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        양동마을 경주손씨(慶州孫氏) 가문(家門)의 가풍(家風)과 계승

        차장섭 ( Cha¸ Jang-sup ) 강원사학회 2021 江原史學 Vol.- No.37

        家風은 대대로 이어져 내려오는 가문의 고유한 생활양식을 말한다. 조선시대 가문은 가풍의 확고히 정립을 통해서 세대가 교체되어도 그들만의 고유한 생활양식을 유지 발전시켰다. 특히 家風은 家學을 통해 전승되었다. 家學은 학문의 전수를 중심으로 하는 것이지만 가풍은 학문전수와 함께 취미와 경세론, 행동거지 등 생활 양식까지도 포함하는 것으로 구별된다. 경주 양동마을 경주손씨는 淸德과 忠節을 가풍으로 계승 발전시켜왔다. 淸德은 德으로 淸白을 실천하는 것이다. 양동마을 경주손씨 가문의 德에 바탕을 둔 淸白의 가풍은 손사성에 의해 시작되었다. 여러 淸要職을 역임하면서 청백을 몸소 실천하여 관료사회의 모범이 되었다. 그의 맑고 덕스러운 삶의 자세는 ‘淸名’으로서 당대의 호평을 받았으며, 가풍으로서 확립되어 후손들에게 계승되었다. 淸德의 家風은 아들 손소가 지방관으로 재직하면서 가문의 전통인 청덕을 계승하여 실천하였다. 손중돈은 지방관으로 근무하면서 청렴한 자세로 참된 牧民의 道를 실천하였다. 특히 상주목사에 임명되었을 때는 상주 고을의 백성들은 선정비를 건립하고, 丹密縣에 生祠堂을 건립하였으며, 마침내 청백리의 명부에 등재되었다. 그리고 손덕승이 지방관으로 녹봉과 창고의 곡식을 풀어 빈민을 구휼하고 민생의 고통을 덜어주니 백성들이 그의 공덕을 찬양하여 송덕비를 세워 주었다. 忠節은 나라에 충성하고 국왕에게 절개를 지키는 것이다. 충절이 양동마을 경주손씨의 家風이 된 것은 孫昭가 공신으로 책봉되면서부터이다. 손소의 공신책봉으로 양동마을의 이름이 楊左洞에서 良佐洞으로 바뀌면서 손소 이후 국가에 대한 忠節은 양동마을 경주손씨의 家風으로 자리하게 되었다. 양동마을 경주손씨의 忠節 家風은 국가의 위기에 발휘되었다. 임진왜란과 병자 호란이 일어나자 경주손씨 가문은 의병활동을 전개하였다. 임진왜란에는 손소의 玄孫인 孫曄, 孫時, 孫魯, 孫宗賀, 孫魯香 등이 떨쳐 일어나 대대적인 의병활동에 나섰다. 그리고 병자호란이 일어나자 손중돈의 현손 孫宗老가 의병으로 참여하여 전쟁터에서 장렬하게 전사하였다. 양동마을에는 그의 충절을 기리는 旌忠閣이 건립되어 있다. 일제의 침략으로 국권이 흔들리게 되자 양동마을 경주손씨의 가풍은 독립운동으로 승화하였다. 성리학적인 학문을 계승하면서 국가가 일제에 의해 위기에 봉착하자 국난극복을 위해 孫晉衡, 孫厚翼 등은 독립운동에 적극적으로 참여하여 忠節의 家風을 계승하였다. A family tradition(家風) refers to a specific lifestyle that has been handed down from generation to generation within a family. During the Joseon Dynasty, family clans maintained their specific lifestyles across generations through establishing their strong family tradition. Family traditions are similar to family learning, whose chief purpose was to hand down knowledge but transcend it by including other elements such as hobbies, administration theory, proper manners, and behaviors. The Gyeongju Son Family of Yangdong Village in Gyeongju is a fine example of family tradition transfer. The core value of the family tradition has been on cheongduck(淸德; family virtues through a life of integrity and righteousness). This virtue of that family started with Son Sa-Seong, who set an example of incorruptible government employees while he served as high-ranking officers in several important government posts. His dignified and virtuous attitude and lifestyle, which others highly praised and revered, were set as the family tradition and handed down to posterity. The family tradition of cheongduck was carried out by Son Sa-Seong's son, Son So, who served as an official in a local government. Son Jung-don, Son So’s son, also practiced cheongduck virtue while serving as a local government official. When he served as the regional governor of Sangju, the town’s people erected a monument and a pantheon commemoration of his virtue. His name was finally registered in the list of the incorruptible government employee. Son Duk-Seung from the Gyeongju Son family, who also served as an official of a local government, spent his salary and distributed reserved grain for the starved poor people of the town he resided. In return, the townspeople erected a monument in his honor. Another core virtue of the Gyeongju Son family is loyalty, which means keeping fidelity to the King. This family virtue began with Son So's installation as the King's meritorious subject. With his installation, Yangdong Village's name was changed from 楊左洞 to 良佐洞. The virtue of loyalty in the Gyeongju Son family was well exercised when the nation was in jeopardy. The Gyeongju Son family actively participated in civilian army activities in both wars of Imjinwaeran and Byeongjahoran. Dur ing Imjinwaeran, Son So’s great-great-grandchildren Son Hyeop, Son Si, Son Noh, Son Jong-Ha, and Son No-Hyang joined the civilian army to fight against the invading Japanese army. Upon Byeongjahoran Son Jung-don’s great-greatgrandchildren died a glorious death on the battlefield against Cheong Dynasty army. A monument was established in his honor in Yangdong Village. The loyalty in the Gyeongju Son family continued as liberation and independence efforts when our country was invaded and colonized by Japan. Son Jin-Hyeong and Son Hu-Ik from the Gyeongju Son family, who used to devote themselves to the study of Neo-Confucianism, succeeded to the Gyeongju Son family’s virtue of loyalty, instantly committing themselves to the causes of the nation’s independence movement when the war broke out.

