남영미,장시영,김두영,양정선,박재우 제주대학교 산업기술연구소 2000 尖端技術硏究所論文集 Vol.11 No.1

        An experimental investigation has been performed to determine optimal conditions for preparing the thermoluminescent CaSO4:Dy pellets which have been widely used as personal radiation dosimeter material. Our investigation has shown that an optimal weight concentration of the dopant Dy in the bulk CaSO4:Dy is 0.1 mol%, and an optimal temperature of adding Dy in the preparing process is 320 ℃. An optimal time and temperature for sintering the CaSO4:Dy crystal produced from the chemical process are found to be 2 hours and 800 ℃, respectively. The maximum thermoluminescent sensitivity was observed when the CaSO4:Dy crystal was pulverized to grain sizes of 63 - 200 ㎛ in diameter before being fabricated into pellets. The commercial Teflon was selected as an adhesive for the fabrication of the CaSO4:Dy pellets with an optimal mixing ratio of the Teflon and CaSO4:Dy being 70 to 30 in weight.

      • 「작은 政府論」

        梁始浩 건국대학교 1986 政法論叢 Vol.21 No.1

        정부란 무엇인가, 정부의 적정규모는 어느 정도이어야 하는가, 또는 시장기구와 정부개입과의 적절한 관계는 어떠해야 하는가 등의 문제가 새삼스럽게 제기 된 것은 최근 선진제국에 있어서 <작은 정부>로의 실제적인 움직임이 나타났기 때문이다. 특히 1981년 1월 미국에서 등장한 공화당의 레이건 행정부가 내세운 정책과 그 정책을 뒷받침한 보수주의자들의 생각은 지금까지의 혁신주의자(Liberal)들의 민주당정부와는 현저한 대조를 이루고 있다. 1929년 뉴욕의 주식시장에서 시작된 대불황으로부터 탈출하기 위하여 공공지출의 증대에 의한 유효수요의 회복에 진력한 1932년 F. 루즈벨트 대통령의 뉴우딜정책 이후, 1960년대의 미국의 번영의 일인이 된 죤슨대통령의 빈인퇴치를 목적으로 하는 위대한 사회의 계획을 거쳐, 더 한층의 복지정책의 추구를 목표한 카-터대통령에 이르기까지, 일련의 큰 정부와 그것에 의한 복지의 향상을 추구하는 민주당의 방식이 미국의 전통적인 길이였다.

      • "新 行政學"에 관한 一考

        梁始浩 건국대학교 행정대학원 1974 行政學報 Vol.2 No.-

        1960년대에 접어들면서 미국행정학계의 일각에서는 행정학이 하나의 학문으로서의 고유한 주제의 성격과 경계 그리고 그 주제의 연구방법 및 교육방법등에 관해서 의문을 제기하는 '신행정학'의 모색이 시도되고 있다. 이러한 동향은 바로 행정학이 그 자체 무엇인가를 확정할 수 없다는 의미에서 하나의 학문으로서의 '일체성의 위기'(a crisis of identity)에 직면하고 있음을 지적하고 그 위기를 극복하려는 강력한 의지를 보이고 있다. 이러한 동향은 특히 미국의 소장 행정연구가들을 중심으로 소위 '신행정학'에의 방향으로 나타나고 있다는 점에서 특히 주목된다. 1969년 10월 하순 미국행정학의 거성, 'D. 왈도'(Dwight Waldo)교수의 시창에 따라 '뉴욕' 주북동의 '미노부르크' 호반에 자리잡은 '시러크스'대학(Syracus University)의 회의장에서 행정학계에 잘 알려지지 않은 20대 및 30대의 젊은 행정연구가들이 행정의 규범적 이론, 경험적 이론, 비교행정, 행정결정, 조직이론, PPB 단체교섭, 공무원고등교육 등에 관한 주제를 놓고 전개된 수일간의 토론이 '신행정학'의 모색의 출발점이라고 하겠다. 이 회의를 가리켜 '미노부르크' 회의(the Minnowbrook Conference)라고 부르고 있다.

      • 열형광 CaSO₄ : Dy 소자의 최적 제조조건에 관한 연구

        양정선,장시영,김장렬,김두영,남영미,박재우 濟州大學校 産業技術硏究所 2000 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        An experimental investigation has been performed to determine optimal conditions for preparing the thermoluminescent CaSO_(4):Dy pellets which have been widely used as personal radiation dosimeter material. Our investigation has shown that an optimal weight concentration of the dopant Dy in the bulk CaS0_(4):Dy is 0.1 mol%. and an optimal temperature of adding Dy in the preparing process is 320℃. An optimal time and temperature for sintering the CaSO_(4):Dy crystal produced from the chemical process are found to be 2 hours and 800℃. respectively. The maximum thermoluminescent sensitivity was observed when the CaSO_(4):Dy crystal was pulverized to grain sizes of 63 - 200 m in diameter before being fabricated into pellets. The commercial Teflon was selected as an adhesive for the fabrication of the CaSO_(4):Dy pellets with an optimal mixing ratio of the Teflon and CaSO_(4):Dy being 70 to 30 in weight.

