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      • KCI등재

        Traditional Coconut Farming in the Rural Landscape of Meghna Floodplain in Bangladesh

        Miah, Md. Danesh,Islam, Mohammed Ohidul,Hossain, Md. Aktark,Shin, Man Yong Korean Society of Forest Science 2005 한국산림과학회지 Vol.94 No.5

        An exploratory survey was performed to assess the present status of distribution and production of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera Linn.) in the rural landscape of Meghna floodplain of Bangladesh. A multistage simple random sampling technique was adopted to identify the study area and respondents. A total of 50 households were selected randomly for the study. Traditional knowledge on cultivation, management, and production of coconut palm was emphasized. Marketing of coconut palm products and income derived from coconut palm cultivation was taken into consideration. Perceptions of farmers, traders and professionals were described in due context of opportunities and constraints of coconut palm cultivation. Coconut palm cultivation was found to play an important role in household economy in rural Bangladesh sharing considerable contribution to the total income. About 10% of their total annual income was reported to come from coconut husbandry. Highest number of the coconut palms, 24%, was found to grow in the homestead compounds and in the pond banks. About one-third lands of the households were found to be covered by the coconut palms. Maximum, 19%, coconut palms were found in the 16-20 years age-class. Production of coconut was found highest at the age-class 11-15 years. The study found some important opportunities and constraints of coconut farming in rural Meghna floodplain area of Bangladesh. The results of this study would be useful for the rural development practitioners in Bangladesh.

      • KCI등재

        Socio-economic and environmental impacts of casuarina shelterbelt in the Chittagong coast of Bangladesh

        Md. Danesh Miah,Md. Abubokor Siddik,신만용 한국산림과학회 2013 Forest Science And Technology Vol.9 No.3

        The rapid growth of Casuarina equisetifolia, a popular tree species for shelterbelt plantation, attracts the world climate change practitioners for its potential for climate change mitigation and adaptation in the coastal zones. Storage of carbon in the rapidly grown biomass of this species creates special interest in the arena of climate change mitigation practices. To understand the public perceptions of the effect of the casuarina shelterbelt and carbon storage potential in the Bangladesh coast, a socio-biological study was conducted in the Parki beach area, where Casuarina equisetifolia is the major tree species. This study was conducted by a questionnaire survey to find out the observation of coastal people and to assess environmental, economic and social impacts of the casuarina shelterbelt. The study found that the shelterbelt reduced wind speed, increased the size of sand dunes, improved the aesthetic value, increased the protection facilities against cyclones, and enhanced the attractiveness of the beach for tourism. Although casuarina trees have inhibited the native species as undergrowth, the shelterbelt has increased the supply of fuel-wood for local people. The aboveground biomass density in the shelterbelt was found to be 162.58 ±4.52 t ha -1 with a mean annual increment of 8.56 ±0.24 t ha -1 yr -1, while the aboveground carbon density was found to be 73.16 ±2.04 t ha -1 with a mean annual increment of 3.85 ±0.11 t ha -1 yr -1. The study is expected to contribute to the field of climate change mitigation and adaptation in Bangladesh.

      • KCI등재

        Distribution and Traditional Practice on Neem in the Rural Homesteads of Chittagong Coastal Plain of Bangladesh

        Miah, Md. Danesh,Hossain, Mohammed Anwar,Muhammed, Nur,Sin, Man Yong Korean Society of Forest Science 2006 한국산림과학회지 Vol.95 No.5

        Neem tree (Azadirachta indica), native to the Indian sub-continent, has been known since the ancient time for its medicinal and insect repellent properties. In recent years, Neem has attracted global attention due to its potential as a source of natural drugs and also environment-friendly pesticides. In the households. The distribution and traditional practice on Neem can be important to the agriculturist, ethno-pharmaceutical developers and to the rural development practitioners in Bangladesh. An exploratory survey on the distribution and traditional practice on Neem tree in the rural homesteads of Chittagong coastal plain, Bangladesh, was conducted over a period of three months from September 2002 to November 2002. It was found that maximum, 64% households used seedling as planting material having 40% maximum sources Within the major tree species present in the homesteads, Neem accounted for 12% among the total individuals. It was found that the availability of Neem trees was found maximum, 31%, in the homesteads of medium sized households. Maximum, 42% individuals of Neem were found within the DBH of 10.1 to 20 cm; and 37% within the 3.1 to 6 m height classes. Neem trees were found to be used maximum, 88% for furniture. The findings of the study will be of immense importance for the rural development practitioners and ethno pharmacological developers in Bangladesh.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Scaling up REDD+ strategies in Bangladesh: a forest dependence study in the Chittagong Hill Tracts

        Md. Danesh Miah,Shalina Akther,신만용,Masao Koike 한국산림과학회 2014 Forest Science And Technology Vol.10 No.3

        Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and enhancing forest carbon stocks (REDD+) have alreadybeen recognized as helping to mitigate global climate change and to conserve forest biodiversity as well as to improverural livelihoods. Determining the nature and degree of the local peoples’ dependence on the forest can be an important aidto implementation of REDD+ in Bangladesh. The research aims to find out the nature and degree of forest dependence ofthe local peoples living in the tropical semi-evergreen forests in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh as well asto determine the tradeoffs between forest use and REDD+. The average revenue per household from selling forest productsin the study area was 13,473 taka per year including revenues from timber, firewood, bamboo, medicinal plants, mammalsand nuts, of which timber sales generated the largest revenue. Looking at the total extraction of forest products, the studyfound that 92% of the firewood is consumed directly by households, followed by timber 33%, bamboo 33%, medicinalplants 22%, mammals 3% and nuts 2%. At the strategy point of REDD+ implementation in the CHT of Bangladesh, thealternative livelihoods of forest-dependent peoples include culture of plantations, agricultural intensification, and smallbusiness development. Dependence on the forest for medicinal, religious and food purposes is fundamental, whileextraction of timber, bamboo and vegetables from the forest could be sacrificed. The present study confirms that forREDD+ implementation, appropriate cash compensation should be provided to the forest-dependent people for traditionalforest use foregone. This study will be useful to policy makers concerned with REDD+ strategies and natural forestconservation in Bangladesh.

      • KCI등재

        Carbon Sequestration in the Plantations of Chittagong Hilly Areas of Bangladesh

        Md. Danesh Miah,M. Kalimuddin Bhuiyan,신만용,M. Farid Uddin 한국산림과학회 2004 한국산림과학회지 Vol.93 No.4

        The study was conducted in the plantations of 13 tree species of Chittagong hilly areas, Bangladesh, with the objective of quantifying carbon sequestration. It was revealed that there was a gross 191 ton/ha carbon stock in the studied plantations. The highest soil(including humus) carbon content(113 ton/ha) was found in the Jarul(Lagerstroemia speciosa) plantation and the lowest(83 ton/ha) was found in the Pine(Pinus caribaea) plantation. Most of the plantations were found to possess the litter carbon contents as 3 ton/ha except Mehegoni(Swietenia mahagoni), Pine(Pinus caribaea) and Dhakijam(Syzygium grande) plantation, which possessed only 2 ton/ha carbon. The results represented that 3.13 ton/ha/year for fuelwood collection and 1.24 ton/ha/year for litter collection by the surrounding people, carbon were lost from the plantations. The net increment of carbon in the plantations was 3.86 ton/ha/year. The study revealed a promising result of carbon sequestration by the plantation species in the Chittagong hilly areas, which shows a potential of plantation species to participate in the international carbon trading.

      • KCI등재

        Using Pattern, Depletion and Conservation Strategy of the Triphala Trees in the Village Groves of Chittagong Region of Bangladesh

        Miah, Danesh Md.,Rashed, Md. Monjur,Muhammed, Nur,Koike, Masao,Sin, Man Yong Korean Society of Forest Science 2006 한국산림과학회지 Vol.95 No.5

        Triphala is an important combination of three important forest fruits, i.e., Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula and Terminalia bellirica. Chittagong region in Bangladesh was once rich in triphala trees presently subject to the depletion. Thus, these forest resources are being threatened day by day. The study was conducted to learn the present using pattern of the triphala, causes of its depletion and the conservation strategies agreed by the villagers. Eight major uses of triphala trees were recognized. It was revealed that 100% respondents used the triphala as fruit tree followed by 71-78% as fuelwod. The present status of growing stock of triphala was found in depleted condition particularly in the Muslim dominated area. It was found that unawareness was the major cause for depleting the triphala trees agreed by the 87% respondents followed by depleting the village groves by 84%. Awareness creation (100%) and induction of social forestry program (92%) were found major recomendations by the vilagers to retard depleting the triphala tree species in the Chittagong region of Bangladesh.

      • KCI등재

        Homestead Agroforestry Products and their Utilization in the Old Brahmaputra Floodplain Area of Bangladesh

        신만용,Md.Danesh Miah,Muhammad Sadeq,이경학 한국산림과학회 2004 한국산림과학회지 Vol.93 No.6

        Homestead agroforestry system plays a great role in the subsistence livelihoods of rural Bangladesh. Segmentation of the agroforestry components in the homestead can show a detail scenario of the contribution and dynamics of this system. To ascertain the contribution of homestead agroforestry components to the rural livelihoods of the Old Brahmaputra floodplain area of Bangladesh, a sample survey was conducted. To determine what products contribute the rural livelihoods at what scale, the study was undertaken. A total of 14 agroforestry products and their utilization practices in the traditional homesteads were identified. All portions of the three products were found to be utilized by their own and all portions of only one product found to be sold to the market. Rest of the agroforestry products had both own utilization and sale to the market. It was revealed that from the sale of the products to the market 27,259 tk./year revenue was earned by a household owner. Fuel supply, fruit production, vegetable production, protein supplementary sources were found as the important contribution of the homestead agroforestry system. The study shows an effective combination of the agroforestry components in the homestead, which are capable to support the subsistence livelihoods of the rural people of Bangladesh. It suggests some more research activities to explore the socio-biological interaction among them. The findings of the study may be necessary for the policy makers of the agroforestry development in Bangladesh. However, the findings prove the hypothesis.

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