      • KCI등재

        Understanding and managing patients with adult rare diseases

        Jangsup Moon 대한의학유전학회 2024 대한의학유전학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        Despite advances in the diagnosis and management of rare diseases (RDs), there remains a tendency to overlook adult RD patients. In addition to the considerable number of adult-onset RDs, advances in the diagnosis and management of pediatric RDs have led to an increase in the survival of these patients into adulthood. Adult RDs exhibit distinct features from pediatric counterparts, necessitating careful consideration during medical assessments. Given the extended life expectancy of adult RD patients, precise diagnosis and management strategies can significantly enhance patient outcomes. This review aims to provide an in-depth exploration of the characteristics unique to adult RDs. Special emphasis will be placed on the importance of cascade screening and prenatal genetic testing in the context of adult RDs, highlighting the need for a comprehensive understanding of these aspects in clinical practice.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Korean Society for Neuro-Oncology (KSNO) Guideline for Antiepileptic Drug Usage of Brain Tumor: Version 2021.1

        ( Jangsup Moon ),( Min-sung Kim ),( Young Zoon Kim ),( Kihwan Hwang ),( Ji Eun Park ),( Kyung Hwan Kim ),( Jin Mo Cho ),( Wan-soo Yoon ),( Se Hoon Kim ),( Young Il Kim ),( Ho Sung Kim ),( Yun-sik Dho 대한뇌종양학회·대한신경종양학회·대한소아뇌종양학회 2021 Brain Tumor Research and Treatment Vol.9 No.1

        Background To date, there has been no practical guidelines for the prescription of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) in brain tumor patients in Korea. Thus, the Korean Society for Neuro-Oncology (KSNO), a multidisciplinary academic society, had begun preparing guidelines for AED usage in brain tumors since 2019. Methods The Working Group was composed of 27 multidisciplinary medical experts in Korea. References were identified through searches of PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane CENTRAL using specific and sensitive keywords as well as combinations of the keywords. Results The core contents are as follows. Prophylactic AED administration is not recommended in newly diagnosed brain tumor patients without previous seizure history. When AEDs are administered during peri/postoperative period, it may be tapered off according to the following recommendations. In seizure-naive patients with no postoperative seizure, it is recommended to stop or reduce AED 1 week after surgery. In seizure-naive patients with one early postoperative seizure (<1 week after surgery), it is advisable to maintain AED for at least 3 months before tapering. In seizure-naive patients with ≥2 postoperative seizures or in patients with preoperative seizure history, it is recommended to maintain AEDs for more than 1 year. The possibility of drug interactions should be considered when selecting AEDs in brain tumor patients. Driving can be allowed in brain tumor patients when proven to be seizure-free for more than 1 year. Conclusion The KSNO suggests prescribing AEDs in patients with brain tumor based on the current guideline. This guideline will contribute to spreading evidence-based prescription of AEDs in brain tumor patients in Korea.