      • 政治家와 官僚

        梁始浩 건국대학교 행정대학원 1975 建國大學校 行政大學院 硏究論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        20세기에 있어서 하나의 특징적인 사실은 국가의 정치적인 영역이 급격히 확대되었다는 점이다. 산업과 기술의 발단, 인구의 증가와 이동, 교육의 보급, 현대의 평등주의와 대중사회의 등장으로 지금까지 순수한 정치적 의미에서의 국민들의 민주화와 평등화에의 요구가 그 영역을 사회적, 경제적, 문화적 영역에로 확대되고 있다. 이리하여 정부는 공해, 자원보존, 실업 등의 문제, 대도시의 폭력과 교통문제, 사회복지와 소득의 재분배 등의 문제를 그의 주요문제로 삼지 않으면 안되게 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        Molecular and cytological analyses of A and C genomes at meiosis in synthetic allotriploid Brassica hybrids (ACC) between B.napus (AACC) and B.oleracea (CC)

        Yan Yang1,Xiaochun Wei,Gongyao Shi,Fang Wei,Janeen Braynen,Jingshu Zhang,Baoming Tian,Gangqiang Cao,Xiaowei Zhang 한국식물학회 2017 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.60 No.2

        Success of interspecific hybridization relies mostly on the adequate similarity between the implicated genomes to ensure synapsis, pairing and recombination between appropriate chromosomes during meiosis in allopolyploid species. Allotetraploid Brassica napus (AACC) is a model of natural hybridization between Brassica rapa (AA) and Brassica oleracea (CC), which are originally derived from a common ancestor, but genomic constitution of the same chromosomes probably varied among these species through time after establishment, giving rise to cytogenetic difference in the synthetic hybrids. Herein we investigated meiotic behaviors of A and C chromosomes of synthetic allotriploid Brassica hybrids (ACC) at molecular and cytological levels, which result from the interspecific cross between natural B. napus (AACC) and B.oleracea (CC), and the results showed that meiosis course was significantly aberrant in allotriploid Brassica hybrids, and chromosomes aligned chaotically at metaphase I, chromosome bridges and lags were frequently observed from later metaphase I to anaphase II during meiosis. Simultaneously, we also noticed that meiosis-related genes were abruptly down-regulated in allotriploid Brassica hybrids, which likely accounted for irregular scenario of meiosis observed in these synthetic hybrids. Therefore, these results indicated that inter-genomic exchanges of A and C chromosomes could occur frequently in synthetic Brassica hybrids, and provided an efficient approach for genetic changes of homeologous chromosomes during meiosis in polyploid B.napus breeding program.

      • 보문산공원 야간이용 활성화 방안

        이시영, 이재만, 양뢰, 천현우 배재대학교 자연과학연구소 2013 自然科學論文集 Vol.24 No.1

        This study is aimed to find ways to analyze the current nighttime use of mountainside Mt.Bomunsan Park and thereby, to increase the efficiency of mountainside parks situated in urban areas, by case-studying other similar parks whose nighttime use has been facilitated. Also, the study focused on identifying diverse leisure activities for urban citizens to enjoy at night at such parks. First, the Mt.Boumunsan Park area was analyzed in its current nighttime use, space by space, to learn how the park is used by the public at night. Second, other parks whose physical environment is similar to that of Mt.Boumunsan Park were case-studied so that the result could be reflected on the operation of Mt.Boumunsan Park. Third, revitalization suggestions were made for the visit to Mt.Boumunsan Park during nighttime so that they can be referred to as basic data when planning and designing a park in the future for more efficient spacing. It is anticipated that when planning and designing is under consideration to improve Mt.Boumunsan Park, it is better to devise, after taking into account the local government's financial status and the public opinions, a short-and mid-term plan will better serve citizens than a non-feasible long-term master plan.

      • 새마을 運動 實績評價模型 作成에 관한 硏究

        黃明燦,玄斗日,梁始浩,朴英熙,金龍國,申大淳 건국대학교 1974 學術誌 Vol.17 No.1

        The New Village (Sae-ma-eul) movement is Korean version of Community Development that has under-gone widespread exploration, experimentation and application in developing countries throughout the world in recent years. In most countries the national governments have undertaken the iniative in Community Development through appropriate ministries or special agencies. The New Village Movement was initiated in 1970 by Korean government. But it became a people's movement for self-development as more and more people participated in the developmental programs. The major objectives of the New Village movement are to redress the economic disparities between the rural and urban areas by improving the economic, social and cultural conditions of rural Communities, to reform the way of life in rural villages by encouraging the attitude of self-help, and to increase the income of the farmers and fisher man. Since 1971, An enormous amount of public and priate money has been invested into the New Village Movement. It seems that the time has arrived when some framework for evaluating the whole program is to be developed. Thus, The objective of this study is to develop an appropriate to evaluate the new village project at the village level. Ten major factors which are supposed to be relevant for evaluation of the project was selected. The evaluation model thus developed can be summarized in the following format. ◁표 삽입▷ (원문을 참조하세요)

      • Influence of Ideology, Poetics, Patronage and the Professional on Rewriting Vanity Fair into Chinese Texts

        ( Shi Zhuo Yang ),( Wen Rui Yang ) 한국통역번역학회 2009 FORUM Vol.7 No.2

        La Foire aux Vanites(Vanity Fair) de William Thackeray depeint la vie diverse de la haute societe anglaise de la premiere moitie du 19eme siecle et critique l`ordre social du monde bourgeois en caricaturant les individus des differentes couches sociales. Depuis que ce roman a ete introduit en Chine au 20eme siecle, de diverses versions chinoises ont fait successivement leur apparition, dont les versions de Yang Bi des annees cinquante et de Peng Changjiang des annees quatre-vingt dix les meilleures. Fonde sur la theorie ? recriture ? d`Andre Lefevre, a savoir ? ideologie, poetique, patronage et professionnel ?, ce present article recherche l`influence de ces quatre elements sur les choix des strategies traductrices de ces deux traducteurs a leur epoque. Nous etudions egalement la subjectivite du traducteur en examinant le choix de la poetique de traduction des deux traducteurs et en soulignant l`importance pour les traducteurs de devenir mediateur competent dans les echanges culturels, au lieu d`etre seulement ? marionnette ? manipulee par les elements exterieurs.

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