        Diagnosis of <i>Haemophilus influenzae</i> Pneumonia by Nanopore 16S Amplicon Sequencing of Sputum

        Moon, Jangsup,Jang, Yoonhyuk,Kim, Narae,Park, Wan Beom,Park, Kyung-Il,Lee, Soon-Tae,Jung, Keun-Hwa,Kim, Manho,Lee, Sang Kun,Chu, Kon U.S. Department of Health and Human Services * Cen 2018 Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol.24 No.10

        <P>We used deep sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene from sputum to identify <I>Haemophilus influenza</I> in a patient with community-acquired pneumonia. This method may be more effective than conventional diagnostic tests in pneumonia patients because of its speed and sensitivity.</P>


        Sympathetic Overactivity Based on Heart-Rate Variability in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cerebral Small-Vessel Disease

        Moon, Jangsup,Choi, Kang Hyun,Park, Jung Hyun,Song, Tae-Jin,Choi, Yun Seo,Kim, Ju-Hee,Kim, Hyeon Jin,Lee, Hyang Woon 대한신경과학회 2018 Journal of Clinical Neurology Vol.14 No.3

        <P><B>Background and Purpose</B></P><P>Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is associated with cerebral white-matter changes (WMC), but the underlying mechanisms are not completely understood. Our aim was to identify the cardiovascular autonomic characteristics during sleep that are associated with cerebral WMC in OSA patients.</P><P><B>Methods</B></P><P>We recruited subjects from our sleep-center database who underwent both polysomnography and brain MRI within a 1-year period. Sixty patients who had OSA with WMC (OSA+WMC), 44 patients who had OSA without WMC (OSA−WMC), and 31 control subjects who had neither OSA nor WMC were analyzed. Linear and nonlinear indices of heart-rate variability (HRV) were analyzed in each group according to different sleep stages and also over the entire sleeping period.</P><P><B>Results</B></P><P>Among the nonlinear HRV indices, the Poincaré ratio (SD12) during the entire sleep period was significantly increased in the OSA+WMC group, even after age adjustment. Meanwhile, detrended fluctuation analysis 1 during non-rapid-eye-movement sleep tended to be lowest in the OSA+WMC group. These indices were altered regardless of the presence of hypertension or diabetes. In the subgroup analysis of middle-aged OSA patients, approximate entropy during rapid-eye-movement sleep was significantly lower in OSA+WMC patients than in OSA−WMC patients. Overall, the nonlinear HRV indices suggest that sympathetic activity was higher in the OSA+WMC group than in the OSA−WMC and control groups.</P><P><B>Conclusions</B></P><P>Our findings suggest that dysregulation of HRV, especially overactivation of sympathetic tone, could be a pathophysiologic mechanism underlying the development of WMC in OSA patients.</P>

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        미국에서 주내 이질성, 이익의 충돌, 그리고 상원의원의 지역구에 대한 이념적 일치성 연구

        최장섭 ( Choi Jangsup ) 단국대학교 분쟁해결연구소 2017 분쟁해결연구 Vol.15 No.2

        지역구의 이질성은 지역구의 선호를 대의하는 과정에서 중요한 역할을 담당한다. 본 연구는 미국에서 주내 이질성의 수준이 어떻게 현역 상원의원을 지역구민과 밀착하도록 야기하며 동시에 일탈하도록 유도하는지 분석했다. 동질적인 주를 대의하는 미국의 상원의원에 비해 이익의 충돌과 선호의 경쟁에서 발생하는 불확실성을 극복하기 위해 이질적인 주를 대의하는 상원의원은 지역구의 선호에 보다 충실히 감응한다. 본 연구에서 주의 이질성에 의해 야기된 불확실성이 미국 상원으로 하여금 위험 회피 성향을 강화시키고, 지역구의 선호에 보다 적극적으로 감응하며, 궁극적으로는 민주적 책임성을 향상시키는 작용을 하는 것으로 조사됐다. Constituency heterogeneity plays a critical role in the process of representing constituency preferences. I analyze how the level of state heterogeneity induces incumbent senators to keep step with, and at the same time, deviate from their constituents. I assert that U.S. senators representing heterogeneous states are more responsive to constituent preferences than their counterparts from homogenous states in order to overcome the uncertainty primarily arising from conflicting interests and competing preferences. This study finds that the uncertainty introduced by state heterogeneity causes the U.S. senator to strengthen her risk-averse propensity and to become more responsive to constituent preferences, eventually enhancing democratic accountability.